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A few hours ago, Aniwave (9anime) and Anix were shut down, it seems like it was hit by a DMCA claim. These were big sites that hosted thousands of different animes. Companies seem to be going hard against piracy sites and it makes me wonder if they'll go for manga next.
Do you use piracy or do you prefer paid services? Do you think the potential death of easily accessible piracy will be a big issue? Is the solution teaching others to torrent?

Source: https://torrentfreak.com/ace-goes-after-fmovies-sister-site-successors-240824/


>Do you use piracy or do you prefer paid services?
Like many people my age (30s) I used to torrent, then subbed to Netflix/etc and torrenting what wasn't in those catalogs, then went back to exclusively torrenting when too many catalogs were balkanized or they started nickel-and-diming 'ad free' or 'family plans'. If I actually like something I've read/watched I will usually buy a personal copy or official merch to offset the piracy (and if they don't have easily attainable physical copies or nice merch of my favorites, that becomes their fault ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌). If it's a book I will borrow it through Libby so the author still gets the +1 reader in their stats.

>Do you think the potential death of easily accessible piracy will be a big issue? Is the solution teaching others to torrent?

Those illegal streaming sites always seem to bounce back, so I don't think it will be an issue until they start fining USERS over it. Everybody should learn to torrent anyway. So much of what I torrent is stuff that is fansubbed/scanlated and will never get an official English release (Macross in particular comes to mind).


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Just like when Emuparadise went down for games people are over stating how big an issue this is. 9anime.pe is still up as is every other 9anime clone site. Kissanime, and gogoanime still survive despite how hard people try to snuff them out.

>Do you use piracy or do you prefer paid services?

I have, no exaggeratio, over 1000 anime and cartoons DVDs and Blue-rays and would estimate my collection is easily worth over 10,000 USD. I've been collecting seriously for a decade and a large part of that is due to illegally watching a series and then deeming it worth adding to my collection I wouldn't buy as much if I didn't pirate so I never feel bad when I do.

Personally refuse to buy any streaming services because I'm not paying for a nonphysical product, I feel the same way about buying digital games. If I'm paying for it I want to hold it in my hand dammit!

>Do you think the potential death of easily accessible piracy will be a big issue?

I don't think it's lost as stated above.

>Is the solution teaching others to torrent?

Torrenting is a good thing to know how to do, but oddly I don't think site like Nyaa have as big of a selection as these streaming sites. Like I want to watch the original Kimba the White Lion, the 9anime clones have it but Nyaa doesn't. Same with a lot of pre-2000s anime. Ideally I do think downloading is good for picture quality when available but until there is a definitive site I just often find the big torrenting sites don't have what I'm looking for anime-wise.

In summary I'm team physical media get fucked cruncyroll.


>Do you use piracy or do you prefer paid services?
Not sure if this is considered cringe, but tbh if I can't check out a series before buying it I'm less likely to try to get into it at all.
I usually only buy series I know I like, and would reread, not made of enough money to start experimenting. Also after Kaguya I started waiting longer until the end of the series to buy.


As long as South Americans, Eastern Europeans and South East Asians exist, piracy in all forms shall exist


I paid subscriptions to a local website and Crunchyroll like nearly ten years ago until 2017 or 2018 I think for anime, thinking it would be good to support streaming websites to get more series but I regret spending my money on that. At the time there were a lot of series on Crunchyroll for other countries but because competition was already pretty strong here their catalogue sucked, and the other website had a lot of technical issues. I got fed up when Yuri on Ice was over and I had to avoid spoilers all the time and somewhat succeeded because Crunchyroll were always late when putting the new episodes on the website, and Netflix made things worse when they got the rights for several anime but like half of them only had one season. Then you have more recent cases like Tiger & Bunny on Netflix removing the ads all over the characters' costumes and Neon Genesis Evangelion removing the ending song because Fly Me To The Moon is expensive.

I recently found a website with anime with French subtitles so I'm catching up to Gintama that way, instead of continuing with Crunchyroll's English subtitles, it's more comfortable to watch that way. I don't torrent, I only watch on streaming websites.


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>Then you have more recent cases like Tiger & Bunny on Netflix removing the ads all over the characters' costumes and Neon Genesis Evangelion removing the ending song because Fly Me To The Moon is expensive.

So I'm >>4329 and shelled out last year for the "Collectors Edition" blu-ray boxset of NGE that was put out a few years ago mainly because I wanted EOE on blu-ray. I had the old sets, but wanted to upgrade, and I had to buy the limited edition one to get the OG dub since if I'm going to be watching with friends I'm not dealing with Netflix's stiff "Third Children" translation.

