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Due to peer pressure i ended up signing up for TikTok (ik bad idea to begin with) and check out the atmosphere there. The amount of people complaining about fujoshi and that are obsessed with lolicons and shotacons are concerning. It's like they can't shut the fuck up about it. It's like everyone's constantly angry and a constant armchair activist. I know the algorithm probably recommends angry kids like that cuz I'm searching for yaoi and these people usually lurk around the same tags to complain and let everyone know how incredibly problematic something is as if people actually care if a piece of work (especially for the female gaze which is based) is problematic or not. There's still some good yaoi tiktoks here and there but the overall experience is stressful. Anyway, conclusion TikTok sucks but i wonder if other fujos have tried dipping their toes in this china spyware app?


I haven't used TikTok because I have no interest, but a few AMV creators on YouTube that I follow post short "edits" that they've created for Tiktok so I assume there must be atbleast some good sections of the site.


Ew, i made an account there once to follow my friends tiktok and everyone there except her were so obnoxious and were constantly sperging about problematic this and that and how quirky they were. Never went back there since.


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Maybe if you searched up "bl" you wouldn't get that many negative results


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It's actually insane. Sometimes I feel like Tik Tok is even worse than twitter in this regard. It's non stop pissed off people and non stop virtue signalling. I once liked some midly nsfw Gorou video there and I later got a DM from the OP to tell me I fell into their whatever trap to catch proshippers in the wild and that I'm actually problematic etc. Like, this platform is actually the equivalent of walking on a mine field.


>people create content of stuff they hate and are supposedly morally opposed to and then wrangle up everyone who likes it in some Chris Hansen-esque sting operation
Wtf lmao


yeah… tik tok people are mental


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Is this a product of everyone growing-up online and becoming accustomed to Twitter and Youtube call-outs and "Exposed!"-style content?
I feel like people are less and less able to just block and walk away from things they dislike. I don't engage with Tik-tok, but Discord has very similar drama.


How do people not get a burnout from all of this? i can't think that people actually genuinely enjoy this level of constant outrage. It's like internet culture has turned into outrage porn


I'm interested in what kind of people these kids are going to be in 5 to 10 years. Really makes you want some kind of button that autofilters everybody born after 1995 from your internet experience.


Is it really just an age issue? I'd say it's more a very specific demographic. So many people below the age of 18 are fantastic artists or budding writers, I feel like there is more to filtering people besides just the year they entered the world.

There is definitely a level of immaturity with how younger people can engage with a fanfom, but I'd rather have sincere albeit terrible deviantart fanart, than more competent work by older who refuse to engage with the series on Ota own terms.

You're probably not serious with your suggestion, I'm just frustrated at how prevalent this contempt for the culture is across all age groups.


Only half-serious. I have yet to trip over an anti who is older than 25 or so. I reckon the energy they can put toward this will peter out when they have to get a job, but my worry is that they will train the next gen of fans to be as obnoxious.


>I'm interested in what kind of people these kids are going to be in 5 to 10 years.
They'll probably become extremely stressed and anxious when they'll find themselves enjoying "proshipper" content as they grow older or simply enjoy a random anime character that has a 16 year old age slapped onto it. Either way, constant uneeded stress and huge cognitive dissonance. Since they're 18+ now they can't enjoy ANY middly suggestive fanart of Vocaloids (as an example) because now it automatically makes them pedo! They'll either need to gaslight themselves into hating the stuff they used to like oooooooorrr make a full one 180 and become the very "proshipper" they feared so much.


>Since they're 18+ now they can't enjoy ANY middly suggestive fanart of Vocaloids (as an example) because now it automatically makes them pedo!
>They'll either need to gaslight themselves into hating the stuff they used to like

This is something which has always puzzled me about people who get hung up on fictional ages. When you're dealing with fictional childhood crushes those characters don't grow up with you. If a 28 year guy is still attracted to Misty from Pokemon 20 years later I really don't think it's a sign he's a creep. It's a sign he watched the show as a kid. Same thing with adult women into Robin from Teen Titans, or Zuko from Avatar.

