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a thread for misc. bl stuff and idle, semi-on-topic discussion. if you just want to talk about a one-off ship in that manga you thought was going to be entirely lolib8 or sperg about something that either,

>doesn't really deserve its own thread

>doesn't fit into any thread on the catalogue
>doesn't pique your interest enough to go through the motions of making a new thread

then put it here.
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I want to listen to some BLCD that aren't uploaded anywhere online and I found that you can buy them on dlsite but I have a question. If I buy them there, would I get a physical copy and have to pay for shipping or will I get a digital copy I can download on any device? Because I don't plan on getting anything to read CDs just for BL.


DLSITE is mostly digital products, but you should be able to check the individual specifications on each product. IE file type, compatability ect


I'll check out what they have then, thank you! Unfortunately there's one BLCD I was curious about but they don't have it. However there's the option to buy the manga it's based on which is cool but I won't do it because for some reason even though there's no fan translation at all it's officially translated and published in my country. If there's any good BL manga that aren't translated yet I'll check if I can buy the chapters, the prices are cheap.


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Honestly I'm not surprised at all. It's been so long without news that I forgot it was supposed to be a thing.


For anything that isn't on DLsite, you may be able to find it on Amazon JP, but you need a VPN running to check out or it'll keep emptying the basket without explaining itself. A program like Audacity can record stereo speaker output so you can make copies of anything DRM won't let you keep on your PC.


Anime gets less and less fujo friendly every year. There's so many straight romcoms and harems, and even a decent amount of yuri, but you see less and less actual BL or BL friendly anime.


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Having irl fujoshi friends is wild because one of mine just told me on our way to the mall that she 100% completed Hadaka Shitsuji a few years ago. She gave me a super vague description of it and I understood which one she was talking about despite never playing it. I wish all the anons here will have this kind of friendship at some point.


god i dearly wish i had fujo friends irl. the people around me are mostly normies and i don't have weeby friends. maybe it's for the better since im afraid id get cancelled for liking problematic shit or being twansphobic. perhaps im blackpilled from being too online, but i don't want to deal with mentally ill TIFs and overgrown womanchildren genderspecials. do cool, mentally well adjusted, reasonable fujos even exist in the wild anymore?


I really envy you. I haven't even had a single friend who was into weeb stuff in general. When I went on a vacation to japan and visited toranoana and some secondhand doujin stores I was thinking it would've been great to shop with another fujo.


They exist but good luck finding them. My friends and I met in uni because we studied Japanese and most students were weebs in the first place but we're all late millenials and most of us are either more like old school online nerds who believe in the "don't like don't read" motto, or found the perfect balance between being a normie and being terminally online. I'm not sure I can call my friends and I well adjusted though kek but it's completely unrelated to our hobbies.

I want to shop with you…


I have an irl fujo friend and we always fight over top/bottom (half-jokingly) and complain about omegaverse fics kek. I'm very grateful for her, our friendship has an unique appeal compared to my other weeb friends because we can both sperg out to each other about whatever yaoiz we're currently into. She's quite normie aside from her weeb tendencies too so I don't have to walk around eggshells about troons or problematic tropes.

Yes but you probably won't find them in the wild. I have 2 mutual friends that are reasonable fujos and aren't terminally online in the annoying SJW way. Like >>2734 said this type of fujo is more common among old people, I'm a zoomer myself but sane fujos seem like a dying breed in my age group.


I don't think I ever argued over who's top and who's bottom with my friend except for Kakyoin and Jotaro. One of them believes that Jotaro just HAS to be the uke every single time. Once we were having a long discussion over FE3H and Sylvain and Lorenz's supports. About how Lorenz looks like he would be the type to get raped by a mob in your typical edgy doujinshi or fanfic and Sylvain would most likely watch from the beginning until it's over with a smirk on his face to mock him. Poor Lorenz kek.

>She's quite normie aside from her weeb tendencies too

What do you mean? I feel like everyone's criteria for being a normie is a bit different. My friend and I probably wouldn't qualify as normies once you know us very well but I guess at first glance we're your average late millennial women just trying to get by.


>One of them believes that Jotaro just HAS to be the uke every single time
Blasphemous. I would fight on that too. Honestly Lorenz is too ugly for me to even consider him getting mobbed.

>What do you mean? I feel like everyone's criteria for being a normie is a bit different.

Normie normie in an almost boomer-like way. Aside from basic stuff like having a very active social life and going outside often, she's more disconnected from internet memes/trends than the average zoomer and never participated in fandom either (as far as liking art/fics goes). If she didn't like anime and manga her personality would be indistinguishable from my parents kek.


We were saying this about Lorenz because of his personality mostly. We agree that he's ugly, but he's ok after the timeskip.


