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Maybe another one year before we're reaching the finale. Are you still keeping up with the manga nonas?
Will the BakuDeku fans enjoy the whole cake, or cope with the het ending the same way Hori's been dropping more MinaKiri moments?


>keeping up with the manga nonas?
I really liked the gay brothercon NTR out of nowhere. I've been a bkdk the whole time so there is mild schadenfreude in watching the Twitter krbks mald over the last few chapters. Keeping my expectations low for the actual ending, the best you can hope for out of shonenshit is "everybody is unpaired".


>gay brothercon NTR

if you saved any memes or more funny anedoctes from twitter please do share

Speaking as a KiriBaku fan, I'm still milking content from the Kamino Ward, I'm stuck back into 2017 or something it's pretty comfy
I feel like after Kimetsu no Yaiba there has been more acceptance for het pairings, especially if the author likes it enough
>that kacchan
was it necessary? did you enjoy it? is Bakugou even gonna survive again?
it only triggered my fear for Mina "ah, so this is where Hori wants to go"
if he implies something more for the finale I'm not gonna cope, like some karmic joke that I should have dropped this like any other male penned manga and remained in my blissed ignorance


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Have not kept up with it, read a few volumes and watched the first season but it didn't hook me. Love the character designs though, lots of variety and the mundane powers of some characters reminded me of X-men.

Really liked EraserMight when I was trying to get into it. The teachers were more interesting to me than the students.


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Fuck it, trying this series again. Right now at the beginning of season 2 which is where my last run ended, I think my biggest issue again is I just find the adult characters way more compelling than Deku and I wish more time was spent on them. Oh well, it's aimed at kids makes sense maybe this time I'll have enough context for angsty fanworks.


I don't want to say every other character is more interesting than Deku, out of respect for his fans. But yeah I would love a spin off for Endeavour and Hawks, or more pro heros work life.
There's soo many characters that even if they wanted to focus on someone, it always takes way too much from the story, it's such a pity.


I wish someone would spoonfeed me what's happened in the latest chapters, I just don't understand


>more Katsuki crying
It was worth following it to the end


has the red haired slut been confirmed gay yet


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Which one?


He's probably getting PINKED.


that's the one


Bakugou is being kind of gay, just not for Kirishima. BakuDeku is winning but at the cost of literally everything else in the story, and it probably isn't winning for long.


Nah, that was friendship coded and everything is healed so that's pretty boring. (But also I've never understood the appeal of BKDK)
Unless there's some more heavy Pink both ships can sail in peace. I fucking swear if Hori manages to fumble Kiri I will never stop raging


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>I've never understood the appeal of BKDK
BakuDeku appeals to me because I like both characters (despite them being hated a lot in the fandom) and because of the angst. Back in the days when KiriBaku and TodoDeku were seemingly the two most popular ships, BKDK fan contents are just like a wasteland of suffering. My secret hopes have always been for Horikoshi to kill off, dequirk or noumufy either or both of them at the end or for him to make the heroes lose the war, though I doubt Hori will go that far. Some of the things that have happened in the manga between Deku and Bakugou do look like they came straight out of fanfics or doujins, though.
>BakuDeku is winning but at the cost of literally everything else in the story
ShigaDeku :( …Somehow it feels like the AFOFA NTR incest gets more at the finale of the war than what we’ve got between between Deku and Tenko/Tomura in like 2 pages.


>KiriBaku and TodoDeku were seemingly the two most popular ships
I was vaguely aware of this before I first read the manga and when I caught up with all there was at the time (class A v B, blackwhip) I felt like we must have read completely different things. Then I went to go have a look at the English fandom proper and discovered the krbk/tddks were nearly all unproblematic MLM tenderqueers while the bkdkbk fujochads seemed to mostly keep to themselves.
>look like they came straight out of fanfics or doujins, though.
Absolutely insane how many vindicating moments they've had since then.
>ShigaDeku :(
I really wish they had more interaction throughout the whole manga. Everything about this last arc seems cool but upon rumination it isn't that satisfying to me, especially all of the disbelief suspension you have to do for the 128D chess AFO was playing with Tenko's family. I'm glad it will be over soon. No matter what happens I think #424 is the perfect chopping off point for "epilogue? what epilogue?" types of fanfic. I've got my fingers crossed for Harry Potter levels of longevity/quality in the fandom after it's over.


