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/ex/ - Extreme

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File: 1645349988684-0.jpg (139.14 KB, 1350x1024, __original_drawn_by_merume….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

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Not sure if this belongs in /ex/ but post anything that would normally make you go "yuck" and yet you're still attracted to the image ITT. Basically post anything as long as it has an element of disgust to it, it can be bodily fluids, ugly people, smelly looking body hair, forcing boys to do disgusting things, etc. Omorashi can be posted but keep in mind this is a thread dedicated to the disgusting in general, so try to keep it varied.


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>men (in suits) pissing themselves with pants on
this is my top fetish. anything else similar to this?


This is so good, I love the pins in his nipples and the blood, thank you for sharing. It's funny he's saying "plezz" though


File: 1646979143667.jpg (167.42 KB, 735x664, 83daffd6ce6a851fe731a1d030….jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

Pics like this make me happy, please post more ugly fat bastard


File: 1647243241924.jpg (513.96 KB, 848x1200, 54222970_p0_master1200.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

there's a very small ugly bastard in this pic, easy to miss if you're not looking for it


Who’s this by?


File: 1649069904325.png (528.11 KB, 759x593, 1643740721257.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

more uglybastard shit


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Hear me out, but there needs to be more hot guys with female ugly fat bastards. I want to see bisexual men pleasuring unhigned gross fujos and pleasing obese rich boss women for money.


HOLY SHIT SO FUCKING BASED!!!! I'd love to see that too!!! would pay good money to comission someone for this tbh!!!!! i'll think about it nonas


That would be so hot. I think something like the dogboy pic in the OP with the fat guy gender swapped would be hot too. Or if the rich boss woman forced two men to fuck.


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i like it when the guy starts to act like a desperate embarassing slut, i wish we had more art like this


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Everything this artist has done with this character has been a ride


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I am usually repulsed by anything drug-related, but for some reason this image entrances me.


it's the face he makes, it's very cute


File: 1662585443021.png (382.39 KB, 970x1390, FcD4RRfakAEuzXW.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

more ugly bastard shit!


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I feel like I've been making myself a footfag but that's cuz I've been getting interested in footjobs.


File: 1742842932043.jpg (Spoiler Image, 345.54 KB, 2004x2472, FedsKMnUoAAcjU3.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

Spoilered because it's really gross and a bit too extreme for my taste. I like it though
Iggy feet in cute knee socks would turn anyone into a footfag

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