No.6984[Last 50 Posts]
Life's not fair, especially for fujoshi. Post your frustrations and things that are on your mind, no matter how harsh it sounds, about advantages everyone else has that fujoshi don't get.
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>>5288 No.6985
I feel so alienated from mainstream fandom. Maybe I should take a break…
>>6984Why did you start with the shitty twitter lolicon uooh maymay
>leave a quick pleasant throwaway comment on a work i found just ok
>Thank you so much anon, just for you I wrote another several chapters!
>leave an excited comment full of praise on an awesome fic I want more of, or wanting more from the author
>no updates or updates only months later
I know I'm a cunt but come on. Why is it never the people you REALLY want more from
>>6986Oh, I didn't realize it was associated with lolicon. Sorry about that.
>>6985I just gave up entirely and made my own webblog to talk about my fandom preferences. Its lonely but its freeing, and I dont have to worry about butting heads with other fans because our interpretations are different. Every public fandom I've involved myself in always devolve into a clique-like environment where you'll get called out or ridiculed for not conforming to the "popular accounts" headcanons or opinions.
>>6989It's fine honest mistake maybe the an admin can fix it later.
>>6988Same, it's the worst when it's a 6 or 7 year old fic with like 20 comments of support and the artist just dropped it. I get moving on to the new fandom, but at the very least mark the work as complete and leave a note. This is why I personally refuse to post anything that isn't 100% finished since it's my biggest fanfic pet peeve.
>>6987What exactly are you wanting to see more of? I'm curious cause nothing really comes to mind personally. The most problematic thing I can think of is Garlemald-related shipping but I do see the occasional Garlean character enjoyers who keep going even if the fandom calls them fascist.
>>6995>I'm into buff and chubby guysGirl me too. And I love variety too. Some short guys, some with body hair, some rougher looking… I just can't take the standard recolored highschooler bishie twink cast of most manga/anime amymore
>>6997>I just can't take the standard recolored highschooler bishie twink castThirding! I don't mind a single bishie in a series, it's when the entire cast looks same-y that I take issue. It's the reason most otome and reverse harems are trash. When a shonen sports series has more variety than your dating game you've messed up.
>>6998Honestly, as someone who likes shows and games with Skittles-haired bishie casts, I also 100% agree. I'm not going to drop a series I like just because some characters aren't my type, I'd love more variety too. I also wonder why marketing teams for female-oriented works in Japan are blind to the fact that there's thousands of fujo (and yume) fans of the most unconventional looking male characters ready to spend money on merch.
Then again, I kind of get why they don't add more variety, in a sense. For example, there's a few characters in Hypnosis Mic that don't fit the typical bishie archetype and they consistently place in the lowest rankings in popularity polls both in Japan and overseas last time I checked.
>>7000Would Rei be one of them? He's incredibly popular in all the EU HypMic groups I've chatted with, but they're always talking about how cheap it is to bulk buy his merch secondhand on Japan trips compared to Sasara or Dice. It's like total opposites.
>>7000Quite frankly, experimenting is a financial risk no one wants to take.
To take a male gaze example, La Mariposa in DOA is the only woman who's ambiguously brown in the entire cast with noticeable curvature on her body. And she's dead last in every popularity poll. Big titty/loli teenage girls are what DOA coomers wanted, and so she as well as most of the insanely varied male cast got axed.
People are insanely shallow, more than you'd think, and worse still, greater than you'd ever hope. The designer
for mihoyo titles may actually want to make unorthodox men but will nonstop put out another waifu or Dan Heng clone. Or Blade clone if they're older. Every single time they experiment, the fans will riot so short hair with long hair in back, severe gaze, otter mode-twunk you get.
>>6995I feel like this a general problem with modern fanbases. Everything seems so coomerish and superficial it's killing me.
I love big men as well like my favorite bodytype is huge muscles but a layer of fat (not like bara for gays, but a bit of fat to make them softer/sexier) but if I find women who are into anime that talk about them at all (rather rare, since most prefer twinks) it's just as coomerish and performative as the lusting over female characters.
Either that OR fans talking about "big buff dudes" and then you click it and it's some Genshin twink. Same experience with "old men yaoi". I click in the hopes of seeing some suave graying gentleman or a cool dude in his 40s and it's just guys in their 20s lmao
Agree that Iskandar is a million times better than Endeavor. I have a personal vendetta against big nose haters because a bunch of the IMO sexiest manga men have remarkable noses. But that aside, personality matters. The best design would be wasted on me if I didn't like the personality and role.
Also, this here so much
>>6998Variety and diversity (in the general sense) are very important for me and there is a high chance I won't pick a series up if I see 10 characters of the same age, body type etc. that you can only tell apart by the hair color and maybe shape of the eye.
>>6995>I swear I get along better in anime girls with massive honkers threads, but you can't talk big boys with them.The most frustrating thing is finding friends through discord that I have perfect horny chemistry with but they only want to talk about girls.
>>7000>For example, there's a few characters in Hypnosis Mic that don't fit the typical bishie archetype and they consistently place in the lowest rankings in popularity polls both in Japan and overseas last time I checked.I think this is about advertizing and the genre though. If you aren't into typical bishies you will most likely not pic up a series like this to begin with you miss them and the ones it openly panders to and tries to attract are the typical bishounen fans so it's natural that they don't like the odd ones.
Same issue with top tier male side characters being wasted on harem or yuri adjacent shows because their potential fanbase will most likely ignore the series.
>>7002Gawd, the loli hype is one of the worst things that ever happened to anime. I liked anime women way more when 16 year olds looked and behaved more like 16 and adult women were a thing. Now the latter are gone unless it's another lolsorandumb MILF that looks like 15, lolis are everywhere and always the target of fanservice unless the mangaka is a woman and everybody between 14 and 20 looks like 12 or is part of the harem.
>>7006tbh I never cared much if was called trans or not since the outcome is the same and I assume that both types of artists just dislike yaoi.
I would forgive them it was at least herm. But it's basically women or guys with chopped off dicks because these people can't stand having two dongs being near each other. I wish they would just latch onto Twilight or something.
>>7001Rei and also Hitoya, yeah. They have dedicated fanbases, but they're much, much smaller compared to the other main characters.
>>7005That's a fair point, but I think lack of variety is worth discussing when it comes to female-oriented works and projects specifically. In my experience, older guy/buff guy/chubby guy characters are extremely rare in joseimuke, shojo and otome unless they're a secondary character or something. I'm guessing it's the female otaku version of male otaku that got used to the same 5 variations of neotenous anime girls in otaku-oriented works, so they only demand more of the same forever, ignoring anything that isn't schoolgirls with big tits or lolis. Like
>>7002 pointed out, it's probably because most people are shallow and can only think of certain genres as "character type I've seen a billion times before" dispensers. For fujo-pandering works I do wonder if this is in part caused by the "buff and chubby guys are something only gay men are into, women only like 20 year old ikemen" mentality.
>>7010Thats too bad, never played this game but Rei looks like he'd be my favorite side character in seasonal anime.
>For fujo-pandering works I do wonder if this is in part caused by the "buff and chubby guys are something only gay men are into, women only like 20 year old ikemen" mentality.I hate this, I hate how a series like Negima can have 20 romantic options of varying archtypes and personalities but a female-oriented series are limited to three body-types and interchangeablepersonalities. I mentioned it before but the worst canned otome personality is one where the character is a shy nerd who's self-conscious about himself and the game insists he's ugly. The character in question though will look just as conventionally attractive and they'll just slap a pair of glasses on him.
While not my favorite Sk8 has taken on my gold standard in recent years for attemptingto cast a wide net. While it's allegedly a shonen it feels marketed to women and it has a beefy bara all the way down to a cute cat-themed child prodigy.
>>7003>my favorite bodytype is huge muscles but a layer of fat (not like bara for gays, but a bit of fat to make them softer/sexier)Can you name some characters you like? I love this body type too and I always just considered it big or stocky but there's such a huge discrepancy in what people tag as what. The pure muscle guys are cute but too lean for me, need some fat on them bones too…
I hate minors in fandom spaces, they costantly start shit and you feel kinda bad ripping on them cause they are 15 years old, but even then if your parents are so shit they barely teached you how to interact with others online then why should i care?
>>7016>>7017Same here, I just do the only sane thing and ignore and block them. Trying to argue with literal children is a battle you should never pick because they will not understand your perspective due to their underdeveloped frontal lobe and lack of life experience in general, and they will not be able to comprehend your point for the reasons listed above. Adults treating children as equal conversationalists is the reason we ended up in a situation where kids feel empowered running around screaming at adults for drawing porn of their blorbos that they shouldn't be viewing to begin with.
>>7016Block and ignore at all costs. All people in yaoi spaces should be assumed to be an adult. I also viewed yaoi well before I was 18, but there should at least be pressure to shut up and integrate to
avoid getting blocked as a child. Young children should not be online at all.
>>7019>Trying to argue with literal children is a battle you should never pick because they will not understand your perspective due to their underdeveloped frontal lobe and lack of life experience in general, and they will not be able to comprehend your point for the reasons listed above.This is why certain parts of the proship community bother me. No, barbara, I don't think you're a badass for dunking on a 14-year-old on social media regardless of how annoying the kid is. It's not worth it.
>>7021Yeah. The way people in that community get way too invested in arguing with literal children and treating them like they're the terrorist thought police when they're just being retarded kids bothers me a lot, like I wouldn't be assed to have a duke out with a teenager on social media over the morality of fictional porn. That brat shouldn't be viewing my porn anyway! I know it's fucked up, that's why it's only for adults who can differentiate between real life and fiction! Get out!
Speaking of minors, I don't trust anyone who is an "adult" post 2019, worse if they're only 'just' 18-19 at 2022 either.
They're people raised through anti culture so I won't even bother.
I'd say even post 2016 "adults" I wouldn't trust either
>>7023Do you meticulously check the age of every person you interact with? Just block and ignore if they're being obnoxious.
>>7022Yes exactly, I think it's a mark of immaturity on the adults part moreso than the annoying child. An adult shouldn't be interacting with a kid in the first place and should be responsible enough to block them if they discover they are interacting with their mature material. Part of this is honestly the fault of sites like Twitter allowing 18+ content but not making any effort to segregate or age restrict it.
>>7016I hate them too. I am even in a technically 18+ discord and the others are fine but one person got in who is apparently 14 and while I don't care whether some 14yo looks at porn or not (I did it too) I am still annoyed by her dumb school kid problems and the fact she's a brainwashed tiktok addict who draws one half of the pairing the discord is about as cuntboy or woman non-stop and hates 2D men. What the fuck are you doing here then?