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I'm impressed that people on this forum still produce content. I have an account on there that's so old that it still has a username and avatar combination that is from my tween days. Maybe I should actually try socialising on there at some point. I can imagine the fujoshi on there are pretty chill.


I hate French weeb influencers advertising BL, they're always cancerous. Just checking one who's always retweeted by the usual publishing companies and it's a gay guy who seems like he's in his 30s so he seems to be a long term fan but he's advertising some tranny shit that just got released really hard and everytime he talks about a cute and/or comfy manga it's always "this manga is soft and melancholic and 2deep4u, you wouldn't get it…" like? Shut the fuck up.

I've never used this forum but tbh I understand why it would still be somewhat active, I can't think of anything equivalent that users could migrate to, including Discord since it must have a lot of posts and data from way before Discord existed.


NTA, but discord is so volatile it's hard for me to imagine it's great for sharing BL content long term. I've heard nightmares about fan translation groups disappearing overnight in discord servers, deleting all of their content after a fight or something similar. Discord is great for talking but maybe not sharing I guess.


Considering opening a second Twitter account just for fandom stuff.

No porn, but embarrassing shipping comics and pics that do not look professional on portfolio-Twitter.

Is it worth it? Any tips?


>Any tips?
Lay the groundwork for archival of fanart/ists you really like before you start retweeting/liking stuff so you don't have to scramble to save things/track down pixivs/etc when Twitter inevitably shits the bed for a final time.


are you seriously telling me that people use twitter/tumblr as an archive for fanart?

Faith in humanity -1000
(You're supposed to save them to your harddrive first….)

Anyway, I mainly want to share my own fanart, and retweet stuff that fits my standards. Only I'm an actual career artist elsewhere.


>are you seriously telling me that people use twitter/tumblr as an archive for fanart?
A lot of people think it's just gonna be there forever, yes. They just need one beloved fanartist nuking their shit to learn their lesson though.


I personally retweet art I like and download my twitter archive/data from time to time so I have the pictures on my computer and the sources/artists even after they delete their tweets or accounts. But it doesn't work if you only like the tweets. I do that because it's safe to assume that these artists might delete their accounts anytime they want and sometimes if the artists become pros they'll delete all their fanart to then only advertise their own original manga. Especially if they do BL.


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Started looking for Blue lock doujins on a whim and this one reminded me I like the type of dynamic where the two will still mess with each other even if they're also dating. Good homosports doujins remember that it's about rowdy athletic guys who are used to trash talking.


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I didn't find a webtoon thread so might as well post here, I'm getting so fucking fed up with Jaekyung from Jinx and if he doesn't fix his shit immediately I'll be dropping the series. almost 50 episodes with barely any character development on his side, if Dan wasn't so likable and cute and his personal story wasn't so engaging I would've given up a long time ago. Do Koreans just love getting emotionally battered all the time?


Holy shit don't get me started.
I'm assuming the author is trying (emphasis on trying) to replicate what she did in BJ Alex but it's really dragging on. Every week I've been crossing my fingers for him to lose whatever match he gets next. He needs to be taken down a peg.


Yeah it's getting really repetitive and annoying. Him flipping the fuck out over his birthday gift is just genuine mental illness and made him go from funny angry beefcake to a cartoon villain. I get that Mingwa is trying to build it up to some big reveal but it's been a long, long while since we saw Jaekyung's human side (that he showed when talking to Dan's grandmother at the hospital) so I keep forgetting that he's capable of being something else than a schizo roidpig.


Does BJ Alex get better later? It got old so fast for the first third I read. The seme was such a cartoonish psychopath without any recourse, it got exhausting.


I say it does. Without giving too much away he does end up regretting how he treated him and isn't immediately forgiven. I would give it another chance if you ever find yourself with the time.


Looking at Haikyu BL just immediately transports me back to the early to mid 2010s on tumblr. It was pretty comfy and to be honest I'm still into Kuroken.


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Happy international women's day fellow fujos! a woman has been spotted holding omegaverse BL in a tweet posted by the official Prime Minister of France


I refuse to believe France is a real country. btw the prime minister is gay and may or may not have added his ex bf in the government. Who knows.


this woman is so powerful i love her


Gabriel Attal? He cute. Who's his supposed ex-bf? (Non french here)
Queen shit but how did she sneak this in lmao


Stéphane Séjourné


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I've noticed that recently almost not recent French releases interested me. I feel like it's been a while since I bought any BL manga. I think I'm going to read the ones I already have and just wait for what will be translated the next months by reading scans. It's almost always either omegaverse, angst, bdsm or dom/sub stories or over the top yakuza shit that's hard to take seriously, I guess that's what's currently trendy among French zoomers? Legit the only manga I want to see released right now is the second volume of Sonna ni iu nara daite yaru and it's been translated for a long time by the publishing company but they still haven't given a date for it.

