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Share and brainstorm ideas for original characters.

Do you have a fella crawling around your brain space with no one to pair him with? Have you made a no-name to fill a fic gap and gotten attached? What dos and don'ts do you try to adhere to when making characters?
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Didn't draw pic related obviously, but have you nonas ever experienced something like this? For me I have a centaur and satyr OC who both started by me drawing Fig Cookie and Cream Unicorn Cookie a lot. The devs don't really care to give content to those two characters so I was like "fine I'll do it myself", but they've evolved much more and now I'm trying to make my own story in a fantasy setting with my own world-building and different fantasy races.


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Oh absolutely. A lot of the DNA of my OCs is a hodgepodge of beloved characters trapped in a medium that failed to deliver either a satisfying character arc or a dynamic that should have been romantic. This one-off character from a Yu Yu Hakusho movie is the 30-year-old template for an OC that is almost completely unrecognizable now. If you follow fandom artists long enough you can sometimes see this process live.


A couple OCs I had through the end of highschool were basically FMA characters rebranded as shapeshifting hellhounds. I don't think people would recognize them by name or personality, but one of them kept a really similar design for the longest. I still think of them fondly but it was pretty goofy powertripping and the world building was extremely vague for large swathes of it. I don't recall any actual plot, just saying they had a dimensional portal and throwing them into crossovers with whatever I wanted. Most of all I made them cuddle and bother each other. One of them was a smug asshole who knew he could get away with it, and the other was the grumpy fuck who bailed him most of the time.

It's a really cool design, I can see why you'd want to take elements of it.

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Thread for posting edits of images, editing old yaoi pics, pics that look off and for removing/adding certain things from pics.
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It's a simple edit, but can I request for the text and the zippertits to be edited out?


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I'm not great at edits but hopefully this is good enough


This is great nonnie! Thank you very much!!!

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I wanna make a yaoi noncon game, though I know it wouldn't sell well at all.
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is this mutatsu and mc? i'm dying anon. please share more.


Yes, it is. I am surprised you recognized them lmao. I love the ship but there's no art so I just make gross hobbit shit on my own. Okay, when I get home I'll post more weird crap.


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here's a different persona gif thingy I did.

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Let's create a mascot for the website! Here is my idea. I thought that taking on a "magical girl" concept would be fun for her. How should we name her? Fujo Tan? Fujo-chan (that way it sounds the same as the website itself)?
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welcome back fujochan we survived another maintenance


nothing can stop the might of the fujoshi to live through infinite maintenances

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Lets draw Aoba from DMMD

>Must have Aoba in artwork
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blue haired faggot with dog?


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Necrobump, I really like his raised eyebrow sprite

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This thread is for people who want to get into writing fiction stories or want to improve. Share tips and resources and generally encourage each other and share your progress
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Yeah I thought they were a good starting point when I was tipping my toes into writing and they're still some of the most fun things to write imo.
Good luck with your writing nonna!


You know how to learn to draw, the best way is to start drawing still life from observation and work through fundamentals, construction etc? Cause if you just draw from imagination without learning, it still looks like shit. Is there any system like that in drawing for improving writing? Cause reading good literature doesn't automatically rub off on my writing, and when I try to write my own scenes they are capital S shit. They are Shit.


>They are Shit.
Do you understand why they are Shit or are you just being hard on yourself? What helps me with prose is not only reading "good" literature, but sometimes engaging with popular genre fiction that I know is mid/bad because it's easier to critique another person's work. For as long as I can stand to read I am thinking about why things are written the way they are and how I would write them instead. Borrow or pirate them; you don't even have to finish!

If you are getting your ideas down but don't like how they are written for a reason you can't identify, a common culprit is passive voice.

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From any franchise.

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Hello! This is a thread I made to show my ways of how I made a YAOI paddle. English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes, and if you have any questions about the process you can always ask!
Materials you'll need:
Cutter knife
Sanding paper
Wallpaper glue (or so called wallpaper paste)
Paper (the recycled kind! It hardens the best and it makes it very sturdy)
Acrylic putty
And most importantly - patience
First step: You'll have to draw the template on a piece of fibran as big as you like. If you don't have experience making templates I'd recommend drawing it first on a piece of paper or cardboard and then placing it as a base on the fibran.
Second step: Start carefully cutting the fibran along the lines, it should be done with a cutter knife, if you use an ordinary knife you'll struggle a lot with this task. Never cut against yourself, and be careful with your fingers! If you accidentally cut too much and deform the shape, don't worry, it can be fixed with the next steps.
Third step: After you're done, get the sanding paper and sand it until it's smooth. Yeah, that's pretty much it… And remember to smooth the edges very well!
Fourth step: Now that it is smooth, it's time for the paper mache! To prepare the wallpaper glue you just have to mix it with hot water and stir it until there are no hard parts in it (I'd recommend using the one sold in powder form). Then rip the recycled paper in pieces and start gluing them on the paddle. There SHOULD NOT be any parts left where the fibran is visible, you have to seal the fibran as if you're sealing a demon! There must be at least 3 layers of paper mache, 5 the most.
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OMG NONA!! i remember you! thank you so much for the guide!! yaoi_stamp i'll try to see if I can make one too!! I also thought of maybe just buying a wooden paddle and writing yaoi on it, but I'm afraid they don't exactly have the iconic shape. Is your paddle fragile?


