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Does anyone here read m/m novels?

I've been curious about them for a while but haven't given a try yet. Seems like there's a lot of overlap between fanfic writers and published romance/erotica writers nowadays. What's your opinion? Any books you would recommend?


So when I was a young fujo, I couldn't get my hands on these books because they were paid and would ship in physical form, they're highly illegal same as any other pornographic material.
Anyways, I looked for ones posted online, like actual homoerotic literature and not fanfiction and I think that was the mistake I did because little me didn't know most of these were written by old gay moids.
The website I have read some stories there on was called "nifty" and I'm not sure if it's still up till this day.
The works posted there… they were something.
Like how calling the butthole "shitter" instead makes it hotter for them. I have asked one of these authors why many of them use that word alongside other questionable ones and he just said it's because it's sexy.
I'll recommend something tomorrow once I get a proper list with links going, seeing a m/m novels thread just reminds of those times.


>The website I have read some stories there on was called "nifty" and I'm not sure if it's still up till this day.
Holy fuck, the first time I ever actually masturbated was reading a story on that site. You just brought back some memories.

I didn't use it for long since a lot of the stories were meh and I was more interested in preexisting characters but it was one of the first thinks that came up when searching "gay erotica" online and I didn't know any story sites outside of fanfiction.net


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>calling the butthole "shitter"
lol and I thought calling a dick a member was bad


>more interested in preexisting characters
This was always my hangup, although I have similar experiences as >>2732 in looking for OC and ending up with erotica drawn/written by gay men for gay men and being like who the fuck finds this hot?

Back in The Day some fanfic writers also had their original works on their websites and I'd give them a try, but my memories of them have been terribly eroded.

Within the last year one author I follow as converted a popular sports anime fic into an original novel, but because I'd never actually watched the anime I didn't read it. I hope it did well though. I would love for a fujo to win the next 50 Shades of Gray-tier fanfic-to-novel lotto.

I see "Captive Prince" in a lot of fujo circles. I've never read them myself but they give me the vibe of a type of AU fanfic that would be popular lmao.


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I read a few back when I was younger. Free ones I think, via an old Amazon Kindle. The only one I can kinda remember had a mechanic getting together with a well-off guy he knew back in school that used to be super nerdy, I think. The ending had them showing off to the mechanic's family by flying to Walmart in a helicopter? I honestly can not remember.

>who the fuck finds this hot
God, yeah. I also used to mess around on Nifty and I had started on a story that was fine to a point, then one scene started talking about how one of the guys would swallow down the other dude's snot, spit, or whatever else because he was so obsessed with him. I had such a visceral, violent reaction to that that I straight left the site and hardly read anything on there since.


Moids just can't write good erotica, no matter their sexuality. I've read het and f/f by straight men and m/m by gay and bi men, and the vast majority were mediocre at best, utterly disgusting at worst. I think the fatal flaw in their writing is that they put too much emphasis on the body itself to the point of dehumanizing the characters.


That might just be a problem with inexperienced writers in general. A lot of shoddy AO3 smutfics have the same over-detail or at the other end of the spectrum are overly clinical in their approach to the point of detachment.

Anyway I can think of novels with gay side characters I like, but none with a gay lead besides Beauty of Man and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Though I tend to read classics and nonfiction so contemporary adult fiction isn't my area of expertise


It would be better if they had 2D drawn men on the cover, I don't wanna imagine 3d moids having


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Do cheesy pulp covers work?


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still too realistic, I'm into real men at all, picrel is my limit to the amount of "realism" I'm willing to tolerate


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I've read some western m/m and you have to dig to find quality non-YA content on kindle, plus the usual "you can't be a woman and ONLY read m/m" discourse exists on western booktok and goodreads.

I like Hailey Turner's Soulbound series (pic related) and Jon's Mysteries by AJ Sherwood.


It just isn't fair. Why can't us women enjoy m/m content? How am I hurting ANYONE through shipping fictional male characters together? Or by watching gay porn?


one unironic argument and sob story I've seen was essentially that inexperienced men are too retarded to tell fiction from reality and copy what they read in yaoi leading to uwu so twaumatic experiences when they finally date. can't believe people use this argument in earnest but yeah, it's a thing. and even if it were true, it'd be entirely on the gay man for being a fucking retard who needs a wrangler.

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