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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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 No.6984[View All]

Life's not fair, especially for fujoshi. Post your frustrations and things that are on your mind, no matter how harsh it sounds, about advantages everyone else has that fujoshi don't get.

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lol, same. It was some girl with a rape humiliation fetish who collected everyone in a server's photos and locations because they liked men from a video game. Guys seem more content to make shit up about people and let that annoy them.


I love that fujos can make anything into yaoi and ship communities can sustain themselves, but I'm also tired of being reminded that so many companies don't hate us and are fine baiting us but will still throw us under the bus for the straight male audience. I'm sick and tired of being fucked over for liking any character unfortunate enough to belong to companies like Atlus or Hoyoverse or in a WSJ title.


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I wish these pokemon uploaders on MRM tagged the pairings so that I wouldn't have to sift through pages of roided up humans and furry porn.


Right? People on MRM are fucking terrible at tagging in general but pokemon has the worst of it.


I hate how even the series that are obviously only read by fujos or men that aren't interested in ecchi force that one or two very badly written female characters in that are shilled all the fucking time, usually through the worst types of fanservice.
It's aggravating when like 90% of the cast are male characters so they think they HAD to sexualize the token girl because they believe nobody would read or watch the series if there isn't some ecchi every two damn chapters.

Plus point if it's anticlimatic shit like a series that's otherwise serious or if the girls act full ooc in the ecchi scenes.

To my understanding there are no ecchi otaku that watch anything for some casual fanservice when the story focuses on men. There are like 60 pandering anime per season, they have more than enough shit to watch, they won't pick your sausage fest up for that one girl, jeez
And the people that follow the series from the start like it for the story or men. If anything they might end up dropping it due to being annoyed by shoved in tits.

There is nothing that makes most people lose faith in a series quicker than try-hard fanservice that screams "please buy our show, we promise there are naked girls".


Probably to trick teen boys or non otaku men into picking the series up, or maybe they just want to sell merch of that one girl and are banking on guys thinking with their dicks and buying it even if they aren't fans.
There are definitely men who do still read the sausagefest and fixate on the one ecchibait girl, just look at any /a/ thread for such a series.


When I made my way through the Black butler anime I knew season 2 was an anime original oddity in general but one of the insane things was how they added a female character who for most of the season existed only to be abused and sexualised and it was like she taken out of some edgelord ecchi anime.


What's worse is the people trying to force you into liking some het ship, or trying to turn the male characters into women, and you better like that or else you get called a misogynist.


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Same, I have this unstoppable urge to talk about the pairings and series I like but I either can't because there is no fandom to begin with (at least none in a language I can properly speak) or nobody cares about what I say because I like to analyse the lore instead of talking about which type of girlboss my favs would be.

I am also autistic about characters acting in-character so everything that changes their roles makes me lose interest, be it genderbending, setting- or role-change AUs or infantilization. I hate having some cool as fuck men with great dynamic before me that make a hot ship and seeing that 90% of the fans have no concept of romance unless it's about a soulless man and a girly girl when this binary heteronormative shit is the very thing I try to avoid by being into yaoi.


Just spent several days debating with myself over whether a shiisa has a hooked tongue like a cat's or not. All because if I say yes he won't be able to give blowjobs.


I'm one of the only purebred fujos in a group of fujoyumes who are only there to gush about the hot semes while the bottoms are shafted hard and I feel so frustrated over it. IRL I'm only attracted to women and can't relate to them cooming to male physique or looks and I try my best to pay lip service, but I'm mostly here just to enjoy the dynamics and character stories. For the record I would be just as uncomfortable in a yuriyume group too, I just don't like hearing about how much people want to fuck fictional characters when I'm trying to talk about their personality and writing.


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Stayed up late for Anime Japan stream two nights in a row and got zero announcement for a new season, just fucking adverts for HypMic. Why even bother getting so many seiyuu dressed up on stage dancing just to tell us there's a cafe, some songs we already heard are coming out, and two guys will do a radio talk. Even the Japanese speakers seemed to be upset in the chat.


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I hate how flooded fujo fandoms are by lesbian fujoyumes now.

Every fandom I touch ignores the guy they headcanon as the seme and just uses him casually if the guy they are into or relate to needs a fuck. They don't give a shit about the top and usually the so-called seme is even canonically acting like the bottom but that isn't relevant because bottom is who they self-insert into or are attracted to.
Further, and that makes everything worse, is that the bottom is turned into a woman. Cuntboy and demure, devote behavior and mpreg and the more masculine the dude is in canon the more it disgusts me.

