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What are the current big fandoms for m/m? Both anime/jpn and western? I've fallen behind and feels like all the formerly big ones are dead now. What is everyone shipping?


whatever has the most doujinshi on toranoana


All I know is that people are going crazy over Modern Warfare 2, though I feel it's going to end up as just a fotm.


>What is everyone shipping?
Unironically youtubers. No, not vtubers. Youtubers.
Times are grim.


It's nothing new, but I do feel is a lot bigger than it used to.


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Yeah I remember Cry/Pewdiepie being massive years ago. Before that people shipped band members, not sure what the first true rps was but it's nothing new.

As for modern big m/m fandoms I know a lot of people are still into Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen also still has momentum, though I'm not sure how long it'll last.
BnHA, of course, is still the biggest modern shounen and due to its widespread appeal captures a lot of artists. It helps that it covers just about every character type male and female.

Haven't kept up with new /wes/ stuff since it seems a lot of modern cartoons are very female focused. I know that the new Batman movie had a lot of people loving that interpretation of Riddler and shipped him with Batman or the Joaquin Phoenix Joker. Marvel ships involving Spiderman are still going strong last I checked.

I'm in your boat though nonna, I've never been a big seasonal watcher so I just end up sticking to my long dead fandoms years later.


The big fandoms these days are MHA, jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact….
just pretty much any popular anime or video game right now


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Several of those danmei novels (gay Chinese wizards) that were everywhere a few years ago are finally getting official English releases, so there has been a renewed interest in them. I liked them a lot simply because as a fujoshi I've been blueballed by every fantasy novel I've ever read, so it's nice you can go into these with the guarantee that the dudes you want to get together do actually get together. And if you want the same for the side characters, 99% chance fandom has you covered.

Genshin has a shitload of m/m stuff and doesn't appear to be losing steam after two years (in fact it seems to be gaining steam every patch). If you are lucky enough to like at least one of the two biggest m/m pairings you will feast like a king.

Three Houses is still pretty big but it seems to finally be heading out the door. The next FE game looks pretty uh… special, but not in a good way for m/m. Getting into FE gives you a 10+ game backlog of some good m/m pairings, but you will not feast as 3H fans do and some of the better fics are trapped forever on ff.net.

I agree with you about current western stuff being really female focused. Which isn't BAD but m/f and f/f ships are extremely hard sells to me. 20 years in fandom and I still only need one hand to count the het/femslash ships for which I've actually sought content.


>The next FE game looks pretty uh… special
It's ok anon, just say it's ugly as fuck, we all know.


I still think 3H is kinda ugly too, but Engage is soullessly ugly. Sigurd being there makes me think they're gonna give a 4 remake a crack, which sucks because it's Comphet City like all of the 2 generation games tend to be. Ill omen for m/m on many fronts.


The designs in 3H were ok, it's just that the in-game art was done by the guy at Intsys who doesn't know how to draw (look how ugly he made Rinka and Summer!Noire in FEH) and some other employee for the art shown in cuscenes as opposed yo Chinatsu Kurahana doing everything and the 3D models were half assed. The designs are atrocious in Engage to begin with so no matter how good the 3D models and animations are it's still painful to look at the characters.


What were they thinking with the red and blue hair? It looks like something made by a five year old


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The leaks were so close to this 1000-year-old image I refused to believe them. Waaaay too on the nose, you know?

Seeing it was real was like getting slapped. My cheek still stings.


I once saw someone saying somewhere else that it's maybe based on the colors for the joycons and if that's true? I'm boycotting the whole franchise. People shit talked Yusuke Kozaki even though he's one of the few ones who gave us actually hot guys, and Chinatsu Kurahana by accusing her of drawing ugly things she didn't even draw, yet they're ok with that? While also worshipping Hidari for being just as good as the other artists, and not actually better? Nah, fuck this shit. I'll stick to replaying Awakening, Fates or Sacred Stones, fuck this shit.


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She designs VTubers right? I think bright clashing colors are also just in right now with younger people.

It's definitely a recognizable style if nothing else. Pretty sure she also did the design for Sei, one of the most overdesigned servants in FGO. Clearly she should stick to drawing pre-existing characters since her art on its own isn't bad


The most recent ad showing the MC's hair turning full red based on morality choices had my sides in orbit. This game looks so bad.

And what was Chinatsu accused of drawing, by the way? I know she's done BL before(including one that looked just like Dimitri and Claude kek), but none of it looked objectionable.


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genshit impact is very popular atm and has gud ships but too much drama


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>And what was Chinatsu accused of drawing, by the way?
I'm talking about the in-game art used in FE3H. She designed almost all the main characters but she didn't do the bland as fuck portraits or the cutscenes like pic related, yet she's blamed for them being bland or ugly. But suddenly when she did the cover art for the game's OST people were in awe that she could draw well and said "wow she improved so much since the game uwu good for her" as if she didn't start her career before these brats were even conceived. Anyway, I think people don't realize how half-assed FE3H in terms of devs and how resources were allocated, maybe because Yusuke Kozaki drew the portraits in the actual games for Awakening and Fates for the characters so they assumed it'd be the same here. I think that was also the case for Echoes with Hidari but there are less characters in that game so that was way more doable.

>The most recent ad showing the MC's hair turning full red based on morality choices had my sides in orbit

Please tell me you're joking kek, that can't be real. My god this is ridiculous.


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What I've been doing for the past year or so is getting into newer shonnen jump series in case they catch on eventually, which is something I never did before. It's kinda like investing in stocks or something like that.
Not that I'm forcing myself to read them, I actually enjoy what I got into. What I'm currently following are Sakamoto Days and Akane Banashi.

Sakamoto is pretty fun and it seems that an anime adaptation is in the works. There is already a lot fanart and some fanfic, so the future is looking bright, tough I'm not really into any of the ships right now. I'm currently hoping hammer dude and the ojisan develop into something, since I like where the dynamic is heading.
The other characters definetly had their moments, and I get why people are shipping them, it's just not for me.

Akane on the other hand, has some great boys personality wise, third pic is one of my favourites, though due to how the plot has gone so far, there's been no shipping at all. The manga is focused on the mc, Akane, so the boys have barely interacted with eachother. So there is not much to go off.

Anyways, is really cool getting into something fresh again. Forgive me for rambling about this stuff, I just wanted to talk about this somewhere.
To make this on topic again, are there any new franchises you're investing your fujobux into?

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