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/f/ - Fandom Generals

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 No.147[Last 50 Posts]

Post pokemon characters that fall under the /m/ category! No twinks no cute boys! (obviously no male gaze shit, or at least keep it to a bare minimum if you really have a pic you'd like to share)


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>No twinks no cute boys!
Why not? They're some great guys too.


it was for back when the site had a /m/ board for muscular men


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Well since it's now on /f/ can we get some discussion going?

What is everybody's:

Favorite game to play and the one with the best male cast?

Favorite Ship?

Favorite Gym leader/Elite 4 member?

Favorite Pokeboy protagonist?

And lastly do you prefer the characterization in the games, anime, or Pokespe?


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Surge is so fucking cute


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Surprised there aren't more Pokemon fans on this site.


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Gay Bug Boys


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>Favorite game to play
Heart Gold. I love the pixel era, has the funnest minigames and Pokemon following you.

>the one with the best male cast?

Tough choice, maybe Gen 5 with N, Subway Bosses, Grimsley, etc. Gen 7 and 8 are pretty good too.

>Favorite Ship?

Originalshipping and Ishhushipping

>Favorite Gym leader/Elite 4 member?

Morty and Grimsley

>Favorite Pokeboy protagonist?

Ethan and Hilbert

>And lastly do you prefer the characterization in the games, anime, or Pokespe?

Haven't bothered watching Ashnime since Gen 3 and never read the Pokespe. So the games I guess. Never played Pokemon Masters EX though the characterizations are really great. Pokemon specials/ONAs like The Origin, Generations and Evolutions are great too.


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Great choice, I love the dynamic N has with the protagonist in BW.


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>Favorite game to play and the one with the best male cast?
BW2 remains the best game to me. It coincidentally also has the highest concentration of cute dudes.

>Favorite Ship?

Isshu, kbnz. I also really like Ash/Gary but for whatever reason never went equally nuts over Originalshipping.

>Favorite Gym leader/Elite 4 member?

Marlon, Wikstrom

>Favorite Pokeboy protagonist?

Hilbert. Honorable mention to Calem because I think he got shafted in the fanart/shipping department.

>And lastly do you prefer the characterization in the games, anime, or Pokespe?


based bugchads


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>I also really like Ash/Gary but for whatever reason never went equally nuts over Originalshipping.

Same, I think it's because Gary is a way more fun character. Blue just doesn't have as much going for him by comparison.


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Mind if I recommend some Reguri? I remember these being favourites:

The ship has always relied on Green being a cocky tsundere to some degree, but after SuMo he got this full development into a shameless twink bitch who acts like he doesn't expect anything in return (and gets shocked every time). Masters has also elaborated on a slightly older (than RGB) Green who is pretty warm and friendly, has a special bond with his rival, and is still smug as fuck but in a surprisingly chill way. You can pretty much see him mellow out after Red took the champion title and then isolated himself on a mountain. Emotional shit aside, the popular interpretation of SuMo Green makes for good porn.

Also an offering for the OP, if they still live.


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Not sure what happened to my first pic but I guess I'll add some more with it.


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speaking of which, any nonas currently playing pokemon masters too?
i'm quite surprised by the amount of shipbait and characterization of male characters compared to literally every other mainstream gacha game. i quite like the gameplay and stories/story events.
the female characters are all non-coomerish because it's a nintendo game which i like, and the male characters are really cool.

everyone got a unique personality and i vibe with that!


I had no idea Ash was in the game. Holy shit he looks so uncanny as a 3d model


He's stupid overpowered in the Electric Gear co-op, if you start playing now you should catch his intro cutscenes and gacha. Also the game's main menu has him introducing the game by name - I play in Japanese so I'm don't know if the English is the same VA though.


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How are the voices for everyone? Do they just use the Pokeani cast?


