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>Fav installment? >Fav social links?>Fav villains?>Thoughts on the direction of the franchise>Where do you hope the sequels go? 136 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.2809
>>2807Japanese fandom is still fine, isn't it?
There's some drama going down in the persona fandom. Apparently Midori, the leaker, is actually some other leaker originally known as Mystic. He's apparently got some lolcow status for being a girlfriend beater and attention whore. Also I keep seeing that his leaks were fake/old. But take that with a grain of salt.
>>2372>gay mod for p5rI'm like 4 months late, but it exists for Mishima, Ryuji, Yusuke, and third semester Akechi. Doesn't seem like there's any plans for adding Maruki, Iwai, or Shinya, but I'm glad it at least exists.
>>2851>that Akechi spoilerAh this makes me happy. I was never too sure on what actually happened because I feared the worst. Nice to know if I ever decide to play Royal, I won't feel like shit when I beat it.
>>2851>glad it was confirmed at the end that akechi is alive tooYou think so? I assumed it just meant "Joker will never forget about him."
>>2853i mean if it was just Joker never forgetting him i feel like something like that would be a bit more blatant, if he was an illusion there would be no need to show the two men escorting him (likely police at this point and not Shido's goons) i suppose it's technically classed as ambiguous
>>2853ah sorry i should have censored it, but yeah as long as you max his friendship and get the true ending you can see this scene
>>2853Im with the other nonna I interperted it as him living, but I suppose until Atlas makes a game with the P5 cast that isn't set in weird ambiguous times its up in the air.
>>2852>some dramaThis is pretty much why I don't believe anybody who claims to be a woman online unless they are also openly a fujoshi with a history of fujoing you can access at a glance. If a man plays the long con on this then he has earned womanhood as far as I'm concerned.
>>2861based, yousukecest and kanjicest is elite
>>2868It really is, ultimate bastard energy.
Also, I'm suprised Atlas hasn't made shadows in any capacity for 5 to my knowledge. The P3 cast got them, maybe if they every release an new Persona Arena game they'll add some unofficial ones.
>>1020Just finished P4 Golden (never played the vanilla game). Surprisingly the side character SLs were the ones I enjoyed the most again, save for Kanji's (and maybe Rise's) SL but I generally love Kanji.
Hard to choose, but the old widow (Death), Kanji, Ai, Doujima and Kou (Strength) certainly belong to my favorites. Ai was a surprise. I wasn't very interested first and postponed her SL till Death and Strength were the only other unfinished ones, but after bond lv. 4 it got genuinely interesting. It's also cool that it has two different routes besides the generic friendship/romance choice, unlike the others.
Generally a cool game, I especially love Yosuke, Kanji, Doujima and Adachi and I am into Yu's design and color scheme, more than the MC of P3 and 5 tbh, lol. Just wish the identity of the killer wasn't spoiled for me like 15 years ago, but guess it's impossible to forget the "bitches and whore" meme and the gay Adachi porn on my timeline and 4chan back then. Anyway, Adachi is made for molestation.
>>2874P4 is my favorite of them personally so I'm glad you liked it! It is a shame that its basically impossible to start the game without knowing he's the killer, I played it close to release and was already spoiled right away. It's poorly kept, and while I keep telling myself that its sper obvious I wish I had a chance to play it without knowing.
Oh well, knowing it is probably the reason I immediately shipped Adachi/Doujima before I even finished the game.
>>2875Same, kek. It's one of the most widely known spoilers related to Japanese media I think and on par with the "[name] (from F/SN) is the red man" spoiler that was also part of "Adachi is the killer" troll posts. I doubt I even have to censor it since everybody and their grandma knows, but just to be sure.
To me the identity seemed to be kind of obvious but it's hard to tell with the knowledge we already have. I tried to imagine what AU!me would think if I didn't know. My guess is that I would have considered Doujima and Adachi to be the prime suspects regardless, purely due to the process of elimination since the killer is obviously an adult man and there weren't any other relevant ones around. And killers are usually characters that are introduced early on, so not Namatame either, even though it would have made perfect sense after the parcel service reveal.
BUT the narrative makes it obvious that Doujima is innocent (even before Nanako's kidnapping) and Adachi seemed too dumb and funny to be it, so who knows. Maybe the original players suspected King Moron, which would be funny. Hell he even made some mean commentaries about the dead and he was angry and super strict, I can see players suspecting him to despise the students and the first victim enough to kill them.
>>2899im not sure *how* desperate you are for fics, but i am reminded of the fic where yosuke was peer pressured into getting fucked by a dog by some guys that was brought up by another nona in old threads. read at your own risk lmao No.2901
>>2900crying, nona.. i already had this bookmarked. thank you though
>>2900lmao I was the one who recced that
>>2899I am also the one who normally brings up Sympathy Crime as an early example of illiterate proto-antis trying to tear down an author's professional opportunities over fanfic. It's about Adachi dating/abusing Yosuke while the events of P4 play out: It's been over 10 years since I read it but I remember it being a fic I couldn't tear myself away from. I spent a few days straight one summer just reading it.
