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oof looks like the honkai star rail thread got nerfed too ohnoes that's a shame. Still, I want to discuss Blade. Do any fujononas like him? I think he's very cute and I like shipping with him Dan Heng. I also headcanon him as a cutter, not in the sad dramatic way but more in the that's something he just does way. It satisfied my /ex/ degeneracy and I like to image that he'd be the time to enjoy having his fresh cuts licked.


type* instead of time! sorry


Can't find the Yu-Gi-Oh thread so I'll ask this here - I want to get into 5D's, Arc-V and Zexal, in what order should I watch them and what are your thoughts on them? I've watched the original from 1998 a very long time ago. I found some doujins that interested me, and now I want to see these series due to them, sadly, I don't have time for all of them.


lol anon your headcanon is true he literally cuts himself when he uses his Technique Nose_bleed_2


HOT!!! Nose_bleed_1


I'd personally recommend release order Yu-gi-oh! does have loose (emphasis on loose) time progression and continuity between series.
5D's is my favorite of those because of the cyberpunk atmosphere, people make fun of the dualing on motorcycles, but Yu-Gi-Oh! Is a cheesy franchise and it doesn't bother me. Zexal has a ton of yaoi and BL content especially between Yuma and Astral, if your main goal is context for doujins Zexal is your show.


Now that "The tale of food" is more popular in western fandom, I wonder if anyone plays that game? My favorite ship from that game is Defu/DezhouxFuli. There's so much good art for that game, in game and fanart. I'm literally obsessed…


Just learned about Project Mugen. A new open world game similar to Genshin Impact. It's open for preregistrations so I did it since the gameplay and world building looks fun. I don't want to have high hopes for the game the same way I had for Tower of Fantasy. I already play Genshin and HSR so I don't know how I'll fit yet another game into my schedule. If Project Mugen focuses too much on waifu and neglects male characters I'll hop off fast.


Oh NICE fc is back!!!1! I missed sperging with my sisters. by the way I really appreciate that pic OP, I'm an askefinn whore.


I don't remember if we had a Fire Emblem thread before or not? Does anyone remember? I can't find anything in the catalogue and I don't think I should keep talking about that series specifically in the fics thread if I keep going into details.


I think we did, or maybe some chatter in the general vidya thread that got eaten. I know I've posted about it here before.


We had one for like five minutes. RIP.


Can we keep posting about it a little bit then? I want to talk about the guys from Fates. This game has a high concentration of hot guys saying stupid shit to each other after all.


Loved Jacob in that game, cute butler boy. Hate that most characters are locked straight. Don't want to play Female Corrin, but he'd be perfect for Male Corrin. ButerxKnight is awesome ship potential.



When the game was announced I thought he would be similar to Theodore in P3P because of his pretty white hair and his seiyuu and how nice he was with the MC, I still find it funny as fuck that he's an asshole with everyone else. I talked about it with some girl long ago in uni because of the streetpass feature and how I couldn't fight her because she had the Japanese version of the game, we had some classes together. She told me she wished she could gay marry Kaze when I told her I play as the femc and married him JUST because he's voiced by Ono Diasuke even though I played the shitty localization. Many people online thought Silas should have been the option because he's an obsessed childhood friend and available in all the routes too but I found him a bit boring. I think Niles/Zero was a very good choice as a bi character but it could have worked with several characters at the same time imo. I forgive IS for it though, they tried to give gay options for the first time with FE Fates and were right to think it could potentially be badly received because the localizers altered and removed a bunch of lines from Niles and Rhajat and some very vocal "fans" complained about these two characters being problematic. It could have been better but it could have been way worse. I only played Revelations as the male mc to marry Niles but I like playing as the girl better, I tend to ship the other playable guys with each other instead. I wish Xander/Ryoma were more popular.


I hope that we reach a point in gaming where most characters in dating games are gay for MC regardless of gender. I think if you're going to offer the function it makes sense to make the exception for player character. If we are aiming for realism Niles is a good choice, I'd also add Azuma and Keaton as hitting the plausibly gay options.
Honestly the ENG localization is a total disaster and ruined a lot of potential fans. Not going to retread almost-decade old drama but the fact that peoples best bet for playing is a fan-patch is sad and I can't help but think the fandom would be more chill if it didn't had these splinters with entirely different interpretations of the characters.