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I remember hating Lance in gen 1 because he didn't let me save between his battle and the battle against Blue, and then he became my husbando in Crystal when I was 8 years old. But seriously Crystal made me ship Red and Blue so hard at the time. I was already into tsundere cjaracters acting stupid because of their crushes. I kind of want to replay all the main games one by one until gen 6 included because it's been a while, but my backlog of games isn't letting me… I'll preorder P5R and Bayonetta 3, try to beat SMT5 (on easy, fuck the level scaling shit) and Pokemon Legend of Arceus, and maybe actually do just that.


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Boys with their not-so-spooky Pokemon.


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>Favorite game to play and the one with the best male cast?:
To play it's White 2. It was my first, and unlike Y, I feel it didn't age poorly. The one with the best Male cast goes to Sword. It has Leon, Raihan, Kabu…
Y's characters and story is so bland. The UI is the best in the whole series, and the Pokemon are well designed, but sweet jesus. The gyms are laughably easy too.

>Favorite Ship?:

Hard to say.

>Favorite Gym leader/Elite 4 member?:

Gym Leader: Alder
Elite 4: Does Lance count? If not then Flint.
I really like Alder's attitude and laid back style. His theme also rocks. I wish he had the chance to interact more with others within the story of both BW1 and 2 like Leon does in Gen 8.

>Favorite Pokeboy protagonist?:

Ethan from Johto. Red's second.

>And lastly do you prefer the characterization in the games, anime, or Pokespe?:

Games. That's my only reference really.

I love the villains too. They're so one dimensional but I love a good handful of them. Also Surge/Koga is something I didn't know existed but it looks real cute.


Meant to reply to >>809


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Is anybody playing Scarlet or Violet? The glitches and overall graphics and character designs are really off-putting, I'm not buying and playing it yet because of all of this but I'd like to have opinions just in case. I didn't want to play SWSH either at first, got a copy years later with all the DLC included in the cartridge and liked the DLC more than the main campaign because of the several lack of exploration and dungeons in the main plot. So I wonder if we'll get a similar case later with patches and DLC. And are there any cute guys in SV? Everyone looks stupid or ugly so far but maybe I missed something.


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I'm playing it and it's the most fun Pokémon game I've played in a long time. Also 30 hours in and I still haven't encountered any of these horrible and game-breaking glitches people are so obsessed with. Honestly all the hate the game is receiving feels way too fabricated and overblown to me, probably a consequence of the current times where people are more interested in engaging in typical bitter internet discourse than actually playing the thing. Maybe I just have a predisposition to enjoyment, but I still believe that social media keeps favoring and pushing exaggerated narratives and false impressions. It's by no means a perfect game, but it's very good and fun.

>And are there any cute guys in SV? Everyone looks stupid or ugly so far but maybe I missed something.

There are cute males, in every department. But I guess that's always up to personal taste.


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I'm asking about the glitches because let's be real, Gamefreak always left crazy shit in their games. I remember playing gen 1 as a kid and encountering game breaking glitches fairly often. Then again I spent hundreds of hours playing all versions at the time so that increases the odds of finding glitches. Then you have the wild area in SWSH being slow as fuck in some parts, and gen4 was incredibly slow as a whole, especially if you saved your progress after using the PC. Then again, as I said, I liked the DLC in Shield and SV seems more similar to that part of the game. I don't know, some parts seem really cool and other make me not want to try it. I wish there were a demo.

>But I guess that's always up to personal taste.
I guess the 3D models in the actual game make the designs worse than they could have been. I thought the graphics look a bit half-assed in SWSH but the human characters' 3D models were an accurate translation of their 2D concept art on the other hand.


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Before release I was looking forward to playing Scarlet and Violet. Glad to see an anon here like it after playing for a while. The glitches I've seen around online simply look like any glitches you'd see in an open-world 3d environment. They're bound to happen. We should get patches for the major glitches later on. There's one where in every online battle, the battle uses the same seed every time. RNG can be manipulated allowing 1hit-ko moves can always hit.
I remember hearing terrible things about Sword & Shield after it first came out too. It was overblown. Videos that criticize the game's graphics were like "You're on a bridge at first, but in battle it looks like you're in a field." So nitpicky. It was no masterpiece, but it was a major graphical leap forward from SuMo. Scarlet/Violet is another huge leap.

