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 No.1365[Last 50 Posts]

Fujoanons… No one is posting rn… What are u doing T~T are u busy with real life? so lonely here..


I got a job recently, still doing my finals for uni so I haven't been active here lately. Sorry Nonna 😞


The only active threads aren't of my interests and the board is generally dead, thus I don't post.


same, i have 2 exams left


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the board is kind of dead. also there are lots of unpleasant anons here (anti-trap spergs, people who regularly use "dyke" / "n*gger", etc.) that i'm losing the will to keep posting lol. it's just not a comfy place to be in.
even as someone who's fairly desperate for the board to flourish + behind a lot of the general threads on /bl/. sorry


I come here mostly to check up 2-3 times a day and I'd say there's maybe like 3 active users at a given time, I wish we could recruit just a couple more people


stay strong nonnies. persevere for our hot boys


I have faith that fujochan will eventually have a spike of new users and be more active and comfy


how, most of us are lc refugges(which have already a small userbase) and the other from 4chan, its likely no one will ever here of fujochan, unless we actively advertise it on discord or twitter


>unless we actively advertise it on discord or twitter
Fuck no, that will not end well.


I rather post nothing when I don't really have something to say… so…


The site's probably too degenerate for the twitter/discord crowd. Certainly the majority of them wouldn't be happy with all the incest, noncon and other such "problematic" fetishes which are regularly discussed here


For me at least, the board is so empty and slow that I don't want to post since it kind of feels like I'd be spamming the place up. Additionally I mostly like fandom stuff, but my main fandoms are super niche things nobody's heard of anyways, which makes the chances of anyone on such a small board caring about them abysmal.


Sure, the majority of those communities are retarded antis and I don't think anybody would want them here anyway, but there definitely are some fujos who are ok with the problematic content. I think the bigger issue would be the overall negativity on this site, like the trans hate thread, the trap hate thread, calling everyone a moid for liking something you don't like etc. I think that's what would put off most people even if we advertised this board to them. As someone who's been on 4chan for years I don't mind any of that, but a lot of people aren't used to this kind of negativity being all over the board.


Yeah, I can feel you. To be honest I mostly browse /yu/ since I'm a husbandofag and /ffs/ in adition to this board, with the addition of /f/ hoping for one of the things I'm into to get a thread.


Makes sense.


You should create the thread for your fandom. It might not take off right away but it doesn't hurt to try


One of my friends just sent me a link to this board. I love it here.


If we had just maybe 10 more users, I think this site would be seem far less dead


I know what you mean, nona. I just hope fujochan doesn't turn into a lolcow clone. I really like the more fun and lighthearted tone of fujochan.

I hope fujochan gets more visitors, it would be nice to attract yaoi fans from places like Pixiv where there isn't an infestation of antis.


Pixiv sounds like a great idea!


If you like censored genitals and not being able to filter tags/users without a subscription or an extension


I didn't mean Pixiv the site. I meant Pixiv the people there.


If you want to go to a site infested with pedos, coombraib moids and scat fetishists who don't tag their shit, be my guest


You are the reason this site is dead. Can't enjoy shit without people like you complaining constantly about something you don't like or accusing everyone of being male.

I don't even mind the heavy words since it's a chan website and I kind of expect that. However it does seem like the girls here try way too hard to be like their edgy incel counterparts (using "moid" instead of "man" or "male" is some of the most cringe shit I've ever witnessed).


Drop the pickme shit already. You're not going to find and scrotes here.


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>anti-trap spergs
Sorry we don't want malegaze dickgirls in our yaoi
>people who regularly use "dyke" / "n*gger", etc.


>i don't mind the slurs
>but calling men "moids" is going too far


Except this isn't an anti-trap thread. This kind of shit is exactly why people here call you anti-trap schizos


>anyone that doesn't like my forced meme fetish is a schizo




I accept your concession


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unironically ban any trap related sperging if it's outside of the trap containment threads


>unironically ban any trap related content


Twitter has its massive share of degen fujoshi that are willing to deal with “problematic” shit, they’ve just been pushed into small corners and into silence by loud dumbasses.
I have to agree here. Channer culture (or the massive presence it had before) isn’t as prevalent as it used to be and a lot of people, even if they’re as depraved and into male ryona or shota or whatever like nonnies here, just don’t tolerate it anymore. Not even in an “Sjw” way. Its just embarrassing and scares people off, unfortunately.


>You're not going to find and scrotes here.
>People here are incapable of not calling everyone who slightly disagrees with them a "scrote"


>they’ve just been pushed into small corners and into silence by loud dumbasses
As a Twitter user I can confirm this. There is a quite decent amount of "problematic" fan artists out there with audiences that would love to have a place to discuss their tastes more freely, but as pointed out already the issue would be the majority being put off by chan culture/threads venting about aydens/etc.


Ngl if this place was full of traps I'd probably be turned off and leave.
Though to be fair, I'd do the same with western bara. They're both the same level, really.


Unironically ban traps, furry (yes, including Sonic), bara and straight shota that's how you get rid of the userbase driving this site down the toilet, you'll get rid of all the autistic 4chan migrates.


4chan is mostly dudes so I doubt


…What fucking user base? You talk as if tourist men are spamming the site like this was /y/ when the site is fucking BARREN.
The kemono furry thread only had like 5 posts, "Bara" threads barely exist and oyaji or golden kamui threads are dead, the /ss/ thread at the yume board is fucking dead too and you'd have to deliberately look for it to see it.
What fucking schizophrenic delusions are you seeing?
The people ruining this site are lolcow tourists like you who need to take some issue with invisible/hypothetical men and can't stop associating everything with them


I think all the schizo man hating anons probably turn off most of the casual visitors, people came to discuss cute 2d boys kissing and they have to navigate tranny spammers and people who can't stop talking about moids and what moids hate and love. Like who gives a shit? If I wanted to talk about 3d people I'd be on twitter.

I got a link for this forum on /y/ BL thread and that topic discusses BL way more than anything there, I guess that's what happens when you actually ban 3D shit talk.


agreed, this place has a lot of potential, but i think stricter moderation to keep people from sperging everywhere about trannies, traps, moids, etc. will be necessary


Highly agreed


>schizo man hating anons
I was more turned off by the unapologetic homophobia and general /pol/faggotry here when I came in but whatever. Just accept that not a lot of fujos want an imageboard and find the "chan culture" hostile and uncomfortable, learn to live with the fact that the board will be slow and more inclined to have people come vent anonymously in the fujo fandom sperging board (which anons for some reason lurk and then complain about seeing political commentary).


>lurk and then complain about seeing political commentary)
It's probably because those threads are the most active on the whole site and take over the front page when freakouts happen. Makes it difficult to ignore when it's the first thing anons see upon accessing the site. I wonder if hiding /ffs/ from the front page would help the atmosphere? Since then people would actually have to go out of their way to find the negative sperging.


