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Who's playing WHB? Who's your favorite boy, and are you ready for the new event coming out?


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I already have Mammon, Lucifer, and Leviathan. I'm hoping I can get a Beelzebub to complete the quartet but I'm holding out for the update to get a better drop rate. Also hoping to land a Bimet as well, he's just too cute methinks


why do they look like they were generated by stable diffusion?


Ugly and the game is otome. No thanks.


Honestly this is my main gripe about the game. The designs come off as computer generated to me. I'm not a good enough artist to know why I feel this way but I do.


personal sperg alert but I wish this art style would die. Their jaws and faces are too tiny for their necks it looks ridiculous. Guy from the far left looks bloated it's disgusting. These kind of artists can't draw men to save their lives, why are the styles for these otomes always so fucking garbage?


super ghetto game that I wouldn't dream of spending money on. will likely be kill in a couple months, the rushed launch gave me the impression that they were desperate to get it out before they ran out of funds.

have they announced which artists worked on the game? they use AI art for most backgrounds and deepl to translate, it wouldn't be a stretch to think some of the character art is AI touchups.


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Never heard of this game but the themeing is cool I like demon boys not really interested in mobile games though.
I don't think it looks AI at least not the portraits, AI notoriously struggles with things like jewelry and small details and the character art looks OK I'm that regards. Agree second boy in OPs image gives off that vibe though


>I'm not a good enough artist to know why I feel this way but I do.
me neither
i thought it could be the way the lighting is done, but >>2150 made me realize its actually the weird way they draw faces
one thing i noticed with stable diffusion is that it seems to only be able to draw one type of face
that exact same type with a small head, soft features and most noticeably: a V-shaped chin
im p sure its mainly the face thats giving these AI vibes
none of the guys have a square chin or a butt chin, the artist suffers from SFS (same face syndrome, can only draw one type of face) (sadly many such cases)
although the pic on >>2152 looks more humanmade, so i think that yea the light also plays a big role bc the 2nd pic of >>2146 just screams ARTIFICIAL to me


The illustrations look very much like touched up AI in my opinion, the difference in aesthetics to the actual in-game graphics is staggering. It's otome and not BL so I'm not interested to begin with but from an outsider's perspective it feels like either a half-assed scam or just a genuinely incompetent dev team that saw what Nu Carnival was doing and decided to go even further relying on shock value (the demons having masochistic fetishes and their fucking mental illnesses listed). But like >>2151 aptly described, it looks very ghetto.


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it's less apparent the basic character profile arts, actually meant the rubbery look of the full body arts and porny cards. those get really uncanny. I couldn't take my eyes of my first pic for a while not because I was horny but because it's just so weird looking. I never see men drawn with specific type of realism x anime style, like I guess sakimichan does it but it's normally only moid hentai with 300k likes on twitter which just makes me feel even more like there's AI involved here.


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honorable mention: this guy doesn't look like AI really but he looks freakin bad wtf are those proportions


jesus christ i refuse to believe a human being drew this with the purpose of it being "hot"


The backgrounds at least are 100% stable diffusion generated. The rest look like someone fed Sakimichan's entire portfolio (complete with her broken anatomy) into an AI and just redrew the faces and some identifying details on them, maybe tweaked the hair a bit. Where's his dick and balls in the first one? Why does the foot look so weird and disjointed? The third one looks the most genuine because the skin doesn't look like oiled rubber with excessive bloom effects.

dream daddy looking motherfucker, why is he missing his nipples when everyone else has them?


Pretty sure the painted art is from https://x.com/nori31291404?t=dhJTCFYwi0Bd3z6FF-iJhg&s=09
It's simply how they render. But as for the backgrounds, beats me.


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>artist draws the oily hentai girls too
well that explains that. not a fan of this style at all. that said I saved a few of those ZoSans Yaranaika but my eyes are bleeding


What undoes it for me is the babyface on a buff body. Just why?


Idk but this is super popular in Korea (and somewhat so in Japan). Just saw an ad yesterday with a buff Asian guy and they shrunk his head to the size of a pea. I know it's a beauty thing for them, but I just can't get used to it at all.


A lot of people arguing about it being AI art makes me think they either don't draw or draw so bad that they think people not sucking at art is AI


I draw and I wouldn't be surprised if it's AI because of how souless and bad it is.


Then as I said, I wouldn't be surprised if you suck at it cause its really easy to see this isn't AI, or you are an absolute beginner at art


> not sucking at art

Explain the fingers of the second image, then. >>2155 Those are some awful fundamentals.


Not only is that left tit bigger than the right but his neck attaches slightly to one side making his whole left look too big, even though he's possibly tilting it away. It's fucking with my head now. Construction is important, people.


