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Part of the confusion of growing up is realizing that we're all just children who got old and continuously realizing that fact over and over. As I've grown older I have had less time to indulge in all of my fandom hobbies, with my job, my kids and friends and family that I have to continuously visit for social obligations, I just don't have the energy to truly ever participate in any of the media I consume, I haven't even been to a convention since my baby was born, I feel like the few other older fujos have either life figured out or are extremely lucky, be it they are NEETs and have husbands or parents that support them or they have cushy online jobs with enough pay that allow them to truly be free


lol normie


I think you mean adult


get lost normalfag


you know this will happen to you as well right


What's the point of this thread? Isn't this just essentially a blogpost? Should've posted to the confession thread instead.
A BL thread keeps dying for meta shit.


I'd assume there would have been a few other adult fujos who would have similar experiences and struggles


ok normie


yeah but when your kids are fully grown you’ll have more time and you’ll get to be a granny fujo. speaking of, the original fujos from the 70s are getting up there in years by now.


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You're (presumably) much older than me but as someone who has just graduated college I'm struggling with managing my hobbies as well. I no longer have an excuse to just waste time online and am working over 40 hours a week this summer to make up for doing student teaching in the spring with no income. While I'm hoping to have a permanent teaching position in the fall I feel like my days of fandom interaction are largely dead. I haven't even watched a current year anime since I haven't made the time to sit down once a week for a new episode.
Though at the same time otaku and fandom culture has changed so much since I got into it in the mid-2000s, while I still enjoy writing fanfiction as a whole the climate feels more hostile especially to those who don't want to engage with the socio-political implications of how they choose to depict a work. Maybe it's because I don't spend enough time on social media, but I don't find myself enjoying my interactions as much. Most joy these last 5 or so years has come from the work itself not the community.
Though I'm sure everyone throughout history has had this dissatisfaction with the younger crowds and fear and annoyance at growing up. The fandom of years past probably thought my generation was annoying as well, heaven knows LiveJournal and Tumblr were full of cringe and adolescent regrets.

I'm hoping when my life gets in order I'll at least have the weekends to myself to spend gaming and watching anime. Maybe work on some fanfiction during lunch breaks.


Stories like yours is why I made this thread, I don't know If I'm considered that old for for fandom spaces(I'm still in my early 30's) but my life revolves around work and my children, the precious freetime I have, is mostly spent binge watching stuff but even I had the freetime I don't I'd ever willingly engage in modern fandom spaces, everyone seems deranged and delusional, you can't have a normal conversation with them


I'm turning 30 this year and still enjoy my time in fandom and still make art/fics like I did in my teenage/early 20's days, the only thing that makes me shy away from fandom interaction is the gender bullshit. But I'm lucky enough to have a remote job that pays well(that I'm efficient enough at to finish most of my day's work in a few hours time kek) and no kids yet; when I had a job I had to commute to, it was much harder to find the time. The whole 40 hour work week + hours more commuting on top of regular life chores and obligations just kill the spirit. That being said, I do know plenty of "fandom moms" in their 30's, 40's and even 50's who have kids and work, and still participate in their fandoms and have creative outlets. Growing out of or no longer finding joy something is one thing, but I don't think there's an age limit on enjoying your hobbies.


That's the thing, I still enjoy the nerdy stuff I have liked since I was a teenager and I really don't give a shit what most people think about me other then my immediate family, Its just that life drains me of all the energy I have, I'm from a shitty LatAM country and its a tough here for obvious reasons, like even to engage in fandom is expensive and far time consuming then compared to the west(unless of course its related to the mainstream shonen shit)


We basically have the same lifestyle nona, down to work from home and being too exhausted to keep with fandom in the social media spehere.

Plus I hate that fandom and ships cannot exist independently of LGBTQ+ representation politics. Western fandom basically relies on activism to cover for, or apologize for, having self indulgent thoughts about fictional men.