I wouldn't mind venting if people actually talked about BL. I made 2 threads and I got one person answering in like a week


>I was more turned off by the unapologetic homophobia and general /pol/faggotry
no idea why girlies want to be /pol/lite so badly


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>no idea why girlies want to be /pol/lite so badly
they want to preserve the most retarded parts of chan culture


As someone who's been on 4chan for years, I have to say I'm a bit guilty of this as I've gotten too used to being a part of a "chan" community and acting like the people in it. But as of lately I've barely been going to 4chan and honestly realized some of that behaviour is really immature and stupid. I've been trying to better myself and act less toxic and aggressive about my opinions with people. I hope other nonas here with similar experiences can also realize nothing good comes out of acting like the regular 4chan poster besides being obnoxious and pushing people away from you.


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Men are into BL too so let's ban BL! Shut this entire website down! You know, just in case we get a male that's into the same things we are!!

This is the only thing we are allowed to enjoy. Oh wait isn't he in high school? That's pedophilia we can't enjoy that either.


Malegaze traps, bara, furries and much less straight shota were never a part of fujoshi culture and will never be. The few degens who like those things have the entire internet's porn stash to go circlejerk about them.


who cares bitch goddamn


You do if you're responding


Thanks for perfectly proving the point you absolute braindead retard. Might as well ban you too since you see everything through the eyes of a male.


I wish there was an actual fujo discord somewhere that wasn't just a circlejerk of the same people who know eachother desu. It's always like that with most fujo places.


Be the change you want to see sis.


I'm a follower, not a leader. I only go to places, not make them. Besides, even if I were to make one that's advertising anyway and I don't have friends to shill it for me


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I just found out about this place and it is my promise to you that I will camp the threads relevant to me for at least the rest of the summer before I get discouraged and quit!


An IRC channel would attract a higher quality crowd.


That's how communities work, anon. There will always be a "circlejerk of same people who know each other" because they're sociable and willing to put themselves in the place where they take the chance and converse with people. If you just want a community where everyone drags you in and holds your hand you're in for a disappointment no matter where you go, you just need to learn to get to know people and make friends with them.


I have too much work. I am yumejoshi and enjoy dreaming together with fujoshis . Lov u


I hate yumes, sorry




women shouldn't have this Me vs Them mentality like moids do
we should all respect each others tastes and post the boys we like in peace (that doesn't mean you shouldn't defend yourself when someone insults your taste)


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Agree wholeheartedly. There already aren't enough places where women can freely post their anime tastes.

If a woman posts about liking an unconventionally attractive character on social media it's "cringe."

Posting about how cute a male character is in a space not specifically for women? Tits or GTFO and "lol gay."

Posting amongst other women about guys you like? "Why do you like X, he's awful/ugly/misogynistic/violent."

Women are incredibly critical of each other and it's pretty reductive. I think there are ways that you can discuss disliking something and maintain an aura of respect for the other poster.

"I do see the appeal of X character he… Why do you like him is it…?"

Or "I don't understand yumejoshi do you just like one character per show or…"

It opens an actual dialog and can help you and the other poster better understand each others taste.

I also want to say that as a whole there is very little respect for the scope of female interest. You look at any otome game or female targeted show and it's all bishie boys with the main variety coming from personality traits not physical differentiation. Even amongst female targeted works there is the message of "This is what a female anime fan should like."

Harem shows have more variety in the female cast they present and men seem more open to another guy having interest in a broad range of different women even if the waifu-wars are as brutal as ever.

Some women like shota, some the geriatric. Some like jocks for others it's goths. Thin, thick, long hair, bald. Women don't have a homogeneous taste and we need to normalize the whole scope of female interests and Otaku lifestyle not just what anime companies and social media sites have deemed marketable.


Latina here. Mostly yumejoshi fandom is plenty of young to mid age latinas. Latinas usually make fangirling on only girls discord server or manga comments. Latina community never use Chan boards, and we are very loyal because our cultural backgrounds.


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Work fucking sucks right now and because we're short staffed I'm working 50 hour weeks.

Only bonus is I can read fanfics at work while doing my job and no customers notice.


Zetsubou Sensei AAAAAAAAAAAA


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Haha, it's literally been my #1 favorite anime for 12 or so years at this point and one of my longest running obsessions.

Itoshiki is an underrated cutie and the show got me hooked on Akiyuki Shinbou and Shaft as a whole.


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I started watching the anime and now I'm on season 2. It's really unique and Zetsubou sensei is so cute and funny at the same time. Top tier husbando. I'm also thinking of starting the manga.
What's your favourites out of the girls? Mine are Kimi Komori and Tarou.


Incredible taste! SZS is one of my favorites too, it’s one of those shows that never gets old.
Oh I’d 100% recommend the manga, the artwork is amazing.
>What's your favourites out of the girls?
Definitely Matoi, but Harumi is a close second. I love them all, though.


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Manga is very much worth reading and consistently funny. It is of course gag-oriented but also ties the story together nicely at the end which the anime never gets to.

SZS is one of those rare series where I like all of the female cast, they are all so refreshingly weird. If I had to pick my favorites though it'd be Fujiyoshi for obvious reasons or Chiri since her murderous intentions amuse me.

Nice! I'm so glad there are still fans of this series around!


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Oh God, he also fits suprisingly well with his male students as a ship.I adore Kudou x Nozomu, wish there was more art of them together.


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My time has come. Have a small Nozomu/JunNozo dump, I love them so much too! The episode where Sensei tried to sell his 'doujinshi' was peak moe.




Man I remember going apeshit when I saw that last one for the first time.


Bump to hide CP raid, also men should die


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I swear I have seen more CP here in just a couple of months than I ever did on 4chan in years.
I don't know how to deal with is information.
But if it actually has served any purpose, is that it just made me believe on the double that all antis that call lolishota CP are absolute fucking morons that truly have no idea of anything at all.
And maybe it's a good thing, really. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, but calling a bunch of drawings CP isn't even remotely equal to the shit that is undoubtedly real.


>I swear I have seen more CP here in just a couple of months than I ever did on 4chan in years.
Did you notice? All other alternative chans like kohlchan, lainchan, dreamcity etc, don't get CP raids - they don't get any raids at all. Only female-only chans get raided with disgusting images - I still remember the big raid that happened at CrystalCafe that was send by kohlchan - they were posting scat, gore, CP and pictures of ugly nude males.
Why can't these animals (males) just leave us alone? Why do they have to disturb us with their digusting masturbation material? We women don't do that, so why do they do it? What do they get from it? Can't they ask themselves the question "what if the women in my life find out what I do? How will they react?" But by now I've understood that the males who do these raids have the mental capacity of a toasted bread.


