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/f/ - Fandom Generals

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 No.924[Last 50 Posts]

A thread made for discussing our favourite androits (I dunno what more to describe about it).
>Who are your favourite characters?
>Have you played the games? What game did you like the most?
>Do you have ships?
>What do you think about the current state of the franchize?


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>>Who are your favourite characters?
Bass/Forte, Zero, X, perhaps Proto Man. This series has so many loveable characters from all ranges of different characteristics and unique designs, even the villains have a charm to them.
>>Have you played the games? What game did you like the most?
I haven't played any of the games except Mega Man Legends. I liked it, it was good, but a bit too stressing when the robots start shooting at you.
>Do you have ships?
I adore Zero x X. They're so cute together. Bass/Forte x Mega Man is also cute, but I generaly like ships that involve Bass/Forte.
>What do you think about the current state of the franchize?
I'm a new fan who recently got into Mega Man, and I still don't know much about the series to have a well formed opinion on the matter.


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I love very dearly the Megaman Megamix & Gigamix manga.
I love all the characters, and I even find myself to root more for the secondary androits more than for Mega Man.
Star Man is one of my top favourites, even if in his introduction he comes off as narcissistic he is a character that cares very deeply for his friends and even helps his foes. His smile warms my heart, so I'll share some of my favourite pictures of him. He smiles even if he's right at Death's door.


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Star Man is cute! I like the secondary characters too. Cut Man and Cold Man are probably my favorite.


>Cold Man
Meant Ice Man oops


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I really like Cut Man too! He's a cutie and I have some art of him! I love his character in the manga, he's so brave even if he's one of the smaller androits. Ice Man too, I adored the little interactions he had with Freeze Man, but I don't have much art of him.
Heat Man and Plant Man are too of my liking.


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I just love that it's canon that Snake Man has a liking for Toad Man, no matter romantic or platonic. I fancy that no matter if they're rivals they know how to respect eachother and be friendly.
Plus there's some cute art I have.
Also I'm sorry if this is blog-posting, but there are simply too many things I'd like to discuss, on 4Chan you can hardly have civil discussion and rarely the anons there talk about the characters, story etc, all they know is repeat how good or bad the games are and most of the time it's just random anons insulting eachother for having different opinions.
Also I can't dump all the images I want in one post…


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Mega Man lore tends to be completely neglected by people who assume that since it's just a platformer there must not be much to discuss. I don't mind your "blogposting" at all.

Have you read the Archie comics anon? I thought it was an interesting take on the series especially since it was the first good western interpretation of the franchise.


Would any of you be interested in a megaman watch-party?


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>Archie comics
I've been reading them and I have the first 8 volumes downloaded, but I'm still only to the second one, it's really good! I don't really have to say that much about it right now since I'm still not that far into the story, but I would like to hear your thoughts on the comics.

Yes, I would be happy to watch something megaman related with other fujos, what are you suggesting to watch?


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my wife elec
>Who are your favourite characters?
pikachuman, crashman, fuseman, star and quick, elecman.exe, megaman.exe
>Have you played the games? What game did you like the most?
I played all the classic games including the the first 3 battle network games along with the first X game, my personal favorite's from those would be megaman 2 and 4 + 9, megaman 11, battle network 2
>Do you have ships?
quickelec, a bit of rockfuse
>What do you think about the current state of the franchize?
i find it funny how they made MM 11 as a " fuck you " to inafune and haven't bothered to make any new MM games since then and now we're just stuck with that janky pile of gacha horseshit that is X dive, weren't there rumors of some game nicknamed " rockman taisen " floating around a few months ago? but i'm very happy for the battle network collection we are getting for the switch soon, i didn't expect them to actually do it


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>Elec Man
Extremely based.


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>Megaman thread
>Who are your favourite characters?
I have a lot but Zero, Bass and X remain at the top.
>Have you played the games? What game did you like the most?
I'm currently playing Rockman X4 right now and I like it a lot. I plan on beating the entire X series before 7 (I'm skipping the last two lol).
>Do you have ships?
Not for this series but I enjoy any content that I can get.
>What do you think about the current state of the franchize?
I have no faith in Capcom anymore but Megaman 11 was pretty good. I hope they can add a new entry to Megaman X.