Nowhere in the listing did they mention that the "Collectors Edition" was lacking Fly Me To the Moon and I felt absolutely scammed. An almost 200 dollar set and you can't even bother to include the ending theme? If your main selling point is that you're including the dub that isn't Netflix's you would think you'd be getting the original song too.

Funnily enough the listing now has a disclaimer that there is no Fly Me to the Moon but using the Wayback Machine you can see the Pre-order didn't.

The picture quality was much better, and EoE is still in-tact so I kept it but I think its one of the scummiest re-releases I've bought and I kept my old set out of principle. Terrible. I don't own Tiger and Bunny yet I should see if I can get the old Viz release since I'm sure that the product placement is intact on that.


>Nowhere in the listing did they mention that the "Collectors Edition" was lacking Fly Me To the Moon and I felt absolutely scammed. An almost 200 dollar set and you can't even bother to include the ending theme?
I would have felt scammed too, what the fuck? I know it might seem like a small detail to some people but still, 200 dollars is a lot. I bet they added the disclaimer because a lot of people complained and gave the product bad reviews or talked about it online.


Hulu still has the the viz version of Tiger and Bunny with the ads on their costumes.


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Yeah a few days ago webtoon subpoenaed a bunch of piracy manga/manwha sites. Personally I don’t think it’ll stop people from pirating and will probably just make pirates more annoyed.
>Do you use piracy
Yes. I’m the type of pirate all the big corpos cry about because I almost never buy anything I’ve pirated. And like >>4332 said, I don’t think pirating will go out of style anytime soon.


Honestly don't care either. I use Suwayomi which accesses every sort of aggregator so there are enough alternatives if one should die.
I am even happy about the shutdowns of the anime streaming services because I honestly want a little gate keeping again. The anime fandom way better when it was solely people with enough brain to operate with a PC and install a program. The most annoying kids nowadays cannot torrent or afraid of it, so good riddance.
> I’m the type of pirate all the big corpos cry about because I almost never buy anything I’ve pirated.
I simply lack the money and space anyway (can only buy a house if you are millionaire here or inherit it) and a lot of the manga I am into aren't officially translated. That aside, I still buy sometimes, but nowadays I only do it for series I genuinely love. That way I also help pushing them without giving money to shit that eventually ends up being mediocre.


I pirate and if I didn't pirate more companies would be regretting their licenses of series the west doesn't give a shit about. How else do they expect me to know what something is when not once have they promoted it in the numerous publisher mailing lists I'm subscribed to.


They give away free printed extracts for every new manga my country gets which is very nice, but honestly sometimes not enough. I can spot some great series right away after reading a few pages (hell most manga are trash and you can tell that they are from a mile away) but for others the extracts aren't enough. Some series's strong points are the characters and the story development. 10-15 pages aren't enough for that.
In the end I mostly buy what I like a lot and the best advertizement for manga are free manga readers.


I'll be fine as long as these companies are unaware of torrenting. I'd say I'm a pirate of convenience more than anything else. I don't pirate videogames anymore aside from fringe cases like old games that needs a translation patch because I can easily get most stuff from steam. Meanwhile I don't have the room to buy every single physical anime set I'd be even vaguely interested in and with streaming services you have cases like region blocking I'd have to get a VPN for to circumvent and series being spread out across multiple platforms and that immediately just makes me not want to bother.


South Korea desperately trying not to fall into irrelevance now that the K-boom is fizzling out. Good fucking riddance


This is most likely going to end up like yet another fruitless game of whack-a-mole when new servers pop up in the near future and repeat the process all over again.
Unless a major paradigm shift with how websites are accessed from the internet occurs (I'm talking something on the level of "preemptively screening/censoring everything that's being posted online before it has a chance to be posted online MGS2-style") I doubt these companies are going to get what they really want out of these efforts.


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Aniwave was very dumb for trying to make itself mainstream and blocking anyone from downloading the shows from their site.
Anyway, I will never buy anime unless it's physical blurays/dvds straight from japan. Same with manga. Crunchyroll lolcowlizers are too censor happy in order 'to own the chuds', and a lot of anime isn't even available on these premium websites. Rather just torrent as I mostly have been doing for quite some time now and stream using some other that hydras pop-up because of this when I'm riding the train.