Yeah the fandom would be a lot different and the game would have had a much better reputation. But that aside, I'm an Awakening baby and I heard it's not the first time this shit happened for this series. Like with the games with Ike, I heard the localizers tried to make Ike and Soren way more platonic or something like that by changing Ike's interactions with Elincia or whatever the spelling is to make them look like a typical JRPG mandatory straight couple so again, no wonder IS only tried to give explicit gay options little by little, they nearly went bankrupt, had a second chance and must have thought from that experience that making too many characters bisexual would have alienated potential fans. It seems like Engage has more options too but I hate the character designs so much I don't want to play it at all. It's a shame because between this and the 3H sequel being a Musou game it's been a while since I played a Fire Emblem game.


>the guys from Fates.
Shiro was made for toxic dadson and mobrape.

>make the exception for player character.
I still think it's funny that some characters in 3H will have gay endings with each other but not with Byleth. "Oh yeah s/he also likes pussy/cock, just not yours!" IMO a NPC should still be allowed to have their own taste, but I understand that that's an unpopular opinion (and also what cucked me from boning Dimitri–no BL in the BL route????).

>I heard localizers tried to make Ike and Soren way more platonic or something like that by changing Ike's interactions with Elincia or whatever the spelling is to make them look like a typical JRPG mandatory straight couple so again
I'm not sure how true this is, but there was so much Ike/Elincia to wade through on ff.net. The whole situation reminded me a lot of Digimon where 4Kids in season 1 kinda pushed Tai/Sora just for some classic main guy/main girl intrigue then S2 came along and Matt/Sora suddenly became a thing and all those "Matt posts" were born. So we have Path of Radiance (S1) with its main guy/main girl agenda and then Radiant Dawn (S2) comes along and blows that out of the water, retroactively making all that hetbait in PoR look exceptionally stupid.

Pre-Awakening FEs also had a ratio of dudes in the fanfic-side of fandom that was pretty unusual, so not only was there more het but also more aggressive pushback in the reviews section of m/m fics. I'd love for the GBA games to get a facelift–I'd take the warts of modern fandom for more Legault/Heath.

>been a while since I played a Fire Emblem game.

The GBA games are extremely easy to emulate if you haven't given them a whirl. You can even savescum 6 if the uncharitable growths get to you!


>toxic dadson
Still thinking about Ryoma slapping the shit out of him in his chapter right after rescuing him. The daddy issues are too strong. Not as strong as Xander's but Garon looks like shit since he aged like milk and became a zombie before the story even started so we never see what their relationship was like before on-screen so just thinking about it makes me want to barf.

>The GBA games are extremely easy to emulate if you haven't given them a whirl.

I gave FE7 and 8 a try, I found a copy for both and it turned out that the cheap FE8 copy I had was a repro anyway… I didn't go very far into them because I played them in 2020, caught covid and was so sick for several months that looking at a screen gave me severe headaches. I got sick of the tutorial with Lyn in FE7 but kept playing after that, I liked FE8 more though. I think the last time I played that one was in a chapter in a desert and one of my unit died from a 2% crit and I gave up kek. I admit I'm a filthy casual who liked to play on casual mode to fuck around first and replay on classic later.


>no BL in the BL route????
Doubleposting to say that the BL is between Sylvain/Felix and Dedue/Dimitri. Dimitri is too dickmatized by Dedue to ever look at the male MC for for than 5 minutes.


>Dimitri is too dickmatized by Dedue to ever look at the male MC for for than 5 minutes.
Hm true.
This was my first time ever outright hating a popular m/m ship, I'm still mildly shell-shocked. Sylvain is for dying in that well his brother threw him in. Felix is for, idk, Ashe I guess.

8's got that tower you can fluff up some levels in. For whatever reason 8's fandom was much smaller than 7's. IIRC there wasn't a whole lot of blatant m/m in it. Buncha cute dudes but none of them were really into each other outside of Innes and his Ephraim rivalboner.


I only played as Eirika so far because I was told her route is a bit easier than Ephraim and I wanted to take my time and just have some fun. Is it me or does grinding for support take a lot more time than the 3DS games? I don't want to miss out on them if I replay FE8.