Why the fuck do you even latch onto grown-ass men with scars and beard to make them a generic twilight self-insert? Just fucking coom to waifus already. Anime consist of like 90% female characters and half of them are the super soft housewife type you relate to. Take them.

I am usually not angry about fandom shit but I admit I seethe a bit when they tell me that their interpretation was canon. I am inclined to ask "Where? Please post the scene that shows it", but you know it would lead to drama and I would be the bad guy again so I suppress it (for now). Hell some of these dudes are soldiers and warriors. Can you please tell me why a fucking general or overlord that orders an army around, kills people and conquers is canonically a devote mother-waifu? It feels like these people were legit shizos that observed a different reality.


I thought it was mainly crypto-hetfags who transbend just one of the guys. Lesbians would be more likely to transbend both of them and turn the ship into pseudo-yuri, which does happen but less commonly. Aidens who excessively feminize and project on the bottom remind me more of the 'straight' girls who love male coomer targeted H doujins and self insert as the big tiddy waifu doing ahegao.


It might be because a lot of crypto-hetfags call themselves lesbians or even claim to have a girlfriend when in reality they’re just dating a a genderspecial male.


Why crypto? What's stopping these people from writing het pairings in the first place instead of shitting up fujo ships? It's not like they'll be lined up against the wall for doing so if someone found out


They're not lesbians lol
Speaking as someone who enjoys both fujo and yumeshit, it's just an appetite for several things. It is weird if it's all about husbandofagging and self-insertion (like uke TiFs) but i don't get why the two are mutually exclusive or why it's wrong to prefer one half of the ship. It's all female het fantasies in the end.
>usually the so-called seme is even canonically acting like the bottom but that isn't relevant because bottom is who they self-insert into or are attracted to
Yeah that's just lazy and takes the fun out of shipping. Though it can be fun to picture the uke as radically different from how he comes across in daily life. My problem with being strictly anti-insertion (even as a subtle meta thing) is there's no right way to be a fujo really. Fujos who like hyper feminine ukes piss me off but they're still enjoying anime buttsex, just in a way that i find unpalatable


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I've been waiting for the official release of two BLs in my country and they keep getting delayed. Just now I checked on one because it said it was coming for this month and now it just says it'll release this year. I already have read those two mangas in scans but I like owning physical BLs. Here's hoping those two actually release this year and I don't see the release date change from 2025 to 2026 and so on.


Dang, is it a small publishing house with supply chain issues? Maybe you could check their site to see if they've made an announcement about it.


They're independent but they're not particularly small, they've been around for more than 20 years and releasing new translations every month or so, tho it's usually only like 3 or 4 mangas. I know they stopped printing prior volumes from both series, one is cuz of a change of publisher in Japan so that explains that, but the other they haven't say why. It says nothing on their site or social media so I got no clue.


Probably. I just noticed that they often claim to be lesbians. I honestly feel like half of them aren't. Lots of them are young yume or fujos afraid of men or insecure about men and boys or something so they obsess about women but wait a few years and you see them having a husband while the typical self-acclaimed straight fujos are still into 2D only.

This does NOT mean that I suspect lesbians of being bi. What I mean is that there are lot of people in fujo fandoms that are so obsessed with labels and busy with social media browsing that they don't even know themselves and their genuine preferences so they just repeat what others say.
e.g. I was diagnosed to be autistic (but usually don't mention it if it isn't relevant for the discussion) but feel like a lot of people just slap the autism label (or the tranny label, or "bi" or "lesbian" or some mental illness) into their bio to go with the flow.

It might also be my imagination and I don't use tiktok myself but I feel like the majority of hetbenders are tiktok addicts based on how often they bring it up.


>I just noticed that they often claim to be lesbians. I honestly feel like half of them aren't
This is true outside of fujo and even fandom spaces anyway. Identifying as a lesbian has been trendy for awhile because everyone and their mom is bisexual now. The whole comphet/masterdoc thing makes it easier too.


It's especially ridiculous when I witness online drama because someone who only had boyfriends so far fights for her right to be labeled as bisexual. It's so stupid to me. I get that she can be bi. You are still bi even if you have five boyfriends. But why is it SO damn important to make that clear if it has zero relevance in their life because they don't experience alienation or homophobia since it's impossible to tell they're bi?

Same shit with trans that show zero hints of being trans other than the pronoun drama. The whole reason for why lgbt+ used to ally is the oppression. Why is the transness even relevant if they dress, look and behave like their biological gender? It feels like they just want to belong to every subculture without being part of it. Same with the "nerd" obsession.


