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/oc/ - Original Creation

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/oc/ is a board for anything and everything original creation or for sharing inspiration and tutorials.

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Thread for creating BL concepts.
Got an appealing idea for a new BL? Post em
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Hard agree especially ones like nonnas idea which focus on the monster falling in love with the MC.


I have a sorta counter suggestion. I think you could still retain the eldricht horror and the BL if you proceed in the h r giger way. Make everything a penis innuendo icluding the monster love interest. He could be in a similar vein to the xenomorph - the biggest litteral dick to be shown in cinema, after all.
Also funny enough but >>812 mentioning a shapeshifter reminds me of darkseed 2, lol. Either way, just like >>821 said, horror yaoi needs more entries, it's territory waiting to be thoroughly explored.


So I just came back from browsing some /ex/ and I thought "huh, The Fly (1986) is pretty cool, but what if we yaoified it?"

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This thread is for motivation to work on a manageable project from start to finish.

The purpose is to document my progress and to keep consistent since I struggle with always starting new projects but never finishing them.

I will take this as a learning opportunity.
Thread will include:

> scripting & episode planning

> storyboarding
> sketches, behind the scenes & mood-boards
> software showcase
> characters & concepts (both current and rejected)

Project will be NSFW & uncensored. Suggestions & tips are always welcomed.
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Paul Dano?


wow this looks great!


This is really neat!

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Exactly as the title says. Dump your cringiest, oldest, funniest nostalgic fujo art! Those contain soul and should be preserved. Picrel is art I made when I was 13, this is human Space Core x Wheatley
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holy shit. you’re much stronger than i am because i would have killed myself right then and there. being reminded of imageshack is also such a throwback.

>Jesus/Satan shipping

i did this too, albeit i never uploaded it. i just stuffed it in a notebook and left it in my closet (alongside jesus/judas, and warrior cats shit, and gay art of guys i knew irl). religious angst hits weird, i guess. and i’m 99.9% certain that my parents found it because it enigmatically disappeared one day, but i try to avoid thinking about it for the sake of my sanity.


>alongside jesus/judas
Fucking kek. There IS something fascinating about it I guess. I think a lot of teens have their occult, religious or UFO phase when they're around 14-16 years old. Probably an attempt to search for a meaning or deeper mysteries in life after the start of the coming of age phase demystified the real world.


My lord anon this story hit me like a truck, if any of the horribly edgy stuff I drew as an autistic 14-year old resurfaced at work I would die then and there. I can't even access my old accounts anymore because the e-mail they're attached to is long gone so I feel like I'm living on borrowed time because I don't even remember what awful shit I've posted online during my edgelord years.

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Share and brainstorm ideas for original characters.

Do you have a fella crawling around your brain space with no one to pair him with? Have you made a no-name to fill a fic gap and gotten attached? What dos and don'ts do you try to adhere to when making characters?
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Didn't draw pic related obviously, but have you nonas ever experienced something like this? For me I have a centaur and satyr OC who both started by me drawing Fig Cookie and Cream Unicorn Cookie a lot. The devs don't really care to give content to those two characters so I was like "fine I'll do it myself", but they've evolved much more and now I'm trying to make my own story in a fantasy setting with my own world-building and different fantasy races.


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Oh absolutely. A lot of the DNA of my OCs is a hodgepodge of beloved characters trapped in a medium that failed to deliver either a satisfying character arc or a dynamic that should have been romantic. This one-off character from a Yu Yu Hakusho movie is the 30-year-old template for an OC that is almost completely unrecognizable now. If you follow fandom artists long enough you can sometimes see this process live.


A couple OCs I had through the end of highschool were basically FMA characters rebranded as shapeshifting hellhounds. I don't think people would recognize them by name or personality, but one of them kept a really similar design for the longest. I still think of them fondly but it was pretty goofy powertripping and the world building was extremely vague for large swathes of it. I don't recall any actual plot, just saying they had a dimensional portal and throwing them into crossovers with whatever I wanted. Most of all I made them cuddle and bother each other. One of them was a smug asshole who knew he could get away with it, and the other was the grumpy fuck who bailed him most of the time.

It's a really cool design, I can see why you'd want to take elements of it.

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Thread for posting edits of images, editing old yaoi pics, pics that look off and for removing/adding certain things from pics.
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It's a simple edit, but can I request for the text and the zippertits to be edited out?


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I'm not great at edits but hopefully this is good enough


This is great nonnie! Thank you very much!!!

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 No.81[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a drawthread! Post your art of your favourite BL pairings or your husbando(s). Here's a cute Italy kitty I drew a while ago to start
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I would like to participate in this, I've just entered the server and sent the moderator a question. :)


AYRT OMG He's so cute! my sides I lost it at the sherk to your donkey comparison kek


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I wanna watch Japan from hetalia get fucked by the fat man…

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wondering if there are other nonnas that have interest in game development?

share your ideas and concepts, and ask any questions about game dev here!
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One day I wanna make a game that’s basically Abaddon Princess of the Decay, but fully bl


Ah that would be really cool Anona, that concept but fully gay would be so cool


I've been making a point-and-click/visual novel set in an abandoned rural place/forest with male characters the mc can encounter and become emotionally intimate with. It's my first ever game project so I'm sure it's shit but I don't really know who to share it with and where…

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 No.254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Any fandom applicable. Just curious what my fellow fujos are working on.
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Do you think you build stamina the more you write? I feel so inadequate, even though I have the story fully formed in my head already it takes forever for me to write even small 3000 word oneshots. I'm also sporadic with writing though and don't finish stories nearly enough. I want to get to the point where I write one story a month.


I think there has to be a point where you stop deliberating for 20mins over a sentence as you're writing it. Like a tolerance for whatever quality you've made just to get on with the belief you can fix it later. I always have that problem that I don't reach the scenes I want to write because I got hung up on getting there, and as much as I know to do either end and bridge the gap later my perceived inadequacies make it hard to press on.

I know of a fanfic author who writes literally 30k a week easy, completes whole fics before even uploading chapter 1. They're like a cryptid to me, but I know they've been at this for a decade straight as a Writing Person who is constantly writing. They believe in what they're doing and they trust that nothing bad comes from putting it out there.


I'm the same way, so it feels stupid to even give advice (takes me months to write even one fic; been working on the same 3k for around 3 months; some take even longer because I need time away to let the words ~marinate~ lmao I hate myself).

But >>791 is right, the best thing you can do is just write it. Set a timer, write with no distractions for 20-30 minutes. Don't think too much about the flow, the style, or the words at all. Just get it out, then revise later. If you use discord, I really like the sprinto bot for this.

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I wanna make a yaoi noncon game, though I know it wouldn't sell well at all.
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is this mutatsu and mc? i'm dying anon. please share more.


Yes, it is. I am surprised you recognized them lmao. I love the ship but there's no art so I just make gross hobbit shit on my own. Okay, when I get home I'll post more weird crap.


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here's a different persona gif thingy I did.

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