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 No.96[View All]

Post the cutest shotas being the cutest, also welcome to post shota versions of adult characters.
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Been watching the boondocks lately. He is cute.


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dipper(throws tomatoes at hime lovingly)


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qt qt qt


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Some day I'll finish my fanfic about these two. They both have two parts of a demon so there's a canon connection but besides that their interactions in story modes tend to be cute with Klug being a tsundere.


didn't expect to see a puyo puyo nona… they're so cutee unfortunately i have a grudge against klug because he's so hard to beat kek but if you end up finishing that fic i will be reading


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Ah yeah another Puyo fan! Haha, Klug is one of the harder CPUs but Popoi is the Fever one who gives me the most trouble personally lol.

I have a draft for a tutoring fanfic where through some convoluted means Klug is put in a remedial class with Sig and he ends up helping Sig pass a summer school basically. It's been sitting around since I started like four years ago but its just not up to my current standards so it's one I open, change 4 sentences, and then close for a month. ohnoes

One of these days…

So do you have any Puyo ships nonna? While I maintain Sig/Klug have the most canon basis I've seen a lot of ships with Schezo and Lemres which are cute too.


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Ahhh ciels legs…I'm thinking about drawing themself >< aaaaaaah

Never really considered him until now. But his design is so cute and boyish now that I think about it


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Best boy Conan


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Now you're speaking my language. Kind of disappointing how disproportionately "Kudo" is used in fanworks when "Conan" is the MC.


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Lithe arms ( ´ ω ` ) hmm oishi


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Kazuma 4ever


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I think it's funny that Summer Wars has a female character front and center on the poster but almost all the art is of Kazuma. Rare instance where the waifu is ignored I guess.

Haven't seen this movie since it first came out but I remember liking it way more than Girl who Lept through Time. Maybe I'll pick it up this Black Friday.


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Lol right. You can tell Hosoda put a lot of care into designing Kazuma. He was gushing about him in a magazine IIRC


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I used to watch this show religiously when I was younger and still love this character even now. He's very moe.


Omg this is adorable


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Heart melted into a puddle


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Who do you ship Miya with nonna? He was the only one of the Sk8 cast I didn't find a good person to pair with.


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cute western shos


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Always amazed me just how much shipping content Rick and Morty spawned. It's not a bad thing, just compared to other adult cartoons it's ridiculously disproportionate. With the exception of SP but that's its own beast.


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It's apart of the few instances in which moid-y shows attract a sizeable female fanbase.


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Great ship at any age, love that grin on the second page.


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Do you think we’ll get childhood flashback in Netflix animated series? I’m already hyped in Vergil appearance


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Hopefully, I'm optimistic they'll include a few scenes at least showcasing how they fell apart.


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Does anyone else remember how upset people were over human Boota? Also child Simone > Adult Simone easily.


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