>This was my first time ever outright hating a popular m/m ship, I'm still mildly shell-shocked.

kek I love that pairing, I'm curious as to why you dislike it. Is it just because you dislike Sylvain or is it something else? I wish Miklan wasn't so ugly, and one-note, his relationship with Sylvain could have been more interesting than that. I remember some Japanese girls on twitter back then who made some Miklan/Sylvain doujinshi but they were never scanned. Maybe I should check fics for that. It would be too problematic for gendies to spam their coffee shop AUs with that pairing. Ashe ended up with Ingrid in my BL run, I thought they were cute nerds together but I always forget they exist for some reason.


>grinding for support take a lot more time than the 3DS games?
It does. When I was new to FE (7 in 2003, like most English speakers at the time) I got through my first playthrough without even knowing what supports were because I never met the conditions to trigger one, not even the easy stuff like Hector/Eliwood and Ninian/Eliwood.

>dislike Sylvain

I just don't like "ladies man" characters and no amount of "buh having a crest has damaged me actually :(((" supports can offset that (Mercedes had this narrative as well and it was better presented with her). He's got no spice, the least amount of brain damage from living in Faerghus compared to the rest of the BL house. Also he's uglier post-timeskip (and especially Hopes mid-timeskip) than any other unit in the game.

>I wish Miklan wasn't so ugly, and one-note, his relationship with Sylvain could have been more interesting than that.

I think I would have liked Sylvain more if Miklan had been in the story longer, maybe even as a post-timeskip BL antagonist, or a BE recruitable ally (of course he would also be hotter).


>It does
That's a shame, but I guess they can be found on youtube. I'll check them later. I found out about FE because of Super Smash Bros Melee but if you get Marth or Roy's trophies the game tells you the series isn't available outside of Japan so I believed it was the case for the GBA games. I didn't have a GBA at the time anyway. I'm sure I would have loved the games back then if I got them as a kid or teenager but now all I can think is that I don't have enough free time to redo a chapter if I lose a unit too often.

>no amount of "buh having a crest has damaged me actually :(((" supports can offset that

I thought all the characters had very repetitive supports tbh so I get it. The most repetitive ones were Marianne's iirc. I thought Sylvain was interesting but I never believed he was a pure innocent victim of the crest thing going on, he's just a guy with a crest who has personal issues with it but he's also a raging whore and that's 100% on him, and his family seems fucked up regardless of the crest thing going on so he would have had problems anyway. Then again, I got super annoyed at the fandom for how they interpreted all the characters in general and FE is a single-player series of games so I maybe there are other people like me who thinks this way for Sylvain but idk where the fuck they are. It's like how Edelgard is seen as either 100% a mass murderer who's starting a war for fun or a poor kawaii waifu who can do no wrong and if you disagree with either interpretation you're going to be yelled at by almost everyone.

>Mercedes had this narrative as well and it was better presented with her

Well, she also has a murdering piece of shit brother but her is actually relevant throughout the game so I guess that could have worked with Miklan as well. Her backstory was more detailed in general and she has common sense too, it was also more believable to portray her as a victim of a whole system since her being a woman and thus being able to get pregnant and have kids with hereditary superpowers makes her a prime target compared to some of the other characters.

Man, this is almost making me want to replay FE3H but I'm still burned out by all the sequences in the monastery between chapters and how all the first 11 chapters are almost the same besides some dialogues in all the routes. I played Dimitri's and Edelgard's routes, if I go back to it I should play Claude's route and marry Seteth, just because of Koyasu.


>Many people online thought Silas should have been the option because he's an obsessed childhood friend and available in all the routes too but I found him a bit boring.
I was really into Niles and Xander pre-release but when I started playing, I loved Silas. I thought he was the cutest and like a lance version of Merric and I liked the ship. Corrin was really annoying but at least I made him cute. I didn't get very far in Fates but it's the only new FE that didn't make me recoil in disgust thanks to going out of my way to avoid drama after Awakening. Maybe I'll try it again sometime for you guys.

I read about the script changes back in the day but they didn't seem to be as big as Ike/Soren fans made them out to be. I remember all the crappy OC isekai fic and obsession with the tactician and Lyn. It kept me away from FE7 for a long time. Also, the Tai/Sora/Matt thing always comes up from the het perspective these days but my friend and I hated Sora for getting in the way.

