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Thread dedicated to all the cringe and bad/low effort content het shippers provide.
From the absolute train wreck in pic related to topics such as the Omegaverse lawsuit, all can be talked about here.


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If your ship involves PIV, it's straight. Relationships matter more than the labels of an individual. And the powers that be know they can get easy rep points by calling a usually female character bi and than ending with an M/F ship.


I hate that so much, there was so much of it back in 2014 when being woke was getting more popular, I didn't know it was still a thing till today.


I've been waiting for this thread all my life, I'll be sure to post caps the next time I see hetshipper shenanigans.

In all seriousness I know people take shots at fujos for ship wars all the time but hetshippers are the fucking worst and get away with so much shit fujos would never manage to. They simply can't accept gay ships and need to twist the fabric of reality to force some of the farfetched, chemistry-lacking ships you've seen and call it canon just because it's straight and thus forever more legitimate, even if the two same sex characters had better interactions or in some cases were even hinted to be lovers. I'm a genshinfag so I witness this shit more than I would ever want to because the fandom is riddled with self-inserters and hetshippers, but the game panders to m/m and f/f shippers like you wouldn't believe and the studio producing the game has had lesbian characters featured in their previous game so there's constant headbutting between the same sex and heterosexual shippers.

There's so much shit associated with them that I could recount but it recently got so retarded that they came up with the stupidest fanon crackship ever, shipping a male and a female character from one of the currently most hyped m/m and f/f ships just to get back at all the yaoi/yurifags they were seething at. Yet after the male character's lore was dropped it outright stated that he and the female character hated each other, the dosage of copium hetfags had to inhale to survive through this revelation was absolutely hilarious.

And of course there's the abbystea drama. The story about fujos bullying a hetshipper for drawing straight art was circulating and demonizing them as evil heterophobic fetishizers, yet it turns out the person they were "bullying" was an unironic homophobe and a con artist (scamming people out of money and tracing art) drawing a crack oneeshota ship while calling fujos brain damaged and disgusting for liking gay ships kek.


"Don't assume a m/f couple is straight :((((" is just "heterophobia real" in a new hat, I can't believe people get away with it.


NTA but for real, I see this shit so many times these days it's unreal and I can't believe it's happening. Considering m/f ships straight is now really considered "biphobia" and "bisexual erasure", how did it come to this?


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jesus christ OP i almost forgot about this fucker until you decided to post a pic of her art. is she still even around? massive sage cuz off topic


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>there's the abbystea drama
Oof, I almost forgot about this one! There's also another one with the same type beat of drama on tumblr, forgot her name but she did BL commissions and marketed herself to fujos only to say that she hates such content.
This is like people going in circles again, there was soooooo many "hetphobia!!" Posts back in the day on tumblr from hetshippers seething because of BL ships but now it has a new label slapped on it. ESPECIALLY with anime that has more guys than girls in it, any female side character would be their favorite girl even though she would have less personality than an unsalted cracker and just be in the ship for the sole purpose that she's a female character. If anyone has pics of that sort please post.

I remember some troon made a whole video on the whole hetshipper wars the Harry Potter fandom had, pic always makes me laugh. Just another example of how crazy these people are.


>ESPECIALLY with anime that has more guys than girls in it, any female side character would be their favorite girl even though she would have less personality than an unsalted cracker and just be in the ship for the sole purpose that she's a female character.
The most insulting part is that they play dumb about it too, any dumbass can see that this character was created for moids to set their gaze on yet they act like she's a super inspirational well written female character worth admiration. No bitch, no matter how much you headcanon her that bland ass pretty girl only exists to be a prize for the main character in the end.

