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/ffs/ - Fujo Fandom Sperging

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I feel in the last 6 years or so, gay male vocabulary has found its way in various BL spaces from fan-fics to fansubs and even official translations of BL works, I have seen the word twink being used for male character who have literally average builds and I literally lose a year of my life when I see the word bussy and now even more dumb gay twitter shit is spreading


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bring back saying uke and seme


Zoomers love gay slang for some reason


I hate this I too and I've been brainwashed into using some of them. Like top and bottom.
I do die inside when someone says bussy, that one bothers me the most.


Is it really gay male vocab? I always thought it was typical terminally online white girl speech.
Specially the overuse of the nailpainting emoji, I fucking hate it.
And I'm not sure if the recent use of saying MLM/WLW comes from gay dudes or from girls trying to impress said gay dudes


it's either terminally online white girl speech or gay dudes trying to emulate what they think terminally online white girl speech is, either way the true origin of this retardation isn't very important as it is annoying either way


Top and bottom make perfect sense in the context of BL, it just means seme and uke, there's no difference and they have the same personality and behavior stereotypes attached to them. The rest can go though.


MLM and WLW come from teenagers on tumblr for sure


zoomer speak


Different anon than the one you're replying to, but before top and bottom became meme words it just meant sex positions. I even remember straight people using it. Seme and uke refer to a certain dynamic. I agree that it's fine to use in BL but I don't think it should replace seme and uke


That's also what I thought at first, until the gay guys I know irl wouldn't stop joking about a real bottom should be and how a real top should be, personality wise.


I guess it's a new thing then. I never heard anyone use it as a dynamic thing until a few years ago. But I'm also old


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I don't consume western content and so I don't give a shit whatever terms they use, my issue is when those terms start being used for east asian content, I have come to especially come to loathe the word 'twink' when it gets applied to average bodied men


I'm bothered by this specific example, too. Mainly because you know this is just western coombrained moids trying to claim everything for themselves. First Cloud is a bishonen/ikemen, then we turn him into a "twink", next step is turning him into a trap. The way I've always seen it there's such a big gap between what Japan considers an ikemen or bishonen and what the west considers a twink. It's like westoids feel the urge to feminize everything that isn't big ugly dudes.


I thought ikemen was supposed to mean a "model-looking" man


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It does, westerners are just retards, this isn't even a meme btw, you literally get this result from google translate


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This is an issue of anime/manga translators in general, these handful of people who all know each other basically run the entire western anime Industry and are disproportionately made up of wokies and genderqueers


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JRPGs translations are even worse than that. I'm talking about straight up rewriting entire dialogs or making all the characters so OOC the story stops making sense. That's why Fire Emblem Fates' story has such a terrible reputation, the localization was an abomination, half of the characters became parodies of themselves and important plot points just disappeared. That was the norm in the 90s, to make the characters appeal more to edgy male teenage normies who think a character who isn't unga bunga incarnate is a faggot (my best example is FF7 and 8) or they want to insert their shitty memes that have already aged like milk by the time the games are released and make no sense in the setting and context. They'll dumb down everything you'll play, remove content because "oh no, fujo fanservice is creepy and gross and bikini armors are unpractical and unrealistic and sinful!!1!, yikes, oof and not pogger!" and tell you to be happy you got to experience and inferior product than the original for the same price. With manga and anime you can find alternate fan translations fairly easily though so it's easier to avoid that shit. I never played Sky of Arcadia (if I even spelled that right) but I remember not long ago seeing an interview with the American localizers bragging about how they thought a male character's "obsession" with another male character was super creepy and weird and made no sense. I saw that on twitter, and the few people who played the original said the characters were gay lovers, because of course. And European countries often have translations based on butchered American localizations to save costs, while that's not the case for anime and manga.


my husbando is from a game translated by aksys when they were in their "wow such doge meme" phase and the jp would have like a snarky oneliner at most and the eng will insert no joke three paragraphs of ooc text bc "epix dunking"


I didn't realize shit was this bad, my arab country is essentially stuck in the 90's where only shonen and shojo stuff gets translated and anything that's not mainstream has to be fan translated, but your situation sounds wayyyy worse
like sure translators add in references to local terms and celebrities and make the dialogue more 'macho' if its shonen but that's as far as it goes, no one adds in dumb meme references that will be outdated in six months


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It's not really just "my" situation if we're still talking about video games specifically, I'm European so we get collateral damage from America. That used to be the norm in the 90s, now not so much, but for some reason Treehouse, some group of localizers within Nintendo of America, decided to completely shit up Fire Emblem Fates to the point they made the characters so OOC they couldn't even release all the DLCs without rewriting them completely and they're dialog heavy. It enraged a lot of fans, gave the game a horrible reputation, made a bunch of older FE fans stop caring about the series, and Nintendo of Japan basically told them that next time they do that shit they're all fired. So now that's less of a problem, especially with the Switch not being region locked compared to the 3DS.

