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I'm a little popular in a particular anime fandom, but not really. I've managed to scrape together a mini little empire. However lately I've really wanted to move on. I want to delete all of this and start writing more seriously.

Do you think that'd be a horrible thing to do to my 'fans' (I hate calling them that, there needs to be a more subtle word for what they are)? It feels like there's a weight on my shoulders. Every time I try to delete everything I've ever written under this handle, I get anxious and tell myself I shouldn't or I'll regret it.

But I'm also very tired of these 'fans'. I don't want to write for them anymore. In fact the more I've gotten to know some of them personally, the less motivated I've felt. Ideally I'd write things that actually matter. It's a bit depressing when people tell me my fanfiction moved them. I'm not a real writer and while it used to fill me with pride as a teenager, I'm not a kid anymore and it's grown hard to gush about it because who the hell can I even tell irl?

I've been wanting to get away from being a fujo altogether actually. I don't dislike my fans but I don't understand them. The humor, the things they say and believe in. I feel so alienated. And while I still enjoy BL, it's gotten harder for me to indulge in it these days. The culture around it upsets me, the people upset me, and I don't feel 'valid'. No matter how good of a creator I am, it doesn't matter because it's all pretend for anime or movies or tv shows. I miss when it was fun. It hasn't felt fun in a long time.

I don't know. We don't have to talk about my whining, you could whine about your own struggles too if you'd like. I just needed to scream into a void.


I feel like you should do whatever feels right for you, fans be damned.
However what you're feeling right now might also be temporary from dealing with unpleasant people for too long or just getting tired and wanting to do some other things. If so, you might start to feel bad for deleting everything after a while.
Imo the best course of action is to just create a new account or something and start over there while leaving the old one abandoned but not deleted.


>Do you think that'd be a horrible thing to do to my 'fans'
Nonna, you should remember that you aren't responsible for what people feel, and you aren't responsible to keep other people happy.
If I was in your place I would simply announce that I'm leaving the fandom and deleting my account so that your "fans" will have a little time to save some of the works they liked.
>But I'm also very tired of these 'fans'. I don't want to write for them anymore.
I don't want to sound rude but if you want to stop you should just stop, as I said before you aren't responsible to keep other people happy, you should do what it's best for you and what you think it's right.
I also would recommend taking a break from the internet and taking your time to think through thing and clear your head.


>aking your time to think through thing
I meant to write *things.


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Is there a reason you need to delete everything? Maybe you could just move to a different handle and not tell anyone. Then you can avoid the drama of having riled up all these followers and don't need to be constrained by previous connotations associated with you. People will of course wonder where you went, but it seems way less likely to cause friction.

If you want to keep the handle for whatever reason you're just going to need to be firm and accept that some people are going to be angry and not want to follow you anymore.

Tbh though I wouldn't be ashamed of your older works regardless of quality, everyone starts from somewhere, even if you aren't proud of them anymore it gives you a reference point to look back at and gauge your growth. Don't feel bad at all about developing as a writer.


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If you plan to delete give people a heads up so they can save what they want. If you're on Ao3 there's an option to "orphan" a story–it won't be deleted but it will no longer be attached to you. You lose the ability to edit or delete it. You could also just make a new handle, but you lose the potential to import eyes to your original content if that matters to you.

I personally loooooooove learning that a creator used to do fandom stuff. A lot of fanartists/fic writers I followed in the 00s/10s have made original comics/books or worked on show production and the only reason I ever gave them the time of day is because I knew of them through fandom. Rebecca Sugar's old Ed, Edd & Eddy porn is what made me sit down and give Steven Universe a shot because I knew she was REAL real, you know (not that she ended up needing help getting an audience, lol)?

>things that actually matter.

>real writer
>pretend for anime or movies or tv shows
Moving on to original content is often the advice I give to people experiencing fandom burnout, but to say what you've already made isn't real or didn't matter is wrong. Experience is experience, practice is practice. 200k of BakuDeku omegaverse or whatever is the length of Crime and Punishment and getting that much out of your head and into a word document is a HUGE accomplishment. Also there's plenty of "real" stuff floating around out there that sucks total shit. The difference between you and a "legitimate" creator is luck and industry connections.