I wish this thread existed before though because I would've screencapped all the bullshit hetshippers have said and done, but a general rundown:
>Act oppressed because people don't ship their nonsensical hetship
>Act oppressed because a gay ship is more popular than their hetship
>Act oppressed because a mean lesbian made a "hetshippers gtfo" joke on her social media
>Act oppressed because they got requested to draw m/m art as if fujos never got shit all over for not drawing hetshit
>"I have many coomer f/f ships that I like, I can't be homophobic!"
>Make up completely off-canon hetships with no basis on the lore or character interactions or ship two completely platonic characters yet throw a tantrum when a fujo does the same thing
>Have retarded slapfights over their ~best girl~ who should be shipped to the main character while accusing fujos of having petty ship wars
>Consider their hetships automatically more canon because they're straight, growing an ego about it

In some fandoms hetshippers seethed over fujo/himeships so bad they started writing corrective rape fics tagged with the ship names, it's absolutely fucking ridiculous how fragile a hetfag's mind is. A lot of them who come from homophobic societies (mainly Russia and China) do the same shit as abbystea, meaning posting hetships on their English/international socials keeping a proper face on but going to VK/Weibo to rant about fujos and homosexuality in general in their native language calling them disgusting degenerates in need of a beating. They're a special kind of psychos.


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>I wish this thread existed before though
I was debating making it for over a week now, wasn't sure others would be interested!
Here's some screenshots I found based on the points you mentioned, that was the mentality I've seen from back in the day lol.

They also complain that yaoi is literally everywhere as if hetships aren't shoved down everyone's throat. God forbid a character is also gay in canon, it'll be mostly written as a shitty disgusting or ugly gag, have them killed or make them a tranny of some sort.


I've honestly come to hate any kind of omnipandering media these days. Not only is the ratio in terms of who gets more content almost always skewed in favor of waifu/hetshit pandering, but also when there's even the SLIGHTEST fujo pandering, fragile hetshippers absolutely lose their minds. The bigger fandom it is, the worse it is, Genshin being the best example. I used to be into it back when it released and God, the amount of people who forced shitty het ships like J*anluc, had strictly het Traveller ships, and would have crack het ships for unreleased characters made it unbearable to stay in that fandom for too long. From what I can tell, it hasn't gotten better.
I'm glad that there's been more and more fujo-focused media lately so we no longer need to settle for media that doesn't give us more than crumbs.
Those double standards are so funny I'm wondering if the posts are ironic.


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That ship was and is one of the worst offenders of hetshipper fragility. The characters never even spoke to each other in the story while the game shilled a m/m ship (Kaeya x Diluc) so fucking hard it's ridiculous, even the artist for the official manga was a kaeluc fujo, not to mention how Jean and Lisa had a way better dynamic and interacted on a regular basis. But since Diluc's character was made into a brooding edgy protagonist trope in the English dub all the moids latched onto him as a self insert and were set on headcanoning him as straight.
>B-but Jeanluc is sooooooo cute they totally would get along so well n-no I'm not trying to desperately erase the most popular m/m ship in the game I'm just having fun uwu!! fujos are so toxic for forcing their heterophobic yaoi ships on me!!
picrel, another offender trying to pull the "actually calling a straight ship non-gay is literally killing queer people" bullshit discussed upthread, why are they always furries?


This shit is honestly ridiculous on so many levels I don't even know where to start. First you have the brainless self-inserters who think every girl wants (Their) dick, and then you have this other equally mentally ill group who is retarded enough to justify these ships by saying
>I-I see these characters as bi!
What I don't get is why do they latch onto m/f ships of characters who have far more developed m/m or f/f ships, when there's probably enough media full of m/f ships to last them a lifetime? It honestly pisses me off to see these people complain about 'fujobait' and all that when they get way more stuff that appeals to their tastes than we fujos do.


>What I don't get is why do they latch onto m/f ships of characters who have far more developed m/m or f/f ships, when there's probably enough media full of m/f ships to last them a lifetime?
This is exactly why I unironically see homophobia in their behavior, they always latch on to m/f ships that feature characters from the most popular m/m or f/f ships even if the m/f ship makes no sense. Instead of choosing from the huge selection of canonical m/f couples they for some reason just have to force a straight ship on a character associated with a well-established same sex relationship. I honestly wouldn't care as much if it was a straight ship that could work but in 9 times out of 10 it's something they unapologetically pulled from their asses.