>And are there any cute guys in SV? Everyone looks stupid or ugly so far but maybe I missed something.

Many people appear to love Larry.


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The game does have some glitches and bugs, but it's nowhere as exaggerated as some people want to make it seem. I'm very sceptical about these opinions you see online because there's been posters on /vp/ trashing the game all year along, way before it was out, and they'd always use the same contrived arguments: the female characters aren't attractive enough, there's too many black NPCS, there's too much LGBT pandering, etc. Many people aren't interested in opening up to experiences, they just want to forcefully adjust them to their own sour view of the world, so instead of trying to cultivate some enthusiasm they focus on fandom interaction of the most toxic kind. I'm not trying to shill the game, I just recommend ignoring the destructive opinions these people are trying to push because they might discourage you from experiencing a lot of fun.

>Many people appear to love Larry.

I was surprised at first but stern salarymen really are super effective against Japanese fandom.


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>Favorite Gym leader
Fuck I read this as champion or something. My favorite Male gym leader is actually Giovanni.
The twist that he's the eight gym leader of Kanto could be seen from a long ways away but the concept still is cool to me. I've heard the only reason why Earthquake is one of the most consistent powerful moves is because Giovanni used Ground Pokemon and he needed a good game-winning move. His motivations beyond "lolz moneyz lolz Mewtwo" is never expanded upon so he's both a good cartoon villain and a troubled mafia boss a la Tony Soprano depending on how he's played/imagined.

Maybe I just wanted an excuse to gush about Alder.

>The game does have some glitches and bugs, but it's nowhere as exaggerated as some people want to make it seem.
Great to hear. Pokemon games are still very playable without Internet connection so it surprised me at first the idea Sca/Vio would be released in a buggy state like Bethesda games and get patched out later by Game Freak into a playable state. /vp/ sounds like a blast if it went to a party, never knew it was that bad.

Pokemon's matured while /vp/'s users haven't from the looks of it. Game Freak no longer aims exclusively at the Japanese market and wants more broad appeal. Over-sexualized Female characters turn people away from Pokemon, especially nowadays where everyone can see in detail what characters look like. When playing White 2 as a child I never realized how little Rosa looked like me or my Female friends. That's why Sca/Vio's protagonists look a little bland, they're meant to appeal to normies. If 4channers want the most blandest anime girl, there's a million other series they can oggle over, not to mention the several handful of similar looking legacy Female characters in Pokemon alone.


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/vp/ is a cesspit of negativity that will never be satisfied.
I didn't like SS, but it was a clear step up from SM, the game I consider the low point for the series.

Honestly though I think I might of outgrown the games. I still love the characters and world, but I just don't find the gameplay satisfying anymore when compared to other jrpgs. Idk I like Gen 1 and 3 a lot due to nostalgia but I prefer Mystery Dungeon in terms of gameplay for the franchise.

Still I had to leave /vp/ because they just want to be upset, there's nothing constructive in how they talk about the games and its very clear they don't want to enjoy Pokemon regardless. The worst is when you make a thread for a specific Pokemon or character and a bunch of losers come in and bitch and moan derailing the whole thing.


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>stern salarymen really are super effective against Japanese fandom.
I actually love that shit too. I guess it's relatable to the adults who grew up with the series and keep playing it.

>The twist that he's the eight gym leader of Kanto could be seen from a long ways away
6 years old me had no clue at the time, I thought I kicked his ass once and for all in the huge building where you receive the masterball and then I saw him in the last gym, bitch slapped all his pokemon effortlessly and moved on. It seemed like a huge plot twist to me tbh Pokemon Blue was my very first video game ever. The biggest plot twist for me was when I got to Kanto in Crystal, I nearly had a heart attack because the NPC tells you this while the name "Kanto" isn't mentioned in the localized versions of gen 1 games and then I opened the map.