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Sorry if I'm stupid, but is it really a raid if it's only a few threads? It looks to me more like some bot advertising an illegal Tor site. I agree with >>1939 I literally had only seen IRL CP post twice before using this site and never once seen it on 4chan. I don't have much experience with alt-imageboards though so maybe shit like this is just part of dealing with the slower culture. The mods in /site/ talked about being understaffed so hopefully they'll be able to deal with this quicker soon.


Even if it's not a real raid, it still disturbs the people in the image board. Also bots are way worse than real people, there was once a bot that plaqued CrystalCafe for an entire week - when the mods deleted their threads, it automatically created new ones and because of that the site had to shut-down the option for creating threads and posting images for around two weeks.


Oh yeah, not claiming it's not upsetting to see or anything. I just think there is a difference between gross men try to distrupt the board and a bot that probably hits several different chan-sites
I would hope there are no targeted efforts against fujochan. That CrystalCafe raid sounds like hell and id hate for something like that to happen here. Yikes.


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the crystalcafe jannies should hire me (shotanon) to be a janny
the site would be x10 better tbh tbhtbh


+ i forgot to add cheese pizza and black gore stays up for hours there without anyone doing shit


>they don't get raids at all
Now, that's just ridiculous, small imageboards do get raided (either by an atual human or a bot). The only difference between the other imageboards and lol.cow/crystal.cafe is that they have more active mods. If I recall correctly, there's already been an imageboard that's been shut down because it was spammed by some bot posting CP.


I've seen the tranny sushi.girl imageboard get spammed with CP as well. I've also seen some totally unrelated newly born imageboard which got spammed with beastiality. So i'm sure it's mostly bot targetting smaller IBs for some obscure advertising or shutting down the IB reasons. But I still think whoever creates those bots prefers targetting female only IBs because I have seen those spams more frequently there than anywhere else (Maybe it has to do with the fact that I hang out more on female IBs so I see them more often.) + it's not that hard to deduce that a moid created the bot and that this exact moid hates women. If I remember well, during the crystal.cafe gore and CP spam the images were attached with posts writting about hate for women all over it so yea.


the vast majority are moids who hates women.
there was a "communist tranny" collective that decided to spam lc some months back and it was so pathetic, since they had infighting abt cp posting and raids to the point some just opted to post rot pockets and troon shit.
i think they were furries too.

but all in all, men hate to see women bond and talk abt anything that isn't stroking their hetero ego.


agreed. I'm pretty sure there are archives of the lc spam somewhere


>some just opted to post rot pockets and troon shit.
>opted to post rot pockets
>rot pockets
Do I even want to know what that is? When I searched rot pockets nothing showed up.


DA it's slang for a neovag bc they just attract bacterial growth constantly






its like a raw chicken crudely stitched up and often times full of pus, blood clots, feces and literal rotting insides.


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eww nona plsss im eating rn!!!


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I wanna post more but I feel like I'm the only one posting boys. Conversations on topics like gender and sexuality with other women are nice, but I wish that boards like /f/ were way more active. I wanna post more cute boys, but I feel like there are only a few of us doing that and I don't want to be the only one posting there.


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>I wanna post more but I feel like I'm the only one posting boys.
>I wish that boards like /f/ were way more active.
Same, because I had nobody to talk to about a character I like I made a few posts about them in a few generals and I kind of feel guilty about it (and a bit worried that the mods think I have an unhealthy obsession with the character). Thankfully there's a general about the anime/manga I like now, but 50% of the posts there are made by me.
>I feel like there are only a few of us doing that and I don't want to be the only one posting there.
Actually I think that there are quite a few of us doing it and I have no problems to chat with the same nonna if there's no one else to.
Plus here's a cute kitty, because I liked the image you posted.


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I just assumed it was a faux pas to attach an unrelated dude to a text post, but I'll try to break myself of the habit.

Sucks that there's no fujosignal we can put out to call the girls home and populate this place. I hope it will get faster with time.


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Hey nonas, just wanted to say that you're all amazing. Thanks a lot for making the internet a brighter and a better place!


I'm posting here more and more often again but it's hard to find things to talk about sometimes. I feel like I'm usually posting everywhere except on /bl/. I'm more and more often on twitter because I follow artists there and I'd love to have like minded mutuals (from here or not) but it's not ideal for actual conversations either.


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> it's not ideal for actual conversations

My exact problem with the site. I'm so frustrated Twitter took off and has steadily stolen people from Pixiv, Deviantart, and Tumblr. It is terrible for searching in the first place since nobody uses the actual hashtags, and the average lifespan of a tweet is less than a week. On top of that though, when engaging in conversation I end up not being able properly convey my point due to the character limit. It's just an all around awful site for fandom.


Yeah it's ok for microblogging and leaving small comments but that's it. I still use it because of its good uses but I'm not too involved because I have like 4 followers kek.


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I'm reading BL when I'm technically supposed to be working. Reading BL in federal government building feels extra taboo.


i love you queen!


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I decided to quit visiting imageboards except for this one. Partly because I was spending too much time on them but mostly because I just disliked the culture on most of them. This one just has a really nice atmosphere. I wish it was more active. But to be fair it's probably it's low activity that makes it so good.
>I'm so frustrated Twitter took off and has steadily stolen people from Pixiv, Deviantart, and Tumblr.
Finally someone says what I have been thinking


many imageboards suffer from not being hobby specific enough or trying too hard to act as edgy as possible so that they can mimick regular 4chan retardedness


how ironic that someone made an art dump with nazi anime boys around the same time this post was made


is there a way to destroy twitter tbh

I miss the way shit used to be.


If it's any consolation I think the mods are doing a spectacular job of alienating all the normal people on there to the point the website is eating itself


I think we should try to shill fujochan on places like 4chan and lolcow and other imageboards. Avoid places like twitter, tumblr, etc.


No, keep growth organic. Shilling on those sites will only bring trolls or politics.


I would rather take a million twitterfags than one 4chan retard, at least twitfags would slowly unlearn the "fujos are evil" narrative but 4channers would just racebait and ree about feminism ruining the western world or whatever incel-aligned bullshit they already do here.


idk man
I just don't want antis to come here


Wasn't this place made by 4channers?
Some others came here using links from /y/ and homo threads


The great majority of the vtuberfags at /yu/ are literally from /vt/


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Haha, what?


i think i would at least prefer if femanons there used this place more. 4chan is horridly misogynistic on the vast majority of boards, i don't know why any self-respecting woman would use it in modern day.
plus i think the mods would happily take care of any moid spam


You answered your own question. They're not self respecting. I say this as a woman who spent her girlhood posting there for years and hating women like I wasn't One of them b


I found this site recently because I saw it mentioned in passing in a shota thread lel. do the men on those threads actually hate women or is it some stupid in-joke?
Happy I found it tho, definitely gonna stick around because I don't have a lot of fujo friends.

also late af but I love zetsubou sensei to death, really need to keep watching it. Nozomu's so cute.
>What's your favorites out of the girls?
They're all really good in their own ways. Probably Miria because she's cute or Fujiyoshi because, well…


>do the men on those threads actually hate women or is it some stupid in-joke?
They do hate women, anon. Don't be naive.