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>I have no faith in Capcom anymore
Same, I just wish that they could make a game with a completely new protagonist, or use some of the sidekicks robots that need more spotlight.
Also Dr. Wily as a constant villain got old, I think we need a new one. Imagine a game where because of turns of events Wily's robots take on the hero role. I think it would be refreshing.


>Imagine a game where because of turns of events Wily's robots take on the hero role.
Um, sweetheart, Zero exists.

Jokes aside I think that would actually be a pretty neat game. I think the exact opposite would be pretty interesting too with one of Wily's robots going Maverick and taking over, causing Wily to unwillingly join the side of the good guys.


>Zero exists
Yeah I know, but didn't he become a good guy because he lost his memories?
I'm still new to megaman and still learning the lore, so excuse me if I have misunderstood something.


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I had no idea Megaman was so popular with fujos kek, I used to be all over the X series back in the day. I'm just wishing for Capcom to release a new X game since it's been 20 years but with Zero being Inafune's self insert garystu OC (just kidding, I love Zero) I think they're holding off just out of spite.

Has anyone played the Rockman X Dive gacha game? Is it any good? I'm kind of disappointed that they're not adding any original characters to it, I wish the series had more ikemen type male characters because looking up artwork I'm just bombarded by male coomer shit.


I was just messing with you when I said that, but yeah, after becoming unconscious in his fight with sigma he lost his memories.
I don't really play any gacha but I do enjoy the art from X Dive. And yeah, it sucks that most of the art is being catered to male coomers because the art in it is top tier stuff.


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>I'm kind of disappointed that they're not adding any original characters to it
There are original characters actually! Angepitoyeir is my favorite of them, I love angel boys.

I don't mind ecchi or female fanservice characters so I don't mind the game, but I have enough gacha games so I haven't devoted much time to it. Definitely mechanically interesting compared to a lot of gacha, but I don't think I'd play it over any mainline Megaman game.


Am I the only one who isn't a big fan of the new designs? Don't get me wrong, they're adorable and pretty, but you can simply feel that it's forced to look cutesy. Maybe it's because of the nostalgia but the older designs are way more appealing (examples: Ice Man, Cut Man, Plant Man, these type of designs), even if you can clearly see that them being cute wasn't really the main focus, the new ones also lack a consistant color palette.


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Even though I used to play the Battle Network games when I was younger, I never rly got into megaman as a whole until I played the X series, which was kinda recently. That old-school fujo pandering is strong. Then you got the classic series which is just plain cute stuff. Idk anything about Legends, I may play it one these days, but I'm not really interested in DiVE and the Zero and ZX games, simply because the designs put me off, even tho I really appreciate cyber elf X as a concept… (I just wish it was executed better and designed by someone else entirely).


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>Who are your favourite characters?
Zero mostly. It took me a while to appreciate X and Sigma since they were pretty basic at first but as the X series progresses they become a lot more endearing. There are some minor characters and bosses across the different series that I really like too. Wily is the best villain.
>Have you played the games? What game did you like the most?
I've played classic Mega Man up to 5, the entire X and Zero series, and MM & Bass. I've been looking forward to try Battle Network for a long while but I never find the time for it.
>Do you have ships?
Zero/X or X/Zero (I was never able to make up my mind). They are a given in the X series but playing Mega Man Zero afterwards makes this ship a lot more special.
>What do you think about the current state of the franchize?
I don't mind the franchise being relatively dead, I have fun replaying the same old games and I don't have much time for them anyway. Also I'm not interested in gacha.

>Zero being Inafune's self insert garystu OC
This is totally accurate but it never bothered me because Zero is so deliberately over the top it just works, he's what a kid would consider the coolest hero to be like. There's a charming innocence to a character like this, nothing like modern self insert heroes which take themselves way too seriously.


