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Do some fujos remember deviantart? I know some probably remember tumblr but I'm curious to see if there's some deviantart fujos here. Deviantart was so damn fun, at times it even felt more autistic than even tumblr


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I used to lurk there alot as a child but I never made an account because of my autism I was extremely obsessed with stranger danger and internet safety so I avoided many social media sites but also because I wasn't an artist so I felt like I has no reason to make an account.
If I had to give one advice to my younger self it would be to just let go an give art and the online art community a chance even though I suck at art
But I used to spend countless of hours looking for ship art, draw memes and MMD comics. I also used to read stamps with controversial opinion and then read people argue in the comments. lol the internet will never change. I have a huge folder of weird niche stamps saved.
I actually did make a DA account for the first time a few weeks ago. Not because I really intend to post art thereIts been over 10 years and I still suck at art but just to fave old fanart in old fandoms. DA still seems to have semi active fandoms. Some twitter and tumblr artists still crosspost on there and surepringly it seems to be younger fans who does it while older fans seems to have abandoned the site


How could I forget


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>I also used to read stamps with controversial opinion and then read people argue in the comments.
I had SO MUCH FUN doing that. The stamps was oddly enough my favorite part about deviantart. People used to put so many stamps on their profiles too it could even be a bit ridiculous at times but in an endearing way


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Deviantart was literally where I had my first encounters with yaoi
I was like 10 years old and obsessed with Sonic. I found Sonic x Shadow fanart there many years ago and learned the word Yaoi.


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Deviantart was the shit! I used to be really into Warrior Cats when I was in elementary and I'm pretty sure I found the site through the sparkledog OCs. While I have no specific yaoi memories it got me started on collecting fanart which is one of the main things I do in regards to yaoi.

There are still decent artists on the site, and a lot with interesting stylized designs, but Eclipse ruined the search function so I don't use it as much as I used to. I held on to classic as long as I could but I one day just visited and found the entire site was Eclipse. I think the subtle dig by making the logo of the classic color theme a dinosaur is pretty poor taste.

Regardless very positive memories.


I think I discovered the site through Neopets because people would compile their beauty contest entries on there. This was probably around 2003ish? I don't remember really using the site for BL related purposes though, I think fansites were where I found that.


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I mostly experienced it through the cringe threads on /co/ and it did seem fun but the couple of times I tried starting an art blog there I got bored and stressed about things in my life so that never went anywhere
Also I've always been too porn obsessed for DA but the art I've seen posted was nice and it clearly was an interesting social site


I miss deviantART so fucking bad. Just in general. It's still up, but the redesign killed it. I'd do anything to be a dumb kid on dA again

Stamps!! I still adore stamps, I'm miserable there's no websites that let you really use stamps anymore, unless you were to code your own or something.


> I'm miserable there's no websites that let you really use stamps anymore
If you use tumblr you can create a page where you add DA stamps and link it to your about or alternatively just add stamps to your about page. It's far more interesting to read than the average "22/Canadian/ virgo. I blog about danganronpa" discription. I guess you can also do it on carrd but I don't use that site.
There are also apps that let's you add pictures as widgets on your phone. I did this a few years ago and added alot of stamps to my front screen. Other people are not going to see it unless they borrow your phone but it is a nice nostalgic feeling you get whenever you unlock it.


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if it isn't too much to ask can you show us how your phone looks with all the stamps? you don't have to if you're not comfortable sharing it but you can always censor stuff if you want to!


I really miss deviantart groups, all the stamps shared here make me so nostalgic too.
I'm mad we don't get stuff like ship groups in other websites, it's all a mess with the tagging and the groups were amazing for that type of stuff and interacting with other fans. Interacting with fans nowadays doesn't feel the same, everyone seems more closed off.
One thing I don't miss is the ponies and ponyfied versions of characters invading every fandom at the time kek.


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I found some old screenshots since I don't have stamps on my phone anymore, this is how my homescreen used to look like. Some where added because I thought they where funny and/or whiney so that's why some of them contradict each other. I don't have a good eye for layout so it looks messy but I guess that's part of the nostalgic charm.
I hesitated to post these screenshots because people I know irl knows that they are mine and I don't want people to know I use this site. So if anyone recognize me then uh…. hi<3


DA gives me purgatory vibes. I can't explain it. Despite the revamp, browsing there is like being in 2004.

Does anybody remember Elfwood and y!gallery?

I also miss being able to browse artists by their general interests, especially ships. I hate how Twitter has become the most popular fanart hub because its tagging system sucks. Praying for tumblr to lift the nsfw ban or for pillowfort to take off.


OMG!! i now want to decorate my phone homescreen with stamps too!! tysm for sharing nona!


that's great<3 I don't remember the exact app I used but if you search for "photo widget" on app store you should be able to find an app that will do the trick.
If you feel comfortable doing it I would love to see how you end up decorating your homescreen


I think tween me got rejected by Elfwood and I don't remember seeing it after that. Y!Gallery was, imo, cringier than DA. There was a certain style of drawing nude boys that I always saw there and it kind of reminded me of when kids make water balloons using condoms. I don't know how to really explain it, like fat lips and pudge in so many weird places. I'm a bit of a chubby chaser but that weren't it. I think it was an attempt to make their art sexier but ended up tacky.

