USAGI NO HONKAI # PAGE 1 O: 'Where are the others?' S: 'What? Oh, it's Ogata.' O: 'Hey, that's not very cute of you.' O: 'Shouldn't you be saying 'welcome home' instead?' # PAGE 2 S: 'Bastard.' S: 'Why do you always talk to me like you're trying to piss me off?' O: 'Anyways.' O: 'Where'd everyone else go?' S: '...Asirpa and Tanigaki took the dog out to dig traps and check for nearby villages.' O: 'It's just the two of us.' S: 'Huh?' O: 'You must be curious, right?' O: 'About why I'm only so crass with you.' S: (Shit. Let sleeping dogs lie.) # PAGE 3 O: 'Hey, Sugimoto. Did you know?' S: '...' O: 'Rabbits multiply so quickly because they have vigorous sexual desire.' O: 'The males' desire for a female is so strong that even if the female is already copulating with another, they'll still fight over her.' O: 'If there's only one female, the battle will be even more intense.' O: 'After all, once a rabbit starts going into heat, it'll keep doing that the rest of its life.' # PAGE 4 O: 'Humans and rabbits...' O: '...are the same.' O: 'Well, I say that, but you...' S: 'Huh?! What does this have to do with me?' O: 'Even when you're on the street, you've never socialized with women'.' O: 'And I've even seen you decline them several times.' S: '...that's none of your business.' O: 'So I've been wondering if you did something...' O: '...with the Ainu men or the Escape King.' S: '...what bad taste.' S: 'Saying something so disgusting and low to another man.' # PAGE 5 S: 'Let's ignore [?] for now.' (t/n: it says 'jinulanke,' dunno what that is in jp.) S: 'There's no one who can satisfy Shiraishi's enoki mushroom. So how's that even possible?' O: 'Ha, Sugimoto.' O: 'You're already thinking of yourself as a woman.' O: 'Is it because you've experienced it before?' S: ''s nothing particularly strange.' S: 'I don't want to talk about it any more.' O: 'Why don't you tell me, Sugimoto the Immortal?' O: 'Why? When? With who?' # PAGE 6 S: '' S: 'Perhaps telling Ogata about troubling memories is a way of forgetting, too.' O: 'Please do so, Sugimoto Saichi.' O: 'After all, we need to get through this long night.' # PAGE 7 (t/n: dunno who this guy is, so i'll just call him M for mob character.) S: 'Sugimoto Saichi salutes you. Are you one who called me?' M: 'Yes, that's me. Thanks for coming.' # PAGE 8 M: 'Wonderful, a young man.' M: 'It's not bad to be handsome.' S: '...yes.' S: 'Thank you for the compliment.' M: 'Lick it.' # PAGE 9 M: 'Ah, don't worry.' M: 'If you dislike it, it's fine.' M: 'It doesn't matter who it is if you're not looking at their face.' M: 'If it bothers you, then I'll make you invite your best friend to replace you.' S: (Toraji...) S: 'I'm sorry for being rude!' S: 'I feel truly honored. Please allow me to service you.' # PAGE 10 M: 'Good, you understand.' M: 'Now, lift your head and allow me to love you.' M: (moaning noises) M: 'Excellent...' # PAGE 11 M: 'Use your hands and tongue properly!' M: 'Yes, yes... Like this...' M: (more moaning noises) M: 'I'm coming! I'm coming!' M: 'Swallow it all! This is an order!' # PAGE 12 M: (more sex noises) M: 'Drink it!' M: 'Come back tomorrow.' # PAGE 13 M: (more moaning noises) M: 'Yes... Good...' # PAGE 14 M: 'Hey!' M: 'Be more sexy about it. Try to please me.' S: (moaning noises) # PAGE 15 M: 'W-wonderful...' M: 'Ha... This is great. Continue.' M: (sex noises) M: 'Ahhh, I'm about to come...' # PAGE 16 O: 'Whether it's a girl who likes you or your best friend...' O: 'You can't stop yourself from being a good person, huh?' S: 'You talk too much.' O: 'There should be more, right?' O: 'Bothersome memories, that is.' # PAGE 17 (t/n: new guy, he's just M as well because i don't know his name.) S: 'This sucks! Hokkaido sucks!' S: 'There's no sand, only the harsh elements!' S: 'Huh...?' S: 'Thank you, uncle.' S: 'A blizzard like this is very dangerous.' # PAGE 18 M: 'You're very lucky to have made it here in such bad weather.' M: 'Cold, huh... Well, you can stay here and warm up slowly.' S: (I remember that face so distinctly.) S: 'You get it?' S: 'He had the smile of a wild beast licking its lips.' M: 'You'll get the carpet wet...' M: 'I'm sorry. Could you take off your clothes?' # PAGE 19 S: (They call me immortal.) S: (But even so, if there's a safe option beside a dangerous one, of course I'll take it.) S: 'Uncle.' # PAGE 20 S: 'Which hole should I use...' S: ' pay the lodging fee?' M: (more sex noises) # PAGE 21 M: (more sex noises) M: 'It seems the snow will be heavy tomorrow, too.' M: 'I'll arrange luxurious lodgings for you.' M: 'Tender lamb, too. Or would you rather have fish?' # PAGE 22 M: 'Saichi-kun...' M: 'Your body is so wonderful.' M: 'And... we seem to meld together so well.' M: 'Are you sure you're not a male prostitute?' M: 'You're milking me for all I've got so enthusiastically.' M: 'You're just like a whore...' # PAGE 23 M: 'Even though