>but with Zero being Inafune's self insert garystu OC (just kidding, I love Zero) I think they're holding off just out of spite.
I'm afraid of the slight chance of them revamping Zero as a character and turning him into something different. I dunno. Am I being too stupid?
Also unrelated to anything but there's something about X sitting there with those stupid birthing hips and surrounded by chickens that cracks me up. I love him sfm.


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Just found these sketches of Elec Man made by Hitoshi Ariga and had to share them somewhere.


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Here's some cute art I found.


poor Proto


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>can simply feel that it's forced to look cutesy
A lot of Gacha and otome designs fall into the trap of designing themselves to look attractive and then consequently fail to contain any unique designs.


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Too fanservicey and 'clearly meant to appeal to men' for me, you really can't get any cuter than iceman so they might as well not try ya know?


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Love me some Torch Man and Blast Man.


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I found this image but can't find the doujinshi it's from or the author and now my curiosity is killing me.



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How did you find so fast? :0 I used image search on multiple search engines and nothing came up. Thank you so much!


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I love these two like you won't believe.


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You and me both.


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wtf sexo


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Robot Masters and maid costumes are my favourite combination.


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I love them. I love them so much.


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Nona have u heard the song Ring A Bell by Bonnie Pink? I think it fits ZeroX pretty well.


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Anyone have any idea what the text says?


You can try asking in the translation thread on /ot/.


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>When I first learned Top Man's weakness is the Hard Knuckle.


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Of which game do you like the soundtrack the most?
For me it's Mega Man 8, the melodies aren't as upbeat as in the other MM games and they are quite soothing. Sword Man and Frost Man's themes are my favourite.
MM 2 has the classical stuff, the compositions are so catchy.


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Never thought I'll ship a zippo lighter.


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Human Zero is cute!


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Zero is my favorite but what I enjoy the most is being able to see X's hair, he looks so cute and well, human. Sadly you don't get to see this side of him in official media.


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>Zero is my favorite but what I enjoy the most is being able to see X's hair, he looks so cute and well, human.
That's one of my favourite aspects in all of the MM series - even if they're robots they feel so human (while still keeping the mechanical flavor). The creators nailed the concept of self-aware machines that can think and act like humans do.


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helmetless art is a hit or miss to me but when it's cute it is really cute.


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I prefer them with helmets, but I also like seeing them more casual looking. The biggest problem with helmetless art for me is that most of the time they are completely unrecognizable (this isn't really a problem with such drawings of X, Zero or Axl, but it's a big issue in helmetless fan art depicting the Robot Masters.)
Plus do some of them even have hair underneath? Fuse Man is a pretty boy, but he's canonically bald as shown in official art, and some of them look as if they can't even take their helmets off (Ground Man, Acid Man, Wind Man, etc).
No matter that, I absolutely enjoy art of Proto Man without his helmet, he looks so jazzy.
Sorry for helmet sperging, I just haven't talked with someone about Mega Man for a long time


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I love seeing them in casual human clothes. Also your pic reminded me of these lifeguard designs.


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Good one!


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It's really hard finding Mega Man doujins. Can anybody share some? No matter the pairing.


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I sometimes use this site for doujins if I'm running low. It's Japanese though so no translations.

NSFW warning of course.





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Warning: Robo abuse.


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This might belong on /ex/


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Bear with me nonas as I dump some cute things I found while lurking tags in japanese tegaki


got it, thanks for the heads up


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Pretty good images! I get mine from Twitter, Pixiv, 4chan and sometimes Tumblr.


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>Of which game do you like the soundtrack the most?
When I think about it now, it's a really hard question. Every game no matter from what series has it's own unique set of melodies in it's soundtrack.
I'd say the X series has one of the most expressive soundtracks when it comes to composition and instrumental choice (X8 falls flat when it comes to diversity in the musical instruments, most, if not all tracks have the same quitar and drums heard in them, which makes them sound sometimes too similar, but the composition is amazing).
I'll share the music files here because I don't want to clog up the music thread on /ot/ with melodies from a game that already has one.
[spoiler] I wanted to post some from X6 but the files are too heavy. [/spoiler]


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I have a lot of nostalgia for X in general. They were my intro to the franchise.

