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 No.4907[View All]

Post shit in BL that you hate.

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Personally I think it's very different when the source material included fucked up content than when a fanwork does. Not sure how to articulate but Aoba being turned into an amputee hits completely different than if someone wrote a fanfic where one of the Free boys was disfigured. I think it's just that a lot of dead dove fanfics are so detached from the tone of the main work it no longer feels like a "fan" fic. Grimdark or super serious interpertaions are one thing but if it's not in line with the world then it's just edge for the sake of edge.


Nitro+Chiral tends to specialize in bad endings so the story naturally lends itself to allow such endings to flow better compared to anime in general.


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True, all their worlds are fucked up it doesn't seem out of place.

Another thing leading off of that point, and maybe it's just a bit judgmental of me, but while I get the appeal of whumps or nasty things happening to a character who is canonically pushed around. When someone creates a super fucked up fanfic that doesn't have a plot beyond being goreporn I also just wonder what someone sees in the character. If your entire fic is just X character getting dismembered by character Y then what's even the point of making it a fanfic? Do you even like character X? Again if it's a stockholm fic where a character is beaten but slowly learns to love their capture that's one thing, or if they are trying to escape a murderer that makes sense. It' particularly fics that are 4000 words of nothing that make me raise and eyebrow.

Sorry for being a moralfag.


"women's hips" on males


> I also just wonder what someone sees in the character. If your entire fic is just X character getting dismembered by character Y then what's even the point of making it a fanfic? Do you even like character X?
Venting, unironically. I've met far too many people that heavily into gore (most of them tend to be antis for some reason?) and 99% of the time the gore extremists are just venting on the character. Whether it's self-victimization and a form of mental self-harm (I am literally the character and I love to relieve my trauma while getting raped and cut up) or just sadism depends on the person but everyone who does this is never mentally sane


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That seems so… unhelpful? If I was feeling down I'd want fluff or h/c, but to each their own.


Incel AU's


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Not entirely the same but this reminds me of how lately I've gotten into a youtube channel that will talk about fanart that went viral for reasons and there apparently was hero academia fanart that went cringe-viral for being about a miscarriage.


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really OTT angsty fanworks can be good for a laugh.


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You aren't talking about Frankie Fey are you? I opened one of her videos and she started by saying that the Japanese artist uploaded their art to Danbooru back in 2010 or something to that effect. It seemed like such a basic mistake I haven't tried to watch any of her other videos since.


Yes but I haven't gone through the entire channel yet so maybe I didn't watch that particular video or I only half paid attention. I just find certain kinds of fetish art morbidly fascinating.


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stop aging up characters in fanfiction!!
most of the times it's not even shotas being agebended, but just 17 years old boys being randomly turned 18. what difference does it even make? if they're 17 in canon, keep them 17, especially when both characters are underage anyways?


I agree, but aging them up a single year doesn't bother me and feels natural as a "post canon" fic. Meanwhile I hate the fact that for series with child characters like Invader Zim or South Park it is incredibly difficult to find canon-adjacent works since it's all aged up to high school fics.


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i think the +1 year choice can work well with a post-canon fic yes, in that case it doesn't bother me, but most of the times it's a very obvious anti fussing over the age of consent, and you can tell because the setting is the same as the original but they put a note like "i aged them up tho". it comes across as very goofy tbh.

with children characters, i get why people would want to age them up, because it's more understandable to feel uncomfortable about writing them in certain settings. it's less neurotic than being bothered by two 17 yrs old having sex.
personally i'm not against shota content though and i do wish that you could find more canon-compliant fanfics for that too, especially because then it feels like a whole new thing that isnt even linked to the series anymore, so i get you nona


I find it so contrived. Like if they’re still in a high school setting but you say they’re 18-20, why not just use their canon age instead of pretending 20 year olds in high school is normal (I’ve actually encountered fics like this before).
>post canon
I hate post canon fics. Like why would I wanna read about these characters after all the interesting stuff already happened? I find them really boring because the author either doesn’t make up another conflict or they make one up but it’s never as compelling as the original conflict (unless the story was literal garbage I guess).


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>pretending 20 year olds in high school is normal
this is sooo cursed… at that point you just know underage hands have written the fic. it's either that, or a they/them that has "i'm jack and i like frogs [nature emoji]" in their bio, or a covid weeb girl


>post canon
Strong disagree, the plot is done so it's time to tie up loose ends. Characters who don't have a resolved arc can have a "where are they now" fic, in sci-fi or fantasy you can have fics focusing on rebuilding after the main incident. It's also where you get to deal with emotional fallout and the strong emtions that come after the climatic battle where MC-kun almost saw his partner die to the villian or vice-versa.

Missing-scene is personally my favorite type of fic, but canon-divergence and post-canon tie for a close second.