>Western fandom basically relies on activism to cover for, or apologize for, having self indulgent thoughts about fictional men.
wow that sums it up so well


I don't know If this might make you feel any better but my grandma is well into her 70's and she still loves cartoons, maybe not on the level of most obesseded fans but it is still quite exceptional, she genuinely jas a passion for cartoons and feels joy when watching them, I have watched ATLA, SpongeBob, Teen Titans and basically every show that aired on CN, Disney and Nick at that time with her, I believe when I'm older I'll be a version of my grandma, still passionate about the stuff that brings me joy right now


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I can relate. I'm 28 now, I work 39 hours a week (although, I often work overtime these days because of specific deadlines and retarded clients), I'm always tired, etc. I'm single and live with my parents but I'm looking for my own place now which is also time consuming, and I often hang out with my best friends so I take a shit ton of time to play video games, read manga or novels, etc. I used to be too poor to play video games and read the manga I wanted, but now that I can afford that, I don't have enough time for it. Or rather, it was worse in uni because of my fucked up schedules, but now I'm even more tired than ever. It's been a while since I went to a con as well but I'm considering going to Japan Expo in Paris by myself just to ask a few autographs, I'd just need to get a train ticket and a hotel room. But aside from that I'm not doing anything in particular. I stopped reading fics long ago too because they're worse and worse. The only manga I'm reading these days are the ones I loved a long time ago or wanted to read for a long time but couldn't, mostly shit from the 90s and early 2000s, that's how much I gave up.

I don't participate in fandoms ever since I deleted my first tumblr account in 2016 because of how cancerous the active fandoms I was in got. The most I do now is talk about my hobbies with my best friends irl because they're into the same stuff and we're all fujoshi, and I just follow a few dozens European and Asian artists on twitter. I'm so, so glad my friends and I are on the exact same wavelength but I'm very lucky. A few friends I'm less close to seem to not want to move on at all, but not in a good way. I have a friend of mine I met in uni years ago who, despite having a bachelors, only worked in a factory and in retail, and spends almost all of her money in cosplay stuff (she never improved btw) or in FF7 merchandises for example and actively ignores my other friends and I just because we don't cosplay, unlike the people she met in cons, and she spergs online all the time over her ~OTP~ and over how broke she is from all of it. She also likes kiddy shit more often than not and I'll never get over how obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug she is. I used to think being true to yourself like this was cool and admirable but now I find it embarrassing. I don't know, it helps me think about how things aren't that bad for me I guess.


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>She also likes kiddy shit more often than not and I'll never get over how obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug she is. I used to think being true to yourself like this was cool and admirable but now I find it embarrassing
are you really judging someone over this, I mean where do you think we are


I'm not sure how to explain exactly why I'm getting more and more put off by her behavior without writing 20 pages of things she did and said, it's a bit more personal than that because we've known each other for nearly a decade now. It's very complicated. And I don't watch Miraculous Ladybug, and especially not JUST because I want the het main pairing to start date like my friend does, thank you very much.


That is super sweet! I hope everyone ITT can maintain hobbies and interests well into old-age.


To be fair to that anon, people into children's media tend to be special type of nutcases.
Not trying to judge, but it's usually very typically the case.


Again where do you think we are, like I'm sorry but judging someone for liking children's media is pathetic and hypocritical asf if your into fandom culture yourself


I wasn't criticizing her just for that, it's just one weird thing among many weird things with her. I wish you could meet her just so you could understand, it's hard to explain. I don't see what's hypocritical here, I'm a grown woman who likes BL and video games for all age ranges, and I know how to behave in public, she's so obsessed with bad (keyword here) children cartoons she puts herself at risk of losing all her money, complains about her lack of money, and she ignores her friends all the time except to complain to us for the 10000th time about the same self inflicted problems, and she's just immature overall regardless of hobbies.


>she's so obsessed with bad (keyword here) children cartoons she puts herself at risk of losing all her money, complains about her lack of money, and she ignores her friends all the time except to complain to us for the 10000th time about the same self inflicted problems
this can apply towards literally anyone in any sort of fandom or hobby


Are you even paying attention, I'm talking about someone I'm close to in REAL LIFE, not in fandoms. It's really not the same at all when it's someone you know irl and talk to on an almost daily basis for nearly a decade. When I had online "friends" on tumblr who started sperging hard because they liked Steven Universe we just stopped following each other on social media and we actually didn't have that many conversations about our personal lives to begin with.


So why do you assume that everyone into children shows is a crazy bitch like your friend?


Where the fuck did I imply that? I'm only talking about my irl friends specifically, and I barely mentioned in a very broad way that I'm not participating in fandoms anymore. Unless you're talking to >>1549 then you'd have to prove her wrong if you disagree with her.


I'm 35 and still into it. The most glaring difference at this age is that my standards for fanfic are much higher than they were when I was a teen and as a consequence I don't get to read a lot of "bonus material" on Ao3 when I finish a series. Bless every writer churning out high quality novel length fanfics for free. I wish more of them would keep tip jars on their socials. The best part about being an adult fan is the disposable income!


This, much more of a preference for longfics, also way less interest in PWP and lemons than when I was a young teen. The novelty of written sex wore off once I grew up and I prefer a strong (canon compliant) plot now.