I like it more than Tumblr or Twitter, or other similar places for that matter, mostly because it's anonymous and I'm not very social. It's lively and you can always find a thread for your interests or get exposed to something new
Not all boards are actively misogynistic either and have a lot of female users, whether people want to accept that or not, and it's not like women don't create problems and drama for each other on other platforms. I like it well enough there
But having more choices would be nice, I have high hopes for Fujochan to become something similar but for a different demographic


I lived in ignorant delusional bliss for a moment there.. their worlds will crumble when they realize it's women drawing all their precious shotas anyway


Were you on /sm/ on /cm/?


Yeah, lurking. /sm/ is barely worth browsing because the fights people have there sometimes are absolutely retarded, they need to stfu and just post cute boys.


That’s why I stopped going there. It’s a shame because good art does get posted, but the discussion is abysmal.


I'm ditching /cm/ now that I'm here, considering there's a whole board for shota here lel
Might have to get posting over there soon


Please do!!


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I think its the womens fault that they never defend themselves and dont fight back in those sort of circumstances and are stupidly naive, perspective on shota work is almost exclusively a woman for woman thing, why do you let scrotes invade your fujo culture so they can do their own mentally ill self insertation cope + wannabe " uwu femboi " retardation spin on it while trying to shoo the the target audience away? it's drawings made for women by women


>reee why don't you just fight back??? start defending yourself!!!!
Oh my god why didn't anybody ever think of this brilliant solution before. Problem with moids solved. Let's just send them to the camps and be done and over with them, maybe then they'll stop fucking spamming female-dominated chans with child porn and female gore raids whenever we want to have a space free of dicks.

But seriously, you really think it's just as easy as ~fighting back~? You really think people don't do that constantly? Like having created this imageboard specifically? Men hold all the positions of power and most of them have varying degrees of hatred towards women. Women who don't bend a knee a men or at least try to make an attempt at gatekeeping them from their spaces are ostracized and punished relentlessly until they break mentally. Even on this imageboard women who write posts about the feminist aspects of the fandom to bring more awareness to what women should look out for get told off for being spoilsports and "bringing in too much politics".


i mean, in places that are obviously more cattered to women for example /cm/, the few men who complain in there and try to derail generals are invaders and its the rightful thing to call them out on the fact they are on a female-dominated space so they don't have the word on anything no matter how delusional they will act about it so they don't think too highly and smug of themselves, in other words, gatekeep.


This is why I still use it. Initially the appeal was that posts would be gone forever unless people saved screenshots for themselves or enough people requested archival of a particularly amusing or informative thread, but auto archival ruined that. Most of the fast boards are tainted by /pol9k/ posters, but the slower ones are still acceptable to me.

Sometimes I wish for a schitzostacy to inflict Barry levels of autism onto them, but it will never be me.


There's no point in fighting with /sm/ moids tho. They don't give a fuck that their shota is drawn by women for women, they just want to act like total hypocrites eating up shota art and despising the women who drew it. Like I said before, it's retarded. They attack people they even suspect as being female there.

Like >>2216 said, (much more eloquently than I could) that's why we have sites by women for women like fujochan. As far as I care, they can have their shitty woman-hating circlejerk shota threads if it means they don't being their shit to actual fujo spaces.


your loss for not gatekeeping, i mean it's /cm/ not /v/


Not losing much over there, I'll gatekeep elsewhere


/cm/ is just another imagedumping board. It ain't worth gatekeeping.


Please enjoy your time here anon! Please reccommend this site to other fujos who like shota!


ty nona c:
I don't know any other shotacon fujos sadly.. some of my friends are fujoshi but idk if they like shota


tell them about this place! you can talk about anything fujo related here!


I was the one that started the shota generals on /cm/ a while back and I stopped using them years ago because the people who they attracted were insufferable


I wonder why shota and loli in general keeps attracting obnoxious autistic schizo's like that, that's the case everywhere outside of sites like this with like-minded people


When shota/loli doesn't attract autistic moid fans it attracts autistic antis who think little anime boys are the exact same as real life kids


yea u really cant win


maybe some fujos from /y/ can come here
/y/ rn is getting spammed with trash patrick fillon art and hyper muscle shit


Because let's be real here, you have to be unhinged to a degree to like loli and shota. I have never met a normal, mentally stable person who went "oh yeah btw I love shota and loli". It might not be real child porn but it's still very dodgy shit and not something the mainstream enjoys.

Has there been a time when /y/ wasn't just posting fetish bara hypermuscle shit, photorealistic westshit and overall just pandering to gay guys and aidens who wish to be like them? Now it's just in addition to that the aidens crying pedophilia at any anime twink they see posted.


>patrick fillon art
I had never heard of this before, but now I finally have a term to sum up “what men find sexy in men.”


> I have never met a normal, mentally stable person who went "oh yeah btw I love shota and loli"
Probably because if a normal person likes it, they keep their mouths shut.

I don't think this is very accurate nonna. It's the same old same old of everybody being vocally against certain depraved things but indulging themselves in private.


I also think that it's hard to know stuff like that until you know someone for a while. I have a co-worker, 40 year old guy, super nice and hardworking who likes anime. When we work together we talk about shows we're watching and our opinions on the current state of the industry, while he clearly doesn't watch as much as me he's one of the better irl anime fans I've met because he doesn't just watch Jump stuff and pretend to be super into the medium as a whole.
Anyway at one point Kodomo no Jikan came up and he mentioned backing the English physical release Kickstarter since its the only chance he'll get to buy it physically. Since then we've gone on to share a mutual interest in Alicesoft games and hate Twitter antis. He sometimes even indulges my rants about the current state of fandom even though he doesn't really participate.

Only see him at work, don't know much about him otherwise besides that he volunteers for city council but the point is I didn't learn that about him until after a year of working with him because normal people don't just out of nowhere share that information, and the kind that do are probably unapologetically degenerate or creeps.


I'm sick of my job. I want to quit before it gets even worse but I know it's a horrible idea for several reasons. I need to think of it as just a necessary evil to fuel my passion for BL and vidya.


just get a bf, or become a house wife


t. moid.
Never become dependent on others, you'll lose your freedom if you do.