I gave Sankaku Mado a try the other day after learning that JJK was very inspired by it, and I didn't dislike it but I felt like the pacing was all wrong? I don't know how to explain it, I'm talking about the manga but it feels like nothing is happening even though that's obviously not the case, so I just couldn't finish it. Maybe it's the type of story that's way more fun to read when you read it little by little so I shouldn't have binged read it. The premise reminded me of Tokyo Babylon but in a more recent setting and I like Tokyo Babylon a lot so idgi. I also saw spoilers about how the two main guys don't date each other at all despite being in love with each other and it didn't help.


Any manga recommendations with frotting?


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I'm going to spend the weekend rereading my BL manga (and some other manga as well) and see if there are books I should sell because I'm running out of space on my shelves and some manga were better than others imo. I'm going to also make a list of BL manga I want to read, I'm considering reading longer series now instead of oneshots. What's everyone's opinion on Hanakoi Tsurane? You guys have recommendations for funny or comfy stories? Or ones with a lot of action?

I want to know too.


me wo ubau wa hana no kao


I know very little about Sword art online, just vaguely that it's about a VR game and there's waifus, so it totally threw me off when I found out there's a prominent BL ship in the fandom. Quite fascinating.


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Yeah never got into SAO but a lot of people ship Kirihito with the male characters. Lots of cute art if you're into the series!


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Wasn't sure where to post this but it's BL adjacent, I guess. Ice Adolescence is officially dead, to the surprise of probably no one.


Let's be real, it's obvious it was going to happen. It's been far too long since the last update we had. I'm disappointed but at least the anime was a complete story so the movie would have been more like a nice bonus, since it was supposed to be a prequel, it could have been worse. Even Suwabe posted about how he was disappointed that the movie is canceled.


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A scanlation of a manga I don't read but happened to see introduced me to "Braised BL" and I love this concept so much. I'm into morally questionable codependent relationships to begin with so it's no wonder.


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SPOILERS BELOW (pretty early ones but yeah)
Figure this fits here best? Just some mumbling about the Windbreaker manga.

So. I started the Windbreaker anime a bit ago, watched episode one then took a while to catch up as more came out. Ep1 wasn't bad but I did have a nicer time with ep2-4. I then decided, 'hey, why not check out the manga?' and so I started it last night, and took a break on chapter 27. Largely because there were a few things that just… really stood out, to the point I couldn't stop thinking about them.
The main thing, and most glaring is:


This started with chapter 6, because that's where we're introduced to Arima, Kanuma and Togame (second in command), a three-batch of antagonists from the rival gang, Shishitoren. The two following chapters we meet Tomiyama (SST's leader) and Sako, to round it out to five. They're going to fight against five of the main characters in a bout of one-on-one matches because of Sakura (mc) stepping into SST territory to save a Bofuurin affiliated student, during chap 5-6. This still isn't too bad, but the problems become apparent as soon as the matches start. The first fight is a total stomp, in Bofuurin's benefit. Okay. Second is essentially the same, with Suo toying with his opponent Kanuma. Sure, w/e. It's when we get to the third fight, Sako v Hiragi that I was kinda 'ehhh…'
So, Sako called out Hiragi for a fight back in chapter 7. Shows the two have history, right? Well, once their fight starts, we get that history within the same chapter that Sako loses the fight. Super fast, okay, but still no biggie. But it set a precedent for the two following fights: Fights starts>Lore for why the SST char is the way they are >SST member loses and has understanding beaten into them. As such, when all the fights are over, it's 5-0 in favor of Bofuurin, and Togame and Tomiyama now don't wanna be asshole leaders that focus on strength over all in place of caring for their members. Sako, Kanuma, and Arima don't get much screentime during this but I imagine they're probably in the same boat, too. Redemption for them isn't horrible but the issue is that they have hardly had any time to be antags and make it hit harder that they're now chill. To put it into perspective,
>Kanuma, Arima, and Togame introduced in chapter 6
>Tomiyama in chapter 7, Sako in 8
>Togame and Tomiyama redeemed and eating with the Bofu crew by chapter 27's end


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>Pacing cont.
Again, Sako, Kanuma, and Arima aren't present but considering the change of mindset in both their leaders I imagine they're gonna chill out too. Put short, that's a redemption of five antags within 20-21 chapters, and if not five than at least two characters who were set up as major powerhouses and the most aggressive in their mindset and therefore the biggest opponents. As a whole it just means SST won't be a bother for Bofuurin anymore. I just wasn't feeling it. Especially since, until this point, they're the only antags for Bofuurin that weren't jerky randos on the street. But they're already not an issue now. And like, I can see what the mangaka was going for with the backstories, and such. They aren't horrible (Sako's the weakest imo) but again, the characters have just not been around long enough for it to hit home.

