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Felt like making a Final fantasy thread.

I've been looking around lately to see what Final fantasy BL ships are most popular and I get the impression that Cloud x Sephiroth was the fujoshi awakening for a whole generation of girls back in the day, but Noctis x Prompto has done so for a younger generation. Though then again maybe the FF7 Remake is giving Cloud x Sephiroth another boost.


I remember Cid/Vincent being really popular too, which I never really got into because they don't even speak to each other IIRC.


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Pretty sure Seph/Cloud rearranged my brain as a teen.


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I love FFXV, they really knew what the fujos wanted with that one


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I just like it when two fantasy boys breath in the general vicinity of each other. Also think black mage is underrated, very cute


They room together in the Gold Saucer inn IIRC. I think that's their only interaction.
Watching the CloTi/Cleris wars from the comfort of the fujo buffet that was Seph/Cloud was something else.


I'm so salty that FFXVI was released when fujochan was dead. I wish I could play it and talk about it with you but I don't have a ps5. Maybe I'll get one later this year though depending on a lot of things. I need a better TV before that. If I get a ps5 that would be a good opportunity to get FFXV as well but I keep seeing posts online about how it's a bad game and I remember a lot of people posting glitches from wheb the game just got released years ago. Not sure if it's truly an average game or if it's hardcore FF fans saying it's not a good FF specifically. Anyway regarding FFXVI I'm glad Square-Enix told Saudi Arabia to go fuck themselves and made Dion so obviously gay in a normal way in the game and not in some weirdly implied way that's locked behind a DLC or some shit.


Wholeheartedly agree, great character and handled well. I'm glad more companies are refusing to regionally censor stuff.

FFXVI is fine and places like /v/ will never be happy. I prefer old-school turn-based combat so the recent entires aren't my cup of tea, but if you like XV you'll enjoy it.


Jill so boring she got me shipping gay incest, making it my first actual "these two mfs were blasted into the same pussy by the same guy" incest ship in over 20 years of being a fujo.


When watching a playthrough (not the whole thing in case I can play it later) I noticed she barely interacts with anyone other than Clive. What a shame, she looks cool so that feels like a waste of a character. I also like Clive/Joshua a lot but that's regardless of Jill.


Kinda same for me (except minus a few years). While I've been on the fence when it comes to incest ships, Roscest is the first one I've understood the appeal of.
I still like Jill's scenes, but Joshua definitely gets more love in my eyes.


To be fair Joshua is much more the JPRG heroine than Jill is in that game.


Anons, great news I'll be promoted at my job and will earn more money, which means I'll easily be able to get a PS5 and FFXVI this year if I want. I can't wait. It's going to be my new goal for now.


Congrats nonna!
Here's hoping it all works out.


Congratulations! And good luck with your goal.


congrats nonna!! and best of luck. Love_letter


Thank you so much anons! It turns out that there are promos where I am. A PS5 with a disk reader costs 75€ less than usual until Sunday in most stores, and on top of that our equivalent of Gamestop sells FF16 for 20€ less than usual if you get a PS5 with it. I ordered both, saved 100€ and will get my package in a store myself tomorrow to make sure I'll get it asap and that it doesn't get stolen during delivery since the deadline is so close. I'll play FF16 on my little TV this weekend.


I'll start playing FF16 this weekend, I'm looking forward to it, especially because it's been some time since I played an action game. Have you seen the Ultimania translations? There's more backstory for Dion and Terence and how they met, how they started dating. I should post a link and copypaste what I found on twitter.


I started playing FF16 today and got a headache so I couldn't play as much as I wanted. It's fun, the gameplay is basic so far because I'm only at the beginning of the game. I'm too used to DMC and Bayonetta so I keep doing stupid things that don't work in that game. I keep talking screenshots of Clive's beautiful face while playing.


FF7 blew my mind back then. It was the very first actual RPG I played. To someone that only knew different types of side-scrollers, beat- or shoot-'em-ups this was a life changing experience. Besides that it also happened right during my most intense edgy phase so Cloud's whole existential crisis resonated with me.