Worst part about twitter tagging is that most SEA artists don't want the literal official fucking account of the franchise to stumble upon their art of the characters rawdogging each other on a backseat, so on top of avoiding tags they come up with emoji codewords or avoid mentioning full character names at all. "Who's this guy?" "Oh yeah I love (chick)(tiger)(dango)."

>You can't spell
Aw fcuk.

I left the site long before pony happened, but I guarantee you 2003-6 DA was just filled with sparkledogs of every character anyway. Dogs in wigs with accessories to denote who the fuck they were, cuddling and licking each other. Never any real discernable breeds, just generic pawed quadruped in a wig going on. It gave me such an aversion to putting hairstyles on animal versions of characters that I'm only now starting to get past it and enjoy simple animal doodles and merch.


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>>You can't spell
lol the stamp an ancient hetalia meme and not just being mean spirit for the sake of it. Lots of the stamps are actually gifs but that won't show up on a screenshot.
I actually prefer England as a seme but "you can't spell uke without uk" is one of my favourite memes ever


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Deviantart was basically my childhood, i loved these stamps you could put on your page about fandoms you were in and ships you liked/disliked.


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i finished! embracing the cringe~ also i censored anything that could make you guess which country im from


this is great anon! I love that you also have Hetalia stamps. Your custom icons are really cute too.
>Vocaloid is not an Anime. Get it right VOCALOID NOOB
I basically worshipped that exact stamp as a child


I had this weird experience a couple months back where I logged into my account, and I found somebody had responded a few weeks ago to an inflammatory comment I made on a conservative stamp, literally a decade ago when I was in middle school. C'mon, really, dude?


I think not checking dates on social media and therefore responding to old comments is normal on the modern web. Because algorithms are constantly pushing the newest stuff up front so most people are just used to whatever they see is recent and act with that assumption.
Sorry that happened to you anon it must had been really weird. We seriously need to drill it into people's heads that they need to check the dates on comments, articles, videos etc. A frightened huge number of people doesn't do it


it's weird because i've had this happen to me before as well >>2602 might be right about it being something that has to do with how the current internet space pushes algorythms onto you and people assuming everything's new


God I remember all yaoi memes there were of Hetalia, even though I was pretty young at the time. Does anyone remember that one that would spell "yaoi" as "ya-OUI" with a picture of France?


They probably wanted to renew the conversation on it with other users


Me too! They'll find really flame-y comments I made 6+ years ago and reply completely seriously as if it isn't an ancient post. I just delete the original comment whenever it happens, so it won't happen again.

I love the /cm/rade stamp


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What I really associate with being a fujo on Deviantart was all of the shipping memes like this. Never filled them out, but they would always be all over the search results whenever I was looking for yaoi fanart.


These where so much fun. I didn't do them either but ai loved when my fave artists made them. I still see these on tumblr and twitter but it's more like a phase, where there will be a month where everyone in a fandom does these and then after that everyone forgets about it.
I have seen some where the OTP line is red and the NOTP line is orange. Those colours looks too similar and it can be hard to see which is which when it's a bunch of lines going over each other


those were always so fun to do :D


To me, the fandom peak will always be dA and livejournal. Feel like shit, just want to rvtvrn.


same :c the hetalia fandom was so much fun. I remember ask accounts too.. and plzaccounts!


Ask accounts were some of my favorite gimmick accounts on tumblr, especially the fun art that came from them.


SAME HERE I still remember an SNK ask account of Bertl being asked "what's your favorite titan? :)" and Reiner appearing sweating like hell whispering "Say a dead one. SAY A DEAD ONE." Cracks me up every time I remember it!!


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YES! DA was my everything. I never used tumblr, so all my nostalgia is for dA. Remember when doubleleaf's Yogurt Night pinups were always on the front page? And Go-Devil-Dante's stuff? Anime Munters is the ultimate amalgamation of that period in fujo history. It's a masterpiece.



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It's not related to your post at all. But the rainbow in your pic awakened memories of this meme that used to be all over DA. There was a yaoi specific one but I can't find it with the new shitty search engine.


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golden trips of nostalgia

crying rn because of how much i miss deviantart


Do you guys remember the “emotes” people would make by creating new accounts and changing the pfp to the image, and then anyone could insert it into a post? I loved that so much and loved collecting all the fun emotes I could find. Sometimes I would just guess random names and see what would come up.


They either ended with "plz" or "plx" as well, Nona got me remembering all the cringe I used to post to artists back and then not get a reply back. Those were the good days.


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am i the only one who would spend hours downloading shimejis and flele shells? no wonder my dads pc had so many fucking viruses lmfao. anyways deviantart needs a serious revival i hope the fetish stuff has died down lately


i remember people making whole ass posts where it was characters talking to each other with those plz accounts lololl!!!!! i also remember the same thing happening in the description under an artwork


OMG i remember shimejis too! i loved them so much!


Never heard of either but I used to download a ton of desktop buddies at some point


Holy fuck I also bricked my family's desktop with shimejis lmfao

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