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 No.6[View All]

After all those years do you still enjoy the silly NEET brothers? Did you ship them or just enjoy the platonic interaction? Did you prefer on-model or off-model fanart? What's your favorite AU of the hundreds that they have? Let's discuss
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I like the fact that KaraTodo has two fashionable brothers with completely different senses of style.
Kara is the kind of brother who would completely embarrass Todo out in public (moreso than any of the other brothers already do) and I think they have a lot of humorous interactions.


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Yes definitely, they are the most fashionable of the bunch and I love both of their styles.
>Kara is the kind of brother who would completely embarrass Todo out in public (moreso than any of the other brothers already do) and I think they have a lot of humorous interactions.
They certainly do, all the interactions between these two are hilarious. I feel like maybe they got better along with each other in highschool too, since they were essentially the two "moe" cuties in the group.


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I love osomatsu-san for the sheer number of possible pairings it has. There's just so many options to choose from.

I've noticed that I actually don't have a fixed otp when it comes to oso-san. I just cycle between different ships every once in a while. One week I'll be obsessed with one pairing and then it's like "oh! But these two would be great together too!" It's like I have a bunch of barbie dolls and I randomly pick two of them and start smashing them together whenever I feel like it.

I wonder if anybody else can relate to this…

Also I just realized the op post number is 6 and it makes me really happy kek


>I wonder if anybody else can relate to this…
I'm also exactly like you! I just throw two of them together and experiment with the chemistry of their personalities, it's really fun!


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Same! The mix-and-match ability is a big appeal of matsucest. Whole rainbow of gay incest options lol.


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Same with me, I have no NOTPs at all because of this. Even with pairings that I'm neutral for, or don't really care about, I always find something cute with them. This is one of the best series for pairings and such, you will always find art of a pairing that's very nice and pretty looking. Even the show makes some interesting dynamics between all of them.


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>The mix-and-match ability is a big appeal of matsucest.
This. Sokudo will always be my number one Ososan OTP, but mixing and matching the brothers is a lot of fun.
Do you guys remember the dice thing artists and fic authors used to do? Grab two six-sided dies, roll them, and the numbers will give you a BLmatsu ship. So, for example, if you were to roll a 3 on the first one and a 2 on the second, that'd be ChoroKara (in that order). It's a good way to explore pairings and ship orders you'd never thought about much previously.


>Do you guys remember the dice thing artists and fic authors used to do? Grab two six-sided dies, roll them, and the numbers will give you a BLmatsu ship. So, for example, if you were to roll a 3 on the first one and a 2 on the second, that'd be ChoroKara (in that order). It's a good way to explore pairings and ship orders you'd never thought about much previously.
This sounds so much fun. I would love to do that with a bunch of you guys on here and create one-shots with this template.


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>Do you guys remember the dice thing artists and fic authors used to do? Grab two six-sided dies, roll them, and the numbers will give you a BLmatsu ship. So, for example, if you were to roll a 3 on the first one and a 2 on the second, that'd be ChoroKara (in that order).
I got Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu - YES! Like the other nonas I'm not fixated on a ship, so if we do it, it will be fun.
What will you all get too? https://www.online-dice.com/roll-dice/2/d6/


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IchiOso, interesting dynamic. Would need a few days to write something for them, but I'd be for it.


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OsoIchi! Yay! I'm gonna try to write a one shot and finish by the end of this month!
Thanks for this nona, I'm rollan'.
I got the exact opposite, nice roll nona.


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Forgot to post my roll, oops.


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It's so sad that a lot of stuff got baleeted in the backups. Are my muppet sisters still alive? Looks like the file upload size was reduced too.


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Muppet fucker reporting in. It's such a shame the site didn't have a more recent backup. I had some really fun conversations with nonnas itt that are now forever lost to the sands of time. ohnoes

Did anyone see the takoyaki party movie that came out recently? We got some nice brotherly dick-touching at the bathhouse kek also not shipping related but we got to see a character that I believe was supposed to be Totoko's older brother(?) with his wife and baby. And we see Totoko wistfully looking on as her parents dote on her brother and his family and praise him for fulfilling his societal duties while Totoko is still a woman-child that just wants to have fun with her friends forever. I'm probably reading too far into this but she is one of my favourites and that scene gave her character so much more depth and I love that.

Now we have the dog matsu anime to look forward to. It looks cute but I wish we could get another proper season of the anime with the boys. That looks extremely unlikely though, with Osomatsu's seiyuu getting banished into the ether. What a shame.