>unfinished and nonrendered
Yeah I said the artist doesn't suck, I never said they were perfect, but I can see why they have appeal and have as many followers as they do. I don't care about the game but this is just a circlejerk at this point


pretty rendering can't hide hideous anatomy and proportions lmfao. Render away all you want, but if your anatomy is trash, if your gestual drawing skills are trash, if your facial expressions are unexpressive as fuck, and you can't make males look masculine, then I simply don't give a shit.


bruh just say you don't like the art style and that's it lol, you are acting as if this artist just barely grabbed a pen and started drawing yesterday. Yeah they are not perfect but they are clearly skilled and seems like a lot of people like what they do. This just reads as very salty at this point


I already said i don't like the art style and they called me a beginner entirely for saying that, lol. I stated my reasons for not liking it. I don't see how that affects you. Move on.


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holy shit i didn't notice this hand LOL wtf


i like this game, needs some dick and slash though.


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maybe its (You) who lacks the schizophrenia needed to recognize an artstyle at a glance
here are a few pictures generated by stable diffusion
yea the faces are a bit different (bc at least the literal machine puts a semblance of a soul behind the eyes it generates)
but see how it makes the lighting
basically the same obnoxious way
why so much shading on an anime pic? thats what makes it look uncanny


>basically the same obnoxious way
I agree. But people like muh sparkly rendering so much it makes them tolerant of mediocre-to-awful fundamentals. Shiny effects are easy to consume on social media, and it distracts the untrained eye from anatomical hiccups. It's why we got people whiteknighting generic blorbos with shrinked heads.


I was one of the first anons who brought it up and my art is fine, rendermax-chan. these are the type of people AI pulls from, its creations are indistinguishable from theirs because their anatomy is as bad as it's fuck ups due to being made a retarded computer. why don't you post your art? well rendered but ugly base art looks terrible to me as an artist even if it looks impressive to normies, it's something I strive to avoid. sakimichan and japanese sakimichan can go fuck themselves.


what i hate the most about the artstyle is the eyes
its just… idk, it lacks LIFE, you know?
like there is no light coming out of those dead sockets
they are shaded like they are also made of skin or something
there is no sparkle of a soul behind them
they are looking, but are they seeing anything?


When you all learn that appeal matters more than fundies ever will? The art looks good, and I expect this shit from the losers over on 4chan and lolcow not fujochan.


ok art still sucks tho


what moid disagrees with that? it's never women who eat this hyper realistic oily sweaty human skin with shitty anime face art up, it's always men because they see with their dicks and have no grasp on female anatomy to begin with. if this was a horny waifu game it wouldn't be getting half the amount of criticism from its target demographic it's getting as a husbando game.
the appeal of sovlless "I have a patreon" hentai art is on life support now that AI does the same exact thing but better at the touch of a button, and with no patreon or commission paypigging required. these artists now have to sit and watch people take screenshots of their retard anatomy like >>2176 and fight eachother over whether or not they're using AI all day as their revenue slowly trickles away kek.


Being a contrarian doesn't make you interesting.


very ironic given you're the only one here dickriding otomeartchan


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I've decided Gusion and Dantalion are the two best characters here, may many arists make yaoi of them. Looks like there is some official manga? Might try to track that down, I really have no interest in mobile games, but the premise is intriguing.
Late as hell, but it reminds me of a buff Kawacy to be honest, mainly the colors. Still maintain that it's drawn by hand because of all the consistent small details. I agree that the anatomy throws me off and isn't appealing even if it's well rendered. I like who ever is doing the basic character portraits way better. Bimet here >>2146
is cuter than all the sexually charged images.
I don't like how her art has progressed but I like her old Disney fanart. Casual reminder she used to be an open fujo, now I get into internet arguments but people who think she's actually a man because of all the porn lol.


sakimi sold the fug out to Big Coom. she sacrificed her soul for the bag in more ways than one.


nta but I like your Alucard here.


Same good taste nonna, saved.


Dantalian is also on the list, I like his design a lot! The manga pages are unlockables as you level them up, but that's for A-ranks and up (though some characters have cameos in others)
Hopefully as the game progresses people will post more pages online.


very nice nona
i like the grim light
also i love black+white+red as a color palette


What appeal? There's no personality in any of these designs, and I say that as someone who loves demon boys. I guess I don't like generic otome art style anyway, but there are unironically better monsterboys in games targeted at children like Yokai Watch.


I don't wanna criticize the games art unfairly because I just want good games for straight an bi women, but some of the poses look seriously weird to me. Like the art is overrendered in some places (meaning that there will be more shadows and highlights placed in the art), so if the pose is off, it looks way more obvious than in "cartoony" art. I sometimes feel like I miss the days of really simple/not as rendered art from game companies. Like even though there's wack ass poses in anime, it won't stand out as much because it's not meant to be realistic.


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Where in Hell is the yaoi for this game?


It's an otome. Good luck finding any BL when it's going to be dominated by psycho yumes who don't want to see their husband with another man.

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