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Thread for creating BL concepts.
Got an appealing idea for a new BL? Post em


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I have an idea for an BL that takes place in a world similar to ours, but the people are half prehistoric animals.
Because of the hunter - prey dynamics, wars are very often accurance, and I'm thinking the romance to be between two smilodon warriors. I'm very into the history genre and I'll try to make it historically accurate in an ancient egyptian + spartanian style.
Also I'm thinking of starting an webmanga and I want to see if it will get an following.
(Also sorry if there are spelling mistakes, english is not my native launguage.)


this sounds based. will it have abo?


What's abo?


alpha/beta/omega dynamics


Ok, so checked the meaning of ABO and it means Alpha, Beta and Omega right?
I'm thinking of the societal structure to be very different.
I'm thinking the smilodon society to be semi-female dominated. Both sexes have equal roles and stand on the same place on the ladder of their society, but since the females are stronger and bigger they are send to fight as soldier, they also send males only as a back-up.
In the story their army is send to fight againts another one but with animals that are bigger than them and more in numbers, and since most soldiers died they have to use the back up.
The story resolves around two soldier, but the one is weaker because he has an imputated leg. The two soldier escape from the battlefield but get lost, and they're trying to survive away from their civilisation.
Also I made the females bigger and stronger because in paleontology there's an speculation that some carnivore species such as T-Rex were living in female dominated order (like hyenas) and I decited to apply it to the smilodon.


>are send to fight as soldier
> around two soldier
I meant soldiers, this is what writing fast gets you haha.


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if i had the chance to create an anime…roughly:

>7 samurai, but full of fujobait.

>12 princes fighting one another for the position of emperor; i'm fuzzy on history but it'd be during the time where courtesans plotted their sons against one another

>psycho pass, but homo


>>psycho pass, but homo
I really want to see it now.


yeah so do i. in general i just want to see more bl shows that aren't shit/shows where the protags and whatever just happen to be gay


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An underground eugenicist organization carries out an operation to turn men gay. In the aftermath of this op, which comes to be known as "The Day of the Gay," men from affected areas are looked down on as false homosexuals, especially the ones with former wives and girlfriends. Our young protagonist who has grown up in this world begins to have feelings for another man, and he must come to terms with his love possibly being the result of bio-terrorism. This insecurity sets him on a quest to prove that he is a "real homo," but in turn he ends up pushing away the one man he cares about. A subculture of frustrated boyfriendless women also develops, and men are abducted and sold across these lands. Growing increasingly disparaged by changing societal trends, some victimized men team up with these women to look for a way to undo the damage and become normal again. When the possibility arises that the object of his affection will no longer love him, what will our protagonist do?


What the fuck please make this


We need a BL with a raging insecure virgin incel who gets dicked down by a chad.

kek that sounds hilarious, I'd read it.



I was imaging more like the type who sperg hard over chads stealing hot women and how they're sooo ugly and get rejected constantly because women are shallow yadda yadda. They tend to talk so much about chad dick they don't seem to realize how gay they seem. The uke in this one is too self-aware but it's a good rec.


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So I actually was going to make this concept into a whole webcomic back in 2019 but it never happened due to it being "problematic" sadly. Quick summary, Silver & Gold is a story about an immortal guy (Silver) and a mortal (Gold) who looks like the man that betrayed him Many years ago. I put a longer summary in a text file since it was getting out of hand. pics are of the characters and a side character who I have not made a bf for yet.
Since fujochan is now a thing I'm planning of drawing their comic again so I'm glad my skills improved since then.


this is cute as hell anon i'm rooting for you and your comic


I womansplained to a group of friends about the primary relationship in the comic I'm drafting. They got mad, saying it's predatory for the 30-something guy to be attracted to the guy in his 20s. Wat?

It's a horror comic with a fucked-up side romance between two toxic men who, due to their own vices, "deserve each other." I imagine I'll end up chastised on twitter upon releasing this edgy hunk of trash (evidently, they find even the adult age gap problematic) … but I feel like, even though it's widely discussed, "gay horror" is a subgenre that is neglected by creators. Like there's a gap in the market. A hole, if you will. A hole … begging to be filled. lol
I mean, gay horror like Killing Stalking is everywhere, but I'm imagining a horror concept that doesn't surround the relationship itself. Y'know? An otherworldly horror, from which relationships emerge! (If anyone has examples of existing media like this, I would devour that shit, btw.)

