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Who am I kidding, we all know that.

General thread for Death Note discussion? I really miss this show but nobody ever talks about it anymore.


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>nobody ever talks about it anymore
As someone who has fond memories of the peak of DN's popularity back in 2007, I can confirm how true that is. But I think it has something to do with Death Note not being old enough to be aesthetic fodder for nostalgiafags and not being exploitable enough to have execs cash grabbing like with, say, naruto or dbz. It's just this short but solid story, and I guess that just adds to how special it really is.

and it gave us some solid memes too, from the meme man himself.


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I'll never forget the fucking potato chip. Never.

You're right that it's pretty much run its course. There's nothing to add. Still, it was such a great story it kind of bums me out. I used to be the biggest fan. Watched all those shitty movies too.


don't be sad noni, instead tell me what do you think of the second arc post episode 25? everyone tends to be very divisive about that, and do you have any ships aside L/light?


I'm team hater, the show should've ended when L died. I believe Light should've won- not because I agree with him. I just think that would've been wildly interesting and a dark ending to the story.

As for ships- I like Matsuda x Light, and Matt x Mello. But I feel like there wasn't a lot of ships to choose from exactly in this show. How about you? What do you think of everything post ep 25? And ships and what not.


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>I'm team hater
kek understandable. It really is a wild shift, i was close to drop it altogether a couple of times but at least the anime made the effort to make Light have those gay visions of L's gay ghost at the end. To this day I'm still not too big on Near, but Mello really went up my appreciation scale after his glow up with that accident.

As from ships, mostly matt/mello, yeah. Matt has like three seconds and three panels of screentime but they just look GREAT together, idk. And I'm well-past that phase of wanting all my ships to be rooted in canon, if they look good they look good, not my fault.
>matsuda x light
pretty based lol I wish there was more content for this.


>And I'm well-past that phase of wanting all my ships to be rooted in canon
kek i worded this terribly but I meant that I no longer give a shit if two characters barely have any interactions to ship the hell out of them. Yeah


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Used to be a massive fan back in middle school, had to sneakily check the series out from the library behind my mom's back because she thought it was too mature. Recently watched the anime for the first time in the fall with her for our anime night, lol.

I have fond memories of the series and it's fandom. I remember just how much yaoi content was based around that handcuff arc. Favorite ships are Matsuda x everyone, but particularly the two Yagami's and Light x L. Really like Mello as a character, but I have no one to ship him with since I'm not a Mello/Near fan.

>the show should've ended when L
Same, the main draw was Light vs L and their rivalry, once one was out of the picture that would have been the natural conclusion. Would have been an interesting ending thematically too.


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I agree that these two look great together. I feel like Matt's design was practically wasted?? So cute. Also true, Mello looked way better after the burns.

Tbh I get you about the canon/not canon thing. I've been shipping characters in other shows that don't even technically know each other. Cute design x cute design wins out over logic.


That's really sweet that you watched it with your mother?? I could never convince either parent to do it, it's just silly cartoons to them lol.

I like to pretend the show did end with L dying. Light laughing on his grave. Maybe an epilogue episode where Light is a depressed God, and he actually genuinely misses that game of cat and mouse.


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not the anon you replied to, but i remember i watched a couple of episodes with my mom, not in order, just some random eps when I was really really bored and she happened to be there with me, and Misa's screeching voice was like hell on her poor ears.. she wasn't used to japanese voice acting and she despised every second Misa was wailing on screen kek

Even though it sounds fun i think having parents being more tolerant of anime is a double edged sword sometimes because of all the moid shit on netflix and other places, it makes me nervous but what can you do.


Kinda a rarepair but Matsuda x Aizawa


I love that gif, all these years and I never noticed he's raising one eyebrow. Cute.
>I feel like Matt's design was practically wasted???
Oh absolutely. Bless japanese fujos and their porn doujins.
>Kinda a rarepair but Matsuda x Aizawa
Hot, especially with their late designs. I want to see if there's anything for this.


>Hot, especially with their late designs. I want to see if there's anything for this.
NTA but I've read post-canon fics for it before that were enjoyable. Matsuda is great with literally everyone.


