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/oc/ - Original Creation

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File: 1644367752523.png (1012.71 KB, 1100x791, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


Thread for posting edits of images, editing old yaoi pics, pics that look off and for removing/adding certain things from pics.


File: 1644381981984-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 680.11 KB, 3000x3200, 4319518 - Ghostface Michae….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

File: 1644381981984-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 442.81 KB, 3088x2432, 4319519 - Ghostface Michae….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

If anyone is brave enough to take a stab at untransing these, I'd greatly appreciate it.


File: 1644485065698.jpg (13.38 KB, 325x265, 5e4de082a543ef77de81858d24….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

I've done something liek that before but not as detailed or colored, give me a day or two and I'll post the edit.


File: 1644487766182.png (Spoiler Image, 4.62 MB, 2515x2683, Untitled388_20220210130830.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Lol nevermind I'm done with the first one


Wtf nonna this is amazing!! So detailed! Thank you so much.




i love you nonnie


File: 1645693410476-0.png (Spoiler Image, 425.74 KB, 1328x582, Reigen_original.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1645693410476-1.png (Spoiler Image, 300.5 KB, 1328x582, Reigen_edit.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1645693410476-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 356.21 KB, 2048x2048, Reigen_legs.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

I had this nude Reigen request done over on /y/ a while ago but the anatomy looks kinda off around the hips/groin area and the dick placement. I would really appreciate it if anyone can fix this if possible or create your own nude edit. I'd also be happy to have another version with his little leg hairs as well.


I rather create my own nude edit, that dick is too ugly and I almost threw up looking at it, sorry.
I'll work on it on my free time.


It def looks like a man made that edit sorry sis


It's ok. Not much of a fan of the dick either. Feel free to edit it and take your time as well. Thank you!

Yeah I'm pretty sure that edit was done by a guy because of how detailed the dick looked compared to the art style. /y/ if not 4chan is full of men.


File: 1645935443620.png (1.12 MB, 3496x1224, sexy_reigen.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Sorry if I'm too late but is it possible if this can be edited instead? I think the full pic would be much better.


File: 1646699442643.png (Spoiler Image, 3.81 MB, 3088x2432, TRANNY STATUS- REVOKED.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

did this with my mouse so the strokes may not be as good as that other anons edit. i also must apologize as im not good at drawing penises.


File: 1646703310616.png (3.81 MB, 3088x2432, TRANNY STATUS- REVOKED.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

reposted to fix an error (i am stupid)


Looks pretty good still!! I love your edit nonna, very based and so true.


Feel free to post any more images you'd like edited, it doesn't have to be specifically de-troonification.


File: 1646706515785.jpg (222.18 KB, 1608x2048, 11.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

Work your magic. Maybe put your own dialog instead too.


Any ideas of what text i should put? I have no ideas.


NTA but criticizing him on his gainz? I have no idea where the art is from or anything that's just the vibe I get. He looks so angry at him.


File: 1646709640192.png (1.87 MB, 1608x2048, fitizen.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Got it, I'll post a text version and a no text version. I'm off to bed now, anon. Have a nice day (or night).


File: 1646709653061.png (1.84 MB, 1608x2048, notext.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


This made me cackle, I am fairly amused. Good work nonna, you made my day better.


It's awesome!!!! Thank you so much.


File: 1647717447097.jpg (277.95 KB, 1608x2048, cokTNnC.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex


hearty kek


File: 1648143086093.png (2.87 MB, 1000x1000, E96ZblfWEAYznTq.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Can any of you please edit this picture so they have actual paint splattered onto them instead of pride flag colors? It just annoys me, for some reason, and makes me feel its nothing but wokeshit, but otherwise think the picture is fine.
I'd love it if someone did it, thanks!


File: 1648287073035.png (1.49 MB, 1000x1000, recolor_furry.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Here is my attempt. Sorry if the quality is bad.


File: 1648430006404.png (Spoiler Image, 1.81 MB, 1280x865, 1628973879844.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

I challenge anyone to de-trans this otherwise lovely image I found somewhere


Ugh good pick, anon, hope someone can accomplish this


File: 1648844538948.png (208.41 KB, 1038x716, tumblr_9ca928951ff0aa52218….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Sorry for being late, but I'm the anon who originally requested the image you edited, and to be honest it's amazing! All it really needs for it to be perfect in my eyes is just some adjustment on Parappa's skin given how it seems to look discolored compared to the original and voila!

I originally requested that edit because I felt like I didn't have the confidence to just do it myself back then, but after seeing this I looked at how well it was done and decided to do an edit that was slightly harder than the usually small ones I do (since thankfully the most people do with Parappa-related stuff when it comes to this kind of shit is to slap on some pins with troon flags on them), pic related.



Honestly, so do I. I tried it myself but got frustrated and quit.


File: 1648984545698.png (Spoiler Image, 1.15 MB, 1280x865, fujoedit.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Here's a quick attempt.


omg anon this is so well done!!!! bless you




I love you, nonna


That dick looks amazing!


Original requester here. Thank youuuu!


File: 1649123895248.png (1.49 MB, 1000x1000, recolor_para.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

You're welcome. I fixed his skin and also changed the purple lighting to green because it was bugging me. By the way I can't even tell that your pic is an edit. Nice job.