This is great! I'd definitely read it to the end. Good luck!


My OCs son is falling in love with my other OCs son, I already have a generation before those OCs and their stories already have finished. With this one it wasn't even planned, it just happened. The premise with the current new generation is that they want to get married but their parents won't allow it, some drama in the background with their evil grandpa trying to keep his kingdom under control and the other grandpa trying to tear down the kingdom and save his own people. So much drama that can't be summed up quickly!


Two clans (not sure if want to make it in Japan or not) have both of the leader's sons get married so that the clans join forces and be related to one another. The two leaders have always shipped their sons together and the story is about the leaders falling in love, not the sons. The sons have more of an understanding of their duty and they form a friendship around it.
Sounds amazing, I'd definitely read the hell out of it! I'm into the whole knight stuff, it have a sweet spot with me


>story is about the leaders falling in love, not the sons.
This actually sounds super cute. A bit like they channeled long time feels for each other into shipping their sons cause it's the next closest thing.


thank you nonnie, also your idea sounds adorable


This is adorable. I'd love to read it if you ever publish it somewhere, let us know nonni.
Why is it considered problematic? I stay out of social media, so I have no idea what could be so "disturbing" about your story.


Fudanshi teacher get assigned to work in an all boys school, his expectations is that there will be so many cute and cool students to ship together but instead he is met with adults that were pushed back behind due to failure, those on the brink of dropping out and gangsters. His little kawaii dream bubble popped and he couldn't find it in himself to shop those rough looking men and teens together.

He has a pastime hobby of reading BL on his own, usually at an empty classroom. So, when he was alone in class after excusing himself from the office, he was having lunch and reading some spicy BL.

A group of his students suddenly break into the classroom, they didn't know that he was there and one of them noticed he was reading manga.

Out of sheer being a total asshole, he snatches the manga from him accusing him of reading hentai and it was deemed a failure to retrieve it back. The trouble makers run away with the BL and they read it on their way back home.

Next day the teacher is looking distressed and the gangsters are all giving him looks, his life is doomed for sure yeah?

After class, the leader of that group comes to him, drops the manga on his table and then asks for the second chapter. Him and the rest of the class want to know what happens next and if the two guys will keep on dating.

That's the concept that I have so far.


I like your idea, I think it could turn into a wholesome comedy quite fast but aren't you planning to ship him with someone too?


Thank you nonnie! I have a soft spot for bad boys and gangsters + the fudanshi trope in BL is based and underrated
>aren't you planning to ship him with someone too?
I was thinking maybe another Nonna can chip in with ideas for that because I only thought of the concept just today.


maybe with another teacher that also has an unusual interest? like someone who is secretly a boy group idol fan or something embarrassing like that.
or if you want some beef/rivalry, someone who is also a secret weeb but really dislikes BL or someone who is also fudanshi but he has completely different ships. maybe he only likes bara/traps and doesn't agree with MC's taste in manga. and then the students notice some sparkles between them and decide to help them get together


I like that idea! Maybe the other teacher is a mecha nerd and has no intrest in BL but maybe traps because moid, and the students rule him out as a potential ship because he's weird as fuck and always teases MC for other various things. And I like that the students would notice the sparkles between them and then realize all the teasing was because he likes MC or something but just doesn't like his tastes in stuff?


i like classic Angel x Demon aesthetic but instead i want the angel is seme + hunk man and the demon one is twink uke.
im tired seeing angel x demon BL and it mostly usual seme demon corrupt the uke angel.


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I like that, reminds me of the angel x angel manhwa story with the pervy older angel. Little angel even got roofied and then impregnated the title is "Ring"if you're intrested
If you'd write the concept you got as a story I'd definitely read it.


>seme demon
More like semen demon am i right?


Thanks for recommendation anon.
I might wrote it once im in mood.