Besides that it was just a very good game, Sephi/Could an intriguing ship and while I love other FFs as much as 7 I still consider the materia system the best by far. So many ways to combine that stuff, to level them up, so many forms of materia and finding a new shiny colored orb hyped me up so much more than any weapon, chest or skill trees.

That said FF9 and FF6 in particular have a special place in my heart. And yeah, there are four things that I inherently associate with the good old web and nostalgia more than anything else and that's Guts/Griffith, Megatron/Starscream, DBZ doujinshi and of course Sephiroth/Cloud.
I am out of the loop today but would be interested to know if fans interpret this ship differently nowadays.

Also love the characters of FF9 in particular. I wish that Square would do something like this again, some fairytail-like pretty world with more comiclike designs but a story that is just as dark as it can be quirky. Though I would also be into gritty sci-fi like FF7. I know about the remake but I wish there was a new game with such a setting that isn't FF7 related.
Sorry for being a bit OT, but since I am speaking of it, FF9 was so good it even had one of the very few het ships I genuinely like, I love Steiner and Beatrix. Both are also very strong on their own IMO.

Didn't play 15 and 16 yet but I bought 15 and hope I can start it soon. For 16 I have to wait for the PC release anyway.


>some fairytail-like pretty world with more comiclike designs but a story that is just as dark as it can be quirky
You might like Bravely Default+Bravely Second. Square Enix games for the 3DS that more-or-less have taken up the duty of being "oldstyle" FF games. However, they commit the great crime of having 3 playable girls and 3 playable guys that are very blatantly pigeonholed into m/f pairings. I didn't really care with the first game but the second one has an excellent m/m ship that gets cucked so bad I'm still a little annoyed about it years later.


I always wanted to play FF7 back when I was younger. I could do it right now but my backlog is too much to handle right now. But someday I'll play it. All I know from it is from spinoffs like Advent Children or Dissidia or friends who played it as kids.

>I bought 15 and hope I can start it soon

I'm considering getting a copy of the Royal edition someday, if you play it soon could you post your opinion on the game? I'm hesitating a little.


You should! I'd recommend both the original and remake, they're honestly two completely different experiences.

OG will always be my preference, but the new one feels like watching a beautiful movie of the original. Absolutely gorgeous visuals.


I could play the Remake, and Rebirth since it was announced recently, now that I have a PS5. I'm considering getting the original FF7 on the Switch because I like playing games on handheld mode a lot more though. I heard that the French localization is pretty bad at times (talking about things like picking an item in a dungeon and the text box will tell you it's a phoenix down but when you go to the menu to use it it's actually just a potion) but I expect the game to not be too difficult. My first FF games were FF3 and FF4 on the DS so I always thought it was a super difficult series of JRPGs when I was a teenager, kind of like Megaten's reputation.


Speaking of Rebirth, enjoy some sefikura: https://twitter.com/aitaikimochi/status/1704730047339438365


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So I'm going though FF16 little by little but I feel like the pacing is pretty fast in that game. I don't feel like I played all that much and I have no clue how to check my playtime but so far I've reached the 5 years timeskip. I like it so far. I don't know GOT all that much and people have made comparisons with it but personally FF16 is how I more or less imagine FF2 or FF4 would have been like if it weren't for all the hardware limitations of the 80s and 90s. I think my only issue is that the side quests aren't really all that amazing but we'll see how it goes now that I've reached the timeskip. The game isn't very hard so far so maybe I'll just do the ones that are plot relevant.


I'm still waiting for the PC version of FF16 to drop because there's not enough PS5 exclusive games I'm interested in for me to justify buying one. It's definitely fascinating to me how this game lead to a bunch of artists I follow on twitter just seamlessly diving into the incest hole. I'm not too bothered about spoilers so I've just been looking at it and it's really hot.