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I don’t think BKDK and TGCHK are and will ever be canon (latest manga chap forecasts IZCHK and we don’t even know if Toga is alive) and it’s not like that KRBK and IZCHK don’t get content or that canon fanservice contents matter more than the fans, but I agree that the BKDKBKs out of all the fujos look to get the most, as though the BNHA’s promotional team has realized for a long time now that Izuku and Katsuki are the two most popular characters in the series. Like it’s still insane to me that the most recent season’s ED gets a music video about childhood friends playing heroes while wearing orange and green capes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziInmNuf-QU


Is there a blank template for this meme?


It seems to be a one-off art by jeminy3 (https://jeminy3.tumblr.com/post/752320694852943872/a-summary-of-mha-shipping). Maybe asking the artist would help?


Hori's going to keep drawing until he dies, isn't he


He has taken on a lot of breaks during the last act, some of which are definitely unplanned for. He doesn’t seem to be able to keep up with the weekly release schedule. He’s probably recuperating for two weeks before announcing the last stretch of chapters where he will rush through Touya’s and Toga’s respective death before ending the story with a confession from Uraraka, a timeskip to the KiriMina-TodoMomo double wedding and the reveal that Bakugou is married with 3 children.


Nona…He hinted a new dark arc, more Endeavour redemption and probably a closer insight in the prison. He had the chance to do a timeskip now, and that's what I really believed with "graduation" but we're going to slowly see them for all their three years, and even the hero work later if he's able.
For now, Bakugou is going to adapt his hero moves and Kiri will fawn over him, and Deku is going to live the moral gospel of "you were always a hero even without quirks"
He could some healthy mirroring of their childhood now that Deku is going to follow Bakugou again

Your timeskip still sounds pretty credible though, fuck


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People are already doomposting:
>Endeavor looking at Touya’s shrine parallel means Touya is going to die, be comatose or get the death sentence.
>Toga dies only so that IzuOcha and maybe Shouto can bond over failing to save their respective villain.
>Shigaraki is never getting justice done and the new villain-looking guy is either a sequel/movie bait or exists only to be saved by Deku and cure his depression.
>Kurogiri/Shirakumo and Midnight will never be mentioned or thought about again by Aizawa and Yamada after their funerals.
>Without OFA and the BakuDeku rivalry, Katsuki has nothing to do anymore with Deku and All Might.
>Shouji and everyone else not mentioned above will end up irrelevant, Kirishima will never get his promised fight and Spinner will die a Noumu.
>All of the things above and more won’t be documented, Deku will be forgotten and the story of him being the greatest hero is a lie.
I have my hopes too, nona, but I’m not delulu enough to discount these possibilities. Next week may as well reveal that the popularity poll has been rigged all along and Uraraka is the most popular character actually. The few consolations left are that the number of chapters left hasn’t been announced yet and the pro-DekuBaku assistant Noguchi is seemingly working with Hori again, which may be part of why we got soft Katsuki crying and smiling in the first place.


Completely forgot to mention Hawks, Twice, Mr. Compress, Overhaul, Ujiko, Eri and the Quirk Singularity Theory like Jesus, how is Hori going to wrap all of this in one go without fumbling? He would probably need more than a volume for this epilogue and it’s not even certain we could get more than 10 chapters.


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Does anyone like Deku’s new haircut?


Firmly in the "it better fucking grow back" camp.


There will never be a character like Genya again, I miss him so much.


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Maybe his hair will grown uneven to be kind of like his prototype version, Akatani "Yamikumo" Mikumo.


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Last chapter soon, how are we feeling girls? People were getting nostalgic about early fandom on Twitter, it's funny to think about how much has changed.

Outside of a few cherrypicked moments I didn't really give a shit about the final arc. The manga really lost the sauce for me somewhere in the 200s. What I'm really looking forward to is the fanfiction we'll be getting over the next few years.


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I don’t read the manga but the /a/ threads predicting the endgame ships is pretty funny
Crazy how much the top ones have gone up and changed on AO3


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Didn't even realize the series was ending. I never kept up past the first arc few arcs, I think I'm just a bit too old for it, but I thought the character designs were cute and I liked the teachers.

Good on the mangaka for ending his series and not letting it become a never ending Jump work.