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same that angel x demon anon here.
here i draw picture about the concept, i can only draw chibi most of the time & too lazy to draw detail but you get the picture.
i just putting my fetish here, always have a thing with shirokami uke.
the angel is hunk man ( a bit muscular), genki like ray of sunshine & very tall ( im thinking something 185~190 cm)
because he's angel i dont think he's that horny & very shy about sex stuff, but once he fuck the uke & he fuck like a beast, enough to make the demon cant walk after sex. he genuinely fall in love with the demon, at first he want to deny it how can he, an angel fall in love with a demon. i think he's type of guy who want the best of his lover & generally act like wanko/doggo.

the demon is twink & very short (around 165-ish) for personality like typical demon wicked, cunning, immoral & lustful. but he's not the whore flamboyant incubus type lust more like uhn cant explain but ''appear innocent & let people lusting over him type" i draw his face a bit stoic to give more picture what kind person is he.

as for dynamic i can see the demon sometime seduces / entice the angel but the angel being a pure boy those stuff fly over his head lol.
i dont know what to write, since this just concept, but i would be interested to see other anon came up with their own idea / interpretation.

sorry if it sounds generic because i simply craving for seme angel x uke demon dynamic.


weren't Egyptians inbred and short, also Egypt has been conquered and fucked by almost everyone

>Raped and Conquered by Hyksos

>Raped and Conquered by Sea people
>Raped and Conquered by Nubians
>Raped and Conquered by Lybic Berbers
>Raped and Conquered by Assyrians
>Raped and Conquered by Achemenids Persians
>Raped and Conquered by Macedonian Greeks
>Raped and Conquered by Romans (over 600 Years)
>Raped and Conquered by Sassanid Persians
>Raped and Conquered by Rashidun Arabs
>Raped and Conquered by Ummayad Arabs
>Raped and Conquered by Abbasid Arabs
>Raped and Conquered by Turkic Tulunids
>Raped and Conquered by Turkic ilkshidids
>Raped and Conquered by Kutama Berbers
>Raped and Conquered by Franks
>Raped and Conquered by Kurdish Ayyubids
>Raped and Conquered by Turkic bahrite Mamluks
>Raped and Conquered by Circassian Burjite Mamluks
>Raped and Conquered by Turkic Ottomans
>Raped and Conquered by the French
>Raped and Conquered by Albanians
>Raped and Conquered by Brits


>Egyptians inbred and short
well duh the pharaohs were, sure but obviously not the laypeople


It was still common enough that the word for "beloved" was in relations to brothers and sisters, sure maybe not as much as most historians thought but still a lot
also doesn't change the fact, that Egyptians have been fucked over 2000 years now, so clearly their not that tough either


>inbred and short
And yet they managed to survive in the desert, have an interesting culture, come up with hieroglyphics, build pyramids and be remembered for thousands of years. Whereas most of us aren't inbred (I hope), nor particularily short either, and yet, what can we do? Most of us struggle to even draw our own yaoi fanart…


I watch a lot of african tik tok dance video and listen to afrobeat lately. So i have a concept story about an young black african diaspora girl (my headcanon is ghanaian lived in Uk) with her hot chad tall cool older brother (seme). They go back to their homecountry ghana for holiday and get in touch with their culture and interact with a local dance studio. Her older brother then will slowly fall in love with the short cheerful dance teacher (uke) in that studio and they become dance partners. the story then filled with romantic pinning and just wholesome interaction between the siblings and that dance studio.


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I won't say which culture just yet because that'll just expose who I am but in the ancient days in my country we had Gods that people worshiped and used coins with their symbols as currency. The God of food and water is a popular one and represented by two goats, the main god that ruled the land here is represented by a metallic bull's head and has the greatest influence on all nearby gods. God of food and water in my concept would be friends with the God of fertility, semen, magic and mischief so he would notice a liking forming with his friend and the main God and because he's into mischief and many forms of pleasure, he would work his magic to lure them together and many drama would happen because main God is so serious and rules with an iron fist (literally and metaphorically) but even with the magic that pulls them together gone, main God still maintains the feelings he developed for God of food and water plot twist is that there was no magic performed, he just tricks them to belive that he did something . It's a bit niche and even Wikipedia doesn't have enough documentation on our former gods but I thought I'd take a shot on it and expand it furthermore. Having a God of semen existing before 2000 BC is funny enough as is, people were actually praying for cum, kek. Pic unrelated.