Go ship something yuri wtf. She doesn't even care about the other half of the ship but I can't do anything since she's an online friend of the admin and this is the only place to talk about this pairing.
I would have never had the guts to join adult spaces as kid out of respect, it's different from lurking.
She also makes me realise how brainfried this generation is thanks to tiktok. I never talked to zoomers before so I thought people were exaggerating when they said they're addicted to social media and online whoring. I basically ghost her in the discord but it still annoys me.
>>7021Antis are so fucking annoying but it's better to just block and create rather than get into fights with 14yos.
I think it's weird and creepy to have all ages Discord servers where teenagers talk to adults in the first place. SFW but 18+ should be the default online.
>>7017>>7020Yeah I discovered yaoi when I was in my teens too, but the expectation back then was integration. Not only by not plastering your age everywhere (something teens now love to do for some reason?) but also by understanding the kind of community you're actually walking into. I think the real issue isn't even necessarily age itself, it's the fact that people nowadays think they can intrude into any space and change it however they want, plenty of people in their 20s do that.
Speaking of people that shouldn't be in fandom spaces, I can't stand people who treat every minor "problematic" thing in fiction as a serious issue of massive proportions while simultaneosly not giving a fuck about things that are actually bad. I'm not one to believe there's never been any predatory behavior in fandom spaces ever that should be addressed (I've heard all sorts of stories from the Google+ days…), but the fact that someone can say "that person watches CP!!" and I can't even tell whether they mean the real thing or fucking yarichin bitch club is deeply worrying. These are people that make life easier for predators by focusing on the most retarded nothingburger shit and causing everyone to develop alarm fatigue, they cope by saying they can focus on multiple things at the same time but they never do. The McKayleighs of fandom will pat themselves on the back for harassing fujo artists into privating their accounts for the crime of shipping a 15 year old anime boy with an 18 year old anime boy while grooming rings on discord or roblox still operate unchecked. Sorry for sperging but the way antis have trained an entire generation of teens to abuse serious terminology until it loses all meaning genuinely pisses me off.
>>7026>the fact she's a brainwashed tiktok addict who draws one half of the pairing the discord is about as cuntboy or woman non-stop and hates 2D men. What the fuck are you doing here then? I genuinely believe this has to be some kind of internalized homophobia. They need to hetero-fy all the ships to be able to enjoy them.
>I would have never had the guts to join adult spaces as kid out of respect, it's different from lurking. Yeah I used to lurk hardcore hentai communities when I was 14-15, I think everyone in my generation who was online in the 00's did it. Difference is that none of us outed our ages or even talked to anyone because we would rightfully be kicked out on the spot.
>>7028>I think the real issue isn't even necessarily age itself, it's the fact that people nowadays think they can intrude into any space and change it however they want, plenty of people in their 20s do that.Seriously. People enter the fandom for the most problematic kind of shit ever and start demanding everyone to pretend as if the source media doesn't have every ~triggering~ trope in the world. It's such a baffling phenomenon that has gotten more and more prevalent in the past years.
>>7027It is never worth arguing with someone who hasn't even graduated high school.
14 year olds have too much credit given to them and somehow, people just forgot along the way how stupid kids are and take their "well worded" (and I use that generously) nonsense as some kind of intellectual take.
>>7024>Do you meticulously check the age of every person you interact with?NTA, twitter's greatest desktop feature is being able to hover over names and seeing their entire bio.
It's not even a full second of waiting, I just see who followed me, and ignore them.
You make it sound like a chore when it's barely a blink in effort.
>>7036Considering futa yuri has always been more popular than normal yuri among men, sadly it may be the unavoidable natural order that cuntboy is blowing up now. Add in the ever growing number of gendies who want to project, and it feels like it'll never go back to how it was. But I don't know, sometimes trends come and go, like how there used to be tons of songfic or my-fave-selfharms-just-like-me fic.
>>7024>Do you meticulously check the age of every person you interact with?Most of the time without fail, every "adult" that is somehow an anti barely escaped adulthood, so I definitely avoid those too. Even those "on the fence" about problematic things because if you're truly an adult why would you give a fuck about who ships what at this point?
I've seen 30 year olds still do the whole "I'm a safe adult kids uwu you can send death treats to those nasty proshippers here with me uwu"
>>7035Not everyone puts their age in their bio though. Some do add their birth date, sometimes it's incomplete but the most important part is the year. Personally if I have any doubt about someone's age because it's not stated anywhere but I see pronouns or mental illnesses listed instead I'll block people too. If I see a kid arguing stupid shit on twitter who states her age in one tweet in particular I'll report the account as well, it's for their own good, 14 years old kids shouldn't start arguing with grown women online and ask to be taken seriously, to then post "wow why are you beefing with a 14yo mlm minor?", like go do your homework instead or some shit.
>>7036>general heterofying of yaoi pairings It's always been a thing and also why I've hated hetbending for years. The japanese fandom still very much does hetbending but the eng fandom wants to believe themselves 'better' than 'heterofying' ships to they make them 'queerer' by making them trans…..which is, in essence still heterofying with a different name.
Like all the t4t shit around, what difference does it make from trans woman X and trans man Y it's still hetero shit isn't it?
>>7037But at least most futa yuri people acknowledge it's entirely a sexual thing, they just want to see dick in vagina. Ironically, trannies are 50/50 split on futa because some hate dicks so much they want them gone forever and others are just AGP self-inserters proud of "their girlcock" so futa yuri is their beloved trans porn
>>7047Most NSFW artists I follow, generally east-asian, will say NO AGE IN BIO = BLOCK specifically in English because they know antis are mostly children. If I've only had one tweet with 100+ likes and there's no way for me to check everyone. But majority of twit users don't get anywhere close to those numbers. JP users seem a lot more sensible in keeping their spaces finely curated and it's an example that seems to work. I like checking to see who likes my posts (the 1-2 like ones) because it means I can potentially meet a new friend or follow someone with similar taste.
I have no idea why this would be seen as a bad thing.
>>7048I still see plenty of genuine hetbend on Ao3, especially in fandoms like Demon Slayer, so the crowd who only write transfic because they're scared of getting dogpiled for writing hetbend should just nut up and do what they want. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk shit about hetbend these days. I think people might only get touchy if it was a canon gay pairing like Wangxian.
>>7024 and it's not so much against the idea of confirming you are talking to an afult, which I think is good and responsible, but the fact thst the nonna I'm replying to is saying she won't interact with people under 29. I don't use twitter, but a lof of people online put 18+ and call it a day.
>>7049I coped the Japanese fans for the same reason. 18+ in every bio of mine even if I am not even sure whether I will post or retweet nsfw. Then it's their fault because I cannot check like 700 people liking my fanart and I don't really care. If someone enjoys my stuff they will sooner or later see my bio and if they complain then it's their fault for ignoring my rule.
I do check some of the retweeters though for the same reason. Retweeting means they like the same shit. Usually it's only Asians liking and retweeting my art though, which is kind of telling IMO.
The trans artist in my fandom get less RTs and likes but 100% of the ones they get come from other westerners, never Asians and especially not Japanese. I think there is kind of a rift between the fandom cultures, because Japan loves on-model and canon relevant fanart or funny jokes, whereas the west wants self-representation.
I'm sorry if I sound like crazy, but I'm really really confused about your post in the fujo venting thread.
It always pains me when an artist I adore changes their avatar to something unrelated to the fandom I followed them for.
I feel like a lot of people join fandoms, draw like five to ten bangers and already move on after that. Maybe it's because I don't relate. I draw for things I am obsessed with and I only get obsessed maybe once every three to five years so I stick to a fandom for at least the same amount of time.
>>7082I like writing and personally I'm the exact opposite, while I might consume fanworks of a series for years I only write one story for a series, if any more arise it's a different pairing. It's awesome to see fan artists who draw art of a series for a decade or more, but personally I feel like there comes a point when you've exhausted all you can do with a pair or someone else does it better.
My OTP of years was fucking desecrated by the shitty writers and now a lot of fanartists are moving on and deleting their accounts. I can't blame them but I feel upset and have been ignoring the latest chapters and pretending none of it happened. Why do I have to suffer this way? I'm scared for future stories
>>7103Wait, what? I haven't been keeping up with recent enstars stories, though I heard they fucked up basic details of Shinobu's character in one of the recent cross scouts, but they also ruined Mayoi x Shinobu? How, if you don't mind me asking?
>>7103What happened? I don't follow the series so no idea what they did. Did they make the ship non-canon?
Also I feel you. I am/was very invested in a ship that is the first one I genuinely loved enough to inspire me since 2018 but now they are officially separated forever and the mangaka kind of tried to make one of them act badly and all ooc. In the end I still like the individual characters enough to keep drawing and being invested, I even like the dude that NTR'ed one half of my ship so I basically like two different ships and three characters now but I am mad regardless. It's still fun but my happiness got tainted and the innocence of the characters is gone which was a big part of the appeal of the first ship.
Like with your fandom a bunch of super talented artists were sad and stopped drawing so that's another downside. I relate to everybody whose ship got fucked over in recent times.
Just saw someone say they prefer ukes to have vaginas because it’s more plap plap plap. Wtf does that even mean except that you’re a fakeass fujo who can’t imagine anything outside of PIV
>>7007This is why I can't get into yuri. It's all teenager girls in that moe loli art style. Older anime had teenage girls look more mature. For anime you can find content with adults, but for yuri everyone is stuck in high school.
>>7127You should check out Sal Jiang's work. Maybe Korean or Chinese GL would be more up your alley too? They tend not to have moeblob art styles and have older casts. If you don't like webtoons/manhwa already then don't bother with their GL though because they have similar trashy plots.
>>7120How are you plapping his ass if you're doing it in his front
I haaaaate it when FGOfags constantly try to shit on hoyofags for their fujoships and call them "void and boring". As someone who has played BOTH FGO and Genshin/Star Rail for years I can tell you numbskulls right now that FGO fujoships are condensed copium that get even less crumbs than hoyoslop and the entire game is so hetcoded it feels almost offensive, your one-sided rivalry is retarded and you need to get over your false superiority complex. Also Karjuna is a vastly overhyped ship, sorry not sorry.
>>7129Different anon but "trashy" is the perfect word to describe webtoon plots, I don't even like their BL for that reason. I tried reading some of the GL but it has the similar problem as all their other genres, just hollow characters with plastic surgery faces yelling at each other.