>/vp/ is a cesspit of negativity that will never be satisfied.
I only go there rarely to check leaks and even then that's too much for my brain. Only mentally ill people post there you can't convince me otherwise.


>SM, the game I consider the low point for the series.
>Male Skull Grunt and Male Aether Employee
You got one good thing out of that game lol

(I tried finding some good pics of Male Skull Grunt for this post since I enjoy him too but there's so little out there for him that's not made for coom apparently…)


I don't care about pokemon at all, but damn that second picture looks great


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I am looking forward to more fanart of Giocomo being made in the future!


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>Fave game to play
Pokemon Colosseum, with PMD Sky in second place. Out of the main line series, I like Gen V the most. Haven't played past ORAS yet because my 3DS died. A lot of people hate double battles, but I love them, so Colosseum was made to cater to me personally lmao. The boss battles are the most challenging in the main franchise, especially when you're underleveled like I was. Best male cast probably goes to Gen 5 just for N, Black and the male Ace Trainer, or Gen 8 just based on designs but I haven't seen all the Gen 9 characters yet.

>Favorite ship

Isshushipping 4 lyfe. I'm glad to see so many other fans here!
Including spinoffs though, I'll admit to being into Grovyle/Dusknoir. I'm not furry enough to lewd them, though.

>Favorite Gym Leader/E4 member

Male E4: Will and Siebold. Male gym leaders: Kabu and Allister. My fave gym leaders pre-Gen 8 are all female. I think that Gen 9 grass gym leader has officially become the new #1 husband, though. Finally a fellow Sunflora appreciator…

>Favorite Pokeboy protagonist

Wes has the best design (what can I say, I like those early 2000s chunky platforms) and best personality. He can even reuse pokeballs infinitely, what a chad (kek). My boy Wes was too cool to even bring back in the sequel, which has the worst protag design by far.


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Forgot to answer the last question.


Haven't seen the anime or read PokeSpe but from what I have read, I don't like the characterization for some characters in the manga. I still need to check out the Colosseum manga, though. Also agree to liking Generations.

By the way, I forgot I had this picture of Steven with a rock pikmin and my life has improved 500%.


Am I the only one who finds the latest generation kinda pedo-y?

Don't get me wrong, I love the game and the world, it's the best pokemon game since Gamefreak decided to go 3-D.

But there's an alarming amount of tranny-like NPCs. This could mean nothing in isolation, but there's also the fact that you have little dating-sim like 'storylines' with the adult teachers, using terms like 'You grew a little bit closer to' teacher. The teachers referring to how inspiring the MC, a _kid_ is to them, even motivating them towards life goal, at least in the case of the nurse. To me, it feels like it's working to normalize way too close relationships between adults and children.

Maybe it's just my baggage talking, but the whole 'getting to know the teacher' thing gives me strong ick vibes. That and the fact that Nemona appears to be older than the MC, but still acts kinda possesive.


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>Maybe it's just my baggage talking
I'd say so. This reads like a mumsnet post. Have some best boy.


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I think you're looking too far into it. You can have relationships that aren't romantic, and the MC being the motivating factor for literally the entire world has been a staple of the franchise for years.


I'm not playing that game because my backlog is huge but
>The teachers referring to how inspiring the MC, a _kid_ is to them
That's just because the MC is a mary sue self-insert isn't it? The games are trying too hard to make you feel like you're hot shit since gen 7 imo, I don't think it means much.


IMO Gen 7 was more pedo-y than Gen 9 appears to be. Or at least it gave pedos a lot of characters to work with since an overwhelming amount of the trial leaders were children. Also I know what you mean by tranny-like characters but it's not a sign of anything maliciously western. Being transgender in Japan is legal if you get castrated/infertile but being gay isn't. There's always been more tranny-like characters in Japanese media than the west. If they wanted to go down the full trans route they would've made Penny non-binary.