Good one nona, i wish there are more well researched bl from niche culture or mythology


Same here! Chinese BL kind of scratches that itch but I want to see more from Thai mythology, maybe Philippino mythology too since I don't know anything about those two other than one or two ghost stories. I wonder if there's also American or Canadian mythology lol, I've read some native American BL before, those are good. Might make a general mythology thread later on.


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A mattress shop owner falls in love with an insomniac. The story would begin with the mattress shop owner appearing in one of those obnoxious America TV ads and insomnia-kun happens to see it really late at night.
He makes the trip to go to the mattress shop but it was too late and the owner was closing already. Owner-kun sees the condition of insomnia-kun and feels pity for him so he let's him in to test out a few of the mattresses, insomnia-kun still fails to sleep.
Insomnia-kun asks the owner to sleep next to him to motivate him to rest out of being so frustrated, that does the trick and that's how they start to develop feelings for one another.


That's so fucking cute and unique I'd read the shit out of something like that anon


I've actually started wiring the beginning of it, I should open a fics and stories thread perhaps so others can post their own over there too as well.


I want to write a really fucked up stalker story, where stalker MC is really sick in the head but acts all normal and is naturally charismatic. Just to highlight how horny and unhinged MC's thoughts are when stalking his favorite person. Haven't developed the idea more than what's on the surface.


Business man goes back in time to fix his his old delinquent self, his younger self falls for himself. That's it.


A story about a sign that says ochinchin that appeared on top of a hill one morning. Later there is a reward for whoever finds the ochinchin sign and everyone is searching for it. MC joins in on the the ochinchin sign search to help his childhood friend (who he is in love with) because he thinks it is interesting. It is revealed that he was the one who made the ochinchin sign all along and becomes a propaganda puppet. He hates it and locks himself in his room. He is forced to go to a celebrity dinner where he talks to a famous guy who convinces him to follow his heart. So he goes on a radio show telling the truth about why he made the ochinchin sign, comes out as gay, and confesses to his childhood friend. His friend rejects him but they go to Japan for university together where he gets a boyfriend.


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Very silly idea I have based off of a fever dream I had.
A lonely farmer working in his corn field one day spots a perfectly looking corn, it was a good size and shape, color was the best he'd seen in while and it looked juicy and aptizing.
He decides to put it in his pocket and walk back home with the harvest of the day, having already made plans with what he's going to do with that corn. As soon as he finished his meal (corn btw) he heads to his bedroom and sets the mood, taking off his clothes and lubing up the corn. It's fate was to pleasure his insides, the corn hits all the right places with the guidance of his hands until the corn starts to manifest a power of its own from the friction and the heat of the pleasure. The spirit of the corn presents itself as a man and now being able to hold the farmer, he took it over fron there to embrace him. Even when the farmer was shocked at what happened, the pleasure of it all blinded him and had him begging for more from the corn God. I'll write more later on when I'm not tired, there's still more to explain.


I want to know what happens after that


Is the corn-man a corn gijinka? or have any physical motifs or similarities to corn? does his dick have the texture of corn? anon I have so many questions, this is great kek


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Been a long day, sorry for the late reply. And to answer the questions, yes, he is a humanoid corn gjinka. His dick is the chosen corn that the farmer picked out, his body manifested dick first from the cob.
More details on the events of the story, the farmer wakes up all sticky and he tastes soem of the sticky goop on his body, it tastes just like corn syrup! But it wasn't quite corn syrup, it was the bodily fluids of whatever he managed to summon from that corn, he noticed that corn creature was still in his bed looking all satisfied. Of course he demands an explanation and the corn God tells him that he had not been needed in so many years, in fact he's been dormant for thousands if not more years! The corn God says it was fate that he picked the chosen corn out of many from field to pleasure him and explained how the chosen corn is in fact his genitals, his golden shaft as he likes to call it. There is much more to the story other than hot sex with corn such as Corn god defending the land and himself from government agents and ancient creatures like himself. The agents call him "Maize Master" but farmer calls him Kernel Sanders after gaining feelings for him. Some of Kernel's abilities include exploding popcorn where he throws kernels from his hands and as they pop they cause a small explosion, he has the ability of growing tall corn stalks that he can grab onto and escape with and other abilities that I'll write in a different post since it's past my bed time already. Hope you enjoyed.