>>7132it really bothers me that (bl)manhwa/webtoons got so popular in the last few years, they almost kinda overshadow bl manga
they always have a slimilar/boring plot and the artstyle is always so stiff and repetitive
im not even a person who needs a "good" story to enjoy a series, im actually a big fan of tropy bl stuff (gravitation, junjo romantica etc. ) but manwhas are always incredibly uninteresting to me
make yaoi great again
I'm so fucking tired anons
>go check on niche fandom I'm in, I haven't checked it out in a few months
>it only has like 5 people and is from a non-english 60s property
>my favorite artist is now a he/they and only spams usa politishit, doesn't post art or hcs
>other artists left are all AU or OC shit and a unironic tradcath genderbender that argues with everyone because yaoi is a sin
She never posted anything personal or politics before anons, she even ignored drama before this, I'm so tired of politics and trannyshit infecting everything.
>>7136nayrt but as someone who prefers manga to webtoons I don't understand why so many fujos latched onto kr webtoons. Maybe I'm just shallow but I can't even stand how the characters look in 99% of them, they all look like kpop idols and the semes are all extremely beefy for no reason. It feels like I'm looking at the worst offerings of 2000's BL manga but with (flat) coloring. It's also annoying cause most fujos I've met basically only talk about webtoons and a lot of them don't even read BL manga even though there's a lot of genuinely interesting stuff in the genre.
>>7144I dislike webtoons for the same reason. I think the swap over mostly comes from the scrolling format since most people read on their phones now. It being colored is part of it too probably, manhwa series tend to go for longer compared to BL manga where a lot of them max out at 6-7 chapters. From the few that I've read the sex scenes are also a lot more explicit than JP stuff.
>only talk about webtoons and a lot of them don't even read BL mangaMy friends and I used to talk about BL all the time in high school and throughout the years I've watched them slowly move on from manga to bland webtoon uggos, saddest decline ever.
>>7143This is sadly the typical endpoint fandoms eventually degenerate to after a long time without new canon input. The majority moves on and the few that stay have lost interest as well but refuse to leave so they pollute the bit that's left of the fandom with AU, OC or polit bullshit. It always depresses me.
If you create yourself I hope you will be able to keep doing so despite all of this. Remember that that there are always lurkers and people who watch or read the series/movie ages later but might become a fan of it regardless. They will be very happy finding good fanart or fics, it happened to me when I joined an already dead fandom some years ago.
>>7144They're fully colored, the scrolling format works on phones and they often have graphic sex scenes. That's all it takes for popularity. I've tried reading multiple webtoons but they get so boring so fast, the plots are always paper thin, the characters have no charisma and only rarely is the art even past novice level because webtoon publishers scout inexperienced people to exploit with insane scheduling and demands. Also they're much more available than BL manga because Japanese publishers fucking suck about internalization and even more with digital formats, it still takes years to translate one goddamn manga oneshot and you can only get a physical copy that never gets rereleased.
>>7136>>7144>>7145Same. The format alone is already pissing me off. With manga I have two pages neatly displayed on my monitor in fullview and I page through them like with a physical manga. Everything is shown. With webtoons I see half of a damn panel, half of my clicks are just about ADJUSTING that shit to make me see the whole panel.
Worse, the dynamic between panels is gone. Look up series like Witch Hat Atelier, Tezuka or Taniguchi stories or just every well-drawn seinen out there to see what manga are capable of. The sequential art of comics is what makes them special to begin with but it only works with connected panels. Webtoons are just mostly isolated, single panels in a sea of whiteness. It's shit. No webtoon will ever come close to a good comic or manga. They don't even have doublespreads or full landscape pages.
And those are just my problems with the awful layout. Not even starting about the horrible art and stories or the godawful flat coloring that 99% of them have or the CGI garbage many of them use.
>>7136The way koreaboo shit is pushed in weeb spaces now is so off putting that I've been avoiding it based on that alone.
>>7154Funny. I've always hated reading manga digitally because of all the zooming and scrolling but that goes back to having a CRT desktop and a laptop. Maybe it's worth trying again.
>>7047I block for pronouns, mental illness/sexuality/race, etc labels and any kind of virtue signalling in bio regardless of age. I agree with
>>7023 's cutoff but even then, the chances someone will be normal are low. You just hope they will be because they're old enough to remember when fandom was still fun. That said, I'm vague about my own age and you'd have to infer it from me blabbering about the 2000s or something.
>>7158what's the context for the pic nonna, haha?
>>7148You're right anon, I should go continue my fics, and sometimes there's waves of fans that come and go, even if takes a decade and they're few I should be hopeful for them and not despair at the current ones on the fandom.
>>7159it's a birthday nonnie! but that's all i know about it lol
>>7158Jesus Christ I never experienced this. Even the Japanese fans of my current fandom are chill with this. I never saw serious debates about this in a western fandom, it's strange how this seems to be a trend.
>cute new official art drops and instead of rejoicing about cute gays and their love, it's instantly used as an excuse to argue and push a particular agendaIt sounds like gender politics so it's probably that, as you said. If you are obsessed with gender the shipping order is very important since it determines who the "woman" or tranny is.
>how's the situation in your fandom nonas?Sadly a small active fandom, but the upside is that the majority of fans are Japanese and a few other Asians who enjoy the canon and are creative with it. The guys we like have a bunch of gay scenes together and there are no female characters around they have their designated male partner (one seems to have two love interests lol) and there is no infighting.
I partly lost interest in my main fandom (for now) because every western fan there is a lesbian now or pretends to be and despite still claiming to be fan of the series nobody is drawing the characters as men anymore. It's either genderbending or transwashing of at least one (often both) halves of the pairing. It frustrates me.
I recently opened the discord again to post a new fanart of mine. And instead of getting some talk about the characters or at a comment for the artwork a fan pointed out that the colors I used were the lesbian flag (I didn't intend to do so and after she showed me the flag I can say for sure it doesn't even look like it). So they started to discuss that instead and I left discord again and went back to my comfy Japanese twitter fandom for the other series.
>>7162>a fan pointed out that the colors I used were the lesbian flagThis would drive me insane. Are you sure that server isn't just a modern day torture device?
>>7158I'm into fixed ships myself but Satosugu shippers are extremely mentally ill over it. I'm not even in the JJK fandom but I've seen the "Geto is a woman" posts you're talking about
and the artist I despise the most is a Satosugu shipper who draws him as a woman kek, it's as if they don't even like yaoi.
Even putting aside the block what you don't like mentality, I never understood the point in fighting over top/bottom dynamics since there's no right and wrong in it or objective criteria you can appeal to. It's annoying to see people treat it like a science and make up delusional arguments about why XYZ CANNOT be a top instead when it's just an arbitrary preference on who you want to see get fucked in the ass. People would be less autistic over t/b dynamics if it didn't carry the almost inherent characterization/who gets feminized factor. Even among some vers shippers I've seen they change who they feminize according to who they're making bottom at the moment, which is strange.
>>7158In my fandom everyone who likes bigger bottoms gets super fucking offended by people who like smaller bottoms and constantly make snarky comments about them and how they're being "heteronormative" while the bigger top/smaller bottom crowd just mind their own business. Some extreme insecurity is at play there.
>>7163I cringe so hard at the thought of witnessing something like that if I made a series that ended up being popular.
I always had the mindset to be chill about everything and enjoy every sort of ship should I ever make a series, but this type of discussion would make me want to delete myself. I guess I make a memo to add at least one scene that shows the silhouette of the dick for every male character of mine to prove that they're men should I ever publish anything.
I doubt it will prevent these discussions but it will probably piss them off if it happens later in the series and it will be harder to argue around this.
>>7158>making him literally a womanAll of this because of one page where Takaba imagines Kenjaku has a hot nurse. This scene will make things even worse once it will be in the anime.
>>7168Didn't read JJK so it's literally just some typical imaginary joke scene?
>>7169Kind of, it doesn't directly involve Geto but a character that
uses his corpse to pretend to be him for a little while, and to use his specific powers because Geto is the 2nd strongest human in this setting and another character who can manipulate reality but only if he finds it funny and he doesn't even realizes he can do it. So basically there are a few chapters with these two guys just doing stupid comedy routines together and we see for just two or three panels that if Geto were a woman he'd look tall, curvy and hot. Satosugu shippers ran with it, and even some male fans unrelated to shipping stuff and who hate fujoshi were joking that
they wish Gojo were alive to see that… for shipping reasons yeah they actually proved it themselves that they hate gay pairings but would like them if one of the characters were a woman. I can't even make this up.>>7170It's weird when artists treat him like a delicate princess just for not being as tall as Gojo, the guy who's tall enough to play basketball on a professional level. And he's physically stronger than almost everyone except Maki and Toji according to some extra in the manga or guidebook too so as you said he's not meant to be skinny either. I don't ship Gojo with Nanami but I wonder if the ones who do treat Nanami this way, since he's more or less as tall as Geto.
>>7171I told yumes this shit would happen when they kept demonizing fujos out of spite and utilizing scrotes and pickmes as their attack dogs instead of defending us when they kept screaming female "goonery" and "degeneracy". I told them they wouldn't stop at fujos and that they would come for yumes next. Guess the dumb degenerate fujo was right, who knew!
The rapid normalization of open misogyny and homophobia is truly worrying though. I want to believe that the money LADS makes would shield all female-oriented media for at least some time.
>>7171I think all the retards complaining about it are going to instantly forget about LADS once they find something new to whine about in a week
I like to think women's wallets have more pull than scrotes on Twitter that don't go outside
I'm a little more concerned about possible backlash around it being from a Chinese company, but that dips into policy I know nothing about
>>7171>women are more coomeristic than malesOh, they've been trying to start that meme for a while. I rememeber they did it when that huge Game Freak Pokémon leak came out and they all posted memes about that now infamous Typhlosion story (which was written like a classic fairytale, it was not age gap rape bestiality smut like everyone pretended it was) saying "average woman sexual fantasy" or whatever and it started because they google translated the name of the employee who wrote it and the MTL gave a female name (a real translation later made it clear it was a male name). I don't even understand how thousands of people are even buying this shit when you can just browse the male and female sections on DLsite for a few minutes to recognize which gender typically has the most extreme coomer fetishes.
>female-oriented media that is erotic and romantic in nature is controlled or even banned as a measure against women's sexual freedomUnlikely but still more likely to happen than regulating 3dpd porn honestly, people are out there acting like shitty booktok smut is actually worse than the stuff that's on porn sites.