Semi-related to fanfiction but also broadly applicable to media as a whole, but I can no longer enjoy works set in high-school unless I read/watched them when I was younger. While I'm sure this has something to do with the high-school years of my life growing every farther away I do not have this same disinterest towards media featuring child protagonists. Regardless, Modern AU and High School AU are some of the first things I blacklist from a search on AO3.

I am glad to see an upward trend in original BL works featuring middle-aged protagonists. I assume the people writing them are also growing up as well.


I understand that feeling. For example I can revisit Persona 3/4 but don't ever see myself playing Persona 5. I'm really surprised community/college hasn't taken off as a setting because you can have adults of all ages in your cast and they aren't constrained by having to be on campus on certain hours/days.

I also really prefer canon compliant fanfic. I think it's because if I care enough to go looking for fic it's because I consider the setting its own "character" and want to read about it too. I also block those specific AUs! They are a magnet for young and/or tenderqueer writers. However, some of the higher quality ones can double as good """original""" fiction if you are looking for a light read, and I usually find recs for them from trusted writers on Twitter or tvtropes(lol).


>However, some of the higher quality ones can double as good """original""" fiction.

Spot on description! A lot of characterization comes from the way a character interacts with their setting. Specific events and locations can shape a character and grow them in a way that is impossible to replicate in a different setting. They might as well not even be writing fanfiction of the property.

I don't mind canon divergent stuff that might change a single event and explore the consequences of that change, but a large amount of joy I get from fanfiction is deep character studies and character-interactions that are underutilized in canon. Most AUs just fail to provide that.


Nowadays I don't read fanfictions at all. I don't think I'm into things that get good quality long fics that don't make the characters extremely OOC. Last time I tried was with Ace Attorney, which went horribly wrong because the recent fans only read wikipedia articles on the characters and never play the games. A few month ago I remembered seeing on twitter some girl posting something like "gasp Mia and Godot is canon??? I thougt it was a crackship!!!!" like yeah dumb bitch, how about you play the games before opening your mouth, since their relationship is too important for the plot to pretend it's not here. And FE3H, which won't stop trying to ruin Sylvain/Felix for me.

>I can no longer enjoy works set in high-school unless I read/watched them when I was younger.

Me too. I barely know what's popular with teenagers and young adults nowadays because of how much I don't give a shit anymore too. I'm only ok with these stories if they're in video games because the focus should be on gameplay.

>For example I can revisit Persona 3/4 but don't ever see myself playing Persona 5.
Same for me. Kind of. I loved P3P and P4G when they got released, I then played P2 Innocent Sin and also loved it. I was looking forward to P5 back when it was announced in 2013 but I only played the two first arc of the game at someone's place and don't feel like it's worth getting a new console for that. My only reaction when it got announced for the Switch was just "oh ok, cool.", and it's not even the original, but P5R with a shitty mandatory Atlus waifu. Maybe I'll buy it and play it because I already have a Switch but not at release. I wish Atlus made more games like Catherine, actually. I don't mind the other Atlus games that have teenagers as protagonists like SMT4A at all because the cast is full of kids and adults alike and the teenagers act like it without being retarded.


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I dipped out of 3H a while ago because my favorite ships/characters weren't as popular. It and AA are extremely blursed fandoms because you have an unreal amount fics but a lot of them are total bunk and, like you said, some people don't even consume the source material. I didn't mean to imply I had an easy time finding great fic, I feel like I spend more time looking for it than I do getting to read it!

FWIW I have better luck with pre-2010s westernshit (Harry Potter, Star Trek, etc) than I do weeb stuff. They seem to have a higher concentration of adult fans who are Too Old And Too Tired to get bogged down by the slings and arrows of modern fandom.


Looking forward to more info on that fantasy IP they've been working on these last few years.


>I didn't mean to imply I had an easy time finding great fic, I feel like I spend more time looking for it than I do getting to read it!
That's what I understood. The reason why I don't even read fics anymore is precisely because I got sick of spending more time looking for fics than reading them.

>I have better luck with pre-2010s westernshit (Harry Potter, Star Trek, etc) than I do weeb stuff.

I'm not surprised. I also started reading fanfics in my first language with HP way back when I was in middle school and the series wasn't completed yet. People can say whatever they want about how manga, anime and Japanese video games are now more popular than ever in the West, it's still niche compared to many Western franchises, so logically there will be less fanfics to begin with.

>I dipped out of 3H a while ago because my favorite ships/characters weren't as popular.

