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as a counterpart to the hate thread. sperg about things you love.
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I really like actual homos in my yaoi, with characters who actually call themselves gay or have dated men prior to their love interest, i also really like realistic storylines with the characters agnsting about being homos in an unaccepting society
also closetfags are great


Same closeted homophobic gay characters are a favorite of mine and the character arch is always satisfying.


…closetfags are great when it comes to dubcon scenarios in fic tbh. Trying to repress noises, pretending they don't find it immensely pleasuring, all the while their cock is weeping like a willow tree.


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Yessss my sisters in arms
>Waaa the homophobic bigot who's secretly a massive pillow biter is such a harmful regressive stereotype!
Nah that shit is such a turn on, love when they feel ashamed of their desires and bully their crush or better yet, bully their crush's love interest and call THEM a fag


Please nonna I must know the name!


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He's from boys abyss, ngl it's a pretty long read and when it finally gets homo they later try to make the character long to crossdress and envy MC's mum for being female which is a bit of a let down but id still recommend it if you like slow burn unrequited love
Ngl I read this blind and I shipped these two but I really wasn't expecting this outcome, surprise homo is the best


Doesn't he tranny eventually?


Suprise ship confirmation is always nice La very pretty angsty art too. Might have to check it out even if it sounds like it goes some weird places. Thanks for sharing nonna!


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I mean kinda? It's really out of nowhere tho and kinda feels like the author doesn't know how to write gay characters without them wanting to be women, ngl I'd take him secretly wanting to crossdress over him secretly being in love with MC's mum and using him as an outlet that would have been fully retarded
Enjoy anon! Just be prepared for what a slow read it tends to be at times as well as how depressing it can be


I do remember the author wrote another series that had similiar gender stuff, but with a woman. I can't recall what it was about though.


ah himegoto? honestly that was kind of a weird one, the main love interest played with being a troon but it didn't go anywhere if i recall correctly, it was similar with the mc who's issues were just the generic "i'm a tomboy im not pretty" gimmic
honestly i would have dropped it quickly if it wasn't for the pseudo lesbian character who was obsessed with the mc but went around having sex with old men whilst pretending to be a schoolgirl, her arc and character progression was genuinely insane but wasn't enough to carry the story
ngl the author feels like he fully doesn't know how to write gay characters correctly, like he played with the mc and pseudo lesbian having an actual relationship only to make it clear later that the lesbian was just a fucked up straight girl and the mc ends up with the tranny who makes her more feminine idk the closet gay's story in boy's abyss could have gone a lot worse


Ok so it's troonshit, no idea why you are shilling it here as homo


nah i personally wouldn't view it as that, I think him wanting to crossdress is more of an internalised homophobia thing, i'm not up to date so i could be wrong


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Numbers 2 and 6 appeal to me greatly. Especially 2, I love the duplicitous two faced bastard who hides behind a false positive facade, making that person an idol for MC is a great set up.


Middle row is great


God i love 1, 3 and 4. 1 is especially good if the seme tries to get the uke to resemble his past crush/whoever he wants to fuck even more. Clothing, literally taping a picture on the uke's face before he fucks him.


I desperately need 4 and 6 like works. Maybe even both Idol turns out to be a possessive stalker. Hmm, why am I thinking about Killing Stalking?


I mean the celebrity crush whom fan obsessed with, years collecting folder of his promo and paparazzi photos, finally braves himself to attend to the place he’s currently in (red carpet or just premiere place), asking for a photo together and putting his idol’s hand on his waist, giving him his number so they can hookup. That’s all I can think about it right now, I’m not a writer and don’t know how to make stories. If some similar premise sounds familiar, please tell me.


3 is one of my fave dynamics, love petty insecure bully characters


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Spiral eyes!


I've genuinely never seen 5 play out before, specifically the immortal lover x writer concept. Any examples?


Seconding this, I've seen plenty of immortal x mortal ships, but I'd love some with an author character.


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I'm very fascinated by this post. Feels like a concept you could turn into some good religious-themed dark BL. Priest x altar boy type of stuff, you know.


Yeah would work as a weird amensalistic relationship with a dark cult leader or something preying on one of his followers. Not literally a sacrificial lamb (perhaps) but basically the follower goes above and beyond to serve the cause because he's "special" and "promising" but in the end he's just taken advantage of.

Cult and fringe religious concepts always fascinate me so I'm with you there.


This is a bit complicated to describe and sperg warning, but I am addicted to narratives in which the villain is actually victim of a higher manipulative force himself.

Not to be confused with the "misunderstood guy" and "forced villain". Villain-kun's doing evil shit for his own sake, e.g. out of spite, utilitarianism or hatred for the world. But he's being toyed with regardless, by something (or someone) that stands above him and considers him part of an experiment, mission or funny game. Even better when the villain laughs it off or knows about it but doesn't seem to care since he's already broken. It sounds more peculiar than it actually is, it's something that casually happens in games and manga.

