>>765Israel needs rape correction
I love the Hamas and Israel-kun drawing kek No.770
>>766that israel and hamas are just haru and ryu cosplaying in my mind israel-san is a antisocial freak, i don't think rape could phase him. he'd only use it as an opportunity to play the victim
*cough* like for example letting hamas-kun do it, crying to the western country gijinkas to make him out to be an evil monster, then raping him half to death. in fact he'd probably seduce and whore himself out to other country gijinkas to butter up to them. he doesn't hold anything back with hamas-kun but he tries to mask the freakiness around others. it rarely works and he leaves a skeevy impression at best on those around him.
hamas-kun looks at least a decade younger, early to mid 20s, but really he's way older than israel-san who's amazingly already greying. he doesn't have much fat on his body but he has some very nice muscles and a masculine frame, very handsome with sweet brown eyes. he's all bark and no bite. his personality is melancholic, jaded, and a little paranoid these days because of the war. he is almost always on the receiving end.
>>770Love the predator/prey dynamic between israel and palestine!
>he's way older than israel-san who's amazingly already greyingKEK I love this suited rapist hag
I'd love to hear more about your oc lore btw, both of them are very cute and sexy.
>>771so cute.. i'd like to see more of them/hear about your own interpretations. someone else made a sexy oniisan palestine(?) back in those old ai threads too, i liked him a lot too.
>>772i got nothing else new for now. mostly occupied by nty and my other fandoms and ocs, such as the bug ones. i may revisit them eventually, or make new ones like egypt, eritrea, somalia… on second thought, eritrea and sinai might be too far lol the situation there is so horrific i try not to think about it.
Am I the only one who likes seme Hamas and uke Israel? It might not really fit their dynamic in reality but the idea of Israel being a psychopathic villain obsessed with asserting his dominance everywhere while getting bitched in the sheets does things for me kek.
>>774i see them as both uke imo; religious extremists deserve to take it up the ass. i hope they try to one up each other when theyre getting buttraped by mob men kek
one shitty draw of them
>>774it would be hot, i like them as switch but ya inaccurate to the situation. reverse rape is still on the table too kek
>>774Same. I find seme Israel a bit too obvious and not that compelling, your concept is much better. An Iran/Israel ship with the same dynamic would be lovely too, i might draw it. Iran would be a qt dark haired pale twink with green eyes and a delicate face.. getting carried away kek
>>773ty! and haha the lore is a bit convoluted; its crack taken only a little seriously so dont get your knowledge of the current conflict from a yaoi hetalia bootleg nonas.
Anyways to preface, Gaza-kun and Westbank-kun are predecessors to the once singular entity of old palestine (a byproduct of the ottoman rule)
they were mpreg'ed from him however their upbringing under old palestine was short lived after the arrival of the Israelis establishing their state (I feel bad about bastardizing someone else's ocs so Ive made Israel-kun and IDF-kun 2 different entities, Israel-kun doesnt show up in the story much but IDF-kun on the other hand is a bastard and sex pest, fixed seme)
Old Palestine mysteriously disappears, leaving Gaza-kun and Westbank-kun to fend for themselves against the onslaught of settlers (though a little birdie has told me hes currently chained up in some sex dungeon getting passed around by rich elites like a cigar… who knows….)
hell that sex dungeon may as well house the ancient israel-kun whos currently impaled by a double ended dildo also affixed to old palestine. I am not seeing those pearly gates :,) No.793
>>783Where can I read this …
>>794Cute and expressive!
>>794ah these are so cute anona! love how flustered he is and your style is really neat
Poorfag and Preppie.
>>794Charcters with this type of hair make me GO WILD RAAAAAAAH! very cute Nonna ♥
>>797Aahhh 1920's Paul-Frank-kun and his short top boyfriend :D
To the uninitiated: Paul-Frank = Poorfag
They look good nona! :D I missed them so ♥ Are they our mascots now?
>>783late reply but kek i love all this lore you've come up with nona! my personal isreal-san "lore" is kind of in line with the idf thing, sometimes i think of him as a pretty americanized conniving new york zionist, an idf-kun behind him who handles the dirty work is a good idea. and don't feel like your bastardizing anything because i don't hold any of my ocs too dearly to be honest huhu, these two are just country personifications at the end of the day.
>>800Cuties! I love the one of the guy holding the bottle.
>>800SO CUTEE!! the neopets gijinkas are freaking adorable
Requesting art from any anon here, draw a seme or uke and I'll give them a bf. Lore is optional but appreciated. Trying to cure my artblock here.
>>803hope im not too late nona, heres my onocentaur oc (a uke) he's the runt in a centaur ranch that breeds jacks for donkey pageants. He is kept around as a 'beast of burden' and is left to do stable chores while his siblings get pampered for oncoming beauty competitions.
He is sensitive and will cry easily but he is determined and will not cower away from danger. Although he is lacking in strength, he has high tenacity and can take a beating (though he will cry). If centaurs are too much you can make him a kenomimi instead!
if he looks too shota you can make him look older, im not great at drawing men sorry >_< No.805
>>804Omg nona I love him! I'm a big centaurfag and in general I love all taur types, your onocentaur is so cute! ♥
Do you only have onocentaurs OCs or do you also have other taur types?
>>804>>806ANON THESE ARE SOOOO CUTE!! I love your style so much!
I have made for him an Ogre bf and I hope it will be of your liking. A Shrek to your donkey.
>>806Make them have a cruel relationship with donkeyslut, but moreso in a passive, disinterested way rather than an outright aggressively abusive way.
>>808Not the original artist but I love this nonnie! The ogre has such a great design.
>A Shrek to your donkey.Kek
I would like to participate in this, I've just entered the server and sent the moderator a question. :)
>>808AYRT OMG He's so cute! my sides I lost it at the sherk to your donkey comparison kek
>>900he's adorable nonna, keep drawing please!
>>902Thank you so much! I'll keep at it!
>>921this is beautiful anon. You have a real talent!
>>370HIII THIS IS VERY LATE BUT OMGGGG I LOVE THIS!!! AHHHH HE LOOKS SO CUTE I'M GENUINELY CRYING thank you nonachama :'3 you made my baby look so so cute ;_;
>>960Not sure who he is but cute pose and expression. Is this value practice?
>>961Asbel from Fire Emblem Thracia 776. Yeah its a value practice of forest but i have a hard time blocking in bushes/leaves
>>975Cute kiss anon! I like the fujo too, very relatable. Are these characters from somewhere or OCs?
>>976They're actually characters from Suguri (a bullet hell game), also in 100% Orange Juice (a party board game)
Fujo is Kyoko
The bois are Shifu and NoName (hes called this because he's an unfinished robot clone of Shifu)
>>980Stubble my beloved, what series are they from? A cartoon, or are they OCs?
>>981thanks anon^^
they are my ocs actually
>>982cute as hell, may I ask if theyre a couple and if they have seme/uke dynamics?