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when are a new fan to a very very long and lore heavy multimedia series and need to 100% / complete every single entry so you don't miss anything but you also REALLY want to look up fanfiction and art. but you can't because you don't want to be spoiled nor do you want to be a fake fan by looking up stuff before you finish absolutely everything
especially goes for videogame IPs with countless multimedia spinoffs


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I'm very scared America will have have retarded censorship like the UK or Australia as a burger. The Texas law scares me as well as the Australian woman who got arrested for writing an erotic novel recently. Why would anyone cheer this on? Even if you think it's disgusting, the government will come for what you enjoy or believe in next. We've already seen this with any criticism of Isreal or Islam


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I really can't stand blatant self-insert fanart. Why not just embrace OC instead?
There's this shy tsundere character that is very insecure who messes up plenty of times in canon yet fanartists turn her into a confident outspoken mommy dom girl saying shit like "Hey, let's make out" something she’d never even come close to do in canon.

It’s so obvious that these artists are projecting themselves, acting out what they would do if they were the character and NOT what the character would do.
It’s so repetitive too cause all these projections are shaped by modern standards so those fanarts literally just reflect current trends.
What happened to the art of just making a oc character without trying to disguise it as something else? It's because they are ashamed to admit they actually want the MC for themselves?

Honestly, I have more respect for yumes who openly admit it.


>Why would anyone cheer this on?
The people cheering this on are incapable of being happy and instead must chase the high of "fuck the libtards" to feel anything approaching it.


this belongs in the censorship thread, I have a feeling a lot of the venting will be focused on censorship law


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It's probably about engagement. Nobody cares about canon character/OC ships, so some try to worm their way in by slapping an existing name onto their OC and many don't even notice the difference or don't care. It's especially annoying when the character behaves aggressively zoomer'ish or like a demure housewife, like most OCs, when the guy in question is a grownass man in canon.

>It's because they are ashamed to admit they actually want the MC for themselves?

I wish it was just MCs, I rarely ever like MCs. One of the few upsides male otaku have is that they can only selfinsert into MCs because they need to be the center of attention, so they will usually leave your gay ships in peace unless they involve the MC. Female selfinserters latch onto everything and other fans might even pretend that their ooc version was faithful to the original. Worst is when secondaries get into the fandom through fanworks and maybe don't even read the original. To them the OC version is the canon one, so they become fans of that and propagate the misconception (or mislabeling).


Living in the UK at the moment, what kind of censorship do you mean? I've not bothered being careful of anything yet so haha, oops.


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>the fanfic I remember liking a while back turned out to be from an author I muted and blocked recently
How could she have been so based when writing the one I liked and then turned around to start exclusively writing transfic?


I feel your pain, Nona. Are there really any big creators left who aren't gendies? In any fandom? I'm trying to be more tolerant of them because I realize a lot of them are quite young but, every time I open up twitter and see nothing but the vasltless sea of troonshit, I do kinda wish they'd all drop dead


I understand you. Fandom used to be about finding other cool people. These days, everyone seems so damn hateful. I don't even mind if people are gendies, but since being a gendie creator is so heavily tied up with posting hateful things towards people who do not agree with you, it creates this atmosphere of apathy, and complete consooooooooom.


Yeah and I hate how much of the fandom is rooted in "nerdiness" instead of actual, genuine interest in the series it should be about.
I am so fucking tired of adults that behave like loud retarded 8 year olds and people who make their fandom stance their whole personality and scream about their quirky traits and post in memes instead of proper sentences.


>Yeah and I hate how much of the fandom is rooted in "nerdiness" instead of actual, genuine interest in the series it should be about.
NAYRT but I was so shocked when I first learned that people join fandoms before starting the story they're supposedly into. Like, there are people who just enjoy things for the aesthetic, and I suspect a lot of people who exclusively post about memes or political stances are that type of 'fan.'


An anon posted a meme about this a few days ago and it reminded me of my deep hatred for the tagging on yaoi sites. Maybe im the one doing something wrong but its almost impossible to find the shit you like on MRM or any other gay doujin site with a tagging system. Despite yaoi and bara having different tags due to their different content, theres so much shit thats tagged with both yaoi and bara despite clearly fitting into one catagory or the other, making the separation almost useless. Theres also shit thats just clearly not tagged right, like content tagged as bara thats clearly yaoi made by a woman who just gives her guys abs or stuff tagged as yaoi that only an old Japanese homosexual could dream of getting off to. If i want to see guys with large pectoral muscles its listed under a tag called “big boobs” or something stupid where I’m then bombarded by “draw a girl, call it a boy” estrogenized femboy shit that borders on futa. Fit ikemen get put under the same tags as morbidly obese anthropomorphic raccoons fucking each other. Whats even the point of tagging if it doesn’t filter anything. It’s like the wild west.