>The humor, the things they say and believe in. I feel so alienated.

I feel this and have no good cope. I think it's just something that happens as you get older. Fujochan has been a blessing in this regard, I love to spill spaghetti into the void and have void spit spaghetti right back.

Nanowrimo is coming up, so that could give you impetus to take a good crack at your original stuff. I hope the fun comes back for you!


You're both right. I think I need to give myself some time to think, just away from it all. I haven't been in the groove of things lately, the things I do manage to shit out- I feel like readers can tell my heart's not in it.

I'll think about myself and just come back to this later, maybe give it a few weeks or so to just chill.

>Is there a reason you need to delete everything?
I guess I'm embarrassed. If I ever did manage to do something original, I'd worry all my old fics would come back to haunt me. I think the writing is decent to even good, just plenty of problematic themes.

I didn't know that about Rebecca Sugar. I'll have to look into her old work in fandom, sounds interesting and I'm surprised she's so open about it.

>Moving on to original content is often the advice I give to people experiencing fandom burnout, but to say what you've already made isn't real or didn't matter is wrong. Experience is experience, practice is practice.

I know that you're right and this is what I tell other creators verbatim but I barely believe it myself ha. But if you worked that hard to create something it must be true…

You're right that something being original doesn't necessarily make it good. I guess I've read plenty of shitty books in my day, and there has been amazing fanfiction that I should've paid to have read too.

I'd like to do something original. Nanowrimo might be the motivation I need to do what I really want to be doing right now.


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>plenty of problematic themes.
People who go after creators for "problematic" content are fucking losers. The only time it ever does anything is when the creator themselves caves to the horde (like the author of "I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter"). HBO isn't cancelling the new Game of Thrones show because thousands of people on Twitter are upset about the rape/incest.

The only "real" reason you should delete a fanfic is if you plan to dovetail bits of it or file off the serial numbers like 50 Shades.

That being said, it's understandable if you want to save future you the trouble and at least abandon the handle. How outrage snowballs is impossible to predict these days.

>I'll have to look into her old work in fandom, sounds interesting and I'm surprised she's so open about it.

It's less that she was open about it and more somebody dug it up trying to stir up some trouble. Naturally it went nowhere. Natasha Allegri also did shippy fanart before getting her own shit.


OP I sort of used to have an audience for my art. I understand you. Really. I ran away and left my account abandonned. My art is still out there but I simply abandonned everything because of tsort of the same feelings as you described. So much guilt and disgust too. I couldn't even have the time to delete everything because of how panicked I was. I couldn't entertain an audience. It went from a small group of friends to a big number of people. It felt like my art was constantly tested and it felt like i had to draw for others to keep them entertained. As if you have to upload youtube videos every week to keep your viewers coming (that's the only comparision i could find). I guess you keep creating and creating but the burn out is insane and you end up creating for others and not yourself.
The worst for me was that I have created art that is problematic. The changing times have showed me how harsh problematic artists get it. Some of my art has caused a bit of drama too. I couldn't handle all that "internet responsibility".
In the end I couldn't handle it, i just abandonend everything. Stopped posting and I know some people wonder where I went and I honestly hope they all forget about me. Now I only feel comfortable posting my art in an anonymous context because at least that way I am forgettable and people only save my art is they genuinely like it.
I don't know if its the right thing to do. It has caused me to be extremely anxious about ever posting my art online again under any screenname and be much more critical of myself (which sometimes erases the fun). I reallly do hope that if you do move on this won't happen to you. If you do move out maybe don't do it in a traumatic way like I did, maybe that would help ease the process.


With fandom, if it's not making you happy then there's no point in doing it.

You should be writing for yourself and writing things that make you happy, and if that's no longer anime fics that's fine. Fans will move on and find other authors to follow.

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