The dating-sim-esque thing is weird though I agree. But if it's very SFW I could see it being appealing to children since they look up to teachers regardless, they just may not have any good ones in their lives to talk with in person.

I'm still not over the fact he wasn't actually born brown. I thought he was for years lol


Anon being gay isn't illegal in Japan, what?


probably read a retarded hot take on twitter and believed it.


I went full retard yeah. Meant gay marriage.


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Flint's hair amuses me greatly.


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It's so hard for me to take yaoi with goofy hair seriously. To this day I am assblasted about Lysandre ruining nearly all of the Professor Sycamore porn.


>It's so hard for me to take yaoi with goofy hair seriously.
Same for me, and I don't know how the Yugioh fujoshi are handling that shit.


Sometimes fanartists tone down anime hair and make it look more realistic. Though Lydandre's hair is actually on the tamer side to me by Pokemon and Yugioh standards, lol. Everyone has their line somewhere I guess, and Flint, Colress, or anyone whose hair sticks up like Syndrome, e.g the Dr Stone guy, are definitely it for me. I'm only speaking for the original series but I can get past Yugioh hair because of a combination of nostalgia and the characters and art being charming enough to me. Wacky hair can grow on you if you like a character enough. Some of the later Yugioh series hair really is some shit though.


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Guess I'm in the minority then of people who are bothered when artists change the hair.

Yeah they're goofy, especially Mr. Internet explorer, but I'd rather my fan art stuck to the official designs. If it stays too far I don't register it as the characters looking for.


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That art is galaxy brain shit. Thanks, nona. I have never even been 0.1% interested in shipping Ghetsis until now, but I'm very weak for hot mess villains bottoming.

I'm anon you replied to, and honestly I do prefer on-model designs in fanart too.


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kekekkek that fanart of cuck Roxie. Didn't know Piers/Ryuki(?) was even a thing.

I love both Colress & Ghetsis. Ghetsis especially. Because I played BW2 as a kid, to me, he was always a complete loon. Didn't know until much later he used to have sane side. He's lost everything but still tries for some twisted version of his goal to become king of Unova.
Colress/Ghetsis has room for so much. But it's a rarepair, and when it is portrayed, it's as either "Colress is weak while Ghetsis is strong and abuses him" or "Colress completely dominates Ghetsis's life because he's now too mentally ill to function". They're equals damnit.

I've heard his hair is shaped like it is because it's meant to resemble Hydreigon. Colress's meant to resemble Klinklang's outer gear. Still stupid looking though.


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>But it's a rarepair, and when it is portrayed, it's as either "Colress is weak while Ghetsis is strong and abuses him" or "Colress completely dominates Ghetsis's life because he's now too mentally ill to function". They're equals damnit.

Preach it. I hate when people write Ghetsis crying and cutting himself like a teenage girl. He undoubtedly internally struggling but it's hard to find works where he is still written as a middle aged man.

Cheers for being another fan. I feel the shipping market for Pokemon villians is dominated by Hardenshipping (Maxie/Archie). While I like them Team Plasma is one of my favorite evil groups in the series, their interests are multi-level and you have several different people working at different goals.


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I love this pic so much.


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Is this based on a meme? I'm both amused and confused.


I'm still not sure getting this game is worth it at all but… that guy… is cute… I really have something for tired, depressed salarymen.


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If N counts as a Rival he's the most interesting one in the series.


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I love the way these two look together.


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I don't even know if this is the place to ask, but does anyone know of or remembers a japanese pixiv artist that used to draw a lot of Touya(Hilbert) x a Clerk NPC from gen5? or at least it was some salaryman dude from that gen. I used to lurk their gallery a very long time ago but one day they nuked suddenly and I haven't find any of their art on the internet ever since. All I can remember is that it was incredibly pretty, it had a heavy Drawr/Tegaki.pipa feel to it. Pic not related.