I can really sympathize with you. I feel so alienated trying to return to the fandom. It's impossible to wade through all the FEH/3H stuff and when people like the games I like, it's always in such a shallow way and they never write fanfic. It's only art, they only talk about the main lords and their main ships, etc.

>For whatever reason 8's fandom was much smaller than 7's. IIRC there wasn't a whole lot of blatant m/m in it. Buncha cute dudes but none of them were really into each other outside of Innes and his Ephraim rivalboner.
You think? I feel like 8 used to get a lot of hate for not be 7 and to a lesser extent, the same happened with FE9. My ships in 7 are just basic bitch canon het and Raven/Lucius. I think a lot of the guys are less attractive too. I could never get into Guy/Matthew for that reason. It's my main game but I like a ton of things in 8. Admittedly a lot of them are ships between characters who never talk but I think would be interesting. My OTP do talk but there's no ship fuel for them either. I just like them because I do, I guess. But I think Ephraim/Lyon and Knoll/Lyon are well supported by the text if nothing else.

It's very easy to go into Nightmare and edit 7 and 8 so the support growths are one turn though. 6 is messier because you can only get a certain number of support points for all characters combined per chapter but there are lots of QOL mods for the GBA games if you're interested.

Sorry for blog post…..


FE8 is my favorite and I always thought it's vastly superior to 7 in every regard. Much more focused game and mostly the story, events and characters are very well written while the cast in 7 is fairly dull and generic, not to mention you get new characters in almost every chapter making it even harder to feel particularly attached to them. But that being said, Raven/Lucius alone has better homo potential than the entire FE8 cast. If you adjust your goggles for max accuracy you get Ephraim/Lyon, Knoll/Lyon, Joshua/Arthur, Gerik/Saleh, Ross/Ewan, but in reality the game does a good job at giving each character a chance to get a designated girlfriend in the end.


Forgot to add
>I could never get into Guy/Matthew
That's because you should have gotten into Rath/Guy instead.


IIRC, FE9 was originally supposed to be 8 and they made the 8 we know now during its development. I think it's suffered a lot for being a gaiden game. Everybody always shat on it for being short and easy and you can see how there's more effort put into FE7 in some areas even though I agree the writing's better. I wish IS cared more. I actually like most of the pairings you listed. Gerik/Saleh is my OTP forever (no exaggeration) but I can't pretend it's legit at all. I shipped first and justified later. My plots and headcanons for it have completely stagnated but that's another post itself. I think the "8 has the best story and characters" thing was started by a girl I knew but for me, there's still a clear gap between characters I love and the rest. It's a lot bigger in FE7 but a lot smaller in 9 and 10.

Rath is way out of Guy's league though. He was my first FE7 husbando but I've never done much about it. I posted cute Rath/Wil art to /cm/ once, I think.


1000 years ago I wrote a fanfic on aff.net, now riddled with errors because of some change that fucked with quotation marks and other punctuation. I also had some SFW FE7 stuff on ff.net under a different name. Of the popular m/m ships at that time I was really only into Rath/Wil and Legault/Heath. I actually liked Guy with Pr*scilla but remember being disappointed there wasn't Karel/Guy (something mellowed that dude out, I bet it was Guy's ASS).

>in reality the game does a good job at giving each character a chance to get a designated girlfriend in the end.
It feels like all the girls but Eirika and L'Arachel were designed with a boy in mind over anything else. For whatever reason I really liked Cormag/Artur even though it was no more intense than any other m/m support in that sexless game.


So I've just read that the recent backup was from April hence why they Vinlad Saga thread disappeared, that was hella sad.
Anyway I'm still religiously checking all the recent Askefinn fics, the quality is always godtier it's amazing actually


based Askefinn sister! RIP the Vinland Saga thread honestly, it was so chill and, surprisingly, very active before the raid. Over 200 replies in a couple of months if my memory doesn't fail me, which is a lot for fc standards.
>the quality is always godtier it's amazing actually
ikr? the tag has been getting more and more fics recently, it's so nice. I've been trying to get some askefinn porn out of my drafts because I'm down bad like I haven't been in a while. Hopefully something nice comes out.

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