I just love to explore how desperation, failure or alienation can make a character evil and how being evil is a punishment by itself. Or how the real evil are often the sanctimonious leaders, puppet players in the background or the mighty gods to whom human struggle is just a form of entertainment. Villains that vaguely fit this trope are also very shippeable with the MCs that fight them (or the secret master) since they're ironically also fighting the very ones that manipulate the villain.


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You might like Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


>(or the secret master)
Can you drop some ships like this? It's a set up I haven't really considered before but I am very interested


Xenoblade 2's antagonists are so good, I recommend it as well.


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Do you need to play the first one to play the second one?

Never played a Xenoblade game but the character designs in the franchise are nice


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There is a late-game plot point that is directly related to something in 1 but I think they do enough to explain it in such a way that 2 remains a fine standalone play (somebody who played 2 before 1 should weigh in if they are reading, because my take is tainted by having played them in order). The only think you lose out on the shitting-your-pants moment because it's so late in the game you stopped expecting anything like that.


(Welcome back FC!)

I think I really like intelligence gaps. One character is kinda dumb and the other can either be just above-average or super smart. I like it if it's Dude/His pet idiot and light-hearted, but I think I prefer when it has a darker edge to it. If the smarter one is manipulative and touchy while the dumber one doesn't at all like what he's doing but doesn't have the best self-preservation instincts/isn't good at arguing back and just lets it happen. Though not if the guy is like, actually just not mentally capable at all, that just loops back around to making me feel legit bad.


>Dude/His pet idiot
Lmao I like this a lot too. I wish there was more of it outside of high school settings


I'll be the third to love this, I especially like it when in a criminal duo.


>Though not if the guy is like, actually just not mentally capable
why did this make me laugh


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God I love them literally perfect on ukes I dunno what it is just fucking hot I love them

I did phrase it kinda funny admittedly lmao


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I have come to realize that I really like when the story features an aggressively homophobic character. Not necessarily a closeted homo lashing out, not even necessarily male, I just think it adds an extra spice, you know? Especially if they try to sabotage the characters' relationship somehow.
I think I just like presence of an actual antagonist, rather than having conflict of their romance be driven merely by circumstantial relationship difficulties or whatever.


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So you mean like these two? Yea, I totally get you.


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CHUBBY CHARACTERS!!!! idc if its the seme or uke I just love chubby men


Agree actually! This is something that grew on me. I used to be really into tall beanpole men, but over time chubby guys grew on me. Not fatsos or anything fetishy but a guy who isn't too athletic or has a bit of meat on his bones can be cute too.


Forgot to add but while jocks or super muscle-men aren't my forte I love the idea of shipping jock-kun with chubby-kun and having him be a personal trainer of sorts. Especially if chubby is self-concious about his body and jock-kun keeps reassuring him, maybe chubby even tries quitting because it's too hard but sticks with it because jock believes in him and is his biggest cheerleader.


Only under the pretense he has some muscle to him too. Idk, but men with a mix of muscle and fat are so freaking hot to me.


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Same, I love chubby guys and their fat sides, men are the best when they're straight up barrel-shaped.


I really REALLY like when the men are "feminine" but still have subtle masculine features, it's a hard balance to obtain but when it's done right it's just so good and I like it when both uke and seme are like this. Also size difference but the "smaller" guy is actually average height and the "bigger" guy isn't just taller, he's actually slightly bigger overall, only good in fantasy settings really.


Like Griffith from Berserk? If so I fully agree that type of androgynous beauty is great and has a very powerful and elwgant aura.

I also like "traps" when they aren't drawn with hips or fake breasts. Femine and cute but still very clearly male in personality is a nice contrast but you rarely see it done well.


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Steven Stone was one for years to me. Once saw him in pinterest feed and couldn’t stopped being obsessed with him. He was mad attractive confident (sometimes cocky but never arrogant) good guy, way perfect so he needed to be balanced with rock autism.


Yeah Griffith is a good example (even if the movies sometimes make him look a little too feminine imo) plus his personality in contrast with his looks is wonderful. Another example I enjoy (design-wise) are male characters from old shoujo works with long hair and eyelashes coupled with the tall frame and sharp masculine (but slender) shapes, never seen it but Patalliro has this (still goes a little overboard with the feminine elements sometimes though). Also I've talked about Ennead here before and Seth and Anubis are making me go insane lately, long hair, pretty faces and cool make-up with the muscular but not roided body, such amazing design choices!


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Any BL I've read where one of the guys is considered "fat" reminds me what the standard for fat is in Japan
They're usually just drawn with less definition and the softness looks really cute to me


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This is less something I've seen but more just an idea I really enjoy (though I do think I've seen it somewhere) but I like the thought of a dude who likes to push for constant indirect contact. For example if B asked for A's food/drink because A hadn't really touched them A would make a point of biting/drinking a bit before giving it to him. Or B needs a towel and A instantly hands over the one he was just using instead of passing over a fresh one. He's just always making sure B is using something that he's used as well. It'd be especially fun if A didn't consciously know he did it so much.

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