> no one adds in dumb meme references that will be outdated in six months

I've noticed that in French translations, since they're based on American localizations for many Nintendo games, they tend to replace the memes with normal, neutral dialogs when it's not even something you can really replace with an equivalent reference.

>my husbando is from a game translated by aksys when they were in their "wow such doge meme" phase
Reminds me of picrel.

>the jp would have like a snarky oneliner at most and the eng will insert no joke three paragraphs of ooc text bc "epix dunking"

I don't get when localizers do this, and then remove entire lines or dialogs that are plot relevant.


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related to this, a BL manga that featured an uke crossdressing was localized by Seven Seas publishing, as a trans coming ago of story, basically changing the entire premise of the story

>one of their major releases this year has caused a stir in the community. Not for the work itself, but how Seven Seas handled the translation. Whether it’s because of a genuine misunderstanding or an attempt to change the narrative, their translation of Azusa Banjo’s I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into a Girl is controversial to say the least.

>For years, Mido Kenshiro has kept his passion for makeup hidden from the world. The only people who know about his love and skill for the art are his older sisters and his childhood friend, Hiura Mihate. Tired of only doing his sisters’ makeup, Mido begs Hiura to be his new model. Hiura agrees, and these sessions awaken something in him. He finds that he likes presenting femininely and starts doing it more often, eventually going to school dressed like a girl. But something stirs in Mido as well, as he starts feeling attracted to Hiura in a way he never had before.
>Advertised on the back cover as "a romantic comedy with a twist", it seems that Seven Seas has done this series justice. The story is about two characters learning to accept themselves and falling in love along the way. But this is not the case. In their official translation, Hiura is treated like a transgender girl when he explicitly is not.
>In the Japanese text, Hiura uses the term “boku” when referring to himself. While not as masculine as the word “ore,” "boku" is still commonly used by boys and men in real life and fiction. One prominent example from anime is Deku from My Hero Academia. Meanwhile, Seven Seas keeps Hiura’s insistence at being a boy while having other characters refer to him with female pronouns.
>Another glaring discrepancy is when Hiura references going to school dressed as a girl. Seven Seas’ version has him say, “Ever since I came out as a girl,” while the Japanese line says, “As soon as I was transformed into looking like a girl.” To make it less clunky in English, the line could say, “As soon as I started looking like a girl,” and still get the same message across. In Seven Seas' version, the wording implies that Hiura is transgender while the Japanese only refers to how he's dressed.
>Banjo’s original Japanese version also uses a particular word when referring to Hiura: "otokonoko". With its literal translation meaning “male daughter”, otokonoko are men who like to cross dress and present in a feminine manner. It’s a different identity than being transgender, because otokonoko still identify as men, like Hiura does throughout the volume. This label, though not widely known, cements Hiura's identity as a boy.



I remembered seeing the translator (a tranny, of curse) and one of his friend and fellow "translator" (a handmaiden, of course) trying to justify their choices on twitter. Their argument was basically that they worked sooo had doing research to understand the manga and characters better by interviewing completely random and unrelated American troons. I wish I had screenshots.


As far as I care, the trannies can have this one. It's a boring story where the "main couple" has zero chemistry.


Trannies can have nothing


What kind of bs is this? I started the manga and found it boring but that doesn't change the fact that some homophobic transbian changed enough lines to make one of the main characters different from the original manga to make it seem less gay, and it's straight up insulting towards the author.


no one here is personally upset over the loss of draw a girl call it a boy manga #566, its more of a fear of what this represents, the fact in 2022 just any crossdressing male character can now just be localized as being trans is disturbing, it changes the entire story, both theme wise and it makes it inherently political


So long as every crossdresser in anime and manga is just "draw a girl, make it act like a girl but call it a boy", it's inevitable.
IE. Bridget.


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I genuinely miss the old style of localizations
Back then, if a change was made to a script, it was because the people typing it up genuinely added to it, or was for the sake of actual localization for a general audience. Now it’s self-entitled hacks who hate the source material and evade accountability by using politically-charged insults to smear people who oppose them, which allows them to fall upwards into another job.


It was bad before too, but it's true that it was less terrible.


I hope this dies out.

It's not even the trans thing. It's just, I like when boys look like boys. That's the whole appeal.


