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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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 No.13[View All]

as a counterpart to the hate thread. sperg about things you love.
328 posts and 165 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's just in poor taste. Queerbaiting is another term that has a similar history but the ship has long sailed on that one. 'Ironic homophobia' is cool with the kiddies now, they're throwing around every slur in the book as a meme, with a lot of genuine homophobes hiding behind this (especially towards fujo ships, we're literally back in the 00s where everyone was happy to shit on us openly)
When I see pushback it's mostly from older people in fandom who are telling them the history of this term, because many have no idea. I'm aware that most people on an imageboard are not going to give a shit about this, but still.
>someone literally died
It never exactly stopped. 'Gay panic' murder still happens across the world, that's why it's poor taste to turn it into a cutesy fanfic term. Is it really that hard for people to think of something else that doesn't have an unfortunate connotation? Think about how twitter tried its hardest to redefine 'fujoshi' to mean 'straight woman who ~fetishizes~ the gays in harmful ways and calls herself rotten because she's sinning!'. Terms losing their meaning due to ignorance benefits nobody.


I usually prefer another character first when I start a new series but always end up being obsessed with sidekicks and underlings later, I don't know why lol
Maybe because the role feels gay on principle? If a man sticks to another man of a slightly higher position than himself and loyally sides with him, helps him or serves him as his willful assistant and friend the role is gay-coded to begin with.

I also love them because they're usually not arrogant or self-righteous, since they're happy being the right-hand man and/or friend. They're intriguing too IMO because they are introduced as allegedly one-note or shady tertiary characters but then you learn new things about them and realize you misjudged them completely (assuming it's a decent series that gives them a personality). And I usually end up liking the characters more that I initially underestimated. Feels good loving someone more as the series progresses, instead of getting tired or disappointed of them.

Anyway I am a side-kick/servant fanatic.
What a weird preference to have. I wish it was more common, but you sometimes find them among the antagonists or rivaling factions.


I'm the same exact way, I never get into the hero/villain dynamic it's always the bad guy/his bodyguard. Depending on if its a serious show or a cartoony Saturday morning cartoon you can also have a couple of different tones. Like H/C where the main villian is downtrodden because he keeps failing, or in serious works you can have an abusive or self-destructive angle where the bodyguard is being hurt by association with the criminal but chooses to stay because of feelings.


Something about the sight of an uke nutting all over his own chest gives me a dopamine rush.


On his face…


Is the appeal humiliation or something else?


I guess it's a form of humiliation? The uke had a good time but then could get embarrassed about it being all over him and he can't blame the other guy for it entirely cause it's his own cum.


Humiliation, loss of control


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Wings, specifically feathered ones like angels. I love fics where another character is allowed to touch them and it's painted as an intimate moment.


Reminds me of how you're not supposed to scratch your pet parrot anywhere else than their head lest you trigger unwanted hormonal behaviors.


I love violence. I loved the first volume of Sneaky Red. I want to draw men getting beat on and crying and hurt. Reading about it turns me on so bad, and I love the way the author of that draws the bruises just right. I wish she would do more manga on the same subject, but oh well haha


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Overpowered monster x human or the other way around has always been my fetish but I just saw this screencap going around and hnnngg


Same nonna same king kong and the ang lee hulk movie changed me as a kid


I finished this one just now since I too am a fellow certified violence enjoyer and I was a bit sad it didn't continue past volume 1…BDSM scenes aren't the same


Ah I know right? I skimmed the second vol and felt a little disappointed lmao.. Still plan on reading it though because it's only 1 more, might as well


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Based me too. I noticed that even the characters that aren't drawn with them look better on fanart if you hint the cheekbones. It just gives the shape a more three-dimensional and slightly more angled face which makes them sexy.
On a related note I also like when they have a chin and nose opposed to a point and a dot with little shadow.


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Not only that but it also gives the characters more of a world-worn look, not necessarily old, but mature. Personally also like some form of stubble and or facial hair as well, a small goatee like in your pic is great.


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why do you like BL?

a bit OT but i've seen this question around already and dont want to open a whole new thread for it.


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Combination of liking men and wanting works with only men, and also enjoying the characters and wanting to see more of them outside of the context of just their original work. I don't mind original works, but fandom BL will always be my favorite as it's an extension of something that I already love.


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I might be the odd one out because I don't have a special reason for liking BL that can't be explained by my general fiction consumption habits aside from it being written by women and preferring female art styles. I've always liked homoshit since I was young, most likely because my primary interests at the time were predominantly (fe)male only casts so all my ships ended up gay. Mixed cast series at the time didn't really have interesting dynamics (let alone romances) for M/F, so I never really cared. For the few het ships I've liked I never got obsessed with it the same way I do with yaois. This mindset just carried on for original works as well.


