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/ex/ - Extreme

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File: 1723880018176.png (1.62 MB, 957x652, pictureperfect.PNG)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex


Post any games that you think would belong on /ex/, visual novels mostly, but rpg-maker style games work too.

My suggestion to get the ball rolling? Picture Perfect:


File: 1737779083595-0.png (73.43 KB, 750x514, hecute.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

File: 1737779083595-1.png (67.68 KB, 723x495, foxyboy.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

Degrees of Lewdity is like the quintessential /ex/ game. Has a lot of extreme fetishes. I'm sure most nonnas that have some knowledge of the nsfw gaming community have heard of it. Picrels are mods that makes the player character cuter. Most of the mods make the player character a little more on the feminine side sadly. I like playing as a boy (or hermaphrodite when I wanna experience the pregnancy content) and making all the NPCs male and playing in a BL world. Whitney is my favorite love interest and I wish there was even more content for him.

It's really hard to find /ex/ bl games outside of the popular jp visual novels that isn't sissy/trans, or shota stuff. I like shota, but sometimes it just depresses me that there's a lack of options. Like on f95zone I'll periodically search for something new only to find that sissy/trans is the only new stuff in the gay tag or someone released a game with the gay tag but it's a single route that is shota/shota.


Looks promising, thanks for the rec. However since this is western, is there any troon or woke shit?


what mods do you use?


same anon as above but all the mods i see online are mostly female mc-oriented, i wanna use the ones you have here, would be appreciated!


I play DOL on dolmods . net and the mods I used in those pics are the DOLPlus mod with the Goose Mod in the first pic and the Kitmint Graphics Mod in the second pic. Goose Mod is a little more on the feminine side. There's more male mods on dolmods that are unfortunately only on the DOLPlus + Trans mod, but the mods themselves are Beeesss + HikariMale, Llly's Masc Sideview, and Beeesss + Paril + HairExtensions. That last one is a little more androgynous.


thank you got it working!

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