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You're talking about this NPC right? Wish I knew the artist you're talking about. He's cute, but all the art I have with him is solo, with the nursery aide trap, or Rosa.


Yes, that guy, I remember one art in particular where Touya had massive angel wings for some reason and was being embraced from behind by that dude in a dark room colored by green and blue hues. It was so weird but so so charming. I still have some hope to find their art again one day.


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So I went from not even finishing the DLC for Sword and Shield to being obsessed with this old married couple on Scarlet and Violet. Gah. It's gotten to the point where I'm trying to look up spanish love songs for fic writing purposes.


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GRAHHH!! i feel so alone in shipping the funny train brothers… it's huge with the japanese and korean fandom but i don't know enough japanese or any korean to engage with either of them …


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I like conceptually and have a lot of fanart since brothers and twins are a favorite of mine, but I never played the Battle Subway enough to really get a feel of their characters enough to ship them earnestly.

What dynamic do you see them with anon?


i like them best when ingo's the flirty, clingy one, as opposed to his stern look. emmet's the only one that can make him smile, even a little bit. just enough gap moe!

on the more angsty side, vid related, (pla spoilers) pokemon legends arceus gave me a lot to think about on how much emmet must miss his brother to an obsessive, self-destructive degree. no matter how many times he gets fucked in the ass by other people to try and forget, he just can't get over it, he's never getting his brother back.


this vid too. i love my emotionally broken funny men!


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Here, have some random Pokemon SWSH fanart by Asada Nemui from her nuked twitter account. I found this in my archived data from my previous twitter account kek I didn't even know it was from her until right now.


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I'm back to playing PLA after months of not touching, looks like I'm about to beat the game in just a few days. Some of the guys are cute, but I feel like there's no particularly popular gay pairing in that one, am I wrong? All the art I've seen was just the female MC with either Volo or Adaman. Not that I mind it but it came out between SWSH and SV and both games seem to have something at least.


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You aren't missing anything, most of the ship art I've seen from ot os just people shipping the prexisting characters. Ingo/Emmet for instance got a boost because of it.


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I noticed that girls were posting a lot more Ingo/Emmet art but since it was with their BW designs I didn't make that connection. I'm definitely not complaining about it, I found BW a bit bland at the time compared to the previous games for some reason and I liked these two a lot. By the way, Kamado is underrated. I'm sad he kicked me out of the village but I'm at that part when I have to run after him, I know there's a boss battle against him at some point so I'm looking forward to it.


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Yeah, the sheer amount of yume stuff annoys me. There's a bit of Volo/Male MC but much less than Akari. There's also Ingo/Melli but I'm not really into it because no one deserves to be shipped with Melli and a lot of the shippers are obnoxious anti types. I have a near-nonexistent rarepair that I'm doing my best to try and make more of, though…
Whenever I see an artist make a guy's butt super-defined in a kimono or yukata I can't help but lol on the inside because I know for a fact that they make your ass totally disappear, it turns your ass-leg area into almost a straight line with how the thick material fits, have actually worn one and can confirm.
I didn't expect this to be pixel art and was surprised when I opened it, this is gorgeous, pixel art goals, thank you for sharing it nonna!


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Why would you save pixel art as such an enormous jpeg? For what purpose?

I used to have quite the collection of kimono butt photos on my old PC, it really depends on the material and cut. Guys on twitter who post those cut off pinups tend to do them a lot and you can see how with single layers, but it does occur from time to time on catwalks too.

I ought to attach some Grims for this topic but it's impossible finding him through all the GuzmaNanu. Spoiler for a real life person in pic 1.


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>Why would you save pixel art as such an enormous jpeg? For what purpose?
It was the original resolution didn't modify it, you'll have to ask the artist.


>I found BW a bit bland at the time compared to the previous games for some reason and I liked these two a lot.