I checked to see who this abbystea is and I noticed I already blocked her(?) on twitter long ago because I saw her oneeshota art with boring, bland looking Genshin Impact characters and didn't want that shit on my TL ever again. I don't know anything else beyond that though, can someone spoonfeed me?


Artist draw some venti x female which got a lot of fujos trigered and they start canceling her for being a pedo, after that she went to russian site and called the fujos animals with double standarts and homos gross.

All of this then got translated to twitter and once again people tried to cancel her for homophobia and transphobia. There is also was somebody calling her a scamer, but there wasnt much info about it.

Thats pretty much it I dont know why this blown up that much and for that long, but I guess popular things attract the worse audience.


Unfortunately I can't find the receipts because the drama was documented by Russian twitter users and they've been deleting their accounts left and right after the war in Ukraine broke out and one deactivated just a few days ago during a retarded fandom slapfight, but I'll try to document the best I can from my memory.
>abbystea is a Russian artist living in Georgia
>presumably a woman but there's no proof of her real life identity
>is known in the Russian online sphere for scamming people out of money and tracing drawings, changes her handle so that people can't stay on her trail
>she draws art you'd find produced by a generic coomer male artist (sexy young girls, dickgirls, lolis, traps, lesbians etc)
>she's currently best known for drawing ship art of Lisa x Venti, an oneeshota ship featuring a sexy ara ara oneesan and a teenage boy
>on her Russian social media she calls fujos such choice terms as "shit for brains", "fucked in the head" and "having festering issues" for shipping gay male ships instead of het ships
>she overall spergs in Russian about how disgusting fujos are and gloats about how thanks to CCP's censorship all ships in Genshin will always be straight (as the Chinese government banned the portrayal of gay romance in media)
>She keeps a squeaky clean image on her English social media and plays a victim when called out, crying about how she can't be homophobic because she draws lesbian ships too, fellow hetshippers defend her
>Russian-speaking people appear with translations of her posts written in Russian
>Moids flock to whiteknight her because based oneeshota queen hates trannies despite admitting to having a MTF fetish but she still made fun of neopronouns and pissed off the SJWs!!!
And that's the gist of it I guess. I might be missing something because I found out about it relatively late.


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>All these people saying if you don't like het ships then you're heterophobic
Why yes I am, how could you tell?


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So many hetshit sins in this one, there's abortion by fruit as the biggest offender but its SOUL at this point because of how many memes it managed to produce. It's the kind of shit that's too bad to the point where it's good in a funny way.


Damn, I totally forgot about this for years but now my memories are flooding back. Back in the day I'd frequent communities where people would make fun of bad fanfics and fancomics like that.

Honestly, in hindsight I can respect shippers like that for actually putting in the effort to make their own content now that we live in a world where a lot of modern equivalents would only sit on their asses and send death threats.


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In my opinion, the most cringe I've ever witnessed after 50 shades of grey was "after" by Anna Todd, it's not even shitty in a good way so we can appreciate it, it's just shitty.


this is the biggest cope ship now that it's been revealed thoma is 10x closer to ayato and it's heavily implied he also sees her as a little sister (what is even the age gap? i swear ayaka is in her late teens while thoma is mid 20s like ayato)


Hetshippers really just ship a female and a male character together once they enter the same room regardless of their dynamics yet accuse fujos of doing the same thing. It's always pure projection on their part.


It's beyond annoying when they accuse us of doing what they're most guilty of, but to be fair a good portion of canon m/f pairings consist of two characters with zero chemistry who may or may not have even spoken more than a few words to one another getting together in the final chapters so grown-up MC can have kids in the five-panel epilogue.


I'm unironically homophobic because I think there is a faggot to tranny pipeline besides irl gay moids aint much better than trannies in the sense that if both could replace women they would. Moids with sexual pathologies just want the world.

