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Post cringy anti-fujos takes to laugh at or even discuss.
Old thread >>89


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Let's get this thread rolling with straight facts.


Question nonnies: were you an anti-fujo before becoming a fujo? If yes, how did you change your mind? Alternatively, did you had friends or acquaintances who were/are anti-fujos?


I have personally always been a fujo because when I was younger the "taboo" nature was a draw. So I never had a disgust factor or anything like that. SJWs/Twitter Activism/ect weren't a thing when I was first getting into anime so I wasn't anti-fujo in that regard either.

I had friends who laughed at yaoi because it was gay, and made homophobic jokes about it like the Oran boys being gay and how stupid/gross yaoi was. But they didn't know I was a fujo so it wasn't targeted or anything. Just teenagers being obnoxious.


No, I thought it was wild and I did make fun of the bad English title of the first yaoi I borrowed, if that counts.
I was reading shit like Rosario Vampire at the time so it wasn't like I had some moral high ground.
My friends that weren't fujo didn't talk about it.


>Rosario + Vampire
I hope you shipped MC with the werewolf boy, I sure did. What a fun series.

What was the bad title?


I don't think I had enough time on the internet to even have the chance to become an anti-fujo. I never really interacted with people on the internet until I was in high school. And during my middle school days, I was using the internet to exclusively read fanfics and watch gaming let's plays. So I never came across anti-fujo stuff. When I did eventually come across anti-fujo stuff, I was already well into the fujo lifestyle and past the point of no return.


I love Rosario Vampire, together with Elfen Lied, they both were the my favorite anime back on my first internet days


It's been so long that I don't remember, just that I thought it was a silly porno "sexy and seductive" sounding title.


I started out a little bit fujoshi at a young age, went through a phase where I thought all men were ugly, to liking mostly straight ships and having husbandos, to finally rediscovering my love of bl in my early twenties. I was in a few spaces where bl was hated even the spaces claiming to be "safe spaces for women". It was odd seeing them dig into it like a deer carcass on the road all because it wasn't "valid queer rep". while this was happening, I began to question my own sanity and the amount of strange double standards where yuri was only liked because anything starring women must mean it's more daring than not. By then I left when someone defended a yuri ecchi hentai–of all things. Anything that even centered on men, despite all the female gaze and even feminist themes, were derided for decentering women when that's the point. If these types took the time understand bl's history and the reason some women love it so much, they came out of it enlightened. But no, let's complain about heteronormative shipping dynamics for the 18th time. Look, my taste in bl is very unorthodox, but even I don't care because it makes some people happy lol.


Like >>4738 I am too old for that kind of weird activism to warp my formative years. I was shipping before I knew what shipping was, so getting online as a tween and seeing other fujos was very validating. I've gotten pretty good at sniffing out untreated mental illness in people so if I've got any anti-fujos that close they have remarkable cloaking skills.


I was never an anti-fujo. Sounds like too much work, if there's something I dislike I simply avoid it.


I was anti-fujo mostly because my friends were all men and constantly made fun of girls having hobbies or being fujos, so I convinced myself for a lot of years to be a 'based girl' that hated the yaoiz, the fujoshis and all that jazz. That was around 2008 or so. (But in general, I was very anti-porn, I was like 9 or something though lol).
What changed me into becoming a fujo was gaining my first OTP that made me just kinda giggly and happy, and originally I used it as a gotcha to my male friends "haha I made you click on gay porn LOLZ" but I actually did unironically like it and I just never changed then.
In fact, liking BL and Yaoi was what made me realize I wanted better friends to hang out with than a bunch of dudes that wanted me to be their personal NLOG doompilled lolicel whatever and wanted to fujosperg properly kek