Same my unpopular opinion is I think BW are kinda bad, but ambitious, games. I still like a lot of the guys in it though N/Cheren, Ingo/Emmet, Ghetsis/Colress.


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I'm glad I'm not the only one with that opinion about BW. I'm not sure how to describe it because on a technical level it's a good game but it was too, idk, clean and boring and perfect. Kind of "soulless" maybe? You know, how the NPCs won't stop interrupting you all the time to tell you what to do or where to go, to tell you about old legends from a region based on the US of all things, how everything was linear, how you can beat the game without actually exploring anything all that much because HMs were only mandatory to explore some caves and parts of some routes that aren't mandatory? And the worst part is how there's no berries anywhere on the map so that gives one less reason to go back to some places. The music hall wasn't very fun, I didn't like how the sprites moves in the battles and the musicals because they looked wonky and blurry, especially your own pokemon when you see them from the back. BW2 was better imo though. Sorry about the negativity.

Anyway I just reached the credits in PLA. I'll play more until the boss fight against Volo but I don't see myself completing the pokedex if it takes too much time. I had a lot of fun alternating between a bunch of different pokemon I wanted to use in Platinum back when I played it but couldn't because of how long it would take to train them all.


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Delete this. N only loves Touya.


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I can't even justify it, lol. It's the most childish "take two characters I like and smash them together" pair. I will say I've always struggled to ship characters with the MC even when they're cute because the player characters in Pokemon with the exception of RSE and DPPT never has enough personality for me to be invested in the ship.
That railroading is my big problem too, there are cool areas in Unova like the desert, but not enough optional areas like the Sevii Isles or the sunken boat in RSE. It's just not as fun to play and it feels weird to see it get such a resurgence of fans. I don't think you're being negative.

Congrats on technically beating Legends anon! I never have the patience for a full pokedex either.


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>never has enough personality for me to be invested in the ship.
I guess that's what the supplementary material is for
I don't like Black in the manga since he's obnoxious as hell but I like him in Master sex.


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Yeah the original run of Adventures and Magical Pokemon Journey are the the only side projects that stuck with me. Haven't checked out Masters but he's so short here!


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>the only side projects that stuck with me
I liked Adventure's ruby and sapphire arc and I actually liked the ship between the leads, the RBG arc I mainly liked for Blue because I found her really cute and funny so I think there's some okay stuff here and there, but the manga tends to fall apart once they reach a the third game's arc (Yellow, Emerald, etc) at least from the ones I read.
BW definitely highlights that the writer doesn't like non donut steel characters though, I was genuinely kinda upset when Bianca who had already been completely pushed aside (along with Cheren) got her pokedex and just gave it to White because 'she's the real female main'.
>Haven't checked out Masters but he's so short here
I don't actually play the game (just watch the events that interest me on youtube) but yeah he's tiny! Hilda is also really short, to the point where people were laughing at how short she is in comparison to Rosa.
I find their height gap very charming though.


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Merry Christmas!


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It's such an adorable ship, I love them.


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Don't understand the people who thought Bugsy was a girl. He's cute, but even his GS sprite looks like the clearly male Bug Catchers


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Dark Trinity had such sexualized designs, weird choice tbh. Wish they had more fan-content


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>Wish they had more fan-content
Me screaming IT'S OUR TURNNNNN until they hit us with the Gen 5 remakes. I hate how BW2 went out of its way to debunk the theory that the 3 of them were not actually the Striaton City bros.


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I know right???? For what purpose? It's such a fun idea and I love stuff like that where seemingly innocent characters are harboring a dark secret. Cilan in particular had a lot of angsty art centered around the idea with his anime counterpart


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dumping to get that shit off the front page


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Thanks, it's hard to do with the 5 minute cool down.


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Yeah I posted that before I realized there was a CD. Dumping in… 5 min spurts!


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And I think with this one we've bumped it off.

Necessary precaution, but it's still a pain to wait.