A lot of people don't recognize that the circumstances are completely different for a real person as opposed to a cartoon character.

And all that is ignoring the fact that in bog-standard anime almost no one looks or acts their age!


Well, on social media the virtue-signallers absolutely ignore that.

A bit off topic (but still on topic) I recently was chatting in a discord server. I was posting "anime abs" gifs, and sort of spamming the chat with them. Up until I dared to post a gif of a 14 year old's anime boy abs (i didn't even know the character). Some peope got really pissy over this. Like, it's a bit ridiculous. It wasn't even nsfw.


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I never bother getting into TikTok because of the cringe and I also heard that making an account could result in having your personal info being haversted to China.


anon, the whole point of social media is getting your data harvested. not trying to defend it but us government also uses social media to harvest data it's not just a tiktok problem but a problem with the internet as a whole


China is much worse just saying.


Fuck tiktok, I prefer scouring twitter for reposted douyin videos of the guys in fancy hanfu walking and skating in slow mo. Shit's just like my Chinese donghua.


It feels like 90% of the userbase is twitter fandom discourse brain rotted 14 year old antis. On one hand they're annoying as hell but on the other hand there's a good chance they'll grow out of it like I did. I don't get the energy they put into engaging with shit they hate though, like what's the point?

they can tear my husbando kaito from my cold dead hands. Vocaloid fans got way obnoxious after Project Sekai got an english server, but that honestly might just be me because I already autistically hated Vocaloid fandom so seeing way more of it is pissing me off


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im an oldfag vocaloid fan and i tried playing this project sekai shit and it's so boring. I wanted a rythm game not some weird ass convoluted UI shit also why are there other people apart from vocaloids? like i hate it so much, plus now each time i see vocaloid stuff theres some project sekai shit attached to it and people sort of go along with it like it's now fandom norm and I HATE IT


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Sorry for the incoming sperg. I used to be into rythm games when I was younger but I have lost interests in them now so I never bothered checking Sekai out. Plus it just feels weird having a Vocaloid game with a plot/dialogue. The whole appeal of vocaloid is that producers can do whatever they want. Putting them in a game with dialogue and characters just feels like Crypton is saying that them being idols in the sekai universe is the "canon" interpretation. You avoid that in the older Project diva games because it is more arcade-like. The character's dancemoves are cute when the song is cute, their dancemoves are cool when the song is cool etc. so they don't have canon personalities or jobs or roles in the universe. it was just a cool collection of 3d PVs that you could play a rythm game on. There also is the diva rooms but the interactions a minimal and I honestly don't know any vocaloid fans who cares about that.
I'm honestly sureprised how well received Sakai is amongst vocaloid fans since I vividly remember back in 2010 people where against a vocaloid anime since having plot/dialogue ruins the illusion that producers are free to do what they want. Also having original characters in a vocaloid game is sooo weird. Why would I care about a bunch of literal whos when all I wanna do is play a plot-free game with the crypton vocaloids?
Dunno I feel like I'm too harsh on the game since I don't know much about it but the whole thing is just surreal to me because it is so far from what I expect of a vocaloid game.


I retract my statement. I watched the opening cutscene on Youtube and the whole point is that their are different worlds so i guess that's how they avoid the whole "giving vocaloids canon personalities" thing. Guess I learned my lesson about not jumping to conclusion lol. Still have no interests in playing the game though


I like the rhythm game itself, but I don't give a fuck about the original characters and I hate the gacha. I don't think I'd play it if it wasn't vocaloid or if KAITO wasn't in it. It's another fun rhythm game that ruins itself by being gacha. It plays kinda similar to chunithm fwiw.