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>a bunch of artists I follow on twitter just seamlessly diving into the incest hole
This is what convinced me to get a PS5 with the game kek, not the shitty game journalists saying over and over again that FF16 was basically like GOT. But then again I don't have a good PC for games, just a small laptop for everyday use and I never had a PS4 so it's a good purchase in my specific case.


I just beat Hugo and I assume I'll have to fight Titan soon but it's past midnight so I'll just go to bed and sleep. I'm so salty that the one important "dark" skinned guy with white hair is an ugly middle aged unga bunga antagonist, it should have been a bishonen. All the other dominants look good though. I also assume I'll see the canon and real yaoi very soon after that? I checked spoilers before the game was released and the beginning of a playthrough so I'm not sure but I'm looking forward to it.


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I appreciate that off the top of my head every character in FFXIV who is obsessed with (You) is male, so if you play as a male character you have plenty of shipping fuel. Been obsessed with G'raha Tia for years now.


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I love it too. There are so many good NPC/WoL ships and they are ALL m/WoL. More game writers need to understand that girls want men with chemistry with other men and boys want cute/cool/sexy canonically unpaired women. It's science!

Yumes can eat at the table as long as they don't insist the ship only works if WoL is a woman.


You both sound like one of my rl friends. She's obsessed with FF14 and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the only game she played these past few years, her characters are only men and she ships them with the male NPCs. She showed me some of them but I don't get it, I guess there are too many of them and I don't play FF14 at all so I have no context. She lost her shit when we saw that male vieras were playable.


>her characters are only men and she ships them with the male NPCs
XIV is kind of blursed because while NPC/WoL ships are great, I ain't reading about somebody's OC so all of the NPC/WoL fanfic is worthless to me. I think I posted this elsewhere but I had to dip out of a NPC/NPC fic because the author included their WoL just a little too much.

It definitely gets its claws into people though. I've seen the term "Emetwives" thrown around like "Snapewives" of eld.


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By the way I played more FF16 today and I'm about to reach that part of the game with the Bahamut boss fight. The fight again Titan is super fun and reminded me of Bayonetta and the battles against the giant angels and demons so I just know that Platinum Games helped with that part at least. Then I had to endure a bunch of shitty quests, saw Dion tenderly kissing Terence in 4K, and decided to play more tomorrow instead. I love how Terence acts like his nagging husband but in the French translation him and Dion are very formal and use the singular, polite "vous" instead of "tu" to say "you", they give me young, shy Victorian maiden vibe. I know they have sex with the light turned off every single time. I hate that the game is trying to make me give a fuck about Clive and Jill's romance, sorry but they will never, ever be as iconic as Tidus/Yuna as a pairing.

>I ain't reading about somebody's OC so all of the NPC/WoL fanfic is worthless to me
I get it, I said I don't play FF14 but I like other games with customizable main characters who have a canon name that you can change if you want and I hate it when fanfic writers use a name they came up with for them and changes their canon personalities just because they customized them so much it's basically their OCs. My friend used to complain to me about the fandom and her guild in particular but it's been a while since she told me anything about it, I just know she's still playing it all day long. My internet connection is too shitty for a game like this so I won't play it for now but who knows.


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Yeah, I get that M/M shipping can be hit or miss here cause of the player OCs. Personally even if I don't have an emotional connection to other people's player characters I can enjoy their M/M shipping art if the character is attractive. Though that being said, aside from commissioning art of my own player character with G'raha I mostly look at the version of this pairing that's popular with japanese and korean artists which is to use the brown haired human guy from the trailers. While trailer guy's design is rather plain I like the contrast he has with G'raha cause you've got a taller more rugged guy with a cutesy catboy twink and it's one of multiple types of dynamics I enjoy.

>She lost her shit when we saw that male vieras were playable.

I'll be honest here, I used my free fanta the night before endwalker dropped cause male viera appeal to my tastes heavily. I feel like they knew exactly what they were doing cause they un-genderlocked the maid outfit at the same time.