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I should really post here more often because while the husbandothreads are chill and I love them, I have weak yumeposting tolerance. I kind of wonder if a dedicated pokefujo thread here could be worth it because the thread title on this one is still super misleading (RIP anon who originally made it and it ended up getting derailed into general pokethread lol), but I'd only make it if I knew anons were interested.


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Yeah thread title is misleading lol. It's a holdover from a previous board and it would have been such a shame to let a pokemon thread rot how long until bump limit? For thread 2 we should pick a cute ship.


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>we should pick a cute ship.
How about the OG ship?


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Truly a classic, I love them in all forums, though Adventure might be my favorite version.


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These two are underrated together… Feels like sometimes I'm the only fan of this ship.


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You aren't the only one, but gen V is dominated by Hilbert so much that Nate and his ships are thrown to the wayside. Feels bad Hugh is a pretty easy rival to ship.


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Everyone's favorite pedophile Volo sama dropped today!


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I love the triplets still annoyed they weren't secretly Plasma members.


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I’m really excited for Legends ZA. I can’t wait for more information in November.
>favorite game to play
Black/White 2. Always loved playing them because it was the first Pokemon game that my parents bought me and not my older siblings hand-me-down cartridges. Literally the first time I was able to save.
>best male cast
Gen 5’s got a lot of cute guys but I also think Swsh has quite a few cute guys too
>favorite ship
My favorites are Nate/Hugh and Victor/Bede
>favorite gym leader
It’s not a guy, but I really like Elesa. Her roller coaster gym was entertaining and I love both her designs.
>Favorite pokeboy protagonist
I actually really like Brendan’s og design. And Red’s og design as well
Games. I don’t really read the manga and I only watched the Indigo league with Ash. I know the Mc’s characterization in the games is minimal, but I think their designs make up for the lack of character. although the S/V protagonists are kinda lackluster
There’s a few of us. I don’t think it helps that Rosa is the preferred protag.


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I'm one of the people in the "ships you never got into" thread who nevwe felt the urge to ship poke protags, but since that thread I've actually been reading a lot of Pokemon fanfiction centered on the evil teams. I guess they're defined enough for me to be invested in comparatively. Remember the Archie/Maxie influx during ORAS releases? That was great, though what I've been picking at the scraps for right now is Antigravityshipping (Ghetsis/Colress).

Do you guys have a favorite team? Mine is Team Rocket, though that is largely influenced by nostalgia and the anime, I think Plasma or Aether are the best solely factoring in the games.


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I liked quite a few of the villain teams but my shipping mileage was little to nothing. I was a massive Guzmafag at one point though and discovered what I guess you'd call RainGuz. Basically Rainbow Rocket ran a train on his ass, and you'd find art of LysandreGuzma and all sorts. It was pretty fun, mostly because the dynamic with Guzma either toyed with Guzma or caused the team leader's facade to break. Aside from Cyrus all the leaders are peak moe when fucked with. I don't hate Cyrus but his design and rigid worldview don't appeal to me much, he's mostly carried by his admins getting cutesy fanart he can't escape from. There's some fun stuff of him with Dia where his brain breaks and he spaghettis. I particularly like the artists who imagine Dia growing up to be much taller than him and treating him with an easygoing affection he can't understand.

Also it's pure delusion but I like what fans have done with Fox & Tanuki shipping. Hard to go wrong with muscular dumbass and small, pretty and dangerous. The backstories people have invented for them joining Team Rocket add nice flavor. In the anime special they're pretty stupid though.


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Oh nice! I liked Guzma a lot too when SM was new, though I mainly shipped him with Nanu because of the Cop/Criminal dynamic they had. He definitely has uke energy and I can see the appeal in him getting absolutely fucked by "real" villains. Kind of an "in over your head" situation right?

Same thoughts on Cyrus really, I think I need to replay DPPt at some point because I just remember him being a killjoy and boring tbh. Galactic is on the lower end of the teams for me but I like the Galactic Grunt design and think they are super cute, same with Saturn!


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