Yaoi is fiction though I never had a problem with it. And its hot because I get to see totally or semi-naked 2D men.






Tryinghard, cringe and shortsighted


Kek, you should see the reactions to the last GK chapter


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>Non-ironically being the straight girl who only sees gays as fap material

Good effort bait


You'd be surprised but there's a lot of femcels around here who are exactly like that.




I mean, even then people should realize that the more gays are accepted the more gayshit we get in stuff.


>there is a faggot to tranny pipeline
Gays hate trannies though? I mean actual gays, not those virtue signaling faggots you see in your beloved twitter. Mtf is what happens when straight moids get too deep in their cooming addiction. They want to become the object of desire because they think that way they'll get all the appreciation and adoration they never received.


This, if you ever spoke to an actual fag you'd know thy even vaginas on their men even more than us. Gays are attracted to men and masculinity and hate being considered "less men", you are not going to find anyone who hates aidens more than a gay man.

>. Mtf is what happens when straight moids get too deep in their cooming addiction.

Yep, see their obsession with yuri too


I understand being wary of men(incl. gay men), but homophobia is retarded.


well said


That is true, that is a really good argument.


There's really nothing based about being a homophobic heterosexual coomer anon.


I always thought the "homophobic straight girl who views gay porn the same way heterosexual male coomers see lesbians" was a fictional boogeyman meme pushed by projecting antis hating on fujos but this site has actually taught me otherwise and it never ceases to shock me. Thank god they're an autistic minority or at least know to keep their mouths shut when in company, yet I do hold on to the cope that they're just trying too hard to be the edgy based imageboard kween.

For them it seems to be more about just watching two straight men i.e. potential suitors perform for them than actual gay relationships, exactly like male gaze lesbian porn. Definite unironical femcel behavior.


Im sure you can post the link to the doujin here in /sh/.


My least favorite hetshipper is the one who accuses m/m shippers of being misogynistic just because they don't ship a female character in some boring m/f ship.


i feel this the most, especially as someone who does forum rp. there's this new wave of female-only writers (women that ONLY write female characters) who act like they're better than women who enjoy m/m when their m/f ships are like the embodiment of "bug-eyed waif sweetling falls for playboy #434"

maybe if they wrote more interesting women people would want to ship with them, idk


Imagine having the actual audacity to accuse another WOMAN of being a misogynist just because she doesn't like some boring m/f ship, while there are men who literally want to kill us


That sounds like every fujo hater on lolcow


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Why do straight shippers write the most embarrassing disclaimers on everything?


Honestly this doesn't seem exclusive to hetfags. What ship, even? Is it incest rape or something?
Why does everything need to be related to trauma these days?


The trauma card gives you a pass to enjoy problematic things so people use it in order to not get harassed online by wokies


>Honestly this doesn't seem exclusive to hetfags.
Yeah, let's not pretend we don't have our share of retards sadly


This really isn't limited just to hetfags, have you not seen how retarded people on twitter can get when it comes to shipping anything problematic? It's not uncommon for people to attack you literally just because you ship two brothers or two character with a big age gap together, even when said ship is super popular everywhere outside of the shitty western fanbase.
I also don't mind if people write me porn to cope with their own trauma, but I don't understand why it sometimes feels required to have a deeper reason to enjoy anything problematic in fiction. I wish you could just like things simply because they appeal to you.


>but I don't understand why it sometimes feels required to have a deeper reason to enjoy anything problematic in fiction.
Right? I think it's kinda because more and more people are using fiction as a replacement for reality or ""comfort"" so if you seek comfort in, I dunno, Stockholm syndrome rape there might be "something wrong with you".
If you find something bad appealing, you have to explain why and traumadumping on strangers has become so normalized these days, as well as making it a contest of how many mental illnesses you have


>more and more people are using fiction as a replacement for reality
Yeah, this is the main reason for the shitty state the western fanbase is in, but what even started it?
>If you find something bad appealing, you have to explain why
Not only that, but some retards try to make it all about having a higher moral ground too. If you read rape or incest fics without having any trauma as a reason for doing so, it makes you an awful person for enjoying a concept in a purely fictional setting.


