>>514Been watching the boondocks lately. He is cute.
>>551didn't expect to see a puyo puyo nona… they're so cutee unfortunately i have a grudge against klug because he's so hard to beat kek but if you end up finishing that fic i will be reading
>>552Ah yeah another Puyo fan! Haha, Klug is one of the harder CPUs but Popoi is the Fever one who gives me the most trouble personally lol.
I have a draft for a tutoring fanfic where through some convoluted means Klug is put in a remedial class with Sig and he ends up helping Sig pass a summer school basically. It's been sitting around since I started like four years ago but its just not up to my current standards so it's one I open, change 4 sentences, and then close for a month.
One of these days…
So do you have any Puyo ships nonna? While I maintain Sig/Klug have the most canon basis I've seen a lot of ships with Schezo and Lemres which are cute too.
>>207Ahhh ciels legs…I'm thinking about drawing themself >< aaaaaaah
>>209Never really considered him until now. But his design is so cute and boyish now that I think about it
>>623I think it's funny that Summer Wars has a female character front and center on the poster but almost all the art is of Kazuma. Rare instance where the waifu is ignored I guess.
Haven't seen this movie since it first came out but I remember liking it way more than Girl who Lept through Time. Maybe I'll pick it up this Black Friday.
>>653Omg this is adorable