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I just saw it. It kind of made me feel bad. Everyone is getting old, and I'm getting old :(. But yeah, more muppets is always a good thing.
>I'm probably reading too far into this but she is one of my favourites and that scene gave her character so much more depth and I love that.
You aren't, I was thinking the same thing. You know, I didn't really care for her all that much but now that I'm getting older, I can emphasize with her more. Everyone around me is getting married and having kids it seems, and I just want to stay a kid forever. Let me stop blogposting before I start writing paragraphs.
>Now we have the dog matsu anime to look forward to. It looks cute but I wish we could get another proper season of the anime with the boys.
I really hope we get another season. I don't want the fun to end. This is one of my favorite anime and the one that meant the most to me other than my childhood anime.
>That looks extremely unlikely though, with Osomatsu's seiyuu getting banished into the ether.
What's going on?


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>What's going on?
Sakurai (Osomatsu's VA) got caught cheating on his wife a few months ago. Apparently he'd been seeing this other woman behind his wife's back for ten whole years. There was a whole scandal and long story short, the agency that he contracts with dropped his ass. He's on an indefinite hiatus now I believe. I know moids are gonna moid no matter what, but it's always disappointing when it happens.

>It kind of made me feel bad. Everyone is getting old, and I'm getting old :(

Honestly nonna, oso-san gets too real sometimes. There are some episodes I can't rewatch without going through the five stages of grief because I realize I'm relating too much to a bunch of anime neets. The wedding episode is the worst offender for me. Watching your peers progress through the different stages of life while you're just stuck is the worst, and I really don't need the muppet anime to remind me of that.


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First Osomatsu's English VA dies, one of the few english VAs that I actually liked, and then this happens. Is this some sort of coincidence? Or is it much more sinister, like a red muppet conspiracy? I'm not sure, but all I know is damn, this sucks.
>Honestly nonna, oso-san gets too real sometimes. There are some episodes I can't rewatch without going through the five stages of grief because I realize I'm relating too much to a bunch of anime neets.
Same here. I legit cringe at them because they get a bit too personal. Only anime that I've watched that legit made me feel uncomfortable.
>The wedding episode is the worst offender for me.
Same here, I got sick. I'm still technically young but damn, I get older people bothering me all the time about getting a boyfriend and finding a husband. It kills me. That episode was just too much. I hated it. The akward pauses didn't help much either.


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I remember being really into Osomatsu-San back during season 1 and season 2, and the movie was one of the funniest things I've seen. I was watching season 3 when it came out but I dropped it at around episode 9 because irl stuff made me busy. I haven't caught up since so I was wondering, are the stuff that have came out since worth it? Is season 3 worth finishing? I still love these muppets and BLmatsu was my obsession for so long.


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I'm probably biased but yes, season 3 is absolutely worth it. It has some of my favourite episodes. As for everything after season 3, there's a two-part OVA/movie thing that came out. The first part I personally didn't like much but the second part is definitely worth a watch. There's also a live action movie which I enjoyed I know liking live action is blasphemy in anime fandom but it was pretty good.

I'm a bit sad I didn't get into Osomatsu-San back in its heyday. It's probably for the best though because I was in a pretty bad place mentally during that time and I know this anime would have just exacerbated things. Even though it's a bit lonely not having that many people to sperg about my ships with, I do appreciate the peace and quiet.


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I remember the first season airing an everyone loving it, and I liked it a lot too, I thought it was really funny but I never watched anything that aired next. My favorite was Choromatsu but I loved them all. I need to rewatch the show someday, but I wonder how different it is from the original Osomatsu-kun, if anyone is familiar with it, because to me Osomatsu-kun seems like one of these old kids shows that everyone loves in Japan because they grew up watching it? I assume it's way less trashy than Osomatsu-san but I could be wrong.


