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Post cute gambling boys
>Favourite series?
>Favourite character?
>Best ship?
>Best gamble?
>Which character deserves a spin off manga?


Dont have anything to contribute because I haven't read them yet, but fujos make so much cute art of this series it's my primary motivation to some day get into it.


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I recommend starting with the Kaiji anime, I'm bias but that's how I got into it, it covers part 1 and 2. It's a very good adaptation and it makes the gambles feel more intense. Akagi also has an anime but I would only recommend it if you understand mahjong cuz it can be pretty difficult to follow at times (tho I don't really understand mahjong and I really enjoyed the anime, it helps that I read part 3 of Kaiji first which is only mahjong and also cuz I really like Fukumoto's wiritng).


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Different anon, and I got into fkmt the same way. Unfortunately all my friends have been filtered by part 3 of the manga and I don't have anyone to talk about it with. If anyone gets to that point then just power through it, the plot twists blow both seasons of the anime out of the water and if you make it to the latest arc you'll get to find out what the context of this panel is, as ewll as enjoy comfy househunting SOL.


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It's a shame so many people get filtered by part 3! It would be impossible to give it a good anime adaptation I feel, and it has some of the best twists in the series. The finale is probably one of the most hype ones. It also introduces Kazuya, he is fantastic in every part and also a great ship with Kaiji.


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He's finally getting a new fig, I'm so happy


Nendoroids are awesome because every so often they'll just release a figure of a character you haven't thought of in years.


This is an old video but it lives rent free inside my head


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The nendo is already up for pre-ordering! I'm getting it on Tuesday, it's probably gonna be the only FKMT merch available in the west until pre-orders close.


Oh his expressions are so cute! FKMT is rare, not a Nendo collector but I'm glad it turned out well nonna.


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Yeah I love it very much! FKMT has plenty of merch but in Japan only, recently there was an event in the Tokyo Dome that had a loooot of stuff, shirts, stickers, keychains, replicas of the games, a Kaiji dog plush… but it was all exclusive to the event so sadly I couldn't get anything. If there's more merch that ever gets available internationally, I hope we get an Akagi nendo because I wanna pair him with my Kaiji one (just pre-ordered btw!)


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Speaking of merch, I'd love one day to own the Akagi plush, it's very goofy. However it's like 400 bucks minimum because it was a special bonus back in like 2010, so maybe if I ever get lucky and I become very wealthy I can own one. I can dream dang it.


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People always talk about the vacations they'd take if they won a million dollars but for me I'd just buy and/or commission merch of all the series I like.

Nonna have you read Gin to Kin or Atsuize Pen-chan, or any of the other mangakas works and are they any good? I want to try some more of Fukumoto's stuff that doesn't have an anime adaptation but I'm not sure what to check out.


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The only two other FKMT works I've read besides Kaiji and Akagi (I haven't finished Akagi btw) are Nikaidou's Hell Golf and Jyoukyou Seikatsuroku Ichijou (not directly written by Fukumoto tho). The Ichijou spin off is really fun, it's more silly than anything but at the end it gets very angsty with the relationship of Ichijou and Murakami. Nikaidou's Hell Golf is not at all what I expected, but it's been a pleasant surprise with how depressing yet hopeful the story is, it's still not finished tho and translations are coming out.
I wanna read all of his works tho, I've heard Gin to Kin is very good and essentially just canon FKMT BL kek, and idk much about Pen-chan so I can't comment on it other than is short so you could probably read it in a day. Other two that I've heard are very good are Buraiden Gai and Tobaku Haoden Zero, the latter talks about gambling but the former is very action heavy so very different to everything else the mangaka has done.
So I guess overall I think it depends on what you want! You wanna continue with gambling stories? Try out Zero, maybe stay with mahjong? Try out Pen-chan, something very very different? Try out Gai, wanna read a BL about the stock market? Gin to Kin it is.


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NTA but Kurosawa is simply a great story without gambling and probably his normie magnum opus (so excluding mahjong enthusiasts and fujos). Many deem the sequel unnecessary, haven't read it. You'll know why when you finish it.
Zero is fun, many call it shounen Fukumoto - accessible math puzzles, YA style escape traps and so on, Zero is cute. Part two is less engaging but I still finished it. Gai is short and raw and worth reading.

The Ichijou spinoff is sexy because I've always been an Ichijou enjoyer even if it's just relatable young adult shit in modern Tokyo, in the same vein as Tonegawa and Hanchou.


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Akagi plush appreciation post


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Kaiji BL is incredibly powerful nonnies


I wonder how often people do this for BL and ships? I know reading doujinishi has been a factor in people learning Japanese.

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