>more and more people are using fiction as a replacement for reality
>Yeah, this is the main reason for the shitty state the western fanbase is in, but what even started it?

This doesn't found like a western only problem, Japan does it too hence their obsession with isekai and self inserting.


Imagine if people were expected to provide deep reasons as for why they enjoy doing all the brutal cruel shit they do in video games.
Reading shota or incest BL = you're an awful person
Streaming yourself torturing and murdering a woman in Red Dead Redemption = totally fine bro lol lets trigger the wokies am i rite


>Imagine if people were expected to provide deep reasons as for why they enjoy doing all the brutal cruel shit they do in video games.
I hate videogames so much, I can't stand the people who play them. What's so special about playing games where you beat and torture someone weaker than you? I never get the games where you shoot people and animals. It seems that moids are obsessed with violence and the women who support videogames seem not to realize it.


You sound bitter


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idk video games are just fun and have fun mechanics, not every game is a fps


Reading this thread reminds me of Queen-Zelda. Anyone remember her?


Fuck off cuckservative and go make dinner for your husband like a good wife


I'm not a conservative, I'm liberal!Also real men suck, why would I make dinner for a moid?


What's worse is guys can look like whatever and wear normal clothes while all but one female character is made to be some picture-perfect bimbo wearing only a bikini or some fetish costume. But yes, it's the dudes flexing their muscles for intimidation and an audience of horny weebs that's meant to get women off.


Granted, she draws her ire at other hetships because certain characters "get in the way" (sounding more like a fujo stereotype than most fujos back then lol), but I do remember her despising yaoi and yuri.


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This used to get storytime'd on /co/ and I'd stick around for the whole thing every time. It's honest-to-god cringe kino.


Not sure if this is the right thread for a related vent but whatever. I hate hetshippers, I really do. I hate how they decide on a stupid, nonsensical ship and start pushing it as canon simply because it's a male and female character. I hate how they act all offended when you tell them their ship sucks because it's not based on canon and then proceed to whine about how "none of these characters are real" as if it was some end all gotcha to shut people up. I hate how they always have awful taste and absolutely can't live without self inserting. I hate how they're always pandered to yet NOTHING is enough for them. One gay ship existing is a personal offense to them, they need it erased and heterofied. I hate how they act like perpetual victims like being a hetfag was a small oppressed minority and not, you know, the fucking norm since the ancient times. I hate how they accuse fujos of being misogynists because they don't like their poorly written Mary Sues. I fucking wish I could exist without these people around being so insufferable and entitled but alas, even for titles like Nu Carnival you get bitches coming in demanding a female protagonist option or female characters.


I hate it when hetshippers demand other people to make content for their ships in fandoms and whine about how het ships aren't that popular in fandoms. If you want to see more het content, then MAKE that shit yourself. Draw/write fanart and fanfiction or commission others to do it. Stop bitching at fujos just because we're actually willing to make content that we want to see.


piggybanking off of this for a rant of my own, i also dislike the avid defenders of fictional characters' sexuality. people see two male characters close together and are shocked and appalled and disgusted that others would interpret them as anything but straight.
the specific people in mind are from the yugioh fandom lol. just comes off to me as strange when the vast majority i have seen of the fandom ships het but they still go out of their way to say "noooo they're just like brothers you can't do that!!!"