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I've watched a few episodes of Osomatsu-kun and from what I've seen it definitely doesn't have the same type of trashy adult humour as Osomatsu-san. Which makes sense since it was meant to be a children's show. I do remember being startled by how extremely violent it was though. Like, the violence went beyond the slapstick humour you see in kid's cartoons and bordered on sadistic sometimes. It made Osomatsu-san look tame in comparison kek. I might have been imagining that though.
Another thing I found strange about Osomatsu-kun was how Iyami seemed to be the main character instead of the sextuplets. Iyami is an okay character but he's not interesting enough on his own to be a main character imo.
I haven't watched enough of it to recommend it but it seems cute anyway.
That being said, I do wonder how many childhoods they ruined by airing Osomatsu-san though. I can't imagine growing up with these characters and remembering them fondly, and then years later you turn on the TV and there they all are except they all suck now kek


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You have to remember, the reason why Chibita and Iyami were the stars back then is because the sextuplets were essentially copies of one another and it was extremely hard to tell them apart back then other than by their voices if you were watching the two anime series that is. San made their personalities more colorful and dinstinguished from one another, along with adding an actual color scheme to them and physical differences.
>I can't imagine growing up with these characters and remembering them fondly, and then years later you turn on the TV and there they all are except they all suck now kek
They were always trash human beings, even in the original manga, so it isn't too much of a surprise to be honest.


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Late but I kinda feel like Iyami and Chibita are best seen as comparable to Sylvester or the Roadrunner from Looney Tunes, it's not about them as characters so much as it's how they fail. I haven't finished the 88 series yet, but they carry it fine imo? I like the revamped brothers as leads more, but for what the older entries are trying to be I think it works fine. I also liked them in San way more than a lot of other western fans though. I know Chibita has his fans especially those who ship him with Kara, but I think I'm the only person I know who liked Iyami. Regardless, the show is more gag-driven and less character focused so it's ok.


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I don't think I've ever seen this much autism concentrated into one image before. It's incredibly creative actually. I've never seen anything like it.
I do like the idea of Ichimatsu with bony hands though. It fits his character for some reason.


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I know right? It's official too don't remember the magazine but it was a feature in one of them.


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Is the new dog show any good?


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:D Let's go!

I'm glad this series keeps coming back! My hope is some new cute parody scenarios with cute costumes.


Nice, I hope the writer can handle both this and Charisma.


I hope my brainworms from years ago reactivate for this because I lost interest in these NEETs for awhile


Oh we are so fucking back nonnas!


I know a lot of people fell off during season three, which personally I enjoyed, but I understand.

This season will win everyone back, I long for the heyday of this fandom.


Still waiting on the official season 3 English release. Wonder what's taking them so long? I want to officially support the series I like damnit!

Anyway whats on your bingo sheets for the new season? I'd love a ghost themed episode, and realistically I expect an episode where either Oso or Choro becomes addicted to a shitty mobile gacha since those are so insanely popular right now.


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>Wonder what's taking them so long?
Isn't it because Osomatsu's english VA died? I doubt they'd replace him since he voiced the titular character and all.

>bingo sheets

I want another serious episode! They get too real sometimes and I love the contrast with how goofy everything else is. Also predicting another one of those "(character) incident" episodes for either Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu or Todomatsu since they haven't had their turn yet. I'm guessing there'll be an episode about Nyaa-chan's baby probably. I'd also really like a skit featuring Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu cause I don't think they have any together. They're such an unlikely pair I don't even know what they'd do together realistically but there has to be something kek! Also, also, also! More Oso/Kara fanservice a la the ear cleaning episode! Just more borderline BL fanservice in general kek! Unrealistic but a fujo can dream.


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How do you nonnies feel about them? Do you wanna see them back for season 4?


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I won't mind if they're included, I don't hate them, but they don't do a lot for me personally especially when there are more interesting side characters like Iyami, or Nyaa. What do you think of them nonna?


I didn't mind them either tbh, but I found them kinda forgettable seeing as I even forgot their names. As long as they're in good skits for season 4 then they're alright.


They had some funny moments so I wouldn't mind seeing them back. Plus I like their seiyuu. I know some people hate them with a burning passion though lol


I dont really mind the Omusubis' existence but if the anime removes them for some reason I wouldn't really care either. I dont get/remember why they were there in the first place other than dumb AI jokes.


Thinking of S3 I realized AOP grew overaged and disbanded three years ago, lol. Not that I miss them but reminded me of how long these muppets have been around.


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There were a lot of very cool Matsu music videos, a lot made by Japanese fans, do you have a favourite?


Cute video!

Personally I've always been on the AMV side of things but I remember some cute Japanese videos. These two come to mind in particular. (Sorry not sure how to embed :P)



Very nice videos nonnie! The second one specially reminds me of the golden age of the fandom.
AMVs were very cool too tho, I remember really liking the Bad Apple one, it features the Devimega AU and I'm kinda of a sucker for that one.
To embed, you just need to click the button that says "Embed" on the "Select" section, then you just paste the link. If you're in the quick reply, just paste it on the place that says "File".

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