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File: 1733961673488.jpg (67.87 KB, 640x455, tumblr_270afaf9200bfef6275….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex


Post crossover art here.
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I feel like fighting games are the perfect playground for crossover shipping. Someone has already done thr hard work of justifying how the characters know and can interact with each other leaving just the shippiness and fanon to play with. Brawl-era Smash Mansion was one of my first experiences with crossovers and it's still one of my favorite excuses to get characters together.


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Acrylic stands, nenderoid photoshoots, plushies, figurines, unique fan made merch, that sort of thing.
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Oh! I had him a while back but I sold him (He was very cool but really clashed with my room and I kept forgetting to buy the batteries), I hope whoever owns him now gives him a loving home ♥

I see them go up a lot on xianyu so maybe you could try there?


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Bonus points for unique animals
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I love how when I try searching for deer boys I just get a lot of Alastor who looks nothing like one. lol.

Antlers are just as cute as animal ears and I wish there were more art of boys with them. Deer boys are also great for innocent uke character when paired up with wolf or other predatory animal boys.

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Thread for older male x shota pairings. Figured it might be better to make this a separate thread in case someone wants to hide it.

>Favourite artist?

>Favourite ship?
>Recommendations for anime, manga or games?
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The Loveless anime was so fucking good


Great mind think alike I guess lol. I loved it and honestly even if almost everyone shits on it because "shota" I think it had some complex concepts and themes. I remember I was impressed by the themes of loss (since Ritsuka lost his brother), traumas of abuse and manipulation/realizing who you love is a piece of shit. I should really read it again because I think I could comprehend it better now that I'm older.

I don't know if it'll ever be finished honestly, she has a family and maybe does a chapter a year. A shame because the last time I read it the story was picking up.

It was my first bl anime and despite being cut short it's still pretty good. I loved the twins, the one with the eyepatch was my favourite along with Ritsuka's brother.


> I remember I was impressed by the themes of loss (since Ritsuka lost his brother), traumas of abuse and manipulation/realizing who you love is a piece of shit.
This is part of why it was great. I think it was the first time I have seen a series where abuse actually influenced a character in a logical way. You have a lot of abuse in fiction, it's often just used for the tragic background aspect whereas with Ritsuka it was part of the reason why he distrusted people. Not for paranoia, but for good reasons. He was wise for his age. At the same time the trauma wasn't handled in a stupid way either, he wasn't plagued by constant flashbacks and shit, it rather manifested as tendencies of his behavior and his longing for his brother that he desired to understand better.
I really, really loved these two. The designs and mischievous personalities, the dynamic, they are awesome and you barely ever see pairings like these in manga.

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Now in motion
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Pictures of guys turned into Plush toys, nendo, fumos, etc.
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>signature saying "katsi" in Tamil, an Indian language
I'm always tickled pink by the properties that get popular among the Desi/Indian crowd. I went there for a trip in June and there were so many CrunchyRoll ads for Kaiju No. 8 all over Chennai. I wonder if Kagurabachi appeals to them more than Burning Kabbadi.


Ack. *katsu or more accurately, kathsu

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Showing a variety of expressions, both cute and cool.
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Need more blushing/ship charts.


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Text thread for /flf/

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Bunnyboys are the best.


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Loving the detailed posts in this thread. Bunny boys should also be a bit skittish around others they don't know, total nervous classmate who panics when approached by another.

I'll also add sharks boys. Sharks see in black and white and have trouble distinguishing divers from animals like seals. We also see them as a bit fierce and aggressive since they're predators.
I like the idea that shark boys are tough and macho, but when they think no one is looking they wear glasses since they actually have vision problems. They hide it since they think it makes them look like a dork, but actually no one cares except them.


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>sharkboy trying to look tough waiting for the train but his eye is watering from putting in contacts in a hurry
Sharks often cause damage or injuries because they feel around with their nose and bump objects to check if they're alive, but they leave their mouth full of sharp teeth hanging open at the same time. I bet sharkboys open mouth stare when they're thinking hard, and give nose kisses to their partners.

On the subject of toothy boys I wonder between sharkboys and croc/gatorboys which one has more braincells. I think sharks are more cautious whereas crocs stubbornly stay passive and cool for as long as possible before taking chances with a surprise bite. Young crocs are cheeky and make a lot of noise about themselves but really crocs just wanna lie about together and wait for someone else to bring them good things. It's not lazy it's efficient! Bring him his MaccyDs or he'll cry! For real!

Croc tails get pretty fat so they're probably full of awkward moe pretending they haven't noticed someone wanting the seat next to them that their tail's occupying. They knock things over in stores and walk away very slowly after staring at the source of the sound. If someone grabs their tail and pulls them they're split between snapping at them or just letting it happen. Their snapping can be just ineffective complaining since bending around to attack is kind of a bother.

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