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/oc/ - Original Creation

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File: 1664351045398.png (1.41 MB, 1410x2250, stable diffusion thread.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


This thread is for generating BL/fujo related images from the Stable Diffusion AI.

I have gotten my hands on Stable Diffusion and added it as a plugin on my Krita software, the process was more simple than what I expected and have been addicted to it for the past two days trying to create various yaoi like manga cover images.

You can get the plugin here:

Don't want to deal with the plugin hassle? use Dream Studio:

I will generate images based on any prompt requests I get, lets see what we get!

Image2text: give me a text prompt and I'll generate based off of that.

Image2Image: give me a shitty drawing + the prompt you want and I'll generate an image based off of it (colored preferably).

>how do you feel about AI generated images?
>how do you suggest people should use such tools?


File: 1664353749221.png (388.79 KB, 946x552, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Here is an example of how Image2image works, results may vary.


File: 1664354819452-0.png (385.7 KB, 512x512, 2535013630_Romance_manga_c….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1664354819452-1.png (477.21 KB, 512x512, 2535013630_Bl_manga_cover_….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1664354819452-2.png (572.5 KB, 512x512, unknown-26.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1664354819452-3.png (485.54 KB, 512x512, unknown-27.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1664354819452-4.png (569.51 KB, 512x512, unknown-14.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Ai generated bl hits different


File: 1664354836031.png (632.63 KB, 512x512, unknown-13.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


This sounds interesting! Can I make a request?

Um, two guys from the 1950s kissing at a sock hop, maybe? Is this how a request works? Anyway I can attempt to draw it if needed but I assure you I am no artist.


Victorian navy officers being cute and domestic? Or just kissing?


File: 1664525829862-0.png (4.88 MB, 1533x1863, sock hop dudes.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1664525829862-1.png (4.74 MB, 1533x1863, Victorian navy dudes.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Cool prompts, had to adjust a few wordings here and there to get the most BL results.
I'm not too upset about the distortions in these generations, they are getting there at least.
I have a few more generations left before I run out for the day, will make more and post later.
>I can attempt to draw it if needed but I assure you I am no artist.
Please do! That is the point of image2image processes, make sure you leave no gaps when coloring because it'll just render out the lines instead of producing a painting.


File: 1664594481230.jpg (40.39 KB, 822x484, attemptsweremade.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

These are beautiful dude. I kinda love this AI fad, neato.

Attaching a horrid doodle- Two boys in a yaoi throwing coins in a wishing fountain.


What are they wishing for?


Gay answer: to stop feeling lonely.

Not-gay answer: for some god damn shoes.

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