If you're up for digging yourself, P3 and 4 are both old enough that if you have read everything worth reading on Ao3 there could be stuff you'd like on or livejournal.
>>2904I just remembered there was also a Yu(Souji)/Yosuke VN:'m really surprised fan VNs aren't more popular. The obvious answer is that they are way more labor intensive than art and fic (so if you are going to do it at all you might as well make it an original work), but the numbers still seem low for how big fandom is now.
>>2950Danganronpa has a few both of the yaoi and non-yaoi variety but yeah I assume the workload is the primary issue. If you already have the sprites though from a video game or VN its probably much easier.
Thanks for the link nonna, will check it out when I get home!
>>1020I wish more people were more serious about this series instead of coomer tourists who never even played any of the games…
>>2954I feel like most people have played at least one game, but I agree there are a lot of newfags every game and a shocking amount who hqve only played P5.
>>2954I'm really surprised they haven't remade 1+2(+2). I know they had PSP releases but giving them the facelift P3 got would definitely bring in new eyes (for better or worse).
>>2955It's funny how every generation the fandom gets a new newfag flood. I remember people posting the same sentiments about P3 back in 2006, then P4 a few years later.
>>2954Serious in what regard? Not that I don't agree but as someone who's completely head drowned deep into Persona, I've seen all the good and the bad of the Persona fandom in the past few years and even the "serious" people are annoying as fuck. Pretentious gatekeeping faggots who either go "new bad, old good" or "new good, old bad", constant discourse of "we need to Adress The Bad Things in Persona" all the fucking time and nobody has fun.
Most western fanartists are pushing an agenda of sorts and the only seemingly 'comfy' spaces are just the shuada/shuake ones (because even the most 'normal ship' ones are full of underage teens or retarded antis, like the souyos or a few ryominafags) and oldsona spaces are all circlejerks of tweens or the same pretentious people mentioned above.
You have the weird hypocriticals that call people who ship 'the persona teens' pedos and the others who call others pedos too if they like older character x the MC.
It's been fucking tough as shit being an actual fujo into persona these days because of more and more stupid people thinking Persona is some deep social commentary and not some dumb weeb funny game so having shipping fun is barely allowed unless you're in the right places (very bare), best you have is just following japanese/chinese artists as usual and hope they don't disappear in like 6~ months after they realize Persona spaces are somehow completely dry.
>>2954Is this a thing? I ship Persona characters and love the games but besides saving fanart I am not in the fandom so I assumed it was normal that everybody played the games they like to talk about. On the other hand it's dumb to believe so, considering that my main fandom is hell since it's comic-based and 60% of the fandom have clearly never read it but have opinions about it regardless. I don't think I could ever do that, it's the experience that comes from playing and reading a story that makes me immerse and love it, not wikia articles.
>call others pedos too if they like older character x the MCThis is (luckily) the only issue I noticed and I admit it reminded me of the issues western fandoms have. I love a lot of Persona characters so I save the cool fanart and Yu/Adachi for example has a lot of that. Of course have I seen some people calling it out. I assumed it was rare back then but again since I am not in the fandom I probably underestimate how common it is. Don't want to know about the discords. The pedo paranoia in the Jojo fandom was part of what made me stop participating in it. Every Jojo character looks like 35 and yet they will still call you out for shipping two of them because they're technically 17 kek.
>>2957Other nonna but thanks for the information. I still remember the P4 threads on /a/ and they were kinda fun despite the abundant meme and shitposting.
>>2954I rarely see any coomer tourists anymore, tbh. When shuake got popular, there were a handful of fans who liked the ship despite never having played either of the P5 games but were still attempting to write fic, draw art, and be loud af in the fandom. Thankfully, I'm not seeing that much anymore.
>>2957Heh, I wonder where you hang out if you're a P3 fan, because I see so much obnoxious discourse about Reload on Twitter. Honestly, western P3 BL fandom is bleak right now. So small and half of them are antis; and the ones posting NSFW are doing it behind alts so you won't even be privy to it unless you're in the In Group.
>>2966It sucks a lot because I remember the P3 LJ days with the kinkmemes, so back then the fujorot for P3 was at full force. I'd almost thought that for reload giving more fuel and pandering than ever before you'd see a little bit more fujos around but it's more of the same people not being that invested or just pointless discourse as usual.
The sekrit clubs are also the worst, but this is a general fandom issue sometimes that you need to be *In* with the people to do/say something.
It really is so strange to me that persona somehow fell off with fujos, not because of the waifu pandering, but because they became too focused on shame for some reason (at least in the west).
