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Any nonas play OMORI here? I really like this game but it's too emotionally wrecking for me (as in, the moment i start to think too much about the game i instantly cry, yes im a pussy). I really think the game has cute and charming characters.
I personally ship SunnyXKel but I do not mind other ships. Does anyone else want to share their favorite ships and talk about OMORI?
I personally can't lewd the characters in OMORI because the game is far too emotionally sad for me LOL. Would be cool if nonas spoilered the lewd posts here but if you don't its no big deal.
Who's your favorite OMORI character?


hell yeah i love this game, it's genuinely pretty charming and cute. i love basil, and i'm more of a sunny x basil shipper than anything else


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sunny x basil is very sweet too!! they have a lot of cute fanart


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i haven't played it but i think the black haired kid is hot
also the creator is based


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I used to be a hardcore sunflower shipper but since my hype died down I just have all these fanarts lying around


this is some super comfy art anon, if you have more art in that style do post! I could see myself using it as my phone's lockscreen


what's so good about this game from a fujo perspective. i tried playing it on release and couldn't get through it, felt too childish/similar to "creepy" rpg maker games like misao.


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The begining is supposed to put you in a false sense of comfort. Try to get through it, it'll eventually get better. As for the fujo perspective, the characters are very cute. Also I do not consider Omori to be a creepy game. I know it has been advertised as psychological horror but it is much more closer to a game portraying trauma than a game trying to scare you.


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I love this art style too


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If you haven't played Omori I advise you not read the post since it probably contains spoilers.

Since Sunny has been a hiki for around 4 years he has lost touch with social norms. When he hangs out with Kel, not only can he be seen as a little bit weird since he is mostly mute but he also carries around a knife which he normalised because it's how he acts in his headspace. This means that when Sunny is flustered or wants something he'll just go an do it even if it can be seen as a little weird. We remember how Sunny literally used his knife in the Aubrey fight. It stems from that! Anyway. This leads me to safely assume that in the instance in which Sunny would fall for Kel he'd notice that Kel might be a little smelly, but I don't think Sunny would mind too much. I actually think he'd enjoy sniffing and licking Kel because it's a way to feel close to him. I am sure it must be very comforting. Since Kel likes Sunny back he wouldn't mind Sunny's weird behavior too much. After all it is just Sunny things. Let him!! Anyway this was my sperging to justify why Sunny likes to lick Kel's armpits.


so lewd… why'd you have to put that idea in my mind …


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you're welcome nona


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best boy


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I'm pretty sure this explanation also fits picrel in which Sunny would just randomly poke Kel's tummy


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i love hero


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Not to blogpost, but moving around too much and other bullshit made me de facto a hikki as a kid, and having beloved friends from long ago living separate imaginary adventures in one's head was very very relatable.

I found the part with Basil helping Sunny in the true ending to be a bit far-fetched and WTF (And a warning that having an editor is a good idea), but replaying the game, it doesn't ruin the experience and feels OK-made for what it is. It's just a bit of a shock since the game is extremely relatable & 'realistic' to people born at a specific point in time.

Anyway. I second OP in not being able to lewd the characters, outside of aged-up looking Hero & Captain Spaceboy. No judgement to people who do lewd.

I like Hero the best, he's such a cute older brother figure who can do _everything, of course_ and he cooks. Among the side characters, Captain Spaceboy has my heart, he's got the whole 'kind of complicated but innocent 1980's shounen hero' thing going on. Glad people are slashing him with Rococo, even if I like him arguing with Sweetheart too.

For Hero, I like the idea of him being molested by Mr. Jawsum.

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