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i personally fell down the yaoihole when i was 11 and looking at random sims 2 playthroughs on my laptop, i looked through the playlists of one of these sims accounts and found a scene in fucking junjou romantica (a relatively innocent one where miyagi is abducting shinobu after getting mad at him smiling with that australian fag) and because i had a surface level liking of anime (had no clue how to watch it though) i typed down "junjou romantica" into youtube watched the first episode and the trajectory of my life was forever altered
i remember buying hardcore yaoiezzz on amazon with my parents debit card and they were none the wiser as they didnt know what a yaoi was, because i'm an actual autist i went and changed the background of my school laptop to fanart of Shizaya (they were almost kissing whilst izaya had him at knifepoint) and i left it unattended and two of my teachers looked through it and said something to the effect of "it seems she changed the background…" while i was in earshot
during one lesson, one of those two teachers came up behind me and asked me to open it and then got disappointed when i opened it up and it had a generic anime girl on it instead, looking back on it he was a massive nonce for wanting to see me flustered or whatever


In my teenage years (Maybe ages 13-16?) I was what would today be described as "anti", the kind of little shit who whined and moaned about fujos fetishizing gay men and were all degenerate coombrains into rape porn. This was in the late 00's (so ironically enough when the edgy, rapey yaoi was actually mainstream kek) so way before the discourse era but for me it was largely influenced by my very male-dominant friend circle who hated fujos and fed into my Not Like Other Girls syndrome by encouraging the fujo bashing. I had also been exposed to porn when I was too young to handle it so it was also my trauma from that guiding my judgment. It wasn't until I made actual female friends, some of them also fujos when I actually sat down to read some BL and I was hooked immediately. I would imagine that my story is a very common one for even today's "antis", only the men who would've been the dudebro otakus grooming me back then would today be the misogynistic she/her transbians.


not sure if it would constitute as anti fujo since i was a child who thought "gay people = not normal!!" lol, but as for how i became fujo, it took googling 'hetalia manga free' and accidentally stumbling on myreadingmanga that made me enlightened to yaoi


Never. I kinda "discovered" anti-fujos were a thing somewhere around 2018 and I was a bit surprised by that cuz usually anti-fujos way back in the late 2000s and early 2010s were just people that thought yaoi was too weird/icky for them but without all that moralizing bullshit attached to it


No. I was just in denial about myself being into gay 2D dudes for a while when I was 14-15. Not even because of the gayness itself, I just was kinda anti-sexual before and slowly discovering that I am into fictive romances made me feel cringe until I stopped caring.
>Alternatively, did you had friends or acquaintances who were/are anti-fujos?
Unironically never. My female manga loving friends were all fujos and my male manga reader friends never anti-fujo despite being pub drinker types. I have honestly only ever met anti-fujos online and primarily in recent times and on otherwise progressive platforms. Even 4chan is and certainly was chiller about it. The dudes that aren't into it simply didn't watch sausage fests to begin and the non-fujos following are rarely bothered by it, since fujos are usually chill fans that just casually post a funny shipping fanart and discuss the series. I perceive yuri fans, waifu and husbando fags as way more aggressive and attention seeking.


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These people are so focused on calling out women being "homophobic" while the vast majority of homophobic people are actually men, who most of the time physically bully other men.
Still tumblr is like this, blaming women and purity spiraling.


They always bring up "real life" fetishization, but do they ever have an example of it happening aside from "weird girls at school said something suggestive about me and my homoromantic ace he/they boyfriend named after an anime character"


You could argue that people who ship rock stars or actors fall into it I guess. That's more fujo-adjacent than actual fujo culture imo and despite BTS topping Ao3 charts I don't know any self-proclaimed fujoshi into it.


This. It's like 90%+ men and the 10 or less percent that are homophobic women are usually tradwives, which are very, very unlikely to be fujo. They rarely engage with media at all (and are usually busy with their kids) and if they do they are more likely to be into live action and also being yume rather than fawning over gay or lesbian relationships that they actually despise in real life.
Other nonna here, but even then. There are way less of them than the generic fan that gets wet hearing about the newest relationship rumors about whatever celebrity they adore or outright making shit up about them and sometimes even their (heterosexual) partners. It's ridiculous when anti-fujos get angry at their own projections when we have a whole tabloid industry dedicated to nothing else but making shipping shit up about real people and making billions with that because normalfags are reading this shit.

I honestly view all of that as a form of misogyny because to them "sexualisation" means assuming the "female" role in any way. So a guy groping or kissing the other dude means that he "sexualises" him by forcing him into a role they deem female. That's it. They rarely call heterosexual stuff sexualising. Shipping het is never sexualising, shipping gay always is.