it's ok nona I'll sperg too
Imo even with official stuff like sekai that sort of thing still isn't "canon", it's only canon to sekai verse and not the original characters. It's just the sekai verse's interpretation and how they utilize the characters for the game's setting. Crypton isn't developing proseka or its story tho, a company called Colorful Palette (some subdivision of Craft Egg iirc, who also did BanG Dream) is.
Project Diva X had a general plot and dialogue for the 'loids too, though I haven't played it yet and probably won't since I don't like the actual rhythm gameplay of PJD. But "official" interpretations of vocaloids aren't new with sekai, they've been done in Diva and even KEI had that Hatsune Mix manga. The Sekai "anime" (it's more like shorts) are all focused on the original charas with really minimal appearances from the vocaloids.
Producers will always be free to interpret 'loids how they want, because that's what they're designed to be for. proseka fans still annoying tho


I only use tiktok to find songs lol


This, this, all of this. I also hate the style. They made everyone look so bland and listless and… smooth? They have no soul. I miss the 2000s style so much.


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Yeah agreed on the style. I don't hate it per say but it ABSOLUTELY isn't on the same level as the 2000's vocaloid style (Compare project sekai picrel with the official art for Len's voicebank from 2007 picrel). The style reads very corporate, as if to be the less offensive as possible. It's very weird. Have you ever heard of the "alegria" corporate artstyle? It's how the project sekai style reads to me but anime edition.
Something that really annoys me about project sekai fans (usually the 14 year old ones) is how they go with the whole "Vocaloids look like minors" and freak out over oldfag songs for being either dark or too sexual. "Vocaloids can't sing that they're minor coded!" like they forget that Vocaloids are literally a blank slate that you can use to tell whatever story?
As much as I don't really care about hetships I find it baffling how much drama there is over the MikuxKaito ship among project sekai fans cuz "it's pedo". It's like Kaito has to be shipped with Meiko or else it's gonna be *gasp* problematic! The whole "don't ship rin and len they're sibblings!!!" drama when it literally depends on the song and you can interpret it whoever you want.
Plus aren't project sekai fans annoyed by the original robotic voice vocaloid songs too? it's like they don't even like vocaloids for what they are, they just like them as some weird mascots from the game and that's all. I have this whole vibe from them that they don't give a shit about the culture among vocaloid fans, all the songs produced by all those different people etc…
It's just annoying. Oldfags should gatekeep vocaloids from these people.


I never been fan of KEI's style so I do prefer Sekai's style. But Miku looks specially bad I know it's a meme that they keep thinning her hair.
>MikuxKaito ship among project sekai fans cuz "it's pedo".
This one is funny because Kaito doesn't even have an age. You could make him 16 or whatever Miku's age is. Not that their ages even matter much. They just tell us something about the appearance of the box art. It is known that must Vocaloid artists and producers just uses the box art as a guideline and always gives the character their own spin. whenever it be making their hair longer, making them older or younger, giving them a different eye colour etc.


Seriously though, why would I ever want some literally who real life people in my Vocaloid game. Makes me mad.


Comparing the style to alegria is spot on. That’s how I feel about a lot of modern anime art. So flat and boring and safe. I have stayed away from the Sekai fandom so this is the first time I’ve heard of any of this. That sounds so insufferable. And I agree, the vibe I get too is that the Vocaloids are just kind of “there” as a funny quirky side show. The aren’t being respected in the way they should be.


Honestly most modern anime feels like it wants to be Kyoani without incorporating any of the passion or life that studio is know for. While I think there is a slow push for more cartoon-y, Imaishi-inspired work, we still have a long way to go before we shake the souless cutesy style.


Vocaloid fandom's one of those ones where fanon overtakes canon - so the fanon of Kaito being an adult is treated as canon kek. I think he's an adult too but it's stupid for people to get mad at kaimiku because ~muh pedophilia~ even though Kaito will never have a canon age. And they're not real anyway.

I just want Project Sekai to shut down and for all the newfag vocaloid fans that come from it to fuck off

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