Thanks anon! Even if I wouldn’t call myself a fujo I still am all up for editing fanart if you don’t like some parts of it, and that’s cool!
Also thanks for saying that you couldn’t even notice that it was an edit, I really try to do my best to get rid of even the smallest subpixel that could indicate it’s an edit myself. Probably helps that I don’t save NSFW of my husbands at all (and there really isn’t much ayyden art of him since he’s a furry and furry porn is mostly consumed by gay moids) and when other ayydens draw him as a fakeboi it’s always just slapping some pins onto his hat or something like that.


File: 1651449636777.png (2.01 MB, 1638x2200, ihatetrannies.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

i hate transmen bullshit i need this to be a real guy please anonas i beg you


File: 1651456175739.png (1.65 MB, 1638x2200, Untitled449_20220502044734.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Welcome to the one and only show where we bring back the yaoi! Luckily this was an easy fix


you are BLESSED from the heavens! thank you so much nonna!!


I fucking hate aydens so fucking much its unreal


I don't know the context of these characters nor who they are, but if they were both male to begin with why not just draw the cock normally and not a strap on? If the end goal is essentially the same, gay sex, just draw the cock. It's not like the person can't draw cock since they drew a strap-on.


i think the character is actually canonically a tranny, not that it matters, i just saw good porn ruined by trannyshit and i adore the kind anon that edited it to be actual yaoi


File: 1651781398725.png (Spoiler Image, 517.24 KB, 640x777, 1649303757689.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Is this image salvageable at all? A shame such a good pose is wasted on such a cursed set of genitals…


do you want the dick to also be edited to look less cursed on top of editing the vagina into a dick?


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File: 1652052652215-2.jpg (307.5 KB, 2311x1811, IMG_4467.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

more of the troony cringeworthy ftm stuff but this doesnt look too hard to edit (last pic if you look closely it's a strap on), i'll just post it here incase some bored nona might want to detroonify this one too


Yes please


Refrainbow's got a cute style, if not a bit typical of the "uwu soft bois doing uwu soft boi shit" variety. Shame about the ftm self-insert.
Unless someone else has taken this with how easy it looks to edit, I'll take a crack at it tomorrow (it's late right now where I'm at)


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File: 1652136721610-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 2100x1500, 95546174_p1.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

/ex/ tier request, this is why i spoilered. The original is supposed to be cuntboy art and i wish we could have a variant where he has a dick instead of a vagina. I might do it later once I have time and post the results here since I doubt most nonas want to edit amputee art


I hate cunt boys. I trully despise the fact that they're alsways the weaker and submissive (I still hate them no matter what role they have.). It all feels like it's mixed up together with misogyny.


File: 1652213561082.png (1.8 MB, 2311x1811, 1652052652215-2.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Here you go. Sorry it was later than I promised.


omg i love it!!! thank you so much nona!


No prob fren. It was late, sure, but it was an easy enough edit.


File: 1653534714234.jpg (Spoiler Image, 301.11 KB, 1536x2048, E4Qpmy4X0AE7YYU.jpeg.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

Got another challenge for ya


File: 1667128027975.png (Spoiler Image, 1.24 MB, 3635x1961, 14b4e4485b31e73f38797e77f0….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Requesting a dick edit for this please. I would love lacryboy's art if it weren't for this kind of stuff.


>I would love lacryboy's art if it weren't for this kind of stuff.
omg same!!!!!


Thankfully she does a lot of non-trans/futa/trap/cuntboy stuff too, but still.


File: 1709533638839.png (Spoiler Image, 2.79 MB, 3635x1961, what batman movie did yall….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

hope im not too late nona


File: 1709535886412.gif (530.89 KB, 498x498, peachbliss.gif)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex



Hello, I was wondering if requesting a nsfw edit on a sfw image is allowed here?


of course! just spoiler the nsfw
and omfg how come i didn't see? thank you so much nona!


Thanks for the info!


File: 1710911040406-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 552.63 KB, 1280x1750, Malzahar_normal.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

File: 1710911040406-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 286.66 KB, 1280x1750, Malzahar NSFW.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

If it's not too much troubles, could someone edit his jacket (from the sfw version) back into the nsfw version?

Thank you in advance!


File: 1710960922870.png (Spoiler Image, 2.72 MB, 1385x1894, 1710960714085.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


Thank you!


File: 1711090282125.png (Spoiler Image, 3.59 MB, 1400x1980, law_nsfw.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Could i request 2 edited versions? An uncensored edit & a sfw edit.


File: 1711367057670-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 873.29 KB, 1536x2048, griffith ver no pubes.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

File: 1711367057670-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 874.06 KB, 1536x2048, griffith ver pubes.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

I know this is a 2 year old post, so you might not even still be here lol, but i decided to give it a crack anyway because i like griffith. I don't think i did that great of a job replicating the art style, but i figured it's better to post then not i guess.


File: 1725769938124.png (2.25 MB, 1523x1952, GW17G9BWgAIp8Kq.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

It's a simple edit, but can I request for the text and the zippertits to be edited out?


File: 1725794178455.png (1.59 MB, 1523x1952, 1725769938124.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

I'm not great at edits but hopefully this is good enough


This is great nonnie! Thank you very much!!!

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