>>7171everything is projection with them as if waifu games are 1000x worse with the parasocial aspect. men will be hypercritical of booktok smut when it's seen as normal for a guy to open up pornhub and jerk off to BARELY LEGAL TEEN STEPSISTER TAKES DICK UP THE ASS or LATINA PUBLIC GANGBANG all featuring real women
>>7171I don't feel sorry for yumes tbh,
they demonized the shit out of fujos almost worse than men did.
If this was over some bl game they barely would care.
>>7171I think those guys should count on their hands how many otome/yume phone games they know. Then count how many girl gacha games they know where you can marry a girl or spend time with her alone. "Girls have too high a standard to have sex with real men and it's ruining society", he yells, looking down on women as undeserving of his sex for failing to meet his standards.
>female-oriented media that is erotic and romantic in nature is controlled or even banned as a measure against women's sexual freedomAlready happening in China, isn't it?
>>7178"YOU JUST KNOW", "WHITE WOMEN", blah blah blah, it's endless and they won't shut up about it at every opportunity.
>>7171>>7178Yeah I once saw an /a/ thread about some manga where a girl dates a dog anthro and anons in the thread were doing that shit as if they don't know that men will slap giant tits on an airplane and then want to fuck it.
>>7181I hate to see men talking shit about women hobbies but a lot of yume are very aggressive towards fujo because they feel morally superior.
This thread was insane
> of course this shit happen with western yume who can't block or mute accounts, because the only good things that they can copy from Japanese yume is of course not blocking accounts you hate on sight.
Also complaining about making yaoi out of otomege boys it's fucking stupid.
>>7186Kek this entire thread is clinical mental illness at display.
>HOW DARE YOU WRITE LADS M/M FANFICTION ON YOUR OWN ACCOUNT IN YOUR OWN SPACES MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? RESPECT THE GENRES AND THE TARGET AUDIENCES YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!!!!!!! you're INVADERS!!!! Should fujos stop writing fanfiction of shounen characters too because they should "respect the genres" and because "they don't belong in that space"? I'm straight up belly laughing at picrel, holy hell calm down.
>>7186I understand forbidding M/M in official Discords and whatever the fuck but policing others on what they post on their own accounts is pure mental illness. LADS yumes are on another level of deranged megalomania.
>>7188Don't show her the utapri fandom, she would have a heart attack and drop dead right there.
>>7190Angelique had it's own yaoi doujinshi (and still do) and dudes were "paired" together for a reason.
I don't think yumejoshis are bad, but the notion a fictional character belong to you is as weird as waifufags.
>>7188"invading spaces" feels like dudes complaining of women liking male-oriented hobbies. some people should count to five before typing down shit that made them sound like an 4chan incel
>>7191I'm not surprised. I heard about Angelique when reading old shojo manga and seeing the authors writing comments about it and other between chapters. And at least one of them was adding some fujobait in her series, so I assume there's a bigger overlap between yumejoshi and fujoshi than some terminally online people believe.
>>7158>(geto as the bottom) is truly off the charts in sensitivity and in making him literally a woman.I've noticed that a lot of people who are fixated in geto being a bottom used to be really into/really like danmei before jumping towards satosugu. To me, it kinda makes sense they're so anal because chinese fujos are really fixated on t/b dynamics. Rarely do you see depictions of the gong (uke) in the shou's (seme) position both in art and in fanfiction.
>how's the situation in your fandom nonas?I didn't know how to approach this in the thread initially a few weeks ago so thank you nonna for the question lmao. It's a bit long but I'll try to condense it to the best as I can. So, I was first presented with beef on xitter between a few people about someone who was still friends with an 'exposed' shotacon artist. Normally, I would be like "oh some morality proship discourse is happening who gives a shit just ignore it". However, the friend tried to one up them by accusing a popular mlm artist, whom I also followed a long time and was under the impression that they were friendly with each other, of being a pedophile. Really adamant like threads upon threads of how she was a sick person for making that stuff. Therefore, the shotacon artist is more morally superior cause he apologized and promised to go to therapy. All because the mlm artist was making porn of a toxic age gap ship and sexualising the 17 year old character in her nsfw account. This led me to dig deeper and holy shit this person is a total loser. Why in the fuck would you dm a person, whine and insult them cause your friends' sent you a message of them hating your het ship because you were both mutually blocked? And then continue to keep harassing them over it wtf. Also, genuinely a hypocrite cause she soon got exposed for following nsfw artists of the mha kiddos before the timeskip happened. (And no one mentioned it but I wonder about her opinion on Kohei 'Chapter 368 Color Page' Horikoshi).
And a reddit/discord mod used this situation to ban any people discussing about the mlm artist because he was still petty that his previous, retarded attempt to cancel her failed because of the artist's xitter complaint about leaks in the main discord server. All of this resulted in the artist's worsening mental health and her temporarily quitting art. But there was a big part of me that still thought it would've been a much longer hiatus. The only reason why I'm not cursing (that much) on the western fandom from high heavens is cause of the huge support she got. Plus the small mercy of the harasser being a het shipper was that I didn't see any blame on fujoshis so dudebros can't default this into "Gay shippers are a disease who ruined the fandom for everyone" shtick.
but also
>omg I love super effeminate ukes I love when the uke is so weak and submissive and with watery bug eyes and so tiny it could fit in the seme's hands with a dick so small it might as well not be there and he wears dresses and get confused by a girl because he looks like a girl and even gets called girl petnames but is totally not a girl
Genuinely what do you call this phenomenon?
>>7195Shit taste thats all i gotta say. bonus points if they make the uke a cuntboy but hes totes not a woman achtually so its not yucky hetshit!!!
>>7171tbh I dislike both sides here
Male otaku are way worse than women and unlike women they're obsessed with porn of little children or anime characters that look like 12 at best or 3DPD porn, so yume stuff is really fucking harmless and healthy in comparison.
On the other hand part of the backlash comes from the feeling that yume pretended to be pure and only crave the true love while attacking everybody else including fujos and calling them coomers, dangerous, whatever.
While the female targeted ecchi IS a whole different thing from the male one maybe stop pretending to be a flawless, asexual being when you clearly read this stuff to shlick to multiple handsome men. In a sense they brought this upon themselves.
I don't see any men calling out fujos for being coomerish over masturbating to Golden Kamuy level of ecchi gay jokes or fujo VNs. Because fujos never pretended to be pure, the "rotten" is right in our name.
>>7170I hate how binary their worldview is. Unironically. They should be the ones understanding that femininity and masculinity aren't black and white and that many traits work on both. I don't like how absolutely ever damn trait is considered feminine by these people. Can't have an elegant man anymore because elegance if feminine, so he must be a woman. Lust and temptation are female too, because medieval monks said so, so a horny man or a tempting sexy guy is a woman too because only women are sexual. But any sort of weakness is ALSO feminine. Basically every man can be seen as a woman by that logic.
>>7193>I assume there's a bigger overlap between yumejoshi and fujoshi than some terminally online people believe.nayrt but I started watching both BL and reverse harem anime when I was a teenager because they both had hot guys in them and eventually got involved in both cultures, and I highly doubt I'm the only one. I didn't even know there WAS conflict between yumes and fujos before I saw it was a big thing on LC apparently with most of the spergery coming from yumes. It's so retarded to me, they're both female-dominated nerd hobbies that men constantly diminish, why add to the negativity and discourse by starting a civil war? I personally like both BL and reverse harems/otomes for different reasons and I do think they should remain separate communities, and obviously not everyone needs to be a fujoyume, but I don't see the point in arguing over which group's specific type of enjoyment of hot anime dudes is more legitimate or whatever. And despite being a fujoyume myself I know most shitflinging of this nature is started by yumes in the first place, which is why I only really talk about yume stuff with one IRL friend and that's it. I have a feeling I wouldn't really be welcome in most yume spaces.
The fujo vs yume war becomes even dumber when you consider fujobait in yume works isn't even that rare (Utapri is a good example, especially Natsuki and Syo's interactions) and the fact that most joseimuke out there do both yumebait and fujobait.
>>7195well, a feminized uke is still a boy, so i don't see what you're trying to say. if its gay sex its gay sex, doesn't matter if he looks like a girl.
>>7200If your uke acts and looks like a woman and then you complain about het pairs or heteronormativity you're just an hypocrite when you're basically either self-inserting or shipping het in denial. I'm specifically talking about those types of people that complain about 'heteronormativity' in their ships while still practically making their bottoms into women "but they still have a dick so it's gay"
>>7195I don't know but this post I would call the "Least insecure musclepig bottom enjoyer".
>>7204>two very small groupsI wonder. I'm starting to see this sort of sperging happen on social media as well (like the thread
>>7186 posted), though I guess the people involved usually are pretty terminally online. I guess it's similar to himes vs fujos which is another autistic internet slapfight I keep seeing more of. At the end of the day I suppose the solution is to keep to your own circle, but still, it'd be nice if there was less retarded discourse polluting fandom spaces.
>>7204twist and tkrb fujo and yume exist because the nature of both stories (those fandoms i can talk about because i played the games/enjoyed fanworks). I can't tell if they coexist peacefully or not, but like someone mentioned japanese have no problem to make their own "safe environment" using mute/block function on places like twitter to avoid shit they don't want to see.
>>7199I never liked otome to be honest and dislike everything involving marriage and most romance-heavy shoujo but I never cared about their fanbases or rivalry. Honestly, in the past I didn't even feel like there was an overlap. Maybe it's because of the series I was into (Berserk, Jojo, F/Z etc.), but the fujos I befriended never cared about otome.
I might maybe just never see those discourses or interactions on public spaces for not leaving my fandom bubbles since my interests are very limited. Maybe some of the artists I follow and talk to also like yume stuff and I just never noticed because I don't ask talk it. I experienced at least one yume-heavy fandom where absolutely none of the yume liked gay stuff though. They called it evil and dangerous or some shit. I never got into a conflict with them because I shipped two guys they didn't care about.
I wish we could have a big fujo property. No more having to deal with mainstream stuff where fujos are always the minority, such as shounen or omni gachas that will have more waifus and where you have to deal with yuri fans calling fujos misogynist. But for anime there hasn't been any big fujo friendly series and for big gachas with actual gameplay there's no good joseimuke games. Even for joseimuke games now I get tired of having to deal with the yumepandering because yumes are always attacking fujos. I wish we could have one big property that was meant for fujos, not having to share with yumes or waifu. But then if such a thing exists as an anime it gets no budget and the adaptation is bad, or as a game it's half-assed and the gameplay is bad.