>"Maize Master"
I'm losing my fuckijg mind anon please write more


That is so different than what I thought it'd be. I thought that the man made from corn would be a mortal corn, and his sole purpose is to the whim of the farmer who created him out of his pure lust. Then I thought maybe the first arc's conflict is a farming contest a sort of "biggest corn" situation where the farmer has to discretely use his corn lover's penis, which is more massive than any true corn. The farmer would need to hide the body, probably under the table with just his penis coming out from a hole in the table. Then somehow he falls and exposes that he is in fact a beauteous corn-penised corn man. Then maybe he is coveted by the entire village.


Islamic omegaverse, I've always had this idea on my mind ever since I've seen the Ramadhan omegaverse clip on tik tok. How would omegaverse work on an Islamic basis? Does the omega wear a hijab? Also to expand on it, Jewish omegaverse? Christian omegaverse? If any Christian or Jewish fujos here can chime in I'll appreciate it a lot!


If omegaverse were real, society as a whole would be way tol different from what we have now tbh. I can't really imagine any of this actually happening exactly like it happened irl.


>and it mostly usual seme demon corrupt the uke angel.
I know this post is 2 years old but here goes. I actually am working on something like this right now however there is a twist to the uke angel corruption, and the demon isn't doing it because "fuck heaven" or because "I am evil~" but rather as an "easy-mode" into climbing higher on the social ladder of Hell. And no it's not really easy to do, just that corrupting an angel would make the process to ascend faster so that's why he pursues it. Angels are considered very dangerous and difficult to find in the mortal realm and when a demon see one, they're either going to die or the angel is letting the demon see them for a different reason. Though that isn't the twist with the bottom angel.


DA but Nonna this sounds so cool, please finish making it no matter how long it takes, I'd love to read it ♡♡♡


oooh that sounds like such a fun story, nonna. ♥ ♥ i absolutely adore angel/demon stuff (or just religious themes in general). actually, the verrry first og yaoi story i ever wrote was about a demon corrupting an angel, but it wasn’t nearly as in-depth of a concept. i just wanted to write about angel wings getting molested.

anyway, if/when you finish it, i hope you post about it here so we can all see it!!


The emperor has particular tastes. To cater to them there are two separate harems inside the inner palace - one for duties and one for pleasure. The harems are divided by artificial rivers and a secure records office, and officially no intact male may enter the dutiful harem other than the emperor himself. There is however one young man who can be seen helping out on either side. The concubines jokingly call him their mule, for he has a large frame and fulfills their requests to carry heavy loads back and forth. The emperor may call him his mule for other reasons. Despite being complete the court physicians have determined it impossible for him to threaten the royal bloodline, he is simply much too ill equipped for the act. Tune in this Thursday for Da Wang's da wang


Nona from the OC making thread here, went on a weekend long tangent, lost touch with reality a bit. SoL with buff guys?

Pastebin is down so I can't set it to expire automatically but I'll try not to press the kill switch for a few days. Something about this feels weirdly vulnerable and stupid though so I hope you understand the temptation.


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I have been thinking of writing something set in a homonormative society (where gay relationships are the norm and the majority). I was surprised that were not more fantasy BL stories with all-gay elements, which is what inspired the idea. Most of the cast would be male and it would be set in a world similar to ancient Greece or Rome, very militaristic. The main character would be a young religious solider who receives a message from the gods that he will save his tribe (or whatever) from the invaders currently occupying their territory. Romance wouldn't be the focus so the BL would be in the background (which is another trope I would like to see more of, just a causal romance arc between male characters) but I really like the idea of him and the main antagonist having some tension along with various other side characters.


>the BL would be in the background (which is another trope I would like to see more of, just a causal romance arc between male characters)
I also love plot heavy stories, or stories where the romance tends to take a back seat, so I would love it if there was a work like you described someday.


