Silver & Gold is a story about a nameless orphan from the 14th century who fell in love with a noble man and because their love wouldn't be accepted back then he decided to sell a sentimental item to a demon who could grant him immortality, taking away the pigment of his hair and the hearing from one of his ears he could now live forever to see a day where their love can be accepted. As soon as he returned and told the noble man of what he did and to offer him to do the same so they can both be immortal and love each other forever, the noble man pushes him away, telling he never loved him and that he was messing with him before he could marry a woman from his own status and wealth. he was outed for his deed, tortured and attempts to kill him failed because well, he's immortal. The people were afraid he'd take revenge so they built him a metallic coffin and buried him deep. he was left underground with only his sorrow and weeps to keep him company until he fell asleep dreaming of a better day. skip to the 50s, a construction company is digging and they pull the metallic coffin out, they open it and find him looking like a corpse so they call authorities only for him to wake up, one of the employees who have seen him wandering around thought he was just an anorexic lost kid and because he spoke weird he brought him home before the police arrived. still nameless, the man calls him Silver and finds himself taking care of him as a father would, Silver ended up outliving the man as expected and he had to learn to adapt to the world around him changing while he remains the same. skip to the modern day, Silver found a way to exploit the foster care system, putting himself in a different one every time he overstayed his expected growth period. at his new school he finds a guy who looks exactly like the Noble man who have once betrayed him before. he does his best to avoid him but the other guy seems to have found interest in him. The whole story develops to Silver being perused but he is too scared to accept that love again.