>the best you can hope for out of shonenshit is "everybody is unpaired".
And I will take this as the win this is.
People are wondering about a sequel or more spinoffs but honestly I'm ready to put it out to pasture and let the much better writers (fujoshi) take the reins with no new canon surprises to mess up their doujins/fanfics. Horikoshi is a great artist but I don't think he'll ever be a great writer.


The scar on Bakugou's cheek is so lame I hate it so much, hopefully the fanarts will exaggerate and make it cooler. The smallest hairstyle upgrade was totes cute tho


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I honestly feel bad for those who were in "top deku" because look at him now, he's short, baby-faced and now seems to have lost his body muscles and basically the whole internet considers him a loser, people are already hc'd that he's getting by his students


To be fair why did they think Deku was a top to begin with? Dude’s basically a battered wife to Bakugo.


I dont understand how people saw deku as a top/seme. Like he's a short, cute crybaby. Super submissive, a total bottom. I hope the fandom will give me lots content where he gets dicked down by pro hero Katsuki while he's a skinny loser


I can see appeal of the "gentle and soft" seme juxtaposed with a "rough and angry" bottom, but iirc most did envision that Deku would keep being physically stronger than Bakugo, right?


But that's part of the appeal, the cute shorter one putting the bigger mean one in his place. Also, personally, nerd revenge on bully is a turn on


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what >>2913 said, a lot it was driven by people wanting see Bakugo put in his place or those who wanted Todoroki to have a loving partner, but the ending basically made Deku's fate going home from teaching and getting harassed by snot-nosed kids and then getting railed every night by Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugo who have been out heroing all day


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It's hard to understate how much the ending has caused everyone to lose respect for deku


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I like all of the malding the ending produced in people expecting a timeskip with everybody married+children. When I first read "8 years" I was like UH OH but then was so relieved that wasn't it. People on /a/ were expecting a fujo HOAD but the last few panels of the manga are literally indistinguishable from a BKDK doujin.
It's kind of cute in art form but I'd never read a fic about it.


I think the people that lost the most are the tododeku shippers but I think those just kinda fizzled into thin air as years went by. I remember it being one of the most popular ships for a while and rivaling bkdk as the "healthier option" but it just became irrelevant


I was into hero academia briefly a long time ago so it's been wild for me to see this stuff about the ending. I will say though, Kiribaku still has some damn good doujins and I'm glad Shoco seems to be thriving now.


bakudeku definitely came out on top, considering no one gave a shit about deku in 8 years, but bakugo


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I mean i would understand the appeal if it was more like >>2912 . It would just be to far out of character if deku was suddenly just a brute. If he would top he would probably also cry when penetrating kek. I just dont like it when they suddenly draw him as like taller then he actually is and give him a chad face. That he is short and has a baby face just is the appeal to me.
>getting railed every night by Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugo who have been out heroing all day
Perfect ending tbh, i love me some dekubowl.

Kek i just love how the moids are seething. They really wanted an ending like narute, where deku become the number one hero, marries ochacko while she becomes a housewife taking care of the kids. I think the ending is actually super based, him being a teacher suits him and i think even when he becomes a hero because his sugar daddy katsuki bought and iron man suit for him. He would still keep teaching.

I used to ship tododeku more then bakudeku. However katsuki really improved in the story. At first he was your typical bully character with anger issues. But then they actually gave him some redemption and a lot of gay angst with deku. The enemies to lovers trope is popular for a reason.


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What does Fujochan think of DekuMight?


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Its good though I like Erasermight more.

DekuMight is best when Deku is being an absolute creep IMO and his obsession with All Might is played as unhealthy bordering on stalkerish. Though I like the idea of him slowly coming down from it and forming a more "healthy" relationship with Yagi the man independent of All Might. Meanwhile Toshinori is dealing with his own body image issues and really doesn't need the stress and power imbalance of a teacher-student relationship but can't help but love how eager Deku is.

Every time I'm into a All Might ship I love exploring around with how the other party reacts to both forms and I think Deku being a pre-established fanboy is fun to play with.