you're not a male prostitue...' M: '...I've been hitting your prostrate this whole time.' M: 'You should start feeling it about now, right?' S: 'Ah... Why do these things... always...' M: 'You don't like how you feel?' M: 'But you can't do anything about it. Even if you don't like it, that feeling is still there.' # PAGE 24 S: (You...) S: (What are you saying, you bastard...) M: 'You're hard, Saichi-kun.' M: 'If you can get it all the way up, I'll help you out and touch you there.' # PAGE 25 S: 'Ah... And then it was, you know, that kind of thing that happens sometimes.' S: 'The most recent incident was...' S: 'The time I was caught by Lieutenent Tokushirou, maybe.' O: 'Oho.' S: 'Since I was tied to a chair, my ass wasn't violated.' S: 'But when I had the dicks of six guys pressing up against my face, it really felt like my jaw was going to dislocate.' S: 'Once, they put two of them in my mouth at a time.' S: 'I felt like my mouth was going to split apart.' # PAGE 26 O: 'I'd like to see that...' S: 'You're disgusting.' S: 'It's just a few instances of how I look like this but keep getting caught by a bunch of perverts.' S: 'Maybe it's just fate that the perverts and I keep being pulled together.' O: 'You don't get it, Sugimoto the Immortal...' # PAGE 27 O: 'I can fuck you too.' S: 'Then you're also a pervert.' S: 'Forget it. I'm going to sleep.' # PAGE 28 S: (heavy breathing noises) O: (I can fuck you too.) # PAGE 29 O: 'Sugimoto Saichi.' O: 'You must've noticed it too.' O: 'The base nature of your body.' S: (panting) 'What are... you saying...' O: (When you were defiled by your higher officers...) O: (When you were violated by those filthy hands...) O: (When you were used as a prop to please others...) # PAGE 30 O: 'You felt good, didn't you?' S: 'No.' S: 'No.' S: 'It's not like that.' O: 'The real reason why you felt bothered when you were raped...' O: ' that you realized your perverted body felt good, right?' S: 'No.' S: 'No...' O: 'Remember what I said about the rabbits?' # PAGE 31 O: 'You're just like the female rabbit, Sugimoto.' O: 'You attract all the men to you.' # PAGE 32 O: 'So let me help you.' O: 'Here, I'm the male rabbit.' S: 'Wh-who said I wanted...' # PAGE 33 S: (Stop. Stop.) S: (No, that's...) # PAGE 34 O: 'You're not used to feeling comfortable, are you?' O: 'Am I doing this right, Sugimoto?' # PAGE 35 S: (panting) # PAGE 36 O: 'You want a man, right?' O: 'Then open your legs yourself.' # PAGE 37 O: 'Excellent work.' O: 'Very good, Private Sugimoto.' # PAGE 38 pass # PAGE 39 O: 'Don't try to hide.' O: 'You aren't being forced this time.' O: 'Admit it. This is the copulation your perverted body has been begging for for so long.' # PAGE 40 pass # PAGE 41 O: 'You want to come, Sugimoto?' O: 'But how are you going to do it? You can't orgasm just from your ass...' # PAGE 42 O: 'Say it. Say that 'it feels good.'' O: 'Then, I'll let you come properly.' O: 'I'll come first.' # PAGE 43 S: 'Let... me...' S: 'Let.. me... come...' # PAGE 44 O: 'Have you already forgetten your officer's orders?' O: 'A disobedient private certainly is a problem.' S: (Huh? I...) S: (Why am I struggling so much...?) # PAGE 45 S: (Is it not okay...?) S: (Doing something that feels good...) S: (Why isn't that okay...?) S: 'Ogata...' S: 'Ogata...' # PAGE 46 S: 'Ogata... Sir...' S: 'It feels good.' S: 'I... I feel good.' S: 'I really do...' O: 'Excellent. Now I'll let you come properly.' O: 'You can touch yourself all you like. Come however much you want.' O: 'Can you do that?' O: 'Good.' # PAGE 47 pass # PAGE 48 O: 'Doesn't it feel great, Sugimoto?' O: 'This whole time, you were running away from your own happiness.' O: 'After coming so much, there's no way back for you.' O: 'Stick out your tongue.' O: (more noises) # PAGE 49 pass # PAGE 50 pass # PAGE 51 pass # PAGE 52 S: 'Don't be so obvious when you provoke me next time.' O: 'It's only because you fell for it that you wanted to be fucked so much.' S: '...' # PAGE 52 O: 'I've been thinking about provoking you into letting me fuck you for a long time.' O: 'But I didn't expect the Immortal Sugimoto to be so perverted.' S: 'Don't call me that.' S: 'Thanks to you, I could let loose a bit.' S: 'But that was a moment of poor judgement.' S: 'So, if you're planning something...' # PAGE 53 O: (I should really kill this guy later.) O: (But before that...) O: 'I want to make sure I always remember Sugimoto the Immortal's body...' S: 'And I'll remember you well too, Ogata.' S: 'So if you ever try to sleep with me again, I will hunt you down and find you, no matter where you go.' # PAGE 54 O: 'That's because I'm the only person who knows how perverted Sugimoto the Immortal's body really is.' O: 'If your ass ever feels empty, I can fuck you again.' S: 'Stop talking about that.' S: '...I won't need it.' O: 'You considered it, didn't you?' S: 'I'll kill you...' // END.