>Bofuurin themselves

So, I said the problems become apparent when the matches start, but that's not just for the pacing. I said Bofuurin won 5-0 and that was kinda lame to me. For a little context, Bofuurin is a gang dedicated to protecting and serving the town they reside in. The town was originally full of troublemakers but Bofu helped calm things down and just make it overall safer to live in and move to. Goody-goody delinquents isn't innately horrible to me, kinda funny but I can roll with yeah? But the fights rubbed me the wrong way. Besides the first fight, Sugishita v Arima, and Sako v Hiragi each one has the SST member getting a stern talking to and then getting whooped. Suo v Kanuma is actually the meanest for this because Suo just toys with Kanuma while shitalking him the whole time, and Kanuma is literally pissing himself because the dude he considers a brother just got dropped in one hit and thrown off the stage like trash. I understand the intent with this fight, make the cheeky asshole see that it doesn't feel good to be looked down upon and bullied, but Kanuma especially just hasn't done enough as an antag to deserve the absolute dragging he got. Kanuma and Arima as duo are just so pathetic, tbh. But I'm going on a tangent about the wrong thing. As I said, Bofuurin is a gang of nice dudes, they're our main cast. I fully expected things to lean toward them and their beliefs but with these fights it legit just feels that whatever opposition just won't have a chance in Hell. Like, not a single win for the newly introduced antags, even if there were only 2.5ish fights that were one-sided.


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>Bofuurin cont.
And it just has me worried: it's one thing to have the MCs prove SST's mentality wrong and succeed after a bit of clashing but for them to immediately smack down the first group that could be a legit issue for them is just weird. I don't mind Bofu being like they are but not if every altercation defaults toward them from the jump. Having them struggle/lose but ultimately prove that yeah, it's better to care and use your strength to protect instead of w/e nonsense the other gangs get up to would be simple and effective. Even with it being touched on that not just SST, but Togame and Tomiyama both used to be way kinder doesn't make the turn-around feel as good. I know the Bofu has the just and good mentality, but I'm worried that it could fall into the trap of conflict hardly ever lasting because they are just so Wholesome and Right. Really think SST was fumbled, but I'm hoping it was just a misstep and not a sign of things.

I could do a little more about Sakura himself but I do think I'd like to at least read a little more. I don't dislike it, though. Art is nice and the fights are alright. And Kotoha is fun, really like her design. Ofc cute guys too. And neck biting! I feel weird posting this much when I'm not even thirty chapters in, feels unfair toward it, lotta stuff can happen later, but couldn't shake these thoughts.


Sorry if this isn't the place to post this, but which of CLAMP's manga would you all recommend? I've heard they do a lot of fujo-adjacent type work, and I'd like to get into it. I'm also open to suggestions for any other type of manga, book, or light novel with a sort of 'almost BL but not quite' vibe (basically, a lot of boys, emphasis on plot/characterization, decent number of shippers in the fanbase). I like horror, mystery, and psychological stories. I am okay with adventure and fantasy if a lot of characters die, but not if there isn't a bunch of drama or really high stakes.


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Clamp is what made me a fujo so they very much are fujo-related!

If you want actual BL Tokyo Babylon and Legal Drug are shonen-ai and blatently so. Of the two I like Tokyo Babylon more and its made me fall in love with them.

In terms of more general works xxxholic has the same BL "boys with emotions" feel though the series isn't explicitly gay. Cardcaptor and its sequel series Tsubasa both have canonically gay side characters though the lead pairing in both those series is hetero.

Really the only two I wouldn't rec reading first is X because its unfinished and works better if you've read Tokyo Babylon and Miyuki-chan because its tonally different from the rest of their works. I don't hate anything Clamp has done and I think all their works have strengths.


Thank you, nona!! I was kind of missing the feeling of shipping two characters who weren't explicitly together in canon, and was looking for a series that allowed me to do so, since I mostly read actual BL these days (hopefully that makes sense). However, I just looked up Tokyo Babylon, and it looks like exactly my kind of thing, so I'm totally going for that first kek. I'll probably get around to xxxholic eventually, but I'm very excited to start Tokyo Babylon!


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CLAMP generally has top tier men even when they aren't tied to fujo fanservice.
For fujo I absolutely recommend Tokyo Babylon, RG Veda, X (but that is unfinished), Legal Drug and maybe xxxholic if you like the designs. Not the MCs, but Kurogane/Fye from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle were one of the most popular gay ships in the late 00s afaik and they are generally top characters IMO so you might give this a try as well.

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