>>7241Isnt nucarni the closest we've got to this or is the gatcha mechanics/actual gameplay subpar? I havent played it myself since the characters arent really my type but I respect the commitment to making a BL mobage game in an oversaturated market of moeslop
>>7241how would you envision this fujo anime to be like? the genre, is it actual BL or just fujopander, etc.
>>7241This is impossible because fujoyumes overlap waaaaaaaaay too much that's not very profitable on a larger scale. BLVNs have their niche and Otome VNs have their niche but neither of them are too strong.
Touken Ranbu was the closest to 'THE' fujo property but as you say, yumes are always attacking the fujos. Even though in the game to this day there really isn't a mention of a female saniwa anywhere.
Twst would also almost feel the same if not for it also gathering autistic yumejos too.
>>7241Unfortunately I think there's just too many reasons why we don't get big fujopandering anime and games.
For anime the main issue is there's no incentive to make something that panders strongly to fujos. Stuff like Fairy Ranmaru flopped hard and you're far less likely to gain derivative audiences (aka extra profits) if your work explicitly panders to fujos, most people are stuck thinking something having BL elements in it means it's automatically garbage because fujos bad and have shit taste. I still remember when Yuri on Ice came out and became a HUGE sensation, as soon as people realized it wasn't going to shy away from being a fujo anime, all of a sudden people started nitpicking and criticizing animation, characters, anything they could to desparage it basically. If we want to go back a few years before that, well, I don't think I need to remind you how Free was received (and belittled).
As for games like
>>7244 said it's just not profitable. In the era of gachaslop maximizing profits as much as possible, it's better for companies to make joseimuke that panders to multiple crowds of nerdy women rather than just one. Nu:Carnival was the exception, not the rule, and the other Erolabs BL games that tried riding its wave did not garner a fragment of its popularity.
>>7246>Fairy Ranmaru flopped hardDidn't that one weirdly straddle the line with yume bait? Bucchigiri also flopped because it didn't commit to fujopandering. If anything I think properties that puss out of committing on the gay elements because they don't want to alienate yumes or straight men are the ones that do badly.
>>7242>or is the gatcha mechanics/actual gameplay subparI only played it a while around when it first launched and the first seasonal event so I dunno if anything changed but I ended up quitting cause I found it uninteresting to actually play once the novelty of the gay porn wore off.
>>7241I think the closest thing we have to what you are describing is danmei. But as far as anime/games go, anything "meant for fujos" is doomed to either fail or remain niche because there are a zillion flavors of fujo and a lot of us have weapons grade autism about ships and what is "good". There is nothing that could unify fujos under one IP like waifufags or yumes, who have comparatively simple itches to scratch.
It seems crazy to type but IMO fujos have been "spoiled" by our outstanding doujin/fanfic creators. Our itches are scratched by other like-minded fujos or ourselves and I just don't think there is a way for a product to compete.
>>7247>properties that puss out of committing on the gay elements because they don't want to alienate yumes or straight men are the ones that do badlyIt's kinda weird because what you say isn't wrong but I also feel like it's the exact opposite of the approach that's actually taken with fujo audiences nowadays. I think fujos are seen more as a nice little side audience rather than a target audience that's worth pandering to. Shonen anime, sports anime etc. all end up gathering a big fujo crowd despite fujos not being the main target audience, I think over the years studios noticed this and decided it was more convenient to receive fujo bucks while also never actually making anything that's PURELY for fujos (ignoring BL anime adaptations obviously). Aside from rare exceptions like Bravern, I can't really think of any recent anime that commits to the gay without backing out, then again maybe I'm just schizo but looking at seasonal anime these past few years I feel like the industry has been pandering extra hard to straight men lately, I feel like we got more shonen romcoms last summer than literally anything else. That's not even getting into all the self-insert isekai slop out there.
>>7249Sometimes I wish we lived in a world where dozens of different types of well made fujopandering shows were produced every year for every single strand of fujo autism, alas we will always need to cook our own food from the raw ingredients we are given. Homecooked meals are tasty and soulful, but sometimes I just don't feel like cooking and wish I could just go to a nice restaurant, you know?
>>7241>But for anime there hasn't been any big fujo friendly seriesLiterally Bang Bravern
Nitro Chiral VNs are the biggest games I can think of, though the nonna that suggested Danmei as a genre is probably right I just haven't read any.
There are a ton of original BL works that come out with varying levels of popularity and fanfare. It exists, you just shouldn't expect a series that's a shonen to appeal to the BL itch by default, that's just a nice bonus.
>>7250Honestly, I don't like fujopandering shows, they feel too artificial. I like omnipandering works that accidentally ended up pandering to fujos somehow but they just didn't even realize it. Although this is only a feeling of mid 2000s-2010s anime as companies are far more aware of fujos now.
Code Geass will always come to mind as accidental fujopandering to me
>>7251>BravernNo one outside of here and /a/ gave a shit.
>>7254Imo Bravern is popular, but just not appealing to the west. Maybe it's because they're both manly?
>>7242I have nothing against nuc but people wanting a game with gameplay and story and not just porn is fair.
>>7246You're right about this and the biggest fujos properties always tend to be from shows with more mass appeal, with some exceptions. There was danmei and Yuri on Ice that got big for having canon BL, but most of the big fujos ships are either from shounen or omnipandering games. I still wish for separatism only because it results in so much anti fujo sentimes. We can't have any big fandoms that don't have the straight men crying about gay, or himejoshi calling fujos misogynists because they're not writing yuri. But fujos don't congregate that much in the joseimuke fandom, people want the mass appeal and we have less sausagefest properties that actually get big.
>interested in new ship>only 6 fics on ao3, none on ffn>all of them turn one of the guys into an enbyInstantly muted all of the authors. Considered blocking them all too, but if I ever write for this ship, they’ll be able to realize that I blocked them if they ever look for this ship. I thought maybe I was crazy and the character really was somehow an enby revealed later in the game, but he’s a shapeshifter so apparently that means “literally me” to gendies. At least most of them were tagged as other instead of m/m, but it still pissed me off. Two of the fics weren’t gendie tagged so I got blasted by the word “xe.” At least there’s some doujins out there of them, but I don’t think they’re online sadly, so I’ll have to buy them myself to satisfy my urge.
>>7258God I hate untagged stuff like that. It’s an instant mute and often a block the second I see it was untagged and not an oversight by myself. Like I don’t get not tagging something that big. It’s a whole ass genderswap.
>>7259mute them anyway
I'm going to use up my entire allotted user amount with how freely I mute anyone who writes untagged anything I'm not interested in.
Probably have 112 from My Hero Academia.
If they find out you've got them muted or blocked then oh well. These groups will endlessly say LOL I FREELY BLOCK LOL and encourage instant catty behavior on social media sites. Always proud to block, never okay when they get hit too.
I've been working on my own fic with tons of authors on my mute list who have had very similar ideas. But I don't care. I'm tired of their untagged ultra slop, in my results especially if they keep showing up by having the most works of the fandom/the longest/most popular.
>>7258Do they still put it in M/M? I've tripped over this enough with one ship that I have to remember to filter by category as well (something I was not in the habit of doing given I browse by ship tag exclusively).
>>7253Bravern lacked certain fujoshi qualia that invite sprawling fanworks. In general western fujos really love to play in the sandbox so when you are a 12 ep show with a "whatever" tier ensemble cast there's really not a lot of sand in the box, you know? It reminds me a little of Samurai Flamenco in that while I was watching it I could tell there wasn't gonna be a lot of fanworks despite the homo levels being off the charts.
>>7261Issue for me is while I liked the main ship and Bravern was a super fun character, everything else about the show was pretty shitty (particularly the loli character)
>>7246Fairy Ranmaru flopped because someone made the retarded decision to include elements like kissing girls for power ups and a serial womanizer in a fujo pandering show. It was too straight for fujos and too gay for yumes.
>>7253That happened because there was barely no promo, cr started the official sub a week after the release of the first episode and normie weebs if its not gundam or any other household brand, no one cares.
>>7255probably yes, i'm thinking of other show with the same amount of episodes and strong focus on the main characters and there is yuri on ice, and sports manga and ice skating (at the time of yoi release) was very popular. also what i said my post above, if its a mecha and is not gundam it's hard that will get people interested.
>>7275*sport anime, sorry
honestly not bothered that eng bravern community is very little, less annoying fags to deal with and we had a bunch of schizos trying to ruin everyone fun.
>>7276Few years ago I would have disagreed and said more fans are better because I was/am in the Transformers fandom and my big bubble (1000+ artists I follow and just as many that follow me) is very comfy and chill. Until I realised that almost everybody I follow and most that follow me are Asian and a few Russians, not westerners.
Now I am also into Bravern and the dudes from some other show and I draw the latter and both fandoms are mainly Asian and I am fine with it. It's so chill, people are just having their fun. Even the big fandoms like Golden Kamuy are so nice as long as the fans are Japanese. With the TL tool of twitter it's no problem understanding everything they say anyway. Better to hang out with them. Whenever I get a glimpse of the western or tumblr part of the TF fandom I realise it's full of shit, bad artists and trans stuff + genderbending an OCs. The chill westerners will always adapt to Asian communities and just draw, retweet and have fun.
>>7277Yeah, sometimes I think maybe I'm just being a prejudiced weeb and try following a western artist but 90% of the time they retweet tranny/political headcanon shit almost immediately.
>>7277Not saying that jpn fandom is better, it has it's own issues. Depending how big the fandom is it could be either AB vs BA shipping discourse or passive-aggressive haters. First thing that pops in my mind with Bravern, as example, is the non-human shippers, a minority but very annoying.
I have my fair share of big fandom i left behind, and I left them at their peak because the discourse was way too unbearable to deal with, making interactions with people inside the fandom not enjoyable as they were before.
I think now anyone can experience a japanese game, anime, manga etc and not being forced to interact with eng fandom. Like you said it's even more easier now than it was years ago.
>>7278Yeah it's a shame. Even some oldfag fujos I knew have recently fallen for this and they aren't even that young anymore. I don't even use the really bad places like tiktok or instagram, don't want to know how things are looking there. I feel like most of this stuff comes from tiktok, twitter is almost "nerdy" compared to that and IG and everytime I ask a casual or normalfag what websites they use (to them it's "apps") they mention these two.
Even in the smaller fandom I am drawing for now the only ones that headcanoned some trans stuff were, ironically, the only two other English speaking artists. I wish westerners were more chill and had more fun with canon content instead of forcing politics and what are basically OCs into fandoms.