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It's a very silly idea but I thought of a world where dinosaurs didn't go extinct, but they still needed to adapt to survive to the new mammal era so they evolved to look more like humans. There would be different species with different struggles based on their anatomy (carnotaurus would have useless arms, therizinosaurus would have very inconvenient long claws, etc etc).
It would be a human boy who goes study abroad to a more warm country primarily inhabited by dinosaurs, he meets a delinquent carnotaurus boy who beats anyone up that mentions his tiny arms, he's very aggressive but has a soft spot our protagonist will try to find. There's other characters too: cutesy tlatolophus boy who is pretty two faced and can be incredibly cruel, a very shy imperobator boy who is super secluded and solitary, a kuudere therizinosaurus boy who doesn't really speak, and the duo of a spinosaurus and an iguanodon who are childhood friends who share one braincell.
I still need to see what the personality of the main human would be and how he would try to approach the carnotaurus boy, as well as how their struggles as two different species would be like, it's still a very loose idea for now.


Happy Valentine's day! I put off editing the next part of the previous madeup series and tried to slap together a full concept based on nona's BL game transmigration idea. Ended up rushing the final and most crucial part but it was going to take forever otherwise, gomin.


This is awesome anon! I'm so upset this isn't a real game, I know I'd play the shit out of it. Also the MC being the big bad villain all along was such a genius move.
>Bad end, Russell destroys everyone and sobs alone. The credits appear over the sobbing with no BGM to rub in how much you fucked up
Your brain is so massive anon. I can practically hear this scene.
Also, I ship Russel with Prince Azabel. God bless Keiko for fucking everything up and making my ship canon kek


I need this


Glad you like the idea Nona! I've been thinking and maybe the human character could be a cynical yet friendly guy who has a bias against carnivorous dinos because maybe he almost got killed by one. It could be an interesting conflict if the human ends up having feelings for an aggressive rebellious carnotaurus.


cat x dog furry bl


Omegaverse. The gay bar Channel 46 has a mascot, the tall and elegant omega Shin-chan. A man prone to dazed expressions who has no issue with using the regulars to relieve his heat. It's a small community who all know Shin-chan isn't the type to fall in love, as a former pastor he cares for everyone equally and has trouble seeing kindness as anything special. One evening a newcomer arrives, a well built man of average height named Takashi who recently moved for his work and is looking for a place to unwind. He's immediately taken with Shin-chan's warm welcome, and his eyes can't stop lingering on his long body. He's not the only one, Shin-chan's flock are enthusiastic to discuss all his finest features. They haven't jokingly nicknamed the bar Chapel 4651 for nothing.

There's just one problem: Takashi is an omega, and he feels like he just intruded on someone else's patch. He apologizes and leaves as quick as possible once he realizes, but as the days go by it's clear the other bar patrons remember him and whenever they bump into each other he can think of only one person. The warm scent of a tall and gentle man with no ill intentions. It's such a distraction he can't sleep thinking about it, and the lack of sleep wears on him so bad he fails to keep on top of the workouts that reduce his heat symptoms.

Spiraling into a pheromone relapse he arrives at the bar's door. Who cares if he steals an alpha or two for the night and makes himself hated, it's not like he had a chance with Shin. Only when he knocks it's Shin-chan who opens the door and wraps his arms around him with concern. He feels like he could get down and pray this second. His hips sure are begging for it.

But… what exactly does such a chaste bottom do for another bottom?


Just a silly idea for an oddball beauty trying to methodically finger someone thick who absolutely requires being filled for medical reasons. Body worship, big titted guy making pleading poses, toy insertion, and ultimately two dudes holding hands while they're railed. Probably wrapped up in a single volume.