Which characters and ships are your favorite? I'm not picky at all but I found the fanbase so cancerous that I get sick of hearing of Edelgard because of how people react if you just call her an antagonist. I found the game fun on a first run, but then during my second run I found it very repetitive, realized I liked FE Fates much more not just because of the story or characters but because of the gameplay, and I stopped interacting with the fanbase when I saw that they were shitting on Fates for things that they were praising 3H for, despite 3H making those things even worse. Actually I'm like this with most fanbases now. I don't interact with anyone except my real life friends if they're into the things I like, and anons here, on lc and very rarely on /v/


>Which characters and ships are your favorite?
I find that they are all the "boring" ones (Ashe, Manuela, Mercedes, Seteth, etc). My favorite ship was Ashe/Felix which was just asking for "one half of my favorite ship is the other half of extremely popular ships I do not like" burnout. I ended up liking Hubert/Ferdinand enough to read all of their good stuff, so it wasn't a complete wash.

>I don't interact with anyone except my real life friends if they're into the things I like, and anons here, on lc and very rarely on /v/

Same. I'm so glad I heard of this place because I've been dying for a place to chat after giving up on the /trash/ fujo thread (thanks moid spammer).


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Not much has changed for me now that I am 30+. I was never interested in partnerships and family though so it's only the damn job stealing 10h from me every day.
It pisses me off but besides that I still have enough time to indulge and draw fanart of my men and read manga or enjoy games and such. I never liked Cons either or any social gatherings, so I don't miss them.

Think the only part that changed is my taste, a bit. As teen I was mainly into bishounen, lots of times older ones (like 20-25yos), sometimes the typical school boys. Now the face and past of the character needs to have something special about it to make me interested, everybody I have been into the last 10 years was IMO pretty but no bishounen or wild buff bishis at best, like Cars in Jojo. Often it's some weird looking dudes like Tsukishima or post-brain damage Tsurumi from Golden Kamuy, though the characters of that series are often my types anyway. I guess cannot get into teenagers at all anymore, but that's pretty natural I think.

But fandomwise nothing really changed. The one thing that did and that I regret is that I don't cannot find anybody my age who shares that interest IRL anymore.
I find fans on twitter and 4chan and such, but not in the real world. Since I sit in front of my PC a lot I guess it doesn't matter much, but I still wish I could sometimes just meet someone to have fun talking to and maybe exchanging manga with while we inspire each other to do new fanart pics or fics.


I am a 30 years old yumejoshi and it’s harder to dream together with same age yumejos because work, and I don’t feel prepared for dreaming together younger yumejos


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I am a little older than most of the users here and I can admit that I'm still pretty much the same person I was back when I was 15, right now I'm 30+, never had a real job, never have had sex, never have had an IRL boyfriend/girlfriend and I live a NEET life with my brother and his family, both my brother and his wife work so I look after my nephew basically as a live in nanny, that and some other minor chores is all I have to do, so I have no real responsibilities or worries in life, I live in the best case situation any NEET can be in and both my brother and SIL don't mind having me around, I'm not a burden on them and my nephew adores me, I'm happy in how my life has turned out and I wouldn't change even one thing about it


For the fujos ITT who aren't virgins, how do you cope? I don't like being a non-virgin anymore it sucks. I sometimes cope by saying that I'm technically still a virgin because I didn't climax and he didn't put it all the way in.


Learn that the very concept of virginity for women and how it's applied on women is a moid cope. I'm technically not a virgin either because i'm a rape victim and the whole concept of "virginity" can fuck off. It means nothing. Don't let moid ideas stain how you feel about yourself.


The idea of virginity is a cope. I didn't fuck a man until 28 but you could say I lost it to my first pap smear at 20 or even my first tampon at 10.


To me, virginity is a delusional concept created by delusional men who think their penis is so importand that it can change something in a woman. Whenever or not you're a virgin it changes so little in your daily life that it makes no differeces.
Also there are so many different types of hymens and some women are even born without one that scientists don't know if it has any function. Also the hymen is so fragile and tearable that you can tear it by riding a bike, doing gymastics, inserting tampons, etc, it makes me wonder why do we even have it, maybe to prevent bacteria from getting easily inside?
Idc what anyone says I will always think that the concept of virginity is flawed.


>never had a real job, never have had sex, never have had an IRL boyfriend/girlfriend and I live a NEET life

based me too, i am mid 20s. only i feel like a fraud when i try to write fics about characters doing literally anything kek


How do you two support yourselves then ?


At least they're happy. You're much worse than them, because you're a bitter bitch and you should go back to lolcow.

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