Favorite are probably

Chill Penguin

And Volt Catfish


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Merry Christmas!


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merry christmas nonas!!


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>I'm not really interested in DiVE and the Zero and ZX games, simply because the designs put me off
I feel almost the same. Wished Zero got his own game where he looks the same way or more similar to his MMX version. I also feel a bit sad for how the Mavericks look now, the older designs had so much personality, while the new ones of Zero look simply like hightech machines with no emotions or feelings. (It may be a bit of a controversial opinion, but I actually like ZX's design of the pseudoroids, it fixes the issues I have with MMZ while remaining the style, but some of them still have that problem.)
>I just wish it was executed better and designed by someone else entirely
The main designer of MMZ and ZX is Toru Nakayama, his style is very cutesy (sometimes too cutesy for me, it starts to feel forced at times) and even when he draws machines and robots they kind of look as if they're made of rubber. Before working on the Mega Man games he used to make Ojamajo Doremi doujins. Not really suprised.
I think they changed the designs so drasticaly because the Zero and ZX series are property not of Capcom, but of IntiCreates.
I know you wrote that months ago nonna, I didn't notice this post before. Sorry.


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>and even when he draws machines and robots they kind of look as if they're made of rubber.
I know what you mean, I'm not a big fan of that artistic choice, even if it's supposed to be artificial muscle. The designs in Z look so early 2000's too, and while i'm aware that the previous series' artstyles are also retro they feel more timeless. Sorry for ranting, the fanart can be cute tho.
>I think they changed the designs so drasticaly because the Zero and ZX series are property not of Capcom, but of IntiCreates.
That makes sense, oh well. I can still enjoy the lore.

Talking about Z series' lore, I want to mention this audio drama and how much I adore X's voice. So soft, so compassionate and so fitting for him, I love it so fucking much it makes me go apeshit everytime I hear it, that's my boi right there. [SPOILER]Cyber elf X dissipating into cyberspace and all he fills his mind with while dying is Zero because of course he does[/SPOILER]


I've alao listened to the audio drama, it fills so many open spots in the story that weren't explained in the games. I love the choice of voices they made, and I adore the fact that X and Copy X sound different (and I think they have different voice actors too?).
>So soft, so compassionate and so fitting for him, I love it so fucking much it makes me go apeshit everytime I hear it, that's my boi right there.
YES. The chapter where he begged Zero not to seal himself away send shivers down my spine. The execution is trully beautiful.
And the scene where they fight together and talk about the reasons they continue to go on againts their enemies, and when they scream " FINAL STRIKE! ", still fills me with excitement. And the sound effects are great too!
>SPOILER]Cyber elf X dissipating into cyberspace and all he fills his mind with while dying is Zero because of course he does
It really shows how deep their relationship was, and how he mourns for Zero… It's a sorrowful but bitter-sweet end, don't you think? Even when he's evaporating in cyberspace the memories of Zero kept him warm even when he was all alone.


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>Even when he's evaporating in cyberspace the memories of Zero kept him warm even when he was all alone.
Ugh it hurts so fucking good. I swear I would write them a fic or two if I wasn't so damn busy.


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>That comic

So cute and funny Nonna, I love Cutman.


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>I love Cutman.
Extremely based taste. His design is really appealing to me, and his personality is adorable.


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Elec is so cute


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Ok, I need to sperg about Gravity Beetle's relationship with Boomer Kuwanger.
The fact Gravity Beetle is nicknamed " Steel Revenger " because he wanted to avenge Kuwanger's death even though he knew that K was on the wrong side for recruiting to Sigma's rebellion is pretty interesting to me. Wanting to give revenge for somebody who joined in the eradication of human kind? Why would he do that, if not because he holded strong feelings for Kuwanger?
On top of all, they're brothers. Because there aren't other Reploids in the X series that are referred to as brothers, this makes me think that they have this title because they had a really strong bond.
Things get even more interesting in Iwamoto's manga, where Gravity Beetle revives Kuwanger and threatens X to upload his brother's I.D chip in the body of Zero, so that he can live. Well, this rises some questions why he didn't just rebuild his sibling's body whole instead, but oh well… When he went againts Reploids way stronger than him such as X and Zero for the sake of Kuwanger, trully suprised me considering that most Mavericks fight only for their sake.
Sorry for the unrelated image, fanart of those two is rare


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>Wanting to give revenge for somebody who joined in the eradication of human kind?