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I've been doing more thinking to this silly idea since then:
>changed so all species are from the Maastrichtian era, the one before the dinos all died, so now: iguanodon is now edmontosaurus, tlatolophus is now saurolophus, spinosaurus is now majungusaurus.
>got rid of the imperobator boy, sorry! Don't see how he could fit in the story.
>human boy is very nice to herbivorous dinos only, tho he doesn't dislike small carnivores like some raptors. Reason why he hates carnivores is because he almost was killed as a kid by a nanuqsaurus. He has scars all over his body and is missing a foot, uses a prothesis (tho he hides this pretty well and doesn't even look like he's limping)
>still want to figure out how he could have feelings for the carnotaurus boy, maybe they both realise they're broken people and find comfort in each other?
>wanna do a side arc where the majungusaurus and edmontosaurus relationship end in tragedy, majungusaurus would have a big crush on edmontosaurus since childhood and they even have done some stuff together, but edmontosaurus has been starting to become distant with this. Culminates when majungusaurus kills his crush by accident in a fit of rage.
>Therizinosaurus would be the human's roomate, with the human trying to be friends and therizinosaurus putting a barrier.
>saurolophus would be a classmate that acts all buddy buddy and reaffirms all bad stereotypes of carnivores to the human protagonist.
That's really most things for now, everything is still foggy and it's still a very dumb BL idea but I thought I might as well share the passive thinking I've been doing for a bit now.


How do you get attached to your OCs? I'm starting to feel maybe this isn't for me, it's not even about being cringe but everything just feels…dry


YMMV but me personally, I rarely ever get attached to my OCs but I still enjoy conceptualizing and writing new BL. Maybe it just feels dry because you're not inspired?


It's actually really fun creating storylines and the characters personality, then I get to draw them and it all falls flat, it's like dedicating this great idea you have to a ship you don't care instead of your OTP


I can understand the feeling. I've grown extremely attached to my MMO player character OC because of all the time I've spent using him in the game, dressing him up and thinking of how he'd react to canon events and interact with the NPC I ship him with. If he was an OC created fully by myself outside of this context I probably wouldn't have felt the same.


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I had an idea for an eldritch horror BL, it's inspired by early The Summer Hikaru Died plus The Thing. It would be a shy boy at the start of uni who ends up being approached by this weird guy who is super friendly. The shy boy appreciates having a friend after so long but is unnerved by small things he does, like either not looking directly at people when talking to them or looking intensely onto their eyes, not knowing how to hold a spoon, not matching his facial expressions to what he's saying, etc etc… One day he asks him what's up with him and after freezing in place, the weird boy reveals himself to be a shapeshifting alien monstrosity. I need to figure out if the reveal would be at the end of the story or at the beginning, and if it is at the beginning then figure out when the shy boy would catch feelings for the weird boy. Either way, the weird boy would at first have approached him to eat him but he changed his mind at some point cuz something made him curious about him, and of course ends up developing complicated feelings he doesn't understand in the process.
I hope it's not too similar to Hikaru tho, to me it feels sometimes like it is but I guess if I develop the story then it can get its own identity more easily.


Sharing the oc with friends is usually what keeps the inspiration going for me. When I start to lack the drive to create, my friends chiming in or just commenting about the oc motivates me to keep going.
Since I no longer have a public presence to post content for, just creating ocs for personal reasons/to keep for myself kills my motivation pretty quickly, so its nice to have someone acknowledge and chat about the characters.


I personally LOVE the idea of a weird eldrich being trying and failing to acclimate to the human world and a strange monster/human romance forming. You've also sold me on The Summer Hikaru Died I need to check that out if it bears any resemblance to the outline you posted.


Ntayrt but be prepared to be disappointed at the fact that it started as a bl but isn’t anymore


I'm glad you like the idea! Eldritch horror yaoi is something I think has a lot of potential, a lovecraftian being pretending to be human being overwhelmed by strange emotions beyond its comprehension would bring angst and a cosmic horror feel.
But yeah, as >>819 said, it's not really BL anymore, it just became horror. The art is great and I really like the monster's design, but the story took a disappointing approach. That's really why I said I was inspired by the early story.


Horror Yaoi in general is such an untapped market.


Hard agree especially ones like nonnas idea which focus on the monster falling in love with the MC.


I have a sorta counter suggestion. I think you could still retain the eldricht horror and the BL if you proceed in the h r giger way. Make everything a penis innuendo icluding the monster love interest. He could be in a similar vein to the xenomorph - the biggest litteral dick to be shown in cinema, after all.
Also funny enough but >>812 mentioning a shapeshifter reminds me of darkseed 2, lol. Either way, just like >>821 said, horror yaoi needs more entries, it's territory waiting to be thoroughly explored.


So I just came back from browsing some /ex/ and I thought "huh, The Fly (1986) is pretty cool, but what if we yaoified it?"

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