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I was just thinking to myself I wish I knew how to draw. If I could, I could maybe make a living like that… As it is all I can do is write.

But outside of fanfiction with characters they know and love, would a fujo even want to read books like that? Is there a platform for that kind of thing? If you want to draw and sell your doujins, there's avenues. What about writing?

I've written a bunch but it just occurred to me that any normal publishers would probably see no value in this kinda shit. Like if you go the erotic fiction route, the fujo market isn't perusing those dirty paperbacks, if you go the normal route people will say you're sexualizing gay dudes (even though real gays are the furthest thing from my mind). So…


Self publishing is always an option but that might be hard if you don't have an audience. Maybe going to a publisher and promote it as a mlm-representation-YA-novel, there is a surprisingly amount of authors who write for that genre that are female and many of them come off as former fujos or fujos in denial. But in all earnestly I actually do think trying to promote is as a novel for adults(as in not young adult) to a publisher is something to consider. I have read some stuff online written by fujos that had very typical yaoi elements but the prose was so solid that you forgot that and I could easily see it being published professionally. Adult readers that don't read YA are more open to new concept and more forgiven towards "problematic" content.
Unless you want it to be specifically market towards fujos? Because it would be nice if there was a platform for thatit's weird that the english-speaking world never got a dedicated fujo market the same way Japan did. Slash shipping has been a thing in both otaku and nerd circles for a long time. Maybe because otakus where better at making female only spaces so BL could flourish easier? But I digress. I wish I could give you some better answers anon:( good luck though! Personally I would love more fujo novels!


>Unless you want it to be specifically market towards fujos?
Ideally. It's such a large but uncatered to market.

I think that probably there is no solution beyond catering instead to normal people and cut out all eroticism, as it wouldn't appeal to anyone but people like us anyway. But that makes me very sad.

Thanks for replying anyway. I know it's a longshot.


>Adult readers that don't read YA are more open to new concept and more forgiven towards "problematic" content.
True, never read YA and I've spent literal hundreds on fujo books and comics. I even spent it all digitally just so I could save money to spend it on more original fujo works….

If you do it I'll be your first customer. I love original eroBL. ♡


> I love original eroBL. ♡
Not OP but where do you buy original bl, anon?


I'll come back after I self publish to hawk 5 dollar paperbacks I guess lol

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