In my country people ship real-life hetero couples from the reality show Big Brother lol. In fact, shipping became so popular that the show’s directors would encourage couples to get together, even if they were already dating someone else, just because their ship was trending on Twitter.


tbf I have a similar reaction to gay men irl, I don't hate them but gay men irl are the most annoying people you can ever talk to, the thing is I can separate fiction from reality


Dunno if this was posted in the last thread, but I feel like it fits


Man I love when 15 year old fanfic sterotypes are still brought up.

Seriously, its clear this person hasn't engaged with the community recently MPREG and "gay for you" are way less common for one. Same with lube which most authors do include in some form.


IME it wasn't even like this 15 years ago. As somebody who ravenously consumed yaoi fanfic from like 2000-2010 I never saw this kind of shit in the ubiquity the video is implying. My fandoms were mostly jrpgs, shonen anime, and Harry Potter.


I wasn't anti-fujo before my fujoing, but I hopped through a really weird spiral before I actually got into BL. It was likely ignorance and shit, but kid me would say "see, I only ship these two male characters because they aren't human" during my sonic phase and I was "offended" that shipping male!poland with another male was a thing (aka the hetalia shipping). Maybe I was trying to be a suck up and/or rationalise what I was interested in to my catholic parents. But then, I discovered inazuma eleven and everything changed. I didn't turn back since, and I am glad bcz yaoi is fun, lol.

Bonus from my sonic phase : I remember showing some moid in middle school a sonadow drawing I made and he said, in an accusatory snarky way, "is that hentai?" to which I asked what hentai is and he cowered back for some reason. Never had an aswer from him.


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Idk what hyper specific shit the individual who made this video has been reading but these tropes are waaaaay less common then this video seems to think they are
The turbo swishy homofag landing the masculine "straight" fratboy is more of a fantasy of actual gay men as opposed to fujos
Also unless it's omegaverse or crackfic, most fujos don't actually add random pregnancy in their fics
Also "I'm gay only for you" is more of a bl manga trope that's losing popularity in recent years, same with "bi erasure" as the go to headcanon for manwhore characters is to have them be bi


Yeah MPREG was always the red-headed stepchild of the community and while it's evolved into omegaverse somewhat it's still more the weird thing to point and laugh at than a ubiquitous element of shipping.

Gay for you was a thing on FF back in the day, same with lubeless anal, but that seems more just the product of young and inexperienced writers who have never seen gay porn before. Also as >>4801 says making a character BI is often used as shorthand to avoid having to explain why one party would fuck another canonically. I haven't seen a double gay panic fic in years.


You know they're retarded because they take one of the most niche tropes (mpreg) and try to paint the entire community with that brush. I swear antis read more mpreg than actual fujos. You don't even encouter that fetish unless you're actively seeking it out.


>Also "I'm gay only for you" is more of a bl manga trope that's losing popularity in recent years
Even in stuff like Chinese bl which people say is more "heteronormative" for some fucking reason has series that make it clear they have gay/bisexual mcs that have gay crushes before the love interest. Even if they're virgins they're like "I'm never having sex but I know I have gay thoughts and have never liked women sexually."


posted by a TIF


>fell down the yaoihole
This sounds like a fetish situation you'd see on MRM.

Hands up if you remember the LJ posts about lube and wine bottles. Material that influenced an entire generation.


>You don't even encouter that fetish unless you're actively seeking it out.
For what it's worth I have personally seen it more in some fandoms than others. Like I've mentioned before, it feels like Mpreg has become a shitpost meme these days cause I'll see people on social media post memes along the lines of "I need him on my desk, pregnant" and "My body is a machine that turns men into pregnant men" along with related statements such as "His cervix is going to be destroyed" and I could see that translating into the perception that it's a prevalent trope in fanworks in general.


This is my experience as well, people mostly make jokes about getting fictional men pregnant (including myself) and antifujos take it at face value thinking that fujoism is all about male pregnancy and somehow it's also misogynistic because "we're implying the ability to get pregnant makes you inferior" (despite it being directed at the character affectionately) which is one hell of a spin on a shitposting meme and feels like projection.


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"New" discourse just dropped.