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I like your take, stalker Deku is such a good concept. I love how canonically creepy he gets

My favorite DekuMight is when Yagi feels guilty about being a secret perv at first lol I love seeing that man flustered and full of shame. Later on, he gives in and and fully indulges in that side of himself because this is the first time (in a long time?) he feels that way for someone. I think overall, the thrill of this ship for me is that it's so secretive. Their relationship was so secretive in canon and I think that's what pulled me into it, specifically that one scene Aizawa catches them together


I've opened my eyes to EraserxBakugou actually. You can have the angtsy parent like relationship or Eraser knowing he's fucked up pervert domming a bratty Bakugou.


I see the appeal, but not a fan of older men


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I get that, but i can't imagine this being a top


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It would be such a waste of good cushion if he was strictly top


f in the chat for the people who thought izuku would grow to have all might's body type but stayed short and got lost all his muscles instead


I never had any faith in him to begin with. He was a submissive and breedable clueless omega on his first appearance, and that never changed about him as the story progressed. I could never even conceptualize what kind of ultra machoman character arc he'd need to go through in order to become an actual, capital M, Man. He has always just been a femboy that still dresses as a boy. And I still hold that he has the most punchable face of the entire cast, he was built for physical abuse.
The only situation he could ever be a top is if he was getting manhandles by a power bottom that uses his probably-naturally-hairless dick as masturbatory aid.


you truly have a way with words nona KEK


Eraser/Shinsou is a step away from dad/son, especially given Shinsou's timeskip look.
I would have accepted twunk Deku but all that art of him significantly taller/muscular (with that fuckass undercut) was such a turnoff and I am so glad it's not even approaching canon.
All Might exists in the cartoon mascot tier for me where it would be too funny/weird to see him with his dick out.


Shinsou is way too boring, it all seems like pity caring, Aizawa deserves better. He actually bowed and apologized for Bakugou isn't that cuter?


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Bakugo belongs to only one teacher!

But really, it's not Shinsou's fault Aizawa shows he cares in the most plain way possible. But I understand, I do wish they had more nice moments together, at least to justify all the 'Dadzawa' art of them both. I like Shinsou but I'm having a hard time remembering exactly what set him apart for Aizawa from any other student besides having him train with a scarf like him, although, I do have a shit memory


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funnily enough there's been an influx of student Bakugo x teacher Deku AU's with Deku as the the uke in majority of them


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it's actually is pretty hot ngl


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Bakumight has a choke hold on my soul


Oooh, consider me interested. I've seen Dekumight but this is a new one! What caused you to become interested was it a specific chapter or work?


Sauce for the last pic?



All of the art is from rs588888888 on twitter. The artist does some DekuMight and ShinsoZawa too. I love the dynamic of obsessive younger x meek older. The artist displays that dynamic so well~



I'm general I love how Bakugou is equally as obsessed with Almight as Izuku is. A scene towards the end of the manga, we find out that Bakugou kept an old trading card of Almight and wanted to get it autographed for years but never did. There were some other cute moments too. It's pretty cute that he was hiding his feeling behind a tough guy act


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Ah! Another BakuMight shipper! I love them so much and they have been plaguing my thoughts as of late. I say plaguing because there is almost nothing with them and it feels so lonely in the ship lol. I'm trying to write some of my own things for them but I'm not a very good writer and I can't seem to finish anything without starting something new. I'll cherish these pictures forever.
Ha, this is practically my exact reason as well. To have a tough guy like Bakugo act tsundere towards All Might is really cute. He's as big a fan of him just as much as Midoriya is, and it's one of my favorite characters traits he has.

All Might has also help produce some of the cutest Bakugo panels there are.


>all your friends get to be super heroes while you get to be a wagie


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To be fair, Katsuki did get him an Iron Suit.


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I hadn't been keeping up at all, so I was surprised when a coworker talked my ear off for an hour about this ending.

I mean I like the messaging that anyone can be helpful no matter what their power is but if you're going to >>3072 so that he can still go on missions it sounds like having your cake and eating it too.


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i just burst out laughing . are u kidding me.


This is literally how most people draw omegaverse Deku lmao


It would've been funny if Doomfist got the Deku skin instead.


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Yes! It's awesome to find others who ship them too. Their interactions are so few. I wish there were more but I'm glad that what we have is so important to the story and to Bakugou's development.

Good luck with your writings! I wish I could give any advice, but I'm not a great writer, haha. Maybe you could try exploring an au?

-And here's more fanart that I think is cute.


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Love this ship! Here's another spam


This is just omega!izuku im so serious


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