Honestly a fascinating motivation, regardless of relationship status. Normally you tell family to fuck off after they do something demonstrably wrong. There is definitely a strong bond here, don't ship them but it's an interesting angle.

>Sorry for the unrelated image, fanart of those two is rare

I only have one pic of them :(


What a cute image! (Beetle is drawn a bit wrong here, but a lot of people get him wrong when they portray him).
>Normally you tell family to fuck off after they do something demonstrably wrong. There is definitely a strong bond here, don't ship them but it's an interesting angle.
Honestly I ship them, but this is the first time I've stated it because I'm worried people will think I'm weird for pairing such minor characters haha. Well atleast I don't have to worry about it here in fujochan.


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>Nona have u heard the song Ring A Bell by Bonnie Pink? I think it fits ZeroX pretty well.
Not the anon you've replied to, but after listening to the song I can see a resemblance to their relationship.
As we talk about music works that reminds us of Mega Man stuff have you heard the song " Pap Smear " by Crystal Castles? It really reminds me of the situation the Robot Masters are in -
" You never got to bloom
They cut you from the stem
You're innocent at birth
Untill you understand. "

" They put you to use
Or they put you to sleep "
Much from the text reminds me of them and how they're treated in their world - starting from the 3 Laws Of Robotics to the new laws about how long a Robot's life must be in MM9.
" Celestica " (again by Crystal Castles) makes me think more of MMX than MM.


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I'm glad you brought that up, I always liked both Gravity Beetle and Boomer Kuwanger and wondered what their relationship was like. Maybe I should read the manga one of these days.
Also, Volt Kraken and Launch Octopus had a somewhat similar relationship. Not brothers but close friends, and unlike Gravity Beetle Kraken didn't snap and just left the Hunters to pursue researching instead. He seems to understand that Octopus had to be terminated after joining Sigma, but despite his acceptance he's still deeply resentful towards X because his feelings for Octopus were that strong. He's always been one of my favorite Mavericks (and one of my favorite fights in the series)


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Also I found a couple of Gravity Beetle and Boomer Kuwanger pics.


I seriously need to check this out. Great post nonna.


It's in the X3 manga. Things can get a bit over the top at times, but it's not a bad read I suppose.


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>Also, Volt Kraken and Launch Octopus had a somewhat similar relationship. Not brothers but close friends
Yes, I also see them like that. It makes me very happy seeing such relationships in media, not lovers, not brothers, but very close friends with a good relationship.
>He seems to understand that Octopus had to be terminated after joining Sigma, but despite his acceptance he's still deeply resentful towards X because his feelings for Octopus were that strong.
I've always seen him as the type who first follows his brain then his feelings.
>He's always been one of my favorite Mavericks (and one of my favorite fights in the series)
You've played the games? I've played mostly the classic series (only 5, 8 and World 5), and played Mega Man & Bass. From the X series I could get only X3 and X6.
Tried Legends by pirating it on my computer but it was too hard for me haha.


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>The fourth image


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>finds lovely art from an artist I used to follow long ago but lost track of
>checks date of post: 2014
>only 1 art under the tag
is this the equivalent of finding a good but abandoned fic? also picrel


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I have also saved some art from the same artist. It's fun how in the start they were doing only innocent MM fanart and then started with the roboabuse all of a sudden. Love them for it.
That's the case with a lot of artists. I once found someone who made really good art of Tengu Man, Pirate Man and Burner Man, but they haven't posted anything in a long time.
Plus there is a very good korean artist who used to make drawings of Duo, but they stopped.