I know that, that's why I have a job and studied in uni to begin with because I've seen first hand what it's like to depend on an abusive piece of shit from a lack of income. But god I hate working. I think there's currently a ton of issues within my company, because I'm receiving way more work than usual and a bunch of coworkers are leaving. I need to find an apartment soon and gtfo of my parents' place before things get worse.


if your mom is the kind of woman thats attracted to abusive men, you'll probably inherit that end up in the same boat, whether you have and independent income or not.


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Don't worry, it made me immune to men. I'm straight, yet I find them all repulsive as a result of my past. Only 2D matters to me. Anyway. My job annoys me so much, right after posting that I learned that several coworkers will leave in the middle of some already overwhelming and intense project and we'll be given way more things to do for no good reason. Our bosses won't hire more people to help because they're fucking broke. I'll try to get an apartment as soon as I recover from surgery in November and as long as I have my current contract because it's fairly advantageous, then once that specific project is done I'll either negotiate for a higher salary or gtfo. As soon as I have my own place to live I'll get a bigger tv to play vidya, I'll get a second one of these Ikea bookshelves for my manga, novels and games and I'll make a separate space in one of them for my BL. I need to stay motivated.


I was a shutin NEET for 10 years and eventually even hobbies became a chore. After years of therapy I'm currently in college.

>just a necessary evil to fuel my passion for BL and vidya.

I'm having this mentality rn along with the fact that having no income freaked me out from a stability standpoint the whole 10 years I was a NEET. My mom who I was leeching off of could have died any moment.

Her hypothetical husband could die any moment.

Just keep reminding yourself that you have a hobby you love and deserve to treat yourself, and take it from me that not having anything productive to do would turn your beloved hobbies into a chore eventually and you basically become a drooling shell staring at the wall all day. If you're mentally ill like me it makes shit worse.

Maybe look into another career.


Not that anon but after being out of the work force for 10 yrs how do you frame your cv? Do you make up a work place and say you've been there the whole time? I'm in a similar boat so wonder how you approached it


My therapist got me help from a service that provides work support for mentally ill people and we worked on a resume together. The goal was not to lie, but exaggerate in a way that can't get you in shit or be called out on. In my case, I had to watch my niece every now and then, so on my resume it looks like I was babysitting for a private client for a decade. Due to the lack of work experience, there's also a section for other activities that could make you appealing, in my case I have some (outdated) experience in web design as a hobby. So even though HTML/CSS knowledge is basically useless these days, if you know it, note it.


>take it from me that not having anything productive to do would turn your beloved hobbies into a chore eventually and you basically become a drooling shell staring at the wall all day.
Yeah I already know that from when I graduated, looked for a job for months and had to fuck off at the other side of the planet just to find a shitty minimum wage part time job that I then lost because of covid. Now that I finally have a stable, normal office job I can't look into another career just yet, I'll look into another job in my field once that big project is over if it becomes too disastrous.


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>Only 2D matters to me
I feel you
After getting into anime, normal men don't do it for me much anymore.


not them but same. i've been this way since puberty so it's not even a giving up on real life thing either. makes me wonder if i've got the 'tism or something but it's never bothered me enough to get checked.


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This reminds me of the time I got banned on /cm/ in the 00s for posting "make me a sandwich". The ban said something like "there are women browsing!" There's definitely not that level of moderation these days. I've seen threads where people turn up and keep insisting characters are lesbians and have no dicks, and are clearly trolling, but reporting them as trolls doesn't do shit compared to on boards like /a/ where they'll nuke a whole thread.

Weird seeing other people with the same story-ish. I've been trying to get help but the job center denied me any unpaid training work, and the local therapy services kept saying I shouldn't be there and they don't know what to do with me before kicking me off their books. I'm glad I get free care from no income, but that shit about hobbies becoming chores is way too true. I'm constantly stressed and stir crazy just sitting at home like there aren't enough hours in the day to achieve anything and it feels awful. Any time I try even thinking about how to fix things and sort my life out it's like my head is screaming relentlessly. Anything I say to anyone would be a lie, I have no skills, especially not social, I'm physically unable to hold a pen or be present most days of the month. Who the hell would bend over backwards to accommodate that.

Doctor at the hospital recently confirmed there's no pain killers or diagnosis I can be given, what's wrong with my body just doesn't count as a problem in their eyes, so I've had to think things back over after months of pretending it's nothing. Skip the getting a job thing since none of the routes I tried went anywhere. Just plan how to kill myself once my folks are gone, and it's only a matter of years now. I had this nice idea in my head that the older I got the more seriously they'd take it when I tell them I can't sit upright or my arms give out randomly, but they just keep saying the same shit no matter what, no matter where, no matter who. "Are you working? No? Then it doesn't matter." Case solved, no treatment required. Leave me to rot. Actual fujo I am.


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You say you fit no diagnosis, did you consider playing something up just to get those comfy neetbux? I'm thinkibg of going that route when my time's up, so just wondering. Also what do you guys do for cheap neet hobbies? I wanted to go shoplift some art supplies just to have something to do that's away from the computer that's not just aimlessly walking around.


What country do you live in? I'm in Canada (GTA) and the experiences I have is like the opposite where they're really fucking persistent in talking to you and hooking you up with more groups and people even before the psych gives a final diagnosis.


>This reminds me of the time I got banned on /cm/ in the 00s for posting "make me a sandwich". The ban said something like "there are women browsing!"
As a fellow oldfag the imageboards in the 00's were way more left leaning and humanitarian, I never got shit for being a woman besides singular "make me a sandwich" jokes that were being ironic and the userbase had a pretty sizable female side as well. It's endlessly enraging how newfags are gaslighting everyone into thinking that 4chan was always for being a bigoted edgelord hating on minorities and oppressed demographics when that was absolutely not the case in the beginning, the anons in 2004 were more occupied with hunting down pedos and animal abusers than the retarded life ruination and harassment shit incel /pol/faggots are doing now to random women and human rights activists. I'm telling this because I keep seeing anons even here saying "if you can't handle imageboard banter and us saying slurs then gtfo hoo hoo!!!" as if I haven't been observing the culture for 20 years by now.


nta but this is new to me. Weird question but was it gamergate that made switch in imageboard culture? I see lots of people bring up gamergate when discussing internet interactions and how it basically ruined it


4chan did market itself as "the depravity of humankind" but that was mostly about the breed of dark humor there which was the vogue in the early 00's. The thing is that it was just that, humor. People laughed at racist and misogynist jokes and memed about lolis and everything but nobody was seriously writing manifestos about going on a shooting spree or accusing jews of controlling the western hemisphere. What I remember from 4chan in the early to mid 00's is the snarky, nihilistic memes and a certain kind of fondness for those who had no place in the world.