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I'm tired because of my job and because of personal stuff but a lot of things have been sorted out. I thought about maybe getting up early and going shopping tomorrow morning but I changed my mind, I'll stay home the whole weekend instead so I can play more FF16 and maybe even beat the game. I beat Bahamut last time I played, so iirc all that's left is Barnabas' arc and the arc with the final boss. I doubt I'll beat the game if there are a lot of long side quests to do near the end though. After I'm done I'll buy copies of FF15 royal edition and FF7R. Anons it's been months but I still can't get over Dion and Terence kissing. It's also funny how Clive is shipped with everyone by the players. He's basically Valisthea's community dick. Next time I go to Japan I'll buy so many doujinshi.

>I feel like they knew exactly what they were doing cause they un-genderlocked the maid outfit at the same time.
That's exactly what my friend said the day when that happened kek great minds think alike I guess


Anon playing FF16 here, I didn't expect to take this much time on the game but I just did all the side quests, beat the strong monsters that the cute moogle wants you to beat and I'm trying to complete some challenges before beating the last boss. The game is fun as soon as you're done with the tutorials and finally get three eikons. I'm just trying to get some trophies that will be a pain in the ass to get on a NG+ run. As for the BL aspect of the game… Poor Jill. The game tries so hard to make me care about her but imo Joshua is the real heroine. Him and Clive are basically treated like they're soulmates and them being brothers barely matters since their own parents are like 3 times cousins so they're related as well.


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Doubleposting but fujochan is slow as fuck so who cares. I just ordered a physical copy of FF Pixel Remaster for the Switch. JRPGs feel way better on handheld and while I already played the PSP and DS remakes of FF1 to 4 I'm looking forward to replaying them and I'm really looking forward to playing FF5 and 6 for the first time.


5 and 6 are some of my favourites in the series so I hope you'll enjoy them. I've never been sure how to feel about the pixel remasters cause as someone who grew up with the GBA ports it feels like they're actively missing content even if these new versions do have a better soundtrack and visuals.


I never played the GBA games so all I know is that they were translated in my first language and that they have bonus dungeons. Worst case scenario if I feel like I should try these bonus dungeons I will simply emulate the GBA games later. But I want to have a physical copy of these games so I can replay them later and lend them to my friends if they get curious. And I also would like to try and play them in Japanese later. I know the English localizations of these games are controversial, no clue how the other languages are so if my first language is butchered I can easily change the it in the settings.


I finally beat FF16! It was a very fun game. I'm looking forward to the DLCs. I noticed that Clive is basically Valisthea's community dick but I'm a bit disappointed that there's not that much Barnabas/Clive art. I've seen some but it was always from the two same artists and I don't follow them, I have to look them up on twitter but I don't remember their IDs. There's an artist who posts a lot of Joshua/Clive on twitter as well but I think she deleted her previous account and remade one because I went to her profile today and it's noted her account was created in October but I swear I liked and reteweeted her art before that date. Her id is @yoshikawa_5sai if anyone is curious.


It's great that you enjoyed it. These days I rarely get new games at launch anymore but when FF16 does finally get its PC release I may just get it ASAP anyway.


I can recommend you that game. I also avoid getting games at launch but I made an exception for that one and I don't regret it. I only got convinced after seeing the leaks on /v/ right before it got released though. There are two DLCs in preparation but we don't know what they will be about. I'm looking forward to them and hopefully they'll be available with the PC version so you know if you want to get them as well or not.


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Thank you for posting such a niche pairing. I really like it and I'm surprised there are still artists who are into Firion/Minwu.


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I know! It feels like a lot of times people forget the series doesn't start with VII so I love when artist do work of the older games. Have another the artist is https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/35995

They have a ton of FFII art.


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Currently obsessed with this one incredibly talented artist who was originally known for only drawing art of an oldfag moid/petite waif girl ship suddenly get obsessed with ff4 golbez and commission copious amounts of fanart of him getting railed. first two pics are her original artwork, 3rd is a public commission piece

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