>>7261I'm shocked Yuri on ice got such a big fandom in the West since I can't think what else there is to write that much fanfic about.
>>7292I feel the same way, if the characters actually get together in the show it's cool, but I instantly lose interest from a fandom perspective.
YOI had a lot of promo and infiltrated normie spaces so it captured more than just a fujo net and I think that helped. Right place, right time sort of deal.
>>7293I think the majority of fanworks are eventually born from the urge of settings things right, this is why the majority comes from fujos in the first place. We basically feed ourselves since canon isn't providing much. Even if you get dudes who feel like they're married have no interest in women it's different from actual canon confirmation and more commonly the characters that are popular among fujos will just die or get a bad end since they're antagonists or side characters.
This is probably one of the reason for why canon yaoi barely ever gets any fanart, apart from also being too short to make people get attached to the characters and today also often too fluffy or sex focused (depending on the type) so there is nothing you can "correct" anymore.
The best shit for fujos are heavily gay hinted dudes who live in a cruel world and die before the series ends. That stuff often gets the most, same as MC/enemy since they are doomed to kill each other.
>>7294Not only that but I noticed the quality shoots way up the less canon it is.
I don't know why, but there is something that hits different with Westerners when the most popular pairings would never-ever happen get professional grade treatment.
MHA has the behemoth of the main 3 boys+Kirishima and there are novel length, published quality fanfiction of every combination between them. Not to say shounen has the best quality fanwork, but it gets it because there's no way in hell it can happen canonically. It's a damn shame Tales of flatlined so hard, because I don't think I've seen a fandom more committed to the briefest hint at a potential pair.
>>7294While I mostly agree with this I have to argue that the success of danmei fandoms in the west shows us canon homo CAN be overwhelmingly popular in this manner if it still has what (imo) are fujoshi staples: protracted narrative with a lot of "what ifs", an ensemble cast that is fun to play with, and a world that is interesting to pick at. MDZS's main canon homo ship has over 45k works on Ao3, for example.
Going off of
>>7295 mentioning MHA, if it had for real ended with Bakugo/Deku that would not have stopped the fanworks because that relationship has so many arcs and what ifs to it that the urge to play with it would still be there, just like LWJ/WWX.
>>7295>Not only that but I noticed the quality shoots way up the less canon it is.My heroes are the authors who publish a 40k novella about a random rarepair with less than 20 fics
I swear people are too fucking weak now.
I see people complain that they don't like a ship because "it's too angsty/it's too tragic" and prefer to just ship the uwu cutesy 'nothing ever bad happens' bland shit. They're allergic to any half of the ship dying (or both) because "how will I think about them in cute date scenarios?"
Have you learned nothing from your kawoshin ancestors?
>>7357kek Kawoshin fans are such a good example. Created one of the biggest, most active and long-lasting BL fandoms ever and all they had to work with was one single episode out of 26 from some series that has aired decades earlier.
I fully agree. A bit sadness and tragedy makes a ship better because you have a REASON to work on better outcomes for them and you can explore both, the happy and the dark parts. What's even interesting about a happy pairing in a happy, peaceful world? Why do they even stick to each other? Because they're both "nice"? It feels so boring and bland to me.
I wonder if such fans even last long. I cannot imagine that passion can burn for long if all you do is drawing or writing the same domestic fluff scenes over and over again.
>>7357>>7358It's kinda funny to read this as someone who got her fujo awakening from kawoshin but now is hesitating to get into Orb cause the good gay fanart is from a doomed ship. I guess my reasoning is moreso that I'm not really into modern reincarnation AUs so I dunno how much else there really is to explore otherwise. Guess I'll never know unless I just dive in and see what else people are making.
>>7294>The best shit for fujos are heavily gay hinted dudes who live in a cruel world and die before the series ends. This is accurate, but I notice outside of Japan no one goes for these ships anymore. You're right, we get very little canon gay with actual interesting dynamics and the majority of mainstream fiction has gay antagonists who die or it's unrequited. Fandom used to fix this in fics, but it never happens anymore because people don't give it a chance or they just comprehend not sticking completely to canon.
>>7357People are too literal minded for fanfic now. Nobody used to care if half or both characters in a ship died, or if someone got straight married because we knew any canon homo was never going to happen. But zoomers can't comprehend characters being in different scenarios than canon. They think making a what-if for a dead character and if they got to live is necrophilia. They think breaking up a het marriage is misogyny and making the man cheat on his wife. They think that if you take a ship with teenagers and fast forward five years when they're adults and writing about them having sex is pedophilia. They see characters literally as real people, not constructs you can move around. Which is why they see the people in fandom who aren't like them and they succeed in beating them down with these arguments. It has changed, but for the worst, as the older fans start aging out of anime and the new fans come in with this mentality.
>>7411Yeah this. I LOVE my favs, I want them to be happy too. But in the end a good interplay between dark and light-hearted parts will add so much more depth and variety to their life and dynamic and a bittersweet or sad end will spurn you on to do something better. The story feels incomplete to you in a certain way. Happy ends are final. There is not much more to add.
That aside, from a pure pragmatic perspective: a series ends anyway. And the characters eventually die anyway, even if it's not shown. So why not make it more epic and let them go with a bang?
So much better. And so much more inspiring. It's why I never got into most actual BL manga. They can be good, but I am talking about obsessions here.
Recently learned what the western fans think of my main ship in a fandom. They start out claiming the ages of the characters are morally objectionable, then when reminded they're both over 18 they all switch to accusing every shipper of mischaracterizing them and making it violent and rapey.
One of the characters in this ship is my fave, and the reason I stay away from the western fandom is because every time I look at them discussing him they are mischaracterizing him as violent and evil. They're always the same people who say those who ship him with an older guy should die. If I stay on the eastern side it's all cuddles and x gets a cold comics, if I look on the western they're slandering him and saying he's not allowed love.
Then I found this thread where people were ranking ships in the fandom and commenting on them. My top ship they pull out the age argument and DNIs, but when my fave is paired with more vulnerable characters they commented positively and said they were obsessed with it. I'm not huge on one of those ships because the other guy is really innocent and helpless, and has strong views on sex. I get the feeling that even though that ship is more dubious than the consenting bros, they approve of it because realistically it wouldn't involve sex. The down to fuck guy is a bad ship because sex, the scared of sex guy is good because no sex. I think the down to fuck guy should be teaching the scared guy about sex, which many of them are already shipping so why are you dragging my fave through the mud.
>>7415>The down to fuck guy is a bad ship because sex, the scared of sex guy is good because no sex.Yes this is something I a noticed as well. They basically hate sex, this is why they often stick to literal kids (especially if it's cartoons) since they assume nobody younger than 18 would have sex and get mad if fan is implying it. They hate adults too unless they heavily dilute their personalities and make them innocent uwus. Some of them don't ship at all and only self-insert or fawn over a specific character and get angry if you ship them.
I genuinely believe that this is also the main reason for why there is such a hate against series like Hazbin and such. I don't mean the people that logically explain why they aren't a fan, but the aggressive hatred. These people just hate sex. Even if they casually ship what I like (usually grown-ass adult men) they HAVE to headcanon them as being virgin maidens who are scared of sex.
>>7411Those developments make me worry. Fujos will disappear if this continues. It annoys me everytime younger fujos refuse to watch something I recommend because the gayness isn't obvious enough.
Like I recommend something where one man is working for and supporting another one out of his own free will throughout the whole series. They hug, they spend their free time with each other laugh together, eat together and never once talked to a woman. But this apparently not enough and just "bait" because the series doesn't state they're canonically married or something
groan Worse, even when they get into it regardless they lack any sort of creativity. They cannot come up with own ideas! I had most of my western fandom friends become inactive for a newer fandom as soon as our ship didn't appear in canon anymore after being relevant for like 100(!) chapters. They simply CANNOT think of anything to do even though we have a shitton of hints and facts to work with that canon hasn't directly shown. Still, nada. It's like tiktok has fried everybody's brain.
>>7424I feel like a lot of people have a one track mind when it comes to enjoying fiction. Only watching stuff you already know you'll like and ignoring potentially interesting stuff because it's not your usual niche. It's a shame because a lot of great fujo works come out of pretty unlikely fandoms, I really hope not all young fujos are like the ones you describe.
>It's like tiktok has fried everybody's brain.Slight blogpost but I used to be guilty of ignoring meaningful activities in favor of dopamine frying garbage for a few months last year while going through a really rough patch and I can confirm, short form content like that is literal brain numbing poison. I always felt too tired to engage with anything meaningful after doomscrolling on YT shorts or Instagram reels and it certainly did not encourage creativity. Good luck getting lost analyzing your OTP when you're too busy lobotomizing yourself. So I wouldn't be surprised if a significant amount of people think it would be more fun to fry their dopamine receptors than to actually discuss and create for their fandoms past their "expiration dates".
>>7426Yeah, socmedia is made to make you addicted. And you can scroll endlessly. I probably have a bit of a higher defense due to the lack of popular interests so there isn't much to watch or read. But even then I sometimes feel like scrolling twitter again and think "what if someone did post some new fanart in the meantime?" It's really stupid but you have to abstain from it and reduce scrolling to specific times (like once every day when you get home from work, to check all the new fanart).
I see it happening with my friends too. Most of them don't do anything but scrolling and video watching anymore. They aren't even zoomers. It's just that scrolling encourages the quickest and easiest way of gratification that makes you
feel like doing something. It's a form of addictive procrastination.
I notice that I only ever get creative when I am afk or rumination over something for a while. Creativity is a bit like warming up for sports. Jogging won't work if you run for two meters and take a break or get distracted.
>>7424Tangentially related but this reminds me of the conversation on here a few weeks ago with the nonnas who were upset about P5 not featuring a gay romance and that conversation leading into the popularity of Danmei fanworks.
If you're going into anything that isn't explicitly marketed as gay I think feeding yourself is expected and fun honestly. I'll never get the mindset of bailing or complaining about something not coming to fruition unless it's a work like Voltron where the creators were egging on fans. As you said those 100s of chapter still exist. On the other hand I like the fact that works with gay characters can inspire thousands of fanworks even if it doesn't give me plot bunnies. I think a lot of people who bail a fandom the second their ship doesn't become canon should give works with confirmed gays a glance or try more BL manga that's still plot-focused like Acid Town or Fake.