Gamergate definitely acted as a focal point because during that time opportunistic right-wing nuts who weren't even gamers or outright despised them (Milo Yiannopoulis for example) co-opted the entire movement to manipulate and push their own agenda on gullible masses who were initially there to rightfully call out the corruption of gaming journalism. The ball sort of started rolling from there. Some of the well known figures even dropped the entire movement solely because of not wanting to be associated with said political values. After the 2016 elections and Trump winning presidency the /pol/ slanted side started gaining even more traction and those who used Gamergate to inflate their audience like the entire "skeptic" movement gave birth to the "alt-right" subculture, a mish-mash of conservative, homophobic, sexist, white-supremacy ideas combined with incels. I used to side with Gamergate in the beginning when it was "just" about the ethics in game journalism but as it progressed it was a real eye-opener to how every man has a sleeping beast that should never be awakened.


that's really interesting but also sort of depressing. thanks for sharing this nonna


Yeah, there was always dark humour and cruel jokes in 4chan, but in the end you were there to discuss your hobbies and interact with other people who were into the same things so there was an organic limit to how edgy you'd be. Most newfags don't even have hobbies beyond braindead video games and porn, they just use the website as an extension of Twitter or Discord and insist on this narrative that 4chan was always like this anyway. It's like they can't conceive having an actual conversation on an actual interesting topic, everything needs to be a sarcastic joke on the current state of the world to them.
On a personal level, the change /an/ has gone through deeply saddens me. I used to be a regular poster there at the beginning, and it was a genuinely hearty place where people would make threads to keep us updated about their pet's death process that would reach bump limit. Nowadays it's filled with edgy sociopaths that have normalized threads about cruelty towards animals and the use of "go back to reddit, vegan" to dismiss any non-cynical posts.

Also sorry for this dumb question but what was the whole Gamergate thing exactly about? Despite wasting my youth on the internet I always lived inside my own bubble and never paid any attention to these things.


>in the end you were there to discuss your hobbies and interact with other people who were into the same things so there was an organic limit to how edgy you'd be.
Very well said. I learned so much from different hobbyist boards and was passionate about sharing my own knowledge because back then people were actually doing that and not just posting child porn, racebait and ranting about not having a girlfriend. I remember when /soc/ opened and that felt like the beginning of the end because the people who were there to be autistic about their interests were shunned in favor of sociopaths who wanted to mingle and suck each others' dicks at webcam meets and IRL gettogethers.

>Also sorry for this dumb question but what was the whole Gamergate thing exactly about?

In short, it was about three key people. First of all a game called "Depression Quest" by Zoe Quinn that was more of an interactive novel was greenlit on Steam despite adjacent games being rejected, and it received manufactured praise from journalists that she had close connections to. Secondly, Anita Sarkeesian was stealing game footage and scamming money with nonexistent crowdfund campaigns by milking the feminist angle in video games, mostly taking scenes out of context and saying "this is misogynist" without much elaborating or intelligent analysis. Third, Brianna Wu, a transgender game developer mooching off his rich husband's money and an absolute cow in his own right, faked being attacked and stalked. All of these people were called out for being detrimental to the entire gaming industry by exploiting nepotism, such as Zoe Quinn getting another female-exclusive game jam cancelled because it was competing with hers. So it definitely came from a place of good intentions to fight the lies and corruption in the industry but was branded as a harassment campaign almost immediately, attracting the attention of political activists who saw their chance. Of course there's a lot more nuance and story to it but that's basically where it started, however it's extremely hard to find a good, thorough writeup that isn't biased towards either side.


>what was the whole Gamergate thing exactly about?
Men sending women involved in the gaming industry death and rape threats. Maybe the intentions of the movement starred good but men uset it as an excuse to harass women
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign) there probably are better sources than this but this gives the gist of it


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There really is a before and after 2016 honestly. 2016 was the year when the internet truly died.


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True. nta but that's the year when I gave up on tumblr and deleted my account after it slowly but surely turned into a SJW obsessed shithole, and when I made a twitter, thinking it'd be less terrible. It was way less terrible at first, until normies with no reading comprehension and critical thinking skills and tumblr refugees ruined it during the USA presidential elections. The gamergate shit was also annoying as fuck, literally just to different yet adjacent brands of retards fighting each other for internet clout. You'd think being a European weeb of African descent would make me not give a single fuck about this whole American bullshit, yet American localizers wouldn't stop fucking with Japanese games I was interested in that were released in NA and Europe and it got old very fast.


>newfags are gaslighting everyone into thinking that 4chan was always for being a bigoted edgelord hating on minorities and oppressed demographics
I'm always glad when I see people post stuff along these lines because it's been so long I DO doubt my memories. I was 16 when I started and now I'm 33, that's half my whole damn life.


>Zoe Quinn
>Anita Sarkeesian
>Brianna Wu
I think the thing I hate the most about "muh women in dork media" is that none of the "faces" of the movement ever have any fanart/fanfic in their history. I recognize that "no true Scotsman(fangirl)" is a fallacy but I just feel so strongly about fandom being a core tenet of womanhood in online spaces that it really bugs me that nobody who makes a career out of it is actually "one of us", you know?


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True lol, honestly the people who were the core targets don't even feel like they give a rats ass about the medium. When Anita starts complaining about sexism in games and uses Peach as an example all I can think is "Are you actually a fan of Mario? Do you play the RPGs? Why aren't you just writing a fanfic to address this problem?"

Like at the end of the day it's a bunch of basic bitch normies who don't have enough creativity or passion to expand up the things they play. I never felt excluded from games until they started complaining and then a bunch of men turned on all women in gaming spaces. Not that GamerGate was bad in principle, game journalists should get fucked, but the movement created some nasty annoying people. I think its telling that some guys at the center of it like Metokur bailed after they saw how stupid some of the losers involved became.


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>the core targets don't even feel like they give a rats ass about the medium
Yeah, because they didn't. I'm nta, I didn't follow the whole thing at the time but even before that I remember Anita's videos being posted on tumblr with half of the SJWs there praising her for complaining about surface level shit, and half of them actually acknowledging she had no clue what she was talking about as a whole. Like, sorry but I like playable female characters who are fully developed characters with a well written arc and who are useful gameplay wise even if they're wearing "unrealistic" cute dresses in frills or sexy clothes as opposed to a fucking burqa like armor. Pic related I guess.

> I never felt excluded from games until they started complaining and then a bunch of men turned on all women in gaming spaces.

I mostly play single player stuff and the fans I talked to the most often irl and online about the JRPGs and Nintendo games I like were girls and women around my age by far. The men I know who are into games are usually into shit like FIFA and COD and have no clue wtf Final Fantasy is. The only guy I know who is actually nerdy enough to sound like he knows what he's talking about is one of my friend's bf.


