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Boys in machines! Post all you got!
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/ex/ nonas. Are your /ex/ fetishes motivated by hate of moids or is it totally unrelated? Personally my hate for moids does encourage my /ex/ indulgings but I wouldn't say hating moids caused me to have /ex/ fetishes. It does help though! Plus it alieviates the guilt of being into weird shit like that.
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Unrelated, while there is some difference in how I react to some of it I in general like female /ex/ pictures too
I like guro and other /ex/ fetishes largely the same way I like horror or stories of IRL tragedies, they activate my neurons and let me explore horrible scenarios in a safe environment


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>Are your /ex/ fetishes motivated by hate of moids or is it totally unrelated?
The latter. I've always been interested in the morbid and grotesque since I was a child (I fondly remember when I used to read graphic rape fanfics on the bus ride home from school). As for men, I don't hate them. Aside from interacting with them when I go outside, they don't register at all on my radar. They're just… there.



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I love gurofags!! I wish the world had more gurofags!! and I wish every gurofag a lovely week~! <3<3<3
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>What are your favorite /ex/ things?
Rape, cannibalism, gore, disembowelment, drugging, kidnapping/abduction, castration, incest, underage tho I am kinda picky about that, toothpulling, DIY surgery that is NOT safe or sanitary like an emergency bullet extraction, addiction, drowning. Anything that causes suffering and pain. Fucked to death by a monster.

>Why do you like it so much?

I like seeing men in peril, or suffering something that women typically suffer. It's so hot to see them cry and scream and throw up from the pain. It allows me to consume and create extreme content without being reminded that it can very easily happen to me, and it's almost cathartic to see men inflicting onto men what they would usually do to women. It can be beyond intimate in the case of cannibalism or disembowelment like in picrel, touching places no one has ever touched before and exploring someone's body in the deepest way possible.

>How did you develop your fetishes?

Same as most nonnas here, I guess? Unrestricted internet access and morbid curiosity, though I never watched irl gore videos or anything like that, I can't handle stuff like that in the slightest since it was an actual person who suffers. I'm no stranger to visceral stuff irl since I've been in slaughterhouses and dissected fresh organs, helped animals give birth, and successfully hunted a deer- I just can't handle human suffering. But I watch a lot of splatter movies and have always loved the grotesque and morbid, I even have a few deer skulls and random bones I've found from skeletons in the woods around my home. When I started playing bloodborne is when my guro fetish REALLY took off.


Cause I was interested in anime gore and most of it is with female characters, but I never had a real interest in female gore, went with male guro when I found about it


i like it when beefy men and whining moids get what they truly deserve. western movie, but american mary, did indeed make it very clear that i think men should be tortured, killed and maimed. they should suffer.

i did use to be on gore sites and have a fascination w death and the process of it, not like in a necrophilic way but as in testing the limits of what you can take until you break.
when it comes to /ex/ things, cutting, piercing and burning the skin, massive blood loss, sewing things on wrong and together, like the mouth and then the stitches being ripped out by force. it's cathartic to me.

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