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All of this. I might add that I also hate when hetshippers act like a gay headcanon is an attack on the character. "But you can't ship him with a guy:((( he is married to a woman in canon!!!". A character being in a relationship with a woman is not going to stop me shipping him with a guy lol I will just treat it like an au.
I also hate how insecure hetshippers are and how they always insist on saying "it's a bromance not a romance!!" whenever they casually discuss the friendship of two male characters even when no one has even bought up that the characters could be in love they still feel the need to say it.
It's specially ironic that hetshippers are constantly whining about fujos erasing male friendships even though plenty of fujos are good at writing platonic male relationship. We just chose to have a romantic relationship as the main focus. Besides hetshippers can't even have a male and female character standing next to each other with out shipping them


>even for titles like Nu Carnival you get bitches coming in demanding a female protagonist option or female characters.
no way nona?! are you lying? I have a hard time believing this actually happened because of how much fujo marketing there is in nu carnival. Surely it would've pushed the hetshipper autists away

>I hate it when hetshippers demand other people to make content for their ships in fandoms and whine about how het ships aren't that popular in fandoms
Basically what you said. I don't mind hetships that much but when hetshippers start acting like they're the underdogs of the otaku community it's very annoying. Hetshippers shit on fujos all the time for being weird and not like them so they shouldn't be surprised that fujos have a dislike for them in return. Don't they realise literally 99% of anime media provides them with a canon hetship to obsess over? Isn't that enough for them? Why get pissy at a some yaoi fanart of one of their characters if it wouldn't be canon for them anyway? They could just easely ignore it instead of making it into a big issue.

>i also dislike the avid defenders of fictional characters' sexuality
It's very annoying and literally sucks the fun out of the fandom. It's like they never heard of crackships.


>Besides hetshippers can't even have a male and female character standing next to each other with out shipping them
I've always felt like the majority of hetships are sort of low effort. Almost like to fill in a quota. For every genuinely interesting hetship dynamic out there there's a million other hetships that feel like they're recycled from each other.


And then het fanartists project and victimize themselves by claiming that fujos are "bullying" them to draw gay ships. I've never fucking seen anyone denabd a hetshipper to draw M/M content, it's always this intentionally vague and melodramatic "I was threatened over drawing F/M of a popular M/M character" claim with nothing to back it up. So many people are just mad that fujos are active in creating and contributing they're offended by them simply existing or jealous of their exposure and interaction on their pieces that they'll just reach for any stupid reason to whine about them.

Yeah this, like if you're so hut over a character being headcanoned as gay then that's your goddamn problem you need to sort out, maybe take a second to think why homosexuality is so offensive to you. The "you can be just bros you know" shit is rich too seeing how M/F ships always barely have any interaction together but are supposedly acceptable but "they just look cute together". But M/M ships? You need to write a 80-page manifesto documenting all the times the author implied them to be lovers and detailing their intimate encounters and character history yet someone would still call bullshit on you. Remember when people were insisting that Yuri on Ice wasn't gay until the very last moments?


> I hate how they accuse fujos of being misogynists because they don't like their poorly written Mary Sues
Hetshippers are also really misgoynist themselves. I can't count how many times I have seen them take an interesting well written female character and just reduce her to a housewife who purely exist to beae the children of the male MC or just reduce her to be emotional support for the fandom fave male character. Calling fujos misogynistic is just a cope.
Exactly. I actually do like some hetships but the shippers always approach them in such a boring and low effort way. Why talk about the characters dynamic and history and how they support each other when we can just draw the girl as a giggling blushing mess or as a tsundere? Don't get me wrong I like cute fanart as much as the next one but it gets boring fast and 90% of the time it's flanderizing.
At least fujos cares about the story.


>At least fujos cares about the story.
This sentiment is so strong. I don't even know why that is. But it's just true.


Hetshippers, you have taken down z library for posting about Coleen Hoover. I hate all of you even more now.


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What the fuck happened? Zlib better come back up under a different domain.


I got all my college books from there. Fuck.


I heard it got posted on tiktok or something like that
fuckin tiktok


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Zoomers are retarded. God damn.


I'm a zoomer myself and I'm just amazed. Do Tiktokers not know what gatekeeping is??


They know what it is and they think it's bad.


what are you talking about, zlib was pretty popular

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