There's honestly a lot to be critiqued about games and the gaming industry regarding casual misogyny and the disparity in female and male characters and how they're designed but Anita's videos were, as said, very surface level and went for reaches that weren't necessary. I also don't like the fact that women get ridiculous bikini armor while men get cool full armor in the same game or how female employees are treated at game companies but the entire argument loses its focus when you start sperging about characters like Princess Peach or muh violence in vidya. It's clear that she had no first hand experience with video games or being a part of the community and was more intersted in monetizing the harassment she got (and encouraged with purposefully provocative tweets) than making a real change in the community. Which is what made me support Gamergate before it became the white supremacist breeding ground it ended up turning into. It's grating because now whenever you bring up sensible critique about how women are portrayed and treated you immediately get branded as some Neo-Sarkeesian SJW causing the entire debate to take three steps back again.


>I mostly play single player stuff and the fans I talked to the most often irl and online about the JRPGs and Nintendo games I like were girls and women around my age by far.
I was online in the late 90s/early 00s and didn't trip across the idea of "no girls on the internet" until 4chan in like 2005. Up until then everybody who actually talked to me about video games online and IRL was other girls.

To this day I don't consider normalfriend games (FPS, sports, MOBAs) to be real games. Fake gamer girls? Try fake gamer BOYS.

>It's grating because now whenever you bring up sensible critique about how women are portrayed and treated you immediately get branded as some Neo-Sarkeesian SJW causing the entire debate to take three steps back again.
This is why I don't bother anymore. It seems like after Trump got elected male-dominated spaces just became too full of dudes pre-programmed to dunk on a woman before even thinking critically about what she is saying.


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I've been shutin NEET for my entire life. Wasn't put in school as a kid so never had any friends growing up or now. I hate it so fucking much, I wouldn't wish living like this on my worst enemy.

I grew up online instead and now I have no meaningful social skills (or in general) and I feel like I'm at an inherent disadvantage.
I'm still young so I still have hope maybe everything will turn up if/when I get a job but it's not looking good nonas..


>Fake gamer girls? Try fake gamer BOYS.
Why did I automatically pictured Henry Cavill in his blue tanktop building his gaming PC?


You should escape, I live a NEET life cause I'm not a burden on anyone and my brother and SIL need as a live in baby sitter, but If I didn't have this option, I'd be trying to get a job and do my best to become a normie


>I grew up online instead and now I have no meaningful social skills (or in general) and I feel like I'm at an inherent disadvantage.
Do you have some sort of irl activity that could allow you to develop social skills? How old are you? I have been very sheltered by my paranoid Muslim parents so I couldn't have a normal social life despite going to school until I went to uni and was forced to get better or literally not graduate because of all the group projects I had to do. A decade later and now I can sort of pass for a normie. So you could potentially get better with time and by getting used to it little by little even if it could take years and be difficult depending on your personal situation. Are you looking for a job or considering studying in college or uni?


Not that anon but I was also very sheltered throughout my entire life and when I finally managed to escape for uni, I couldn't take it due to mental illness and dropped out right back into the NEET life. There's just no hope for some people and I've accepted this for myself.


What helped me was that I hated my life so much I saw uni and getting a stable job thanks to it as my only escape. And I met wonderful friends who understood my circumstances but that's a borderline miracle. We were all total nerds and equally socially awkward so I think we helped each other thag way. I think if it weren't for them I wouldn't have gotten better.


lol I feel like if I have to go to school this is what will happen to me too, and then there will be the student loans and whatever. It's over before it even started


That's the plan :( I briefly had one last year and quit after I freaked out. I regret quitting kek even if it sucked and they were definitely overworking me. I want my otakubux!!!

Maybe, I don't know. 18. Have been looking for one. I'd like to go to college but I don't really know what I'd study there, I'm only good at art and I know if I tried to pursue anything for it it'd make me hate drawing. I think I'll look into it though ..


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>sharkweek causes blogposting followed immediately by disappearing because reading hard
You would think one month of my life I recognise it happening and stop myself. Time to find out what kind of essay I wrote today…

Gonna be real with you, I probably got actual autism since I'm an awkward fuck, my relatives got it, and two old best friends of mine got diagnosed later. Unfortunately immediate family is anti-vax and think I'm "safe" because they didn't protect me from measles so I don't think I can get that checked out til I leave their house. I don't think I'm capable of playing things up, I have enough trouble communicating the existing problems.
>aimlessly walking around
Pokemon Go. Shows footpath routes and landmarks. I've exhausted most of my town and the next though, but now it's a daily routine I get restless on days when I can't be out walking. I have some other F2P games on my phone, but mostly it's just pirating shit as usual. If you want to read more without a phone/computer screen buy an ereader, b&w eink job, load downloaded content on that. The initial cost is worth it for the hours of use you get without having to buy/store physical books.

That sounds like a dream. I wish I had someone chasing me about kicking my ass into gear so I can't just disconnect and vanish. I'm europoor though, so we don't have resources for persistent care, and if you're not being seen by anyone you don't count on the unemployment statistics. Pretty sure I just don't exist far as any authorities care and they prefer it that way.


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Thank you! I remember years back ranting at someone how there was this shift occurring and no matter what you said someone would be trying to revise shit against you. I know I was a kid when I started browsing so I didn't understand how heavy some references were, but you knew people meant things in jest and when they didn't. There was pride in having "fujoshi" instead of "rabid yaoi fangirls", image boards assumed they were more sophisticated internet users who knew their specialist subjects, instead of witch hunting themselves to death. The people now who insist on being offensive seemingly for the sake of it feel to me like children with a case of "you're not my mom, you can't tell me what to do!"

I open an anime board to discuss anime, not imaginary bogeymen on some other site or whatever the hell they've decided woman psychology demands this week. I used to be part of various raid boards back on 420chan and the old 8chan, and even those had more humour and sense than the vitriol people spend so much energy on today. I get plenty of kicks out of watching people seriously try to sus out how women think, but it hurts knowing 10 years ago they'd have rightfully been a laughing stock, instead of commended and "based" for spouting contradictory conspiracy theories. But no, do tell me how this week women are base animals who can't grasp emotional bonds like men, when last week women could only touch themselves to emotional drama for pansies. It really complements my manga about office workers. :^)
/an/ and /ck/ used to be the boards I'd open on school computers to while away time, knowing there'd be cute animals, some funny cooking mistakes, a bit of wholesome "it's my gf's birthday can I get advice", etc. ;__;
Hey same hat almost. I was 14, 32 now.

Ah. That must be why the drama isn't any fun even on a gossip level. There's no "did you see her self insert fucking Snape" saga to uncover.

This message crashed my PC three times, probably an omen but I'll ignore it.