>>7428Yeah. I think that fans shouldn't even divide everything in canon and non-canon. I get that they would view a pairing as non-canon if the guys ended up marrying women (though even then it shouldn't prevent them from creating fanwork AUs). But they even consider relationships non-canon that might as well be, like the one I mentioned.
I am not saying they are canon but I wouldn't call them non/anti-canon either, especially if the canon reveals that they stick to each other only. The canon-complicity of such a pairing is basically a gray area or like schrödinger's cat. It's strange when even that isn't enough for fans.
>>7424Fujos are already being beaten underground by both het shippers and himejoshi on twitter. Too many people being in a mixed space means fujos will always be at the bottom because their ship doesn't include a woman, and this makes everyone mad. Just look at the Arcane fandom. People can't even ship those two guys without getting tons of shit
People have always hated fujos but I feel like the backlash now is just constant. There's no that much canon gay out there, and now trying to ship from things like anime has become a chore, with shounen becoming more het centric. Fujos know how to sabotage themselves too, with all the crying about "bait", but when these new younger fujos have never had a space where they were encouraged, I have begun to see why they obsess over ships needing to be canon. It's the only argument they have against people calling them misogynists. And when all the interesting ship dynamics either get called abusive because its hero/villain or two rivals, or one characters dies so they feel they can't ship it, or they're side characters so people in fandom have a problem with a side m/m ship being shipped over some canon het ship, these new fujos literally don't know how to have fun the way other older fujos do. Not to be alarmist, but add this with the shorter attention spans and fandom is changing, not for the better.
>>7424>Fujos will disappear if this continueNot gonna happen lmao?
You can't get rid of me and my autism that's for sure.
>>7431You are right to say this because in Western fandom shipping became a competition, something that tells to others who you are so of course ppl get bashed left and right BUT that issue only exist because ppl don't want to stay in their lane, like
ppl do in cn/kr/jp fandom, no one there is gonna compete on how many fic entries has a yuri ship than yaoi etc
if it was for me we should all go back to livejournal days with open and closed communities, anon kink meme etc
>>7443Oh man we are doomed
>>7443I already knew female seme 女攻め existed which is used for femdom het with pegging etc.
>>7431>beaten underground by both het shippers and himejoshi on twitterI hope more artists continue to move to bluesky. I am just using a simple "proship DNI in profile" blocklist and I literally do not see this kind of shitflinging anymore.
>crying about "bait"I've come to the conclusion that I'd take take high quality "bait" over a canon m/m ship that I don't care about. Like yeah I'm always gonna be butthurt when the middling m/f canon ship cucks the interesting m/m "bait" ship, but baited fandoms usually have hundreds if not thousands of high quality fics to soothe that burn.
>>7424>Fujos will disappear if this continues.I think the community could be at risk when there is the baton pass between older fujos who have created community infrastructure in face of adversity and gen z/alpha fujos who seem to be more susceptible to browbeating, but I also think having your preferences quashed as a young, budding fujo is something you can grow out of. The heart wants what it wants. You can't beat a shipping brainworm.
One half of my OTP was engaged to a woman who died literally hundreds of years ago, and his ex-fiancee only exists as a throwaway character who doesn't even get a canon appearance, but western fans will bend over backwards to make it clear the guy still really loves his ex-fiancee but he's willing to reluctantly let her go to finally have a chance with the other half of my OTP. It's so over the top and unnecessary, yet we still get accused of hating female characters because this guy had a girlfriend once upon a time. At this point, I have the majority of the western fandom blocked.
"fujos" that like shitty written canon het ships weird me out, like how do you go from bl with complex bonds and heartfelt dilemmas to plain old tsundere bullshit with baka and zero development?
>>7477I think some people just like having a complete puzzle, every character paired off. If you have an even number of characters someone has to end up with the girl so if bland MC already is with her then there is no need to disrupt that.
I don't see many fujos who vocally like het, there are some fandoms with a singular popular het pair, but yaoi/yuri are much more popular fandomwisem
>>7477I follow jp fujoshi who likes pretty much anything, but it's more common to see them like something het than yuri imo especially if they are old because a lot of them grew up reading shoujo. Which is not unusual, I grew up reading classic shoujo and more than often I come back re-reading some of them because there is something that is hard to find in BL
>>7484It really bothers me when people hetbend a gay ship but I don't like to make it political or get on someone's case over it cause it's just fictional. If an artist suddenly sprung that on me I'd unfollow and mute, though.
>>7477There's plenty of generic and bland BL ships/original couples (or ships that can be interesting written in the blandest way) too so it's not surprisig.
>>7477leaving aside the fact that some of these het ships might have a genuine appeal that you personally dont see, which is fine because to each their own, when these ships are genuine slop i think it might boil down to emotional attachment.
i think most fujos didnt start out as one and had a couple of possibly mediocre het ships beforehand, and never really moved on due to having nice childhood memories linked to them as core series
>>7484Contrary to what most people here would agree to disagree to, if I'm extremely autistic about my OTP I will like them in every other way. It really depends on the characters to make them 'het' but in general if I like my ship I don't like them purely on the fact of them being men but their story and personalities, so if one of them was a girl nothing would really change, or if both were.
I started as a fujo who used to be autistic about seeing het with my favorite characters, be it yume or hetbends or some 'canon girl pair' they had. I still don't like them very much but I have gotten around that with age.
I guess it genuinely really depends on who you ask. There's people who absolutely love some good twinky twink uke but I don't, there's people who love the confident yaoi chinned yaoi handed seme but I don't, etc.
I get more bothered when their characters aren't taken in consideration in the -bending process.
Never gonna understand trannyfication though. I can get around cuntboy (most of chinese fanartists draw cuntboy, it's inevitable) as long as it's not meant to be trans.
>>7477I don't get it either. The strange thing is that they never like the good/uncommon het then, it's always the worst kind like literal shounen MC/"oniichan" not-sister, perma-horny, devote housewife + MC or woke Karen and husband. There are (rarely) m/f teams or friends that are genuinely cool and would make good ships but I never see them shipping these.
I see fujos more often pretending that characters with fujo pandering were bi and that we should consider them as such and it rubs me the wrong way too. Like why is it so important? How about headcanoning canon het characters as bi instead? Why must it be the few gay-coded characters we get?
>>7488>if I'm extremely autistic about my OTP I will like them in every other wayI think for me this depends on the ship and whether het-bending it turns the dynamic into something I don't like. E.g - age gap teen x older man - I might still like teen x older woman if the genderbent woman isn't turned into a submissive waifu. Twincest or older bro x younger bro I can't stand as het because I hate oniichan x imouto and if I'm shipping m/m twincest the point is that they are the same gender and look the same. I can enjoy it as f/f but not m/f. Whenever I see hetbend (and transbend lol) the point is 99% of the time that the author wants them to do PiV and have babies or do typical anime siscon tropes, which I'm extremely not into.
>>7491>Whenever I see hetbend (and transbend lol) the point is 99% of the time that the author wants them to do PiV and have babies or do typical anime siscon tropes, which I'm extremely not into.I've never seen either of these. It's probably because of the type of characters I like but when I see hetbend it's almost always one of them being extremely casual and unladylike while the other tries their best to cope with the situation. The wild girlfriend who sits spread legged and walks around in just an oversized shirt, that sort of thing.
>>7488>Contrary to what most people here would agree to disagree to, if I'm extremely autistic about my OTP I will like them in every other way. exactly nona! i like my otp so much that every version of them is appealing to me. being a fujo, the fact they're both guys is a plus to me, but i also just love their dynamics and their characters too much to only enjoy it based off their genders, so i like their every version really.
actually my specific otp does suffer from the "and then he got her pregnant" with the uke being drawn as feminine waifu of sorts but their whole thing even as their original m/m version is that the seme is obsessed with the uke, and the uke is a more demure and proper guy compared to the manly rowdiness of the seme, so i think that's partly where it comes from, so i dont mind it despite being often strongly against heteronormativity.
I don't like hetbending because I cannot view them as the same characters anymore if someone changes the gender or species. Even that aside the vibes they give off are always different and I am not even talking about the real bad hetbending that completely changes their look and personality.
Also, I am not attracted to women which doesn't make it easier. I am usually an artfag that saves every piece of fanart for the ship I am obsessed with but genderbending is one of the rare things I will ignore.
I'm a militant hetbend hater kek. Not for any particular reason besides not being into M/F much to begin with. Even if it was done in a canon compliant or "subversive" manner I wouldn't be interested since I just don't like het itself rather than issues with heteronormative dynamics. I find people that disallow and call hetbends homophobic annoying though so I try to be quiet about it because I don't want to be associated with them.
Nothing dramatic but I will never understand how people can be envious of or angry at other artists for getting a bunch of retweets. I am not even doing it for RTs, I am posting art because I love the characters and drawing them anyway so I might as well share so that other fans are as happy as me whenever I see their works. And I am only getting retweets because I spend up to 20h on an artwork to make it perfect, not because I want the RT but because I love the characters so much that I want to shill them and convey my feelings of them.
But there are always a few people that try guilt trip others for getting engagement and when that someone is a person I considered a friend I am honestly a bit hurt myself. Plus points if they vague-mention you when they vent or attack the very people they follow for retweeting an artwork of you, be it on principle or because you casually ship a character with someone else they don't like. In this case it's the latter, but she casually ships the same character with a bunch of others as well that I don't like. Just block me already instead of making everything weird. These people guilt-trip their mutuals and then complain about not getting enough retweets. I give up and just ghost her from now on should she ever talk to me again (she probably won't).
Rest of the fandom is great though so I am having fun, I just think it's sad.
>>7494yeah not liking hetbending isn't a problem, and i can see why especially fujos wouldn't be into it. it's more so making a big fuss out of it that bothers me, but that's something that happens in fandom constantly for everything these days.
i was in a group chat dedicated to my otp and someone posted a het art of them and a member crashed out and left, and others were like "this is a queer space and this is homophobic and im uncomfortable with hetbending of them so dont post it anymore". like, come on. not liking it? completely fair, but being "uncomfortable" with a totally harmless drawing to the point of having a meltdown is genderspecial levels of sensitivity and these people just shouldnt be on the internet
besides that, m/m really has a special flair that even the most canon compliant hetbending of it cant replicate so ill always be more enamored with my ships their original way, so i get not seeing the appeal
>>7497Oh man, I only know the polar opposite, with everybody het- or yuribending my characters all the time and everybody but me praising it because more women allegedly means it's woker
I wish woke fags would just completely disappear from fandoms. I like progressive people but when I say "woke" I am rather thinking of the hypocrites that use social justice talk to attack members of a fandom they don't agree with.
Even if their stuff WAS more woke than my m/m it doesn't matter since it's a fandom. I come to enjoy gay fandom stuff not het shit.
I feel like it's fine if there's also yuri and yaoi bending as well. In the fanbase of my otp, it seems popularity of these things go crossdressing yaoi > het bending > yaoibending het ships > yuribending
>English speaking part of the fandoms (including Asians who can communicate in English)
>tranny shit
>cuntboy shit
>genderbending shit
>fatwashing shit
>OC shit
>tumblr artstyle
>race/species swap
>anti shit
>angry "think pieces"
>character hate (usually tagged with the name of the character)
>user hate
>artists that draw like 5 year olds
>three (3) artists that are actually good and stick to the designs, mostly refuse to talk (probably to keep their distance from the rest)
>non-English part of the fandom
>tons of talented artists that draw on-model
>the few that aren't have appealing artstyles and stick to the canon designs
>posts about actual headcanons instead of politics
>no user hate, if people dislike someone they mute and mind their own business
I know it might be different for genshi and other teen-flooded fandoms but this my experience with multiple fandoms. I stick to the Japanese side (sometimes with Russians and Chinese) and experience none of the shit which proves to me that the people claiming that yurification and trans etc was natural are full of shit. It's cultural influence. The Asian fans that understand English are usually affected by that shit as well.
>>7434The competition aspect isn't helped by everyone being on twitter, and them being able to reach and affect creators on there. Being loud on twitter has a personal stake for these people now.
>>7503The western TF fandom is a particular kind of horror, I ignore it completely save for the 15? or so artists that are actually good. You recognize them easily because they draw like Japanese and usually stick to either G1 or IDW, probably because both of them have that anime mecha look.
There are hundreds of super talented Asian artists out there on top of that so I don't miss anything. Everytime someone posts a western fanart that isn't from one of the few good artists it's either tranny, humanformers or one of the fanarts with these annoying cartoony looks that are basically the calarts style.
>>7484A single "what-if" hetbend done for the fun of it is no problem. It becomes undeniably homophobic when someone continuously hetbends multiple ships because at that point it's pretty clear they have an issue with same sex relationships. I have an OTP I'm really into and some of the fans constantly draw the more effeminate one as a straight up woman with big tits and treat him as such, and I seriously can't take it any other way than someone not being able to respect and accept same sex romance on the same level as straight romances.
>>7487Obviously, a person that has an attachment or self-inserts will ship it regardless, I get that. But something can be subjective only to a certain point, objectively, some fictional relationships are badly written and full of repetitive tropes. I would not bat an eye if not for some people literally claiming it was the best love story ever written just because they have an emotional attachment to it.
>>7486Yeah agreed, but at least with bl it's mainly for the characters looks I think
Fujos always talk about transwashing and cuntboys and all that and I agree it's shit, but does anybody else has the problem that you can simply not.. enjoy western art in general, even if it's depicting dudes?
There are always a few great western artists, but you wouldn't be able to tell they're westerners because they more or less adapt the canon art style of a series, maybe even make it better (like Asians usually do).
The other westerners instead (90%+) seem to make it disgusting on purpose and it honestly alienates me because I feel like it's a cultural thing that's foreign to me. I swear in 19 out of 20 cases when I see western artists their art is just UGLY. Not the proficiency, the style itself, the faces, the mouth, addition of weird teeth because they're vore fags, ugly eyes, fatwashing or other crap.
Even on /a/ I see anons posting this shit and it doesn't even look anime related, it looks like someone made fanart for a shitty comic. Why the fuck do westerners try to turn anime into western shit? I cannot tell if it's done on purpose or if they are so influenced by western (mostly American) shit that it's in their DNA to draw a hot anime character like a fucking family guy- or daily strip character.
If it was 2D-Disney it would be at least pretty, but it's always the ugly styles they choose.
>>7609Imo you're biased because the western art you see posted is specifically that ugly style but it's a minority in the grand scheme of things, it's just so blatantly western it colors the entire perception of the art scene.
The Disney/Cartoony style is what I see the most of from western fan artists, or pic related with that kind of chibi-esque faux anime.
>>7609Most western artists I encounter these days emulate a pretty anime style but I've spent years on tumblr in the 2010s so I definitely remember when 'tumblr nose' was a thing and all those virtue-signalling quirks like adding fat rolls and stretch marks. I've only seen one recent example where I get the impression the artist is making her character ugly on purpose cause his nose is huge and hooked and his cheekbones are exaggerated and he has huge hairy pecs. It's probably not a coincidence that this artist is 'intersex trans gay two-spirit'.
>>7609There are many amazing western artists out there who draw in anime style and I appreciate their work just like I do Asian artists' work, but the western art style itself is so fucking ugly I can't enjoy it. The one with big, defined noses, close set eyes, thick lips, the ugly and muddy coloring style, the annoying expressions, the linework that's too thick, the stiff composition… It just looks ugly.
>I cannot tell if it's done on purpose or if they are so influenced by western (mostly American) shit that it's in their DNA to draw a hot anime character like a fucking family guy- or daily strip character. I guess it's 50/50. They don't feel comfortable emulating anime style due to having grown up with western cartoons and comics and also maybe consider it… inferior? Because all art schools in the west always look down on it.
>They don't feel comfortable emulating anime style due to having grown up with western cartoons and comics and also maybe consider it… inferior? Because all art schools in the west always look down on it.It's this and that DeviantArt made anime style "cringe" if it doesn't look perfect, so they feel it's safer to make art that's ugly on purpose. And they're terrified of being called weebs so they have to make their love of anime ironic somehow.
I agree with what everyone is saying about Western art. That's why when I draw, I mostly try to not emulate anime art and just go for realism (or, something similar I don't have a word for?). If I can't make a satisfactory anime style, there's no need to force myself into doing something that I know won't work anyway.
>>7617Eh, I made peace with my cursed anime, comic, and disney-esque art style but you do you nonna.
>>7609This argument is so retarded to me because there are waay too many artists online nowadays, and Asian artists also have a lot of bad, low skill artists that get popular or draw weird shit like grotesque cat human hybrids and make everything, even non-anime, into anime too. Even the typical Korean artist is a gendie now, and Thai artists draw cuntboy/mpreg at higher rates than Western ones. The average Asian artist doesn't improve the art style of the media they draw, you just filter through to the talented ones.
>>7620>and Thai artists draw cuntboy/mpreg at higher rates than Western onesI noticed that too why is that?
>>7620Same bringing up fringe "Tumblr" art as the standard for western fan artists seems so outdated and its never been true. It was a minority then and it's a minority now, that shit just gets reposted and mocked so much people just assume it to be the standard when it was like 100 people max. James Hart "How to Draw Manga" deviantart tier fanart has always been the bigger plague.
Give any tag on Pixiv a search and you'll see bad JP artists, they're just bad in different ways from westerners.
>>7610Eh, maybe there are more that are good at drawing moe shit but I don't look for that art and girly blobs (I assume it's girls but might as well be boys). I noticed that the majority is just way worse at drawing on average. This doesn't mean that great artists don't exists, just that they are way rarer. If the fandom is evenly split between 50% Japanese and 50% westerns I can guarantee you that 90% of the artists I will follow will be the first not the latter. The 10% are great though.
>>7612Yeah it's often off, even IF they try to immiate the style. They also cannot draw men (men, not boys) to save their lives and usually make them look like girls even when there is no troonwashing involved.
I have such a love/hate relationship with what has been deemed 'dead dove' or dead dove spaces. What is considered proship/dead dove space in theory should be what old fujoism used to be, shipping without caring whether something was immortal or not, just…simply shipping? People who shipped the Ed brothers or the hitachiins didn't need to throw an essay about how they were raped by their brother as a child and how they're projecting their trauma into the ship now leave them alone. You just shipped them because brothers hawt and that was it.
Now almost every space that is for a standard fujo, a proship/dead dove space is:
- Full of gender politics, for some reason? Less shipping, less how shipping dadson shota rape actually helps victims overcome trauma and how it's very revolutionary feminist core
- Horny people 24/7 in such a moidy way that it becomes offputting. Imagine the obnoxiousness of cunnyfags on 4chan but 20x with somehow even more creep vibes than it should. Mind you, I like shota rape incest age gaps whatever else but I don't go "It'd be so fun if this character was such a pedo rapist ♥ I love when my fav is a PEDOPHILE!!!" that is said so unironically
- Basically no media literacy and no real interest for actually wanting to *care* about the ships. This is just a petpeeve of mine but if I like a ship it's because I like the characters and want to discuss shit, I don't wanna hear how you forgot your T-shot today or if you wonder if Character X would get their T-shot. I don't care to listen about your trauma through a ship, I'm not gonna play therapist for you when I want these characters to fuck without thinking that I'm enabling someone's 'coping mechanism'.
I just wanna ship shit, be a weirdo maybe but not have "I LOVE CHILD RAPE!!!" as a badge of honor
>>7609I think there are a few reasons for western art usually looking different even when it is anime-esque.
>Disney and cartoon influence>Wanting your own unique style instead of copying anime 100%. >Japanese people grow up with manga clubs in school, they learn the real techniques for making manga look like manga and they practice by copying art they like. Most western artists don't have this background. The colouring, rendering and linework style used by western artists on a pro level is usually really different. Meanwhile more amateur ones like to do that low contrast soupy brown/red palette. Even Korean and Chinese manhwa/manhua style usually looks different from Japanese because the techniques learned and aesthetic culture are different.>Homestuck fandom popularized the trend of racebending, making characters fat etc because the characters were 'aracial' and blank canvases (despite the fact that you can see nobody is fat or has textured hair). Then it trickled down and became the norm.I understand wanting a unique style because I don't want to completely copy anime either, but anime also has a very wide variety of styles. For example, I don't like thin lines and thin lines are very common - but there are manga styles with thick lines too.
>>7629THIS, all of this especially the second point. I thought I was the only one who noticed how weirdly offputting so-called "profic" spaces had become. I want to have a generally "normal" fandom experience but it's like anyone who self-IDs as "problematic" wants to be as edgy and off-putting as possible. I like my shota incest ships too but is it too much to ask people to treat them like they would vanilla ships? With regular discussions, fanarts, fics and without feeling like everyone's trying to outedge each other? The hornyposting is the worst too. It really does feel like they're trying to imitate lolicons for some reason.
>tfw you're too normal for the freaks and too freaky for the normals