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i like BL for many reasons. one is that i'm attracted to men, and came to terms with my attraction to women much later, after my taste in media had already solidified. i think that female characters are often very uninspiring, so that doesn't help me getting invested in them.
also, i already know women can be emotionally vulnerable, more open-minded about sexuality, and hot, since these concepts applied to females are pushed down everybody's throat on the daily. when it comes to the same thing with men though, it has a novelty factor with higher stakes, so it feels more romantic and exciting to me


I think anime guys are appealing and I like that their relationships will never have certain elements that are present in hetero relationships like pregnancy. I do like het ships sometimes but my true love will always be BL.


It often stems from divorcing myself away from expectations placed on society from straight relationships. Don't get me wrong some of my favourite media involves them but I like to indulge in a fantasy where I can explore romance that is seperate from my gender. It also helps it's for a female audience niche.


It's comfort food. In any other genre/set up you're not guaranteed moe with male characters, and in a series with a female protagonist there's usually a barrier between her and the man because different genders and appropriate behavior. When it's two dudes there's twice the opportunity for male moe and people tend to write them with way less distance between them. They can just be without all the social hang ups of treating each other like different species that straight couples get. It's a fantasy space where that awkwardness doesn't exist.


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I like it because I get to see men being emotionally expressive in non-heteronormative ways. It’s endearing to see anime men dancing, laughing, crying and kissing (other men), it triggers the Moe deep in my kokoro. It’s also nice to see men sexualized for a female audience for… Obvious reasons. And what’s better than one sexy guy? Two, of course! Three if you're really ambitious

There’s something special about BL that het doesn’t capture. I think it’s the camaraderie the boys can have since they’re not as restrained by gender differences, alongside the stories being more action-based than typical het and even yuri romance (at least in the stuff I like). And naturally, women are already very cute and sexualized everywhere you go; the reverse has much more novelty to me.


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Don't bully me, but I like those stories where one character has been turned into an animal and the other party has to help them. It's better if the still normal party doesn't realize who has been animalized. It's jhst a cute fairy tale concept and I'm a sucker for it.


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Rock paper scissors for who bottoms / reluctance to bottom.
Internalized homophobia.
Ukes who are strong rivals in canon and now has a psychological complex about taking dick up the asshole.
When bottoming feels good despite it being gay and humiliating.
Seme must cum inside uke, no condoms, STDs don't exist.
Pairings must being together forever, no polyamory or cucking or cheating or het.
Facials, semen, bukkake, and glory holes


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>Pairings must being together forever, no polyamory or cucking or cheating or het.
I LOVE that true love unrealistic cuteness where people are destined to be together. Not literally soul mate but "I've never felt this way about anyone." blushing fluffy cuddling.


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Hey nose nonna you still around? Do you have any more recs for pointy nose series?


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Anon just casually describing yaoi heaven!! What more do you like nona? I'm curious!
>Internalized homophobia.
We need more of this please!


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>Internalized homophobia.
There is nothing hotter than a traditionalist/conservative dude in his 30s or older ending up in the bottom gay route IMO


Agree, though not so much about the sex as it is about the mentsl internal struggle if you're willing to go against your personal morals for thr other guy.


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Suits and ties.


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Plain ukes, not pretty by any means but cute in their own way. Even better if they're slightly pathetic and older than the seme. I like it when they have ugly bastard vibes without being hideous


>ugly bastard vibes without being hideous
Explain please, I don't get it at all.


NTA but I think she means the personality of an ugly bastard but not the physical appearance of one?


>ugly bastard vibes without being hideous
Like a cute loser boy? I get it. I want to see more 2D incels take dick


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Younger Tops older bottoms


>2D incels taking dick
any recs?? id love too see more of this but i havent really found anything


Yup, maybe he was once super ugly but he still acts like a loser. Or he's not classically handsome but looks rapeable under his dull/creepy air
Same, incels are made to be raped by other men. I especially love it if they're obsessed with the pretty seme and there's some riba early on.


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This is why I love shipping guys like Adachi. Wish there was serious fujo pandering with one of such characters.


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I can dig this, there’s a couple of sweaty otaku types that I’m into and they gave me a stinky boy fetish.
This but I want Adachi to top, give the incel some much needed hole.




Personally I like him getting fucked by Doujima, but I can see him topping when he loses the persona (heh).



I love twincest so much but not too crazy about selfcest, help!


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You need to find series with canon alternate universes and timelines. Imagine the boy falling into another dimension where he meets himself but hot.


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Actually related to the Mishima comments in the other thread I really love the clingy characters who border on being stalkers. The kind of characters who desperately dog MC from a distance and are first in line to start the fan club. It's just very cute, and funny if MC is oblivious to it.


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They were so cute
I’ll never not be bitter about hideyoshi hogging all the merch when yoshii kun was so much cuter

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