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I guess the other thread where I posted this is on auto-sage but whatever: now that Japan will open its borders soon I will plan a trip to Japan for like three weeks to a month next summer. I planned on doing a bunch of shit in Japan in 2020 but covid ruined everything, but now I know what I want to visit outside of Tokyo and I know where to buy what I want. I'll redo my wardrobe and buy a shit ton of manga and merchs. If possible I'll buy some BL doujinshi too. I'm fucking ready, I'm not poor anymore so I will treat myself this time. Who else will go on a trip to Japan once the borders will open?


I wasn't of that time but a while back I looked at /y/ archives, tried to go as far back as possible and get a feel for things in text since few images were archived. Came across a poll thread from 2007 or so, are you male/female and straight/gay/bi. A lot of posters were women and there were no strong reactions. Seemed like a decently welcoming environment.


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I have sometimes managed to spark some activity on this site by creating new threads or asking questions and such. It's such a good feeling when that happens!
Some days this site is just slower than others I guess that is just the nature of fujochan. Though I do have a bad habit of frequently checking in here and always get disappointed when I see that no one has posted


I FEEL YOU!! and same! when I posted new threads i notice it gets a spark of activity. I don't want to overflood the site with threads only I have created. (I do think we should encourage bumping older threads). I am sure once more people learn about this place it'll get better <3


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Me too nona!! I wish this site was more active T_T though, maybe I should be posting more… I just don't have much to say lel.
I spent a lot of time browsing fujochan when I first found it, because I was so excited to find a dedicated fujoshi community. Even if it's slow I'm glad it exists at all <3 I spend a lot of time in very anti-fujo internet circles so it's nice to know there's somewhere I can be unapologetically fujoshi

anyways, are y'all playing/watching/reading anything interesting lately? BL or otherwise!
I started playing DMMD a couple weeks ago, but didn't get too far before and I keep forgetting to continue. What ending should I go for first? Aoba's really cute!


I forgot that DMMD got an official release. Learning that the company that release all the Nitro+Chiral VNs refused to release Lamento because it's expensive and time consuming pissed me off so much I forgot about DMMD. How's the official translation? Maybe I should try it out.


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hi nona you should start off with koujakus route or noiz cause those made me ugly cry especially koujakus…. when playing a vn i tend to play whichever character who i like the most’s route first (who i think is the most hot basically kekk) ive also played clears route and its very sweet. still need to finish others routes tho. after playing dmmd you should check out other nitro+chiral vns theyre really great ^_^ mabye i should make a thread for them!


I know Koujaku is the childhood friend route so if I play DMMD he'll be my priority.


>How's the official translation?
No idea because I got it off an ancient tumblr page. I'd like to buy it officially if there's somewhere I can get it besides steam. Steam's got a nasty habit of removing all the r18 content and then you've got to buy an unlock offsite and I hate it

Clear is cute! I was thinking of playing his route. I'm sad they don't have any sort of filters or something on his voice, considering gas mask and all, it's jarring to hear him speak so clearly.
Is Togainu no Chi any good? I really like Kau >w>


Mink's route gets isn't the best, especially if you're using the old translation but there's some pretty great moments that almost make up for it like the last sex scene in his route and and his so stupid it wraps back around in to being awesome method of getting into his tower.


>but as it progressed it was a real eye-opener to how every man has a sleeping beast that should never be awakened
oh my god


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So has everybody been busy this holiday season? Just noticed a slow few days and am wondering what everybody's up to.


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>So has everybody been busy this holiday season?
For me yes, especially with work and studying. Even if the holiday break is approaching it's going to be only 5 days long and I have tasks to manage at home. I haven't been able to visit Fujochan as often as I used to because of some stuff in life, and I don't have time for my hobbies (I miss reading BL/manga before going to sleep, now I don't have the energy.) and my activity in the fandoms I'm in has got to be as low as zero. (Wow, I didn't notice this turned into a rant, sorry haha.)
>Just noticed a slow few days and am wondering what everybody's up to.
I'm up to make a doujin when these hard days pass, and do more of what I like if I get the freedom to.

What are up to too, nonna?


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I'm in pretty much the same boat as >>3083 , busy with work, studying, and other super awesome and fun adult stuff. Doing my best to squeeze in room for my hobbies but it is difficult. Things will definitely cool down once the new year comes around, though.

I miss talking to all of you so much ;__;


In my case I was busy with work and always tired and seeing my friends irl so that left me no time to come here. Now I'm on sick leave for one more week after getting surgery in Wednesday (which went well) so I'm using that free time to get some rest at home, be online a bit more until I can go outside again soon, and play vidya. But there's barely anyone here, I just posted about SMT5 a few days ago and that's it, nobody replied yet but I'm patient. I'm looking for more fujo art of the characters too, I'm that bored, so I'll post more if I save more pics.


Thats the case for me too, I mostly just lurk now on my lunch break at work then get back home for the never ending mountain of house chores, friends always leave my house without cleaning too so I'm not inviting them over as much. I'm waiting for the weekends mostly to start posting again but I was forced to work the last weekend so I've been away for a while. Hope you're recovering well from your surgery nonnie, get well soon!


Happy to hear your surgery went well, feel better soon! I've actually been meaning to get into SMT as one of my friends is fucking obsessed with it and the smt5 protag is a cutie, but I don't have much free time nowadays… it will happen sometime though.


I'm dealing with an overload of end of term assignments and procrastinating like a motherfucker on typesetting the SFX in a (non-BL) manga. I keep zoning out for hours as a shitty coping mechanism fml.


Just too stressed and depressed, real life eats up all my drive and motivation, everything feels pointless.


>I mostly just lurk now on my lunch break at work
I don't do that on fujochan, but on lc. I'm too worried someone will see weird shit on my phone here and one of my coworkers is a fujo or at the very least know some BL manga and anime by name, I don't want to get in trouble or whatever.

>Hope you're recovering well from your surgery nonnie, get well soon!

Thanks a lot, I'm doing better everyday so I'd say I'm doing good so far.

I love Megaten as a whole, I'd say you can play SMT5 as your first game without any issue. The only thing you'd miss out are the very vague hints that it's a sequel of SMT3, which is not necessary at all to enjoy it. You can also start with SMT4 on the 3DS which was my first mainline game, or SMT3 if you don't mind random encounters. As for SMT4 Apocalypse, it's one of the best game in the series if not the best gameplay wise, but it's a direct sequel to SMT4 in terms of story so I absolutely recommend it but not for now. Then there are a bunch of spinoffs like Persona, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Survivor, etc.


>I don't do that on fujochan, but on lc.
honestly i'm too scared to lurk on lc in public as i think other people will recognize the site and start thinking of me badly


I assume it's not likely to be the case for me because it's all in English and I'm not in an English speaking country. I'm careful around my coworkers though. I even check cwc on my phone when commuting if I'm bored.

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