I suddenly felt nostalgic for it just a few weeks ago and decided to buy the manga. I read them when the series was ongoing but I borrowed them at the library, so now they're mine. Nice timing. I never watched the anime. I once saw the scene where Light admits he's Kira and gloats on TV in my first language while looking for another channel and the guy who dubbed him was also the MC's voice actor in Futurama so I couldn't take it seriouslt.


Never cared about L vs Light or L x Light (I don’t really like L as a character in general honestly).
‘Twas all about the Wammy boys for me.


I wrote so much terrible fic for L/Light as a teen that I cringe the hell out of at now, and always feel like I should delete it. I totally thought I was writing them IC and people praised my characterization but I later realised it was absolute dogshit and I feel like jumping into a hole. At least it made me a lot more careful about writing characters IC now that I'm in fandoms which are a much better fit for my writing style, but I also still regret having produced so much crap because most of the fic for DN is similarly OOC and finding anything that actually reads true to the characters is hard as fuck. L/Light is a good ship and deserves better.


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Imagining Light in the english dub with Fry's VA is so fucking funny. I know that's not what you meant but it's what I'm picturing.



>Never cared about L vs Light or L x Light
Same here
I watched the full anime a couple months ago and I honestly don't really like L x Light
I just don't really see their relationship like that?? If you get what I'm saying…


I think it's most interesting if during the period Light gives up the notebook, when he loses his memories, he develops feelings for L. Then you have him dealing with the fallout of it later upon regaining them

Haven't read many in-character fics that capture the dynamic well. Most soften Light and make him less evil, which I'm not a fan of.


I am also team hater but recognize DN as one of those shows from the 00s where you have a good chance of identifying a person from that era of being online.

For me it's a lot like Naruto where I saw that there was a shitload of great yaoi that I wanted context for, then ended up not loving the source material.

>I feel like Matt's design was practically wasted??
God it really was. Going into DN and expecting Matt to be somebody because of all the art and then realizing it wasn't going to happen was very funny. I think he was my first brush with "tertiary character becomes fandom dark horse" types.


Been there done that, we need to produce trash in order to raise our standards nona

I'm glad you still like the ship enough to want to produce quality content for it


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I'm curious noni, what makes you dislike L but like the wammy's boys? considering they share similar quirky traits and all that


Oh no, I'm definitely never writing it again. I learned the hard way that I'm just not suited to the tone that DN fic needs, and anything involving gambits or detective stuff is 100% my weakness as a writer. I guess I can only hope some people out there who can pull it off are still making stuff.


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Read this fanfic a while back and really liked it.

I also want to know, it took me a while to appreciate Near as a character since I had a period where I thought he was just a discount-L. Of course now I like him, but they really are similar.


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I get the reason people ship it but I don't ship it personally (I don't ship L or Light with anyone), with that being said the foot bath scene was gay as fuck but it also was anime exclusive sooo….
I like the way they worked together to become a better whole, I found it more interesting how Near and Mello were both intelligent but on almost opposing sides (I always like the trope of two characters with the same goal, but are still working against each other) while L kind of just had everything going for him and mainly only died because of deus ex Remu and I feel like more people would point out how overpowered he was if it wasn't for him dying. L also being a kind of obvious self insert for the writer made me cringy to me at points.
I found Near and Mello being rival detective sorts of characters way more interesting than L and Light's tennis match autism.

As for Matt He's sexy, do I need another reason?


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Thanks for the fic rec, that was miles better than the dated crap I used to read on ffnet +10 years ago and i love melancholic fics. Is matsu the most shippable guy in existence?

>L also being a kind of obvious self insert for the writer
Oh yeah I forgot about that KEK. And with Ohba being very clearly homophobic and mysoginistic, imagine his reaction to all the yaoi of his self insert. I like to think that inspired his homophobic ad hominem in Platinum End.


>And with Ohba being very clearly homophobic and mysoginistic, imagine his reaction to all the yaoi of his self insert.
That would honestly be the main reason I would ship L x Light if I were to ship it, just to piss off Ohba’s misogynistic ass.


Ohba doesn't like women? Is there proof?


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well, there's been plenty of criticism regarding the way he writes women, i'm sure you can find a lot of in-depth analyses everywhere.
To put it simple, all women in his works are these shallow, generic, mannequin-looking moeblobs with no personal goals beyond being subservient to their men, because men have real ambitions that women just can't comprehend. Misa is just the most popular example, but Platinum End and Bakuman are riddled with these problems too, with Bakuman being infamous for having the main guys doing these speeches about how women who know their place in society are acshually smarter and the manga being totally unironic about it.