Piracy SHOULD be less accessible. It's called gatekeeping. If pirating is easy and accessible and becomes popular the site gets targeted for DMCAs. Think nonnies THINK.


honestly, i agree. the last thing any piracy site needs is some zoomer making a tiktok about it and then it blows up and the site gets targeted. slight offtopic but i’ve been getting into mobile emulation lately and this is a topic that comes up pretty frequently in those communities too, so it’s by no means specific to anime piracy. we should just bring back “you wouldn’t download a car” commercials and fearmonger about viruses harder.


Netflix made a reference to nya and which anime episodes a character from their Resident Evil show downloaded there so gatekeeping is easier said than done nowadays.


Is that the one where the character pronounced Nyaa as "Nigh-ah"? To this day I still don't understand why anyone would want to reference an anime torrenting site, it's not even a good nod because the users who recognized it are just going to be annoyed it's blatantly mentioned kek.


Allegedly, the point was that the anime referenced was exclusive to Hulu or another competitor in the US and Netflix referenced it to lower viewership on Hulu because it's the competition. I read that post long ago somewhere on twitter and it was written like some sort of conspiracy theory but Netflix makes weird business decisions all the time so it doesn't seem impossible to me.


What about South Americans and South East Asians?


I am honestly fine with it, I learned to download as soon as I had internet without anybody explaining it to me and I am tired of seeing people posting garbage tier screenshots from streams.

That aside less accessibility is good. Streams and phones are what turned fandoms and internet to shit in the first place. If the torrents are now filtering everything below an IQ of 60 it's a net win. Every single, and I mean EVERY SINGLE loud, annoying zoomer and gender obsessed ID girl I met on the net was incapable of torrenting. These fans would be gone. Not that I think it happens, shitty streaming services pop up all the time, but it would be nice if if it did.

Manga aggregators are a different thing since it's a hassle downloading and deleting every single chapter you read when you casually try out new stuff. And the quality isn't any different since manga pages don't eat as much space as animations do. But yeah there are enough and I access all of them at the same time with Suwayomi.
This. When they killed Tachidesk it wasn't because of manga but webtoon shit that is more widely consumed (or consumed by a different demographic) than manga. Keep it small and niche. Kick out webtoons. Prevent idiots that believe that torrent gave them viruses from watching anything and fandoms will become better again.


nah fuck you guys


It's 2024 and people still stream on shady pirate sites? lel
Imagine being this lazy.


Oh my, you sound so edgy. I never had any problems with manga publishers - perhaps just don't buy things that you're wary will be tampered with, like anything with crossdressing, okama etc.


what’s your alternative? aside from pirate streaming sites, you either have to pay for a dozen legitimate streaming services (and still deal with inaccessible content), invest in a vpn and storage space to torrent (which isn’t terrible, but zoomers can’t torrent for shit), or play russian roulette with ddl sources.


Not her but why would anybody use streaming sites in the first place? What's the problem with torrents?
They need even less work than streaming shit. You can use Taiga and link it with Anilist to download torrents on its own as soon as they are out, list the episodes you haven't watched yet and update your watching status after closing the player. I do nothing but making a single click, not even visiting torrent sites.

Most anime will turn out to be mediocre or not good enough to collect anyway so I delete most of the stuff I downloaded at the end of the season and 1TB HDDs aren't that expensive, I just installed a 4TB HDD. Never used a VPN to torrent. Nobody in the whole world gives a shit about anime torrents.


Sometimes when there's nothing to do at my wagie job I watch anime on those sites while on my phone. If there's any series I actually enjoyed and may want to rewatch in higher quality, I'll torrent it later.


Look, sometimes I'm lazing in bed and don't want to lug my laptop over to fire up nyaa. I just want to chill and watch an episode on my phone. Is that wrong now?


This is it. Streaming exists for casual phonewatching in bed, imo. Torrenting is ideal for picture quality and such, but I’m not worried about that when I’m watching on a tiny-ass screen.


I cannot imagine watching anything on my fucking phone I wouldn't be able to enjoy that. Especially not with series that are worth the fullview (which are the only ones I watch since I drop mediocre stuff). Though I also hate lying in bed when I am not sleeping and I despise phones in general.


I don't trust opening streaming sites on my phone so I torrent stuff on it. I can move the file to my PC later. It's been a while since there was anything I was that excited to watch when it came out though.


honesty i’ve never figured out exactly how dangerous certain sites are on mobile. i went through high school using shitty kissanime clones on my phone all the time and never once caught a virus, at least not to my knowledge. but ofc i try not to risk it so much nowadays.


My brain just assumes I'll get loaded with dubious cookies and shit. I have tracking blocked, ublock origin, script blockers and so on on my phone browser, but I still feel like "why not just grab the file directly in the cleanest manner and not root around finding somewhere".

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