I love when people who don't know at all what they're talking about try to appear as the authority. It's not hard to Google why fujoshi means rotten girl.


This was genuinely such a weird post. She's someone who speaks fluent Japanese but afaik isn't Japanese and is claiming to "speak on behalf of Japanese BL fans" but when Japanese people on Twitter started telling her she's full of shit and nobody thinks using the rotten kanji is associated with homophobia she pulled the "well OBVIOUSLY Japanese speakers aren't a monolith!" card. Then why did you post this "PSA"?


Tell me more about it, I want to see him or her getting corrected by Japanese fujoshi so bad.

>look up the tweet
>it's someone I blocked before but I blocked more than 3000 accounts so I don't remember why
>obvious shit take from someone who doesn't know anything about the topic
>tranny flag in the user name
>my girl Kamui from FE Fates as an icon just to ruin everything even more
Absolute cancer.


same anon, I looked it up some more and that poor girl(?) doesn't know which sex/gender she is but also doesn't know if she's American, Japanese, both, or American with Japanese parents or grandparents so at that point it's safe to assume we should ignore her.


Rotten because women are not supposed to be engaging in voyeuristic pleasure from men, that's why there is no term for guys liking only yuri, it's "normal" for men to be voyeuristic


The exact same discourse happened when fujoshi were joking about being sinners because they read fanfics of their OTPs and tourists assumed it meant they were homophobic and considered gay men sinful, even though the joke was that women are considered sinners for finding men hot and enjoying fanservice. It's like we're in a time loop.


Misogyny doesn't even register as a possibility to the origin of the word in the minds of woketards. They literally think it doesn't exist or something when it's the most pervasive form of discrimination in existence.


>women are not supposed to be engaging in voyeuristic pleasure from men
Men get very upset when you tell them that's the only way you're going to be feeling any genuine pleasure from men.

>even though the joke was that women are considered sinners for finding men hot and enjoying fanservice.
If it's not for a man's benefit they believe this.


Isn't this the same argument used way back on Tumblr? People need to get some new material.


I follow a good bunch of Japanese fujo artists who are lebsians irl I doubt that they're homophobic, the rotten isn't related to the gay characters.
People that pretend to be Japanese or to speak for them are always the most extreme, obnoxious members of the their respective political alignments.
Twitter has/had a bunch of fake-Japanese who were racist as fuck, particularly against other Asians or LARPing misogynist Japanese to prove that Japan was the way they want it to be until it turned out that those accounts belong to generic white incels. I also witnessed a wokeoid that claimed JP would despise cultural approbation so westerners shouldn't eat, wear or buy anything related to the culture of Japan. That one also turned out to be a white US woman.
This is a good explanation. I never thought of this but this is it. It's not directly about the gay but the fact that women only like men that aren't willing to fuck with them lol


I'm still thinking about this post and how the OP got ratio'd, like sure there are retarded fakebois still saying that fujoshi are homophobic by definition and all that but seeing everyone shit talking here… maybe nature is healing. And it's so funny seeing people defending her saying she's Japanese even though she's actually American-Japanese. It's like me showing my Algerian passport and saying I'm an expert in some obscure Algerian subculture despite never going there in my life and not participating in said subculture to begin with. Like girl, you're American, shut the fuck up lol.


>And it's so funny seeing people defending her saying she's Japanese even though she's actually American-Japanese
I'm not surprised cause they've done this type of stuff for ages. I remember years ago they complained about non-japanese people wearing kimonos while japanese people in japan gave no shits.


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I made the mistake of reading the whole thread and the QRTs full of people trying to shit on white women (and of course, calling them ugly and fat). The hashtag they link as evidence is about ceasing the use of "Normal Love" to mean straight ships. There's a bunch of Japanese users telling them they're wrong, and one guy with a baby ostrich avatar who says they disagree with everything they said but won't use fujoshi because they think it's rude to women. I think that last guy is sensible but someone's going to misconstrue him to win internet arguments and call people racist. God they love being able to accuse people of racism.

I'm shocked how many people on twitter think fujoshi is "only being reclaimed now", like the term hasn't been used by Western anime fans since at least 2007. I'm also surprised by the range of nationalities who turned up to laugh at it. Lots of Turkish and Chinese speakers.