This. I wish there were more post canon fics. Most of the characters I love die though but there could be a survival post canon story, though they're rare.
If you are more into side characters or antagonists the canon will most likely leave a lot of shit unresolved or undisclosed, it's much better to get a proper end in form of a fic since the official works rarel give a shit about anybody but the MCs who are IMO usually the weakest characters of a story.


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I will never support this


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At the very least most of it is just gross original porn and it's not polluting fandom searches, but yes if that tag comes up in a search it's an instant mute.


That's just the people honest enough to tag it. I've read fic that seemed good at first but slowly I realised it must have been edited AIslop when I recognised some tells like overuse of 'searing kiss', AI loves that phrase for some reason.


>Starksy & Hutch
>Hey Duggee
I mean the rest I can see why they’d have that many because they’re a large fandom but these three perplex me.


I don't know why AO3 staff hasn't just banned this already. It literally has no value.


If it was about value it'd be on FFN.

Which has actual rules about quality.

AO3's an archive and I don't get how people cannot understand that yet. Yes it's ass. Yes it's unattractive in every way. But so are a lot of the posts on an anonymous image board, which get archived, and it's a free for all buffet of trash. You take everything, or start forming lines and honestly, I'd rather ignore the AI.

AI writing sucks. But either you get a tag, or you get people uploading it anyway and posting as anon so you can't even hide it.


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Starsky and Duggee are both spams from a single "author" Bluey is more than one person. I suppose in a way it's somewhat reassuring that at least a fifth of the AI on the site is coming fomr just two people.

I get that, and I see the argument of it as a preventative measure so that at least it's tagged, but I still think that it should fall under "Not a fan work" and don't see any value in works that have no human involvement that took 2 minutes to generate. It doesn't even have a place in an archive.

The only AI I'll tolerate is someone using it for proofreading or translating a work. Full generation has no artistic value unlike a 16 year old writing horrible error riddled smut does.


I'm not woke enough for this


I just can't get into it, I'll ship the Wild Kratts or Wordgirl characters but Bluey is too young leaning for me, I'm a bit shocked it's so big given the show has nothing for adults.


Who do you ship in wordgirl lol? I don’t remember much fujo potential. Also why was a boy having a crush on his sister a running joke in a childrens show?


There isn't I just have no standards and can't let go of middle school interests I'll take anything but I always liked Two-Brains and Toby

This convo is making me think of the people in the confessions thread who were talking about liking cartoons. I think when you're little you just ravenously ship everything with no regards to actual viability or shipping quality. In that sense the only thing that makes Bluey unusual is that is has a brony-tier fanbase and isn't young children who will refine their pallet later.


I had a MLP friendship is magic phase so I feel like I probably can't dunk on the bluey enjoyers but I also don't know whether that target audience skews even younger than FiM.


Bulges, just look gross.


Actually let me clarify it's only bad when it's through pants, if they're changing in a locker room or something and he's getting teaser by other guys that's fine.


Not sure if someone said this before here BUT I FUCKING HATE BAIT ANIME! I hate it so much with a burning passion! No, I do not want to share a fandom with yumejos and delusional moids, I do not want to wait an eternity for the charcters to end up marrying the FL, I do not want to be invested in something that doesn't even have them holding hands or confessing their love to one another! Like yeah sure you can say I'm missing out and beggars can't be choosers BUT BE FUCKING FOR REAL for how long am I going to remain a beggar? The last time that happened with Yuri on Ice we got bamboozled and didn't get that movie, I am sick of it


I would say hate is a strong word, but I really disliked being baited and switched by Vanitas no Carte. The theme song animation made it look like it was going to heavily imply bl but then both the men were nearly immediately aggressively heterosexual. What a let down.


The characters I like never end up with girls but I still seethe because it never ends well regardless. They either break up, one of them gets killed or some other shit makes me believe that there is either some anti-gay conspiracy or just homophobic mangaka that cannot tolerate happy ends for characters with gay-coded relationships.

I don't even need 100% canon as in kisses-on-screen since that would never happen in shows that aren't outright BL but I also don't understand the people that defend this when nobody ever complains about the billions of confirmed het pairings that almost every single anime has.
I don't even demand the romance the het pairings get (mostly because it's awfully written anyway) but at least do not bait me or destroy the pairing. Holy shit.

I am not talking about stuff like WSJ MCs where it's obvious that they end up with a female LI, I mean close relationships that exist throughout the show up till the end and then like a year before the manga ends they have to get separate, get NTRed, one gets killed or some shit that confirms they were never together.


Yeah I hadn't heard of the subject material before watching it but I dropped that shit as soon as I realised what was actually going on.


tbh I saw no promo material and shit so I never assumed it would be gay and mostly watched it because I loved Pandora Hearts and expected some cool setting, drama and well-written characters and het-pairings but I didn't even get that.
I lost my hopes when Jeanne turned out to be pure waifu coomer fanservice after her introduction. Not sure why the series is so much worse, PH was pretty cool all around. And while I didn't ship het I liked the pairings because they worked. Here it was just one-dimensional shit with lots of tits and insecure waifu blushing.


