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File: 1656805369757.png (595.19 KB, 700x712, Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at ….png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


well, is it?


File: 1656817245302.png (98.67 KB, 638x523, 36122141_p9.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Yeah, not because it's another girl tho


only if the RP feels start to overlap into the interactions you have with her


If you feel romance or arousal for the person doing the RP with you then you're gay, definitely. If you only feel that for the RP charcters and can't imagine yourself with that person you're RPing with then you're good.



Women who RP gay males do it for story, and because they care about their characters.

I have never met a man who was capable of separating fiction from reality though, and I would not be surprised if a 100% of them jerk off to lesbo or het rp they do.


>Women who RP gay males do it for story, and because they care about their characters.
Not always, nonna. Sometimes people just want their OTP to fuck. Unlike moids with their shit, though, most women don't jerk off to their yaoi roleplays. For a lot of fujos it's just for fun.
Never roleplayed BL myself, but I did have friends who would do it fairly often.

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