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I discovered them today.. their bassrock is soooo cute


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Are you guys more into the MCs or the robot masters?


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Robot Masters. They're just so cute. But honestly I preffer the Mavericks over them but I wished they gave those more characterisation. In X2, X3 and X8 they're just kind of there to be killed off (that doesn't make them any less cool though)
I also like the NetNavis but some of the designs really don't look appealing.


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>honestly I preffer
I meant to write *prefer, gomen.


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Robot masters are pretty cute and the highlight of the classic series. With the X series i mostly like the MCs and some side characters like Gate.

Also I just found this thing and it's so cute https://www.tumblr.com/narsh-poptarts/seems-like-a-lot-of-people-hc-quick-as-pretty/g5gjxpdu5x52



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>That link
A lot of people hc Quick Man as easygoing and cheerfull, but I like his more serious version more.


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why not a little mix of both? i love when characters have these little layers of behaviour to them but not too volatile so they don't feel too inconsistent.
It's one of the reasons why i appreciate Zero so much despite many ppl claiming he's overrated. (and if he was i wouldn't care about that anyway)


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>why not a little mix of both? i love when characters have these little layers of behaviour to them but not too volatile so they don't feel too inconsistent.
I agree with you and I didn't elaborate enough in my post. Even though I lean towards him having more serious attitude that doesn't mean that I don't like him being upbeat and sunny. Like you said, everything needs balance.
It's just that many people make him way too goofy.


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I appreciate that despite his robotic nature and the artstyle not being too graceful they still gave Zero some subtle yet attractive muscle definition in the MMZ games.


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honestly the presence of muscle is one of the few things I appreciate about the MMZ designs.

I realized recently that I really love armours with visible typography in them as if they were cars with sponsors, like Mythos Zero and the Truforce figures. It's such a silly little detail that i find adorable, makes me want to see art of the robot masters with similar details.


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handsome blues


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Bruce is always handsome… Too bad he may die out of the blue because of his malfunctioning core.


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Nona thank you so much I've been searching for fanart of him for so long but it was impossible to find, he's one of my most favourite Reploids.
The style is cute, who's the artist??


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Is it me or this is the most active thread on the site?


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It's one of the most active, guess we all love these robot boys!


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I was replaying the Zero games, finally beat them all and, oh dear, they're full with homo-tension. Especially Harpuia and Fighting Fefnir. So far my favourites are Zero 2 and 3, and not to mention that even the stage's bosses are shippable and pretty fun (mainly the beetle brothers Kuwagust and Herculious - they're so cute when they die by bumping into one another, and the Eight Gentle Judges have pretty cool designs and nobody can tell me they don't fuck each other). I wanted to post some images of some pretty homo texts and other things, but honestly I prefer to wait.
Nonas, no matter if you have played the games (Classic, X, Zero, BN, SF, it doesn't matter) or not, do you have rarepairs? I'll be very curious to hear them!


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It's time.
I like the idea of shipping bosses even though they have no apparent relationship (X Challenge made it easier) but I've never taken it too seriously. Would love to read some opinions though.
Oh right and there's Dynamo x Gate, I still don't fully get where that came from but I support it.


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I'm secretly whoring Commander Yammark to all the other Nightmare Investigators (especially Sheldon) in my mind, you can get so many interesting dynamics with untrusting guys like him. I throw him to Heatnix when in mood for ryona, sometimes to Mijinion for other /ex/ stuff, at times I pair him with Metal Shark Player for some light stuff. Also Rosered/Dark Necrobat is my jam too, or Morph Moth/Magna Centipede and many other.


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Yammark is very cute but he feels a bit out of place among a cast of robotic animal bosses, like he should belong in one of the Classic games instead. In any case, I like what goes through your mind.


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Yeah, he's way more humanoid than the rest, but it adds variety to their designs. Kuwanger is also very human-like - looks like a guy in a stag-beetle costume, but he's also one of my favourites (it's very hard to say I have a favourite, I like them all).


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