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File: 1664351045398.png (1.41 MB, 1410x2250, stable diffusion thread.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


This thread is for generating BL/fujo related images from the Stable Diffusion AI.

I have gotten my hands on Stable Diffusion and added it as a plugin on my Krita software, the process was more simple than what I expected and have been addicted to it for the past two days trying to create various yaoi like manga cover images.

You can get the plugin here:

Don't want to deal with the plugin hassle? use Dream Studio:

I will generate images based on any prompt requests I get, lets see what we get!

Image2text: give me a text prompt and I'll generate based off of that.

Image2Image: give me a shitty drawing + the prompt you want and I'll generate an image based off of it (colored preferably).
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These are beautiful dude. I kinda love this AI fad, neato.

Attaching a horrid doodle- Two boys in a yaoi throwing coins in a wishing fountain.


What are they wishing for?


Gay answer: to stop feeling lonely.

Not-gay answer: for some god damn shoes.

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What are some good sites for posting (for free) your own BL manga? I already know Dynasty Reader, but are there other alternatives? I don't want to use mainstream ones such as WebToon, WebComics, WebManga etc.
Any help will be appreciated!
(Pic related is from Honeysweet Syndrome.)
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I mean if you’re ok with censoring your shit there’s always pixiv. Not really a comic publishing site, but considering the amount of bl manga that get serialized these days that stated out on pixiv it’s a decent place to post. Only thing that sucks about it is japanese censorship laws.


I heard a couple years ago about a guy who's trying to get rid of that retarded law that makes people censor nudity in Japan. Bless his soul I don't remember his name but I hope he has lots of support. I'd love to upload comics on Pixiv but I like drawing pretty details on penises and I'd hate for that to be covered up by an ugly black bar.


I'm amazed that no one mentioned myreadingmanga

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Let's see what type of story fujochan will come up with! Will it be chaotic? Full of Romance? With incredible plot twists? Or will we have a nonsensical funny story? Our nonas decide!

I'll start with my ass writing:

September first marks the first day of school. Our protagonist [nona decides his name] is running late! He has spend the whole summer slacking off, lying on his bed, reading manga and not paying attention to the inevitability of school work. The boy hasn't gotten used to early mornings, he barely had time to think about breakfast. School starts in no less than 15 minutes and all he can do is run. Grabbing a piece of toast, he can only think for the best. Dashing off from the front door, our soon to be schoolboy sprints towards the apprehended establishement. But during his run he bumps into….


I want to join in, but how does this work exactly? I will wait for other people to reply to see a demonstration I guess.


Just write a paragraph which will be the continuation of the story.

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i've looked at every modern art commissioning website but the vast majority are het or coomer artists. even found some that had yaoi/bl on their won't draw list. maybe i'm just not looking in the right places or my results are too skewed for western artists, but i have money to spare and i just wanna spread the love of my otp, it's to the point i want to learn to draw guys…

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is there any artist that you look up to or use as your inspiration?
Post it.


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for me its Liduke. i fucking love her art since her girl's frontline art day & its nice to see her draw a bunch of males in Arknights.
I love how she can draw both handsome man & sexy girl. her coloring is top-notch, she inspired me to learn how to paint on digital.
I fucking admire how multi-talented she is, she can draw any character and it end up good.
also pretty based that she can draw gay shit too on top can draw coomer female. Absolute queen.


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asides from most of the godly JP artists in Pixiv: Norman Rockwell, JC Leyendecker, and Kim Jung Gi

absolute gods of stylized realism (postrealism?) i wish i can channel their power to draw gay ass shit

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