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Let's have a thread to author short stories, share our work to ask for feedback, and most importantly practice!

Resources, prompts, and writing guides welcome as well.


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I don't have a formal prompt calendar yet, but since it's warming up here and spring is just around the corner I'm going with "rain" as my first personal prompt this week. If anyone has other suggestions we can make a prompt chart.

I think a weekly story is a good flexible goal.


In lieu of actual fic, which can take me months, I'm going to focus on shorter works. I might try the one sentence challenge and see if it inspires me. For those unfamiliar: https://1sentence.livejournal.com


I've known about this since forever and never tried it. Giving it a go now, and it's fun but I can't help making the most absurd run on sentences that really should be two or three. Whenever I make just a short one I feel like I'm cheating and not creating enough of a picture, even if it's pointedly getting the character across. Hohum.


It's so interesting to read a collection like this where you don't know the characters because every single one drip feeds you a little more info. 10 is my favorite and is a great example of making me wish there was a whole story with the concept.


It's been a week, did anyone else write something? I think a weekly or biweekly check in might help to keep people active. I'm the flakiest fucker there is so it's easy for me to drift and leave things unfinished, but if I feel like I'm held accountable I'll try.

Thank you so much for taking time to look! I was hoping it might have that effect, though the further I went the more I found I had to focus on feelings and relationships over trying to explain the setting. Probably makes it sound much more interesting than it is!
I really love writing mute monsterboys who communicate in other ways, but you're right, even the mundane form of it where someone doesn't know the other's language and learns doesn't really get used to its full potential. I guess it's because you need a bilingual author to commit to it properly, and most BL has to keep it short and skip ahead. The process is what's interesting though, letting characters communicate and try to make sense of each other. And with a character like this, there's some bitterness and inferiority complex born from watching another person succeed.

>Re: 1 sentence challenge.

I finished all the prompts yesterday and updated the page, even redid a few that had female side characters. It's an interesting activity, I don't think I would have focused on some of those areas if I was just writing freely. The deeper you get the harder it is to write though. You find yourself repeating formats, often a "this but that" so to stretch it into holding two statements. The urge is to set something down and then react to it. Every time I approached a prompt I imagined a location and atmosphere and actions, but you really can't fit all of that in one sentence. You have to rearrange the wording to sneak in little descriptors where you can and pray it hints what you were picturing. It feels like cheating to write something short and simple, but those are probably the better attempts because they're clean and don't get overambitious. I wanted to tell the reader exactly what the characters look like through touch and actions but even those have to be limited to convey the prompt. I shouldn't have just namedropped the prompts honestly but it made arranging things fun.

Most of these would work better as two or three sentences, the punctuation is almost a joke. A friend I spoke to about it said I should try doing 2-3 sentence stories next because it'd give me more joy. I'm sure I'd end up trying to say too much still! I suppose I can open a document and start doing that with another prompt list, just to keep myself writing. I want to attempt a short fic though, writing a full narrative to its conclusion has always been my weakness.


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>It's been a week, did anyone else write something? I think a weekly or biweekly check in might help to keep people active. I'm the flakiest fucker there is so it's easy for me to drift and leave things unfinished, but if I feel like I'm held accountable I'll try.

I'm mad because I was working on a one-shot and got absolutely blasted by IRL BS. It's half-way done and I'm going to finish it and get another done this week. It feels bad failing the deadline on the very first one :/

Congrats on clearing the one sentence challenge! It does seem limiting not something I'd have the self control for. You also taught me a new word "noraebang."
>You find yourself repeating formats, often a "this but that" so to stretch it into holding two statements
Do you think that this is something that can be overcome with practice or just an inherent issue/facet of the format?


I think getting even half done despite irl is still committing, so long as you aren't dropping it's consistent practice. I on the other hand haven't gotten started writing anything and it's already Thursday. I've typed up plans for fics in two different fandoms but not gotten on with the writing! This is just returning to old habits for me. Maybe I should look up general creative writing activities and just bend them to be fandom related like back in school.

Thanks! I'm glad I remembered Korea has their own word for karaoke booths, it adds a bit more convincing flavor to my bullshitting, haha.
>Do you think that this is something that can be overcome with practice or just an inherent issue/facet of the format?
It's definitely a habit of my own in writing to begin with. Before reading the prompt lists I had a browse of other people's one sentence challenges, and I think the most competent ones know not to push something too far. One skill in writing is accepting that you have to cut the fat and keep some things simple. The flow of a sentence and the pace people discover information relies on punctuation and structure, and sometimes run on sentences are like catapulting forty ragdolls into a wall. It's a mess. As an exercise it's good for calling yourself out on that. However I did find writing stupidly long ones made passive/active voice more obvious as you try to rearrange words, and I'm terrible for timid writing.

Now I need to go try and match the length of my posts in prose.


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I knew I needed to get this done tonight or I wasn't getting it done at all and I'm not going to fail twice! Not super happy, but it's done.

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