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Ah, that's too bad. I'm actually in the minority that likes Misa as a character so I'm sad that he seems to have a recurring habit of making characters into mouthpieces.


Oof goddam. I'd like to believe this is just the character being an ass and not the writer but oof indeed…

There is that one woman in death note who works with Near who seems to be quite dependable. But besides that I can't think of any other women or girls who are.


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>But besides that I can't think of any other women or girls who are
Naomi Misora, shame he killed her off so early because she was too intelligent or whatever.


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Oh yeah her. She was incredibly bright now that I think back.


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>matsuda x light
>pretty based lol I wish there was more content for this.
I remember matsuda x L being a lot more popular with japanese fandom back in the day, plenty of doujinshi too, but I never stumbled upon any matsu/light.


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samefag, context for picrel is Light pondering over killing shinigamis with love and wanting to test it on Ryuk of course kek.


where can I find these matsu x L doujins… matsuda is quickly becoming like, the best character in the fandom to me.


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If they're not lost to time and dead photobucket and mediafire links, then chances are they're archived somewhere.
I lurked a bit and found these.
https://nhentai.io/elevator-action/ ← This one is obviously R18

This tumblr seems to have many old DN doujin archived for any nonas interested


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Absolute treasure trove! Thanks anon.



i thought those were their actual eng dub VA's for a second there lol, good shit


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mello x near is my OTP and there’s not enough content fight me


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Not my OTP, but they're cute and I agree Death Note fandom is totally dominated by L/Light all other pairing are microscopic by comparison.


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The soundtrack still makes me feel intense emotions. It's so good. I'm sure it was my introduction to math rock.


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Killer OST sets the mood perfectly. Can't blame you at all.


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To you and all the nonas: what are your favorite songs? There's plenty of good ones but my personal favs gotta be Senritsu, Taikutsu and the second L theme.
Taikutsu always reminds me of picrel.


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Light's theme easily, very proggy sounding and I love the rising intensity.

Solitude is also nice and noisy


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Fetched these from the DN thread on /y/


ryuk x light, huh… that's interesting.

I feel like they find each other too annoying for screwing to ever happen, but it's an interesting ship idea.


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NTA but I find it interesting as Light initially using Ryuk physically to explore Shinigami properties and attributes only to develop a more emotional attachment to him. Especially set early pre-Misa you can play with Ryuk being one of the only people Light can be himself around

Makes me wonder of there are any good fics of the two around.


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I see it as a jokeship


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I was that kid obsessed with mattxmello despite never watching the show kek. First m/m ship for me, so it still holds a special place in my heart. Mello was also my yandere prettyboy awakening and i've never found another character to scratch that exact itch. Like even in the actual manga he has no business being that hot, eating chocolate seductively and wearing all leather for no reason?? It's insane.
I recently read DN through front to back and was stunned to see the tiny role matt and mello both had in the actual story compared to the fanfics and art lmao (especially matt). It's crazy what fans will run with


It always amazes me how the OG fans didn't even know about his hair color and like that psychological phenomenon everyone else just went along with red hair even if in the anime it's different.
There are few scenes with him, and Mello doesn't even have a tragic reaction but my teen brain still got the worm. Is it because what happened was unfair? Bros code? the superior designs?


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very cool to see ppl on tumblr still drawing them

>Is it because what happened was unfair? Bros code? the superior designs?

They're both hot and very aesthetically pleasant


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Fujos going to fujo!

I love it, really exemplifies the power of shipping.


I think it was the Potential. Even in their very short screentime, matt and mello are shown as these badass partners-in-crime. Iirc it was basically just them two at that point in the story since Mello had gone kind of rogue, so there was this insinuation that they were particularly close and shared a history together. One of Mello's only small moments of emotion is shown when expresses regret that Matt was killed. Also they just look damn good together. The fans were so right to change matt's hair to red though because that green is not it. The level of based you have to be to completely ignore the canon haircolor because it's ugly and straight up pretend a new design into existence kek


I remember there was regret but I was thinking there was other people in the gang and it was just a leader moment, right I forgot shit happened. In a better timeline we could have had a spinoff with their linked past and cool shenanigans.


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