Whenever I find a doujin that has been translated to English but it says it's been translated with Google Translate. Sometimes it can be edited to the point where you don't really notice but most of the time it's pretty mediocre and something always feels off. I love reading doujins but between machine translated or not knowing what it says, I think I choose the latter.


I'm somewhat optimistic that AI translations will eventually get good enough to serviceably translate works. Never as good as a human of course because it can't leave notes or pick up on nuances, but I'd love to be able to read untranslated DJ and have a good idea of at least what's going on.


The problem here is that BL rarely gets anime or if it does, it's slice of life. No interesting plots or worldbuilding, nothing that will generate a fandom or long-term interest unlike the bait shows. I'm tired of bait too but nothing else ever gets popular or gets anything but quality animation. Yuri on Ice was the last time and that was almost a decade ago.


>almost a decade ago
Somehow, this pains me.


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When the fuck will people learn to write smut? Am I just becoming sex-repulsed? Almost every smut fic I've seen these days has a combination of
>Unnecessarily porno dialogue as soon as the sex starts. Characters do a complete 180° when they start fucking, saying cheesy shit like "breed me" (even when there's no breeding kink), "give it all to me", screaming FUCK ME etc.
>The usual "baby" or "mine" or "so good for me" at the end of every sentence from the seme
>Slurred dialogue like yeeshhhhhh oooohhhhhhh
Do I just not have the brain to read smut? This isn't even franchise specific, I could go to any fic from any tags and most smut fics are written exactly like this


It reads like actual ERP goon texting. Like the kind of thing someone getting off while sexting would type. I know He would not say that is effectively a meme, but- well, he would not say that.

I've even ctrl f-ed 'daddy' before in fanfic before reading and closed the tab when I found it.

But I think I hate comedy dialogue more. I remember this one really popular VN from years ago I tried and quit immediately because whoever was writing apparently didn't understand the way people talk. I don't know how to describe it other than being funny- trying to be funny.


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>Do I just not have the brain to read smut?
I think you have the brain to read smut written by adult women that don't act semi-retarded when they're horny
I get the feeling that a lot of it is just a "fanfic loop" where teens that only read Kinktober fanfic slop regurgitate the style back into their own writing for someone else to read and mimic
The corny BDSM monologues probably came from that, along with characters giving lectures about sex safety and consent
In my experience, good smut fics are hidden away in niche or inaccessible fandoms (AKA media teens would need to actively seek out because it's not on their FYP or streaming)
Original Works has a lot of pornsick men writing out autistic fantasies though lol


I think safety and consent lectures are great when the content is in no way safe or healthy.

But the amount of content that does it is slim and as far as I know- I'm the only one who's done it. I'm sure there are works out there that have it, but I wish I could find them for the fandoms I like


>along with characters giving lectures about sex safety and consent
God i hate it so much. It always breaks the immersion and i feel like i'm reading about two reddit kinkster DnD players having sex (which is what those authors are). I've stopped reading fics solely because of this
>Original Works has a lot of pornsick men writing out autistic fantasies
It's mostly that and some soulful smut by women


Have you ever read a fanfic that’s dripping so heavily with purple prose and OOC bullshit that you want to leave a comment that just says “No”?

It happens to me alarmingly often.


All the time. The ones that make me angriest are the ones that feel like a Riverdale-esque adaptation of comedic source material? I don't know if that description makes sense at all. The worst part is the number of comments praising it as though it's done something profound.


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I do this by making a bookmark that's just that. I keep it hidden, but it's a reminder to never click that bullshit again.

It's always the highest kudosed works too.

I abhor clicking on something that's just the right combination of what I like to read and it's highschool age female OCs painted sloppily over male canon. Picrel when it's blatant and in the first sentence.


God yes and it pisses me off how people keep associating purple prose with good prose and quality.
It pains me to see that it even happened to a friend of mine whom I considered one of the best writers I have ever read before. She was perfect and yet still slightly evolving somehow. Then she changed fandoms so I didn't read her stuff for a few years since I am not into Herry Potter but recently she talked about how much better the average fics there were so I read a few of her short ones and it was all that.
I dunno maybe the characters talk like that, I never read the books and only watched the first 20 minutes of the first movie but I doubt it. Even if they would they wouldn't THINK like this. Especially not in mundane situations.
Common problem of mine as well. Like I never watched/read/heard of riverdale either but I assume you mean pretentious and serious? Most series I love are dramatic but comedy-heavy so the most common issue I run into reading fics is that they're devoid of humor and the typical way of talking and shenanigans that the characters usually display in canon.

It's like reading about a brooding philosopher Kamina or an moody Reigen lol

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