Funny you post akishinji because I was dreading in my mind how there'd be idiots who'd might legitimately start arguing it's "incestous" but I'd dismiss the thought for "nah, they wouldn't be THAT stupid would they?" and it's become more spread nowadays after reload kek I hate it here
>>2967I wasn't into P3 when the kink meme was active, but I've gone looking for fic there before and was actually shocked at how barren it seemed, particularly in comparison to the very popular P4 meme. Mostly a lot of femc stuff, since I guess P3P just came out.
Very curious where all the P3 fujos hung out in the heyday. I'm still wondering where the original fanworks are living. I scoured LJ comms as well. Thankfully, I managed to get my hands on some ~*vintage*~ doujinshi but it's not enough.
>"incestous" God, I remember one of the more prevelant akishinji writers getting an ask on retrospring from someone worried they were shipping incest because Akihiko and Shinjiro's personas are brothers LMAO. You can't make up this sort of foolishness…
>>2969They canonically aren't brothers but they can be if you put your heart into it.
They did grow up together in an orphanage and lived together there for quite some time so they are brothers in some sense, just not blood related or adopted.
>>2974Nonna that's brilliant. Tbh can I use that for a fic? What a great idea.
>>2975Sorry for late reply, of course!!! You don't need to ask, but I'm thankful you weren't shaming me for not playing games and even liked my first glance interpretation haha
Also wanted to add Shinjiro had extreme guilt and shame over that case, he doesn't resent his parents much, in opposite he somewhat relied on them, I always visualize his father reaching to him to tell him more and him crying, they know about Persona thing but not to full extent, in Dursleys vs Harry way. Rigid, stubborn, traditional household who believed their son was lost and there only devil incarnate in his skin and there the other son who needed to be protected from him. But probably I'm taking too far. I just love complex relationships and making things up for my own enjoyment. No.2977
>>2976ntayrt but this is such an amazing concept. i’d sell my kidney to see this written out in full.
>>3107Yeah the designs rock, villain has big Griffith energy and the protag looks like Minato's edgy brother.
Glad Atlus is doing a new IP even if its another in the vein of P5. The fantasy theming is lovely.
>>3107I've been only following this through random articles and viewing character designs and I did not know the sleeping beauty cutie is a guy.. now I'm feeling very enthusiastic about the homo potential. The Griffith/Akechi love child is cute too
>>3107No way I'm buying this game until I finish most games in my backlog and until Atlus released their usual deluxe edition, but I'll download the demo on the ps5 soon. How long is it? I saw very quickly in an ad that the progress from the demo can be transferred to the full game and the last game I remember that did this was Dragon Quest 11, with a demo that lasted for like 10 hours.
>>3108I really like the fantasy theming as well. I feel like there hasn't been that many fantasy rpgs that aren't exact copies of stuff that already exists in recent years or remakes/sequels, so this one is kinda a breath of fresh air.
>>3109Yeah a lot of the guys are really pretty. But to me it's not in the "draw a girl, call it a boy" way. I really like that there's so many pretty androgynous guys. Blue-haired picrel is also a guy.
>>3110Google says the demo is about 5 hours long, but apparently some people are playing it for as long as 60 hours. It's just the opening prologue.
>Tiny altchan
>Still fucking 90% Nusona
God, fuck OFF.
>>3112>why are people posting about the longer, modern, more accessible games which are on nearly every fucking platform instead of the 20+ year old games with questionable localization that you can’t play outside of emulation??!?!?!!nonna, i love p2 and wish that there were more pre-p3 fans with all my heart, but this is just embarrassing.
>>3114P1 did eventually get a better localization for one of the portable Playstation systems but it's still just not that fun. Great characters, but it's a slog to get going and imo doesn't do the best job explaining it's rpg mechanics. After you get like 10 hours in it does get better, but I think it would have benefited from the flashy remake compared to yet another P3 one.
Both P2s hold up fine and I don't get why they aren't more popular.
>>3114 said, accessibility. To play P2 in english, you play IS on the psp and then EP on ps1, which requires two different emulators and is an awkward jump back in game tech. Alternatively, you could play both on ps1 with the IS translation hack or recently, the psp translation hack of EP that came out a few years ago. It's a lot of hoops to jump through to play a game. I suppose you could always play EP first, but most people nowadays wouldn't like to play a game out of order unless that's how it was originally released.
>>3116I bought a PS1 copy for PS3 when they sold all the old SMT games on PSN. So there's that. I think PSN shut down on the PS3 two years ago however.
>>3858I blind played Eternal Punishment not knowing it was the second and got about 3 hours in before telling myself I'd finish but never did.
That said, what I did play was fun with an incredible OST and cool set up . A shame the PSP version of the OST is on Spotify and not the PS original because whatever the fuck they did to the instruments is actual horseshit