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Since we have a few fans and some discussion recently on here let's have a thread. Keep major spoilers spoiled!

>Favorite Game?

>Favorite character?
>Favorite ship and why?
>Is lore being confusing overblown or is Nomura way too ambitious with his Disney x Final Fantasy fanfiction?


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We didn't have a thread here before? It's fujo 101.


Xehanort (all of them)
Overblown by dudebros in the 00's who couldn't grasp the basic concepts of the story as they spell them out. Even if you play out of order, nothing is left unexplained and what isn't explained is done intentionally so. A concept that Let's Players didn't want to acknowledge because it'd make them look dumb.

I know back in the day, releases were uneven on top of being on different platforms but that never stopped me from just seeking the information out which is what a ton of people never tried and blamed their inability to research on the games. I'm being bitter about it because I refused to be gaslit into thinking it was always confusing when no, it never was.


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Another KH nonna wrapping up with KH2.5. Found this enjoyable sfw soriku dj about them on Destiny Islands, spoiler free for lore stuff to anyone still playing through the games.

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