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I mean look at NISA and Alexander O’ Smith’s work on Disgaea and FFXII respectively. NISA crammed the scripts for the Disgaea series with well known Western pop culture references, mostly because NIS did the same, but for Japanese pop culture. As for O’ Smith’s work, he made most of the characters in FFXII and Vagrant Story speak with Middle English dialects and accents for the former, because it fit the setting. you might not agree with these changes but this is what proper localization is, but currently they industry is filled with people who force flavor of the month liberal political BS and they act extremely defensive about it


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>mith’s work on Disgaea and FFXII respectively. NISA crammed the scripts for the Disgaea series with well known Western pop culture references, mostly because NIS did the same, but for Japanese pop culture. As for O’ Smith’s work, he made most of the characters in FFXII and Vagrant Story speak with Middle English dialects and accents for the former, because it fit the setting.
Ok good for English speaking countries but here's an example of what I mean by "it was still bad": why the FUCK did non English speaking countries had to deal with (often terrible) English dubs in video games and had the original voice acting removed? Isn't localization all about adapting a work from a specific culture to another one? Why should I have the English language and American pop culture references shoved down my throat in the Japanese video games I play? All because of some middle aged American man's headcanons? Because a bunch of games that are officially released in Europe had translations based on American translations.


>why the FUCK did non English speaking countries had to deal with (often terrible) English dubs in video games and had the original voice acting removed?
laziness for the most part, vidya games aren't considered proper media and if the content was already translated they would have no reason to translate it a second time


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>if the content was already translated they would have no reason to translate it a second time
Usually the issue is that there are translations for written text but no other dubs than the English ones. And in that case, they should just leave the original voice acting in the game for other releases. When you get this shit for games that were released 2 years after Japan and 1 year after the USA then yes it's bad localization. It's currently still terrible for some games and pretty good for other games, because at least we're way more likely to not have cut content and to have Japanese voice acting intact while the games are released almost at the exact same time all over the planet and in more languages than ever. But this really depends on each franchise. I'm never worried about games from the Megaten franchise, especially because we're finally getting translations in way more languages nowadays, but Fire Emblem is a fucking joke to this day. The bigger Capcom games tend to be made with an international audience in mind, but more niche things like Ace Attorney or Sengoku Basara are also a joke (AA because after AA4 we only get English translations and almost no physical copies at all, not because of the quality of the translations).


I actually do agree with some of the points made under the "meanwhile" part in the second picture. Like how content being cut isn't necessarily the translators fault but the higher-ups. Or how dialogue should sound natural like it was written originally in english. I don't think that means they should remove slang words like otaku or change the words of places and mythological elements but after years of reading janky manga scans translated by amateurs you realise that translating something word-for-word sounds bad. I also agree with the "translators are 100% writers" point. In order to be a translator you need a good grasp of the languge you are translating and the language you are translating to. You also need to understand how prose works in both languages in order to make it sound good. There are instances of characters who has speaking quirks like they speak in alliterations or with a certain rhythm. You could just make a direct translation but that would remove the character quirk. A good translator knows how to make alliterations that makes sense for the dialogue. Same things with puns. The other stuff is entitled though


My favourite new one from this season is the translator working on the dog sex show tweeted how many cool hip slangs she's been slapping into the subtitles to piss people off, and when accused of doing it because she has hatred for the media she's working on she responded by tweeting how much she loves the show about school girls having sexualised encounters with a small dog. She fucking loves sucking off dogs, back off guys.


i hate everyone involved in this situation.


How do I unread your post?


>the dog sex show
Dying for more context and don't really want to google this.


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New fanservice show this season has an MC that turns into a dog and since it's ecchi it involves a lot of sexual scenes where the girls are undressing, bathing, and whatnot near dog MC who wants to become human again but also kinda likes the fact that girls will undress and stuff around him.

Watched two episodes of it since it's caused such an uproar and I don't think it's that horrific, it's an ecchi comedy and it markets itself that way so it's not like you'd be blindsided. Humor was pretty weak for the genre. This concept has been done hundreds of times with various transformations and curses so it's nothing special, not worth watching or being outraged over. Granted it's still on-going so maybe it'll fully commit to the premise later, but given the nature of these shows I doubt it.


Thank you. Usually FotM discourse makes it to me without effort, so I feel lucky all of this got filtered for once.


Going to be real with you, I had expectations going in, the ol' snoot in the pusspuss and what have you, I was still blindsided by her sucking the dog's muzzle in the bath. Just devouring dog snot out of nowhere. There's many things that seem straight forward sexual fantasy and then there's whatever that was.

Anyway this isn't about the show being anything unexpected (hell it's had less actual dog sex in it than about three shows last season), it's about some crunchyroll translator defending putting "yeet" and "eye bleach" in her translations by claiming to love the show, then disclaiming that she doesn't like the show unironically like "some creeps" might like the show. It's like she's running in a circle shooting her own foot.


as a translator, your job is to translate, not add your personal opinion.


> next step is turning him into a trap
You won't like what 3d goon artists have turned him into


>hell it's had less actual dog sex in it than about three shows last season
I dont even know what to think about life at this point…

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