I guess it depends on the fandom, on MRM at least. Pokemon fans don't seem to tag pairings but Blue lock fans do. A quick look at the Final fantasy pages makes me think cloud and noctis doujins get tagged for their pairings but for FF14 doujins you have to wade through bara and furry sludge unless you know specific doujin authors to search for.


Why on earth do you believe they're lesbians? Cuntbending the bottom and selfinserting into them sounds like extremely heterosexual yumejoshi behavior.


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Xitter has convinced an entire generation of fujos that they are all celebrities who should post their self-righteous opinion on every single moral/political issue in existence and not just regular people, fighting other regular people on the internet over some stupid shit. I feel like half the time they draw male characters with mastectomy scars simply because they genuinely believe that their participation in fandom is some kind of social activism


I know canon doesn't really matter and we can ship whatever the fuck we want but god it would be nice for one of my ships to become canon for once.

KCD fandom got surprise homo recently and I can only imagine how great that feels.


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I wonder if KCD even had the fanbase to appreciate it. lol. All I saw seemed very divided on the topic.

I wouldn't mind more ships becoming end game for the finale. Though from what I've seen if they decide to pander too early it fucks up the characters growth. Though picrel is also end game gone wrong so, idk.


>>I don't even mind if people are gendies, but since being a gendie creator is so heavily tied up with posting hateful things towards people who do not agree with you, it creates this atmosphere of apathy

In my experience it's either gendies or people into feminism who use feminist rhetoric and talking points to defend the female character they self insert as. Every single fandom I’ve been in has at least one of these people writing university thesis on one female character, full of personal bias or projection and coincidentally always a romance with the MC. These messy analyses gain traction because people are too lazy to scrutinize and find logical fallacies, and as a result fandom becomes a shitty circlejerk with the same few people.


I am so, so jealous of people who are into canon ships. Like, there are people out there who read/watch/play something, get shippy vibes from characters, start to ship them, and then actually get to see them together by the end? That's crazytown.

My copium is that fujos always get the really good fanworks. It's why some yumes/himes are so mean to us.


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My longest hyperfixation ever was with the ship that was half-canon, I started watching the show knowing it's half-canon and hoping that in the end of the series their get-together is at least hinted at. The screenwriters kept teasing the ship until the very end, and then in the end, the gay guy and the guy he was in love with hugged… and called each other brothers. Being a fujo is so fucking painful, it was the most popular ship in the series but noooo, straggots feeling uncomfortable is more important than fujo suffering…


I used to be a huge fan of a manga called Adekan but after a while I moved on not only because I wasn't feeling the plot anymore and cause it keeps losing fan translators but also cause the author was clearly fujobaiting the main guys while also mentioning in promo material that the manga isn't BL. If I had stuck with it I imagine I'd just end up in a situation like yours.


I'm so sorry Nona, I've googled it and it's so obvious from these effeminate men on the covers that nobody other than fujos would care about a manga like that, moids would call it gay no matter the sexual orientation of the characters and yumes would cry about the lack of self-insert female protagonist. Hell is too cold for fujobaiters, they all want our money but have zero respect for the yaoi that keeps their shitty fandoms alive


What she did with Adekan was crazy, 100% of your audience is fujoshi and you decide to switch gears to your female self insert fantasy years into publication. Idk what the sales are like but i hope they tanked. I wish fujoshi had more backbone and dropped authors who don’t respect their audience.


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>I'm a little bit dreading the new Nube anime
Ugh. I'm a newer fan (picked up the manga because the reboot looked cool) and yeah, I'm not too hopeful for the threads. On the occasion I catch a thread related to it on /a/ it's just pics of Miki/Ritsuko/Kyoko and/or bitching. I'm hoping when it actually premieres things'll be better but I know in my heart-of-hearts it'll be full of, just like you said, spergs yowling about no pantyshots or how toned down it is. Totally sucks.


Meanwhile, I don't care if lolifags get mad, I'll just be annoyed if Nube/Tamamo suddenly takes off in western fandom. When I searched the ship a few years back after watching the anime for the first time, I think there was only like 1 result in Spanish or something. But we all know it's going to be transbends all the way down and I'm so exhausted. Monkey's paw curling in action. At least we'll probably get lots of new Japanese art.
And if they de-canonize Yukime/Nube due to age discourse then it's no problem for me as a fujo kek


The fanbase has expanded significantly since the reveal which has its own share of problems. A lot of new fans started making one of the guys into an unrecognizable uwu soft boi, for example.

Still, I can only imagine how great it is for the people who shipped them after playing the first game.

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