One of the Japanese users agreeing with them in the QRTs mentions they've "only lived on my side for 7 years", which I assume means when they moved from America to Japan. There's one real angery dude in the replies too who says he moved to Japan a while ago and was forced to translate yaoi where a man is raped with a wrench, woe is him, the accursed fujoshi who showed him nude cosplay photos in high school is to blame for this fate!


>There's one real angery dude in the replies too who says he moved to Japan a while ago and was forced to translate yaoi where a man is raped with a wrench, woe is him, the accursed fujoshi who showed him nude cosplay photos in high school is to blame for this fate!
KEK what?? Men acting like victims over fujos will never be not hilarious though. I've honest to god witnessed moids crying about how fujos "sexualizing male friendships" is making them scared of having close bonds with other men. Imagine being this insecure and weak.

Also the "boys love refers specifically to underage boys", where the fuck do people pick up these things? Someone is just talking out of their ass on ex dot com and everyone takes it as the honest truth.


>Also the "boys love refers specifically to underage boys", where the fuck do people pick up these things?
These idiots can't possibly imagine that most female otaku in Japan a few decades ago came up with this phrase because they're ESL, and not because they're pedophiles.

>I'm also surprised by the range of nationalities who turned up to laugh at it. Lots of Turkish and Chinese speakers.
This shit take will help us achieve world peace at this rate. Did you see the tweet where OP replies something like "there are a lot of white passing Japanese people so yikes" when someone ratio'd her by implying she's a white weeb? She kept digging herself deeper and then her recent tweets are like "omg I love my followers for supporting me (crying emoji) I blocked my notifications because I'm such a victim"


>boys love refers specifically to underage boys
They got it mixed up with shonen ai somehow.


Shonen ai does not refer to underage boys wtf.

Shonen Ai is a term which refers to non-pornographic yaoi. Its a more "Japanese" way of saying BL basically though I think the term is mainly used by English speakers.


Nta but I'm guessing this is what she meant by mixing up, afaik shounen ai/少年愛 is the japanese word for pederasty which (I might be wrong about this) was also used before the term yaoi or BL. As you said us english speakers use it differently.


They're obsessed with this shit to the point at which some of them even refuse to go to the cinema with their (male) friend because oh god some random stranger might think they're gaaay (nobody will ever think this there are so many men here that do things together because they're friends and not mentally ill).

I also love how these types are shocked about the fact that a man can't just fuck women but other men as well because imagining that some might think of doing that with you is perverted and scary but then these same people bitch about women that don't want to fuck with them for the same reasons.
It's always US Americans doing this afaik. I don't know why they're so obsessed with attributing as many possible ethnicities and identities to themselves. I recently saw a "ethnicity" meme where everybody posted what cultures they belong to with flags. Normal people used one flag or two, US users had up to 8 LMAO because some gen test or rumor said that 3% of their genes or one of their ancestors was originally Ethiopian 120 years ago. So fucking stupid.


What's funny is that people from all over the world correct her stupid take because you don't need to be Japanese to know about BL, slash, yaoi, etc. whatever you want to call it but you have to be at least a little into this specific genre and its fanbases. Since we're talking about a confused American-Japanese woman who thinks she's a Japanese man and who's obsessed with a het pairing from a video game where you can make way better het pairings happen in-game no seriously who the fuck ships the MC with that guy? aside from her? peak shit taste, it's safe to assume she doesn't like BL enough to know wtf she's talking about. And the point she's trying to make is wrong in the first place because almost all Japanese fujoshi online use the 腐 kanji in their bio on social media, it's also used as a tag on pixiv and to promote fan events, and the argument about het ships was about renaming NL (normal love) into something else because of the implications the phrase has, so it's unrelated to BL in the first place.


>There's one real angery dude in the replies too who says he moved to Japan a while ago and was forced to translate yaoi where a man is raped with a wrench
Literally fucking nothing compared to the kind of shit you see in mainstream heterosexua porn


>It's always US Americans doing this afaik
yeah and asian americans are kinda infamous for this, most of them lived their entire lives in the west but suddenly for internet brownie points they feel comfortable speaking for all asians.

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