I'd say the paddle is quite sturdy, I waved it around, accidentally hit it with some things, dropped it a few times and not even a crack.


NONNA, YOU LEGEND!!!! i remember when you initially posted about this project. and now?? it’s beautiful. it’s also great to hear that it’s sturdy; gives me flashbacks to that apocryphal story about a cosplayer’s hip being broken by one. i feel like i just saw a historical artifact remade. you did a great job!!!!
yaoi_stamp yaoi_stamp yaoi_stamp

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I was just thinking to myself I wish I knew how to draw. If I could, I could maybe make a living like that… As it is all I can do is write.

But outside of fanfiction with characters they know and love, would a fujo even want to read books like that? Is there a platform for that kind of thing? If you want to draw and sell your doujins, there's avenues. What about writing?

I've written a bunch but it just occurred to me that any normal publishers would probably see no value in this kinda shit. Like if you go the erotic fiction route, the fujo market isn't perusing those dirty paperbacks, if you go the normal route people will say you're sexualizing gay dudes (even though real gays are the furthest thing from my mind). So…
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>Adult readers that don't read YA are more open to new concept and more forgiven towards "problematic" content.
True, never read YA and I've spent literal hundreds on fujo books and comics. I even spent it all digitally just so I could save money to spend it on more original fujo works….

If you do it I'll be your first customer. I love original eroBL. ♡


> I love original eroBL. ♡
Not OP but where do you buy original bl, anon?


I'll come back after I self publish to hawk 5 dollar paperbacks I guess lol

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Leave a BL prompt (silly, serious, smut, whatever you want), and I'll write three paragraphs.

I'm bored. Is anybody on? Meh. Gif unrelated, ryo is cute.
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Thomas didn't leave. He shoved Reese into the shadows onto his back, and Reese grunted from the impact. Thomas came down heavy on top of him. He smelled like sweat. Reese hated the stink of him. "Did you think I'd be frightened? Of you, the village coward?" Thomas forced his fingers into his mouth and Reese gagged. He could taste faint traces of gunpowder. He'd been hunting with the men earlier. Had been given the right. Reese had never touched a rifle in his life. Thomas jerked them out with a wince, deep teeth marks encircling his knuckles. Reese shoved up at his chest, hand sliding towards his shoulder to grip at it as Thomas forced his wet fingers into his ass. Not without some resistance, not without some pain that Reese whimpered through. Arousal snaked through him, had snaked through him the minute Thomas had come down on top of him. He dug his stubby bitten down nails into Thomas skin. Half-hard and beginning to pant.

"Do you envy me, Reese?" Thomas yanked his fingers out of him. His hand found Reese's mouth and held it shut as he forced his wet cockhead inside of him. Quickly, without ceremony, his shaft gradually followed suit. The worn floorboards creaked beneath Reese's clammy back. He groaned into his palm, nails drawing blood now. His own was boiling. Rage or lust, both. He didn't know. If he was crying, it was only because it wasn’t fair. It was only Because Thomas himself wasn’t fair. "Is that," Thomas was thrusting into him now. It hurt more than anything but Reese wound his legs around his middle like he didn't want him to stop. "is that what this is about? God, at least you're good for something. When I tell everyone, they’ll be so relieved. How hard it must be to live without a purpose." Reese thought about killing him still, bashing his head in over and over. He thought about that as he desperately tried to meet his thrusts. The moon hung high outside only window, eerie, yellow, ugly. He couldn’t see through his tears.

Thomas. Perfect Thomas. Reese wanted him dead.


Wow, that was quick! Thank you anon, the worldbuilding is phenomenal and I've no idea how you managed to do it so well with a story so short. And the dynamic these two guys have… chefs kiss. You're a damn good writer!


Thanks for the kind words guys ^^ I haven't been in the mood to write lately so it's nice to give